Bankless:盘点模块化 Rollup 的新利器

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作者:David C,Bankless 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


RaaS,即 Rollups-as-a-Service。

RaaS 是一种越来越流行的解决方案,它可以同时满足区块链的定制化和扩展需求。RaaS 有望解决当前 rollups 面临的复杂性和问题,同时使 rollups 更易于管理,并可根据 DeFi 或游戏等特定用例进行定制。

在本文中,我们将探讨 RaaS 的重要性、这些平台能够实现什么以及哪些项目处于这个新兴生态系统的最前沿。让我们开始吧!

什么是 RaaS?为什么它很重要?

最初,所有区块链都是单一的,只在一个层上运行。然而,在牛市期间,尤其是 2021 年以太坊上的 NFT 热潮,由于瓶颈限制了吞吐量并导致链上交易费用飙升,这些区块链开始出现性能问题。


Rollups 体现了这种设计结构,它将执行与以太坊主网分离,以促进更高的交易吞吐量,同时确保安全性和降低成本。

然而,创建、部署和管理这些 rollups 所涉及的复杂性带来了挑战,减缓了第 2 层 (L2) 解决方案的快速采用。RaaS 平台简化了这一过程,使开发人员甚至几乎没有编码经验的人也能轻松启动 rollups,而无需承担通常的技术负担。

因此,RaaS 的出现标志着 rollups 的一个关键转变,有望加速 L2 的采用。随着 EIP-4844 下周发布——这标志着以太坊向其以 rollup 为中心的未来迈出了重要一步——以及数据可用性市场的发展作为 rollups 的催化剂,RaaS 的兴起将为区块链开启一个新时代。这将是一个互操作的时代,也是高度专业化的区块链存在的时代,以解决任何用例。

RaaS 的运作方式

RaaS 平台的核心在于提供一系列服务,让开发和管理 rollups 的过程尽可能简便流畅。这些服务通常包括