「英伟达大会预期」带动 AI 概念普涨 加密市场在埋伏哪些项目?

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meme 退潮,AI 板块代币接力,山寨季要来了吗?

受昨晚英伟达 GTC24 大会议程公布影响,多个宣布参与 GTC24 的加密 AI 项目和 AI 概念币价格大幅上涨,其中 NEAR、FET、RNDR、GPT、NMT 等项目涨幅均在 20% 以上。

英伟达 GTC「GPU Technology Conference」大会是一年一度的 AI 届盛会,汇聚了开发者、研究人员、企业领袖、IT 决策者、创作者、和 NVIDIA 合作伙伴生态系统。2024 年的英伟达 GTC 大会将会于 3 月 18—21 日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞举行。



昨晚,NEAR Protocol 联合创始人 Illia Polosukhin 宣布将在 GTC24 大会期间,出席 3 月 20 日「Transforming AI」主题演讲及小组讨论活动。值得注意的是,英伟达创始人黄仁勋也将参加该场次活动。

该主题演讲围绕「Attention Is All You Need」这篇开创性的论文介绍了变压器神经网络架构,Transformers 从此主宰了人工智能的所有领域,并彻底改变了整个行业。NEAR Protocol 联合创始人 Illia Polosukhin 也是这篇论文的作者之一。

2017 年下半年发布的 Attention is all you need 的论文中提出了 Transformer 神经网络架构,成为今天自然语言处理和人工智能的重要底层技术。来自 Google Brain 的 8 名作者包括 Ashish Vaswani(创立 Adept AI Labs)、Noam Shazeer(创立 character.ai)、Aidan Gomez(创立 Cohere AI)、Lukasz Kaiser 等,同样也是本场活动的嘉宾。

Near 在 2023 年 2 月发文表示,NEAR 可作为基础设施为下一代 AI 用例提供支持,该网络为设置规则和数据定价创建了一个价值层,不同的应用程序和协议可以以公开、公平和透明的方式利用这些数据。Near 还与消费者购物数据分析平台 Cosmose AI 合作建立一个稳定币支付系统,允许用户以较低的交易费用使用加密货币购物。

截止撰稿时,NEAR 价格为 5.76 美元,24 小时涨幅达 41%。


全球首个区块链上的分布式 GPU 渲染网络 Render Network 创始人 Jules Urbach 将在 GTC24 大会期间,于 3 月 20 日星期三下午 3:00 - 下午 3:50(太平洋夏令时间)以「The Future of Rendering: Real-Time Ray Tracing, AI, Holographic Displays, and the Blockchain」(渲染的未来:实时光线追踪、人工智能、全息显示和区块链)为题发表演讲。

Jules Urbach 也是云渲染公司 OTOY 的联合创始人及 CEO,十多年来,OTOY 一直处于渲染软件的前沿。他们的旗舰应用程序 Octane 是第一款 GPU 加速、无偏、物理正确的渲染器,被广泛认为是同类中最好的。包括迪斯尼在内的所有主要电影制片厂都使用 Octane 进行 VFX。

Jules Urbach 之所以进军加密领域,是因为他有一个元宇宙愿景,而为了构建元宇宙,仅靠内容创建工具和渲染引擎是不够的。元宇宙将需要天文数字的计算能力:比世界上所有数据中心可用的总和还要多几个数量级。获得这么多计算能力的唯一方法是利用全球消费者拥有的数亿个潜在 GPU。

Render Network 于 2017 年推出,旨在利用这种潜在供应。Render Network 允许在大型分布式对等网络上分发和处理基于 GPU 的复杂渲染作业。这使创作者能够以前所未有的规模和价格进行计算,并提供比任何现有云提供商更强大的隐私保证。

截止撰稿时,RNDR 价格为 9.94 美元,24 小时涨幅 47%。


除了上面两个项目,还有许多 AI 赛道项目表示也将参加英伟达 GTC24 大会,不过这些项目参加此次大会只需要购买门票即可,并没有公布将会在会议中举办或参与任何活动。门票购买截止时间为 3 月 17 日,或许还有更多加密 AI 项目选择加入这场 AI 盛会。以下几个项目是目前已经官宣将会参加 GTC24 大会,仅供参考。


主打 GPU 共享业务的 NetMind.AI 在昨晚宣布其受邀将出席英伟达 GTC24 大会,但目前并未有进一步的活动议程公布。

此消息公布之后,NMT 价格上涨突破 12 美元,截至撰稿时,NMT 价格为 12.14 美元,24 小时涨幅为 27.5%。

Node AI(GPU)

GPU 租赁项目 Node AI 宣布参加英伟达 GTC24 大会,在此之前,Node AI 更新路线图,称将会引入专为跨节点任务分配而定制的 L1 区块链。

截至撰稿时,GPU 价格为 1.25 美元,24 小时涨幅 1%。


算力资源和 GPU 共享项目 MineAI 宣布将于 3 月 19 日至 21 日参加英伟达 GTC24 大会,届时将会与 MAI 持有者共同探讨关于项目的各种细节以及未来展望。

截至撰稿时,MAI 价格为 0.037 美元,24 小时涨幅 217%。


AI 驱动的 Web3 知识共享平台 QnA3.AI 宣布将于 3 月 17 日至 21 日参加英伟达 GTC24 大会。此前,QnA3.AI 宣布第二次空投将于世界标准时间 2024 年 4 月 2 日凌晨 04:00 进行。

截止撰稿时,GPT 价格为 0.68 美元,24 小时涨幅 8%。

AI、DePIN 一直是今年的热门叙事。前几日 Solana 生态 DePIN 协议 io.net 宣布完成 3000 万美元 A 轮融资,而近半年以来,AI 板块的各个项目代币都在持续上涨,得益于 OpenAI、英伟达等 Web2 AI 企业的持续创新,加密领域的 AI 项目也在如火如荼的进行。

距离英伟达年度 AI 大会还有十天,想必 GTC24 大会结束之前,AI 概念炒作不会停。

Is the low tide plate token relay cottage season coming? Due to the announcement of the agenda of the NVIDIA conference last night, the prices of many encryption projects and concept coins announced to participate have risen sharply, and some of them have risen above. The NVIDIA conference is an annual event that brings together developers, researchers, business leaders, decision makers and partners. The NVIDIA conference of the Year of Ecosystem will be held in San Jose, California on March. What encryption projects will participate? Last night, the co-founders announced that they would attend the conference. It is worth noting that NVIDIA founder Huang Renxun will also participate in the event. The keynote speech introduces the transformer neural network architecture around this groundbreaking paper, which has since dominated all fields of artificial intelligence and completely changed the whole industry. The co-founder and one of the authors of this paper proposed in the paper released in the second half of last year that neural network architecture has become an important underlying technology of natural language processing and artificial intelligence today. The famous authors, including the founding, founding and other guests who are also the event, issued a document in June, saying that it can be used as an infrastructure to provide support for the next alternative example. The network has created a different application program and protocol for setting rules and data pricing, which can use these data in an open, fair and transparent way, and also cooperated with the consumer shopping data analysis platform to establish a stable currency payment system, allowing users to use encrypted currency to shop at a lower transaction cost. The founder of the distributed rendering network on the world's first blockchain with an increase of USD hour will give a speech on the topic of the future of rendering, real-time ray tracing, artificial intelligence holographic display and blockchain in the afternoon of Wednesday, March, during the conference. He is also the co-founder of cloud rendering company and has been at the forefront of rendering software for more than ten years. Their flagship application is the first accelerated, unbiased and physically correct renderer, which is widely regarded as the best of its kind, including Disney. All major film studios, including, use it. He entered the encryption field because he has a metauniverse vision. In order to build a metauniverse, it is not enough to rely solely on content creation tools and rendering engines. The metauniverse will require astronomical computing power, which is several orders of magnitude more than the sum of all the data centers available in the world. The only way to get so much computing power is to use hundreds of millions of potential years owned by consumers around the world to launch and use this potential supply to allow large-scale distribution. Distributing and processing complex rendering jobs based on the cloth peer-to-peer network enables creators to calculate at an unprecedented scale and price, and provides stronger privacy guarantee than any existing cloud provider. By the time of writing, the price is US dollars, and the money can be increased. In addition to the above two projects, there are many track projects that will also participate in the NVIDIA conference, but these projects only need to buy tickets to participate in the conference, and they have not announced that they will hold or participate in any activities at the conference. The deadline for ticket purchase is June, and there may be more encrypted projects to join this event. The following projects have been officially announced to attend the conference for reference only. Last night, they announced that they would be invited to attend the NVIDIA conference, but there is no further agenda for the event. After the announcement, the price rose above US dollars. At the time of writing, the price rose by US dollars per hour. They announced their participation in the NVIDIA conference. Before that, the road map was updated, saying that they would be introduced specifically for cross-border. At the time of writing, the price of customized blockchain for node task allocation is USD hourly increase. The computing resources and sharing project announced that it will attend the NVIDIA conference from March to March, when it will discuss various details about the project and future prospects with the holders. At the time of writing, the knowledge sharing platform driven by USD hourly increase announced that it will attend the NVIDIA conference from March to March. It was previously announced that the second airdrop will be held at the early morning of March, universal standard time. At the time of writing, the price was small USD. The increase in time has always been a popular narrative this year. A few days ago, the ecological agreement announced the completion of the 10,000-dollar round of financing. In the past six months, the tokens of various projects in the plate have continued to rise. Thanks to the continuous innovation of enterprises such as NVIDIA, the projects in the encryption field are also in full swing. There are still ten days before the annual meeting in NVIDIA, and the concept speculation will not stop before the end of the meeting. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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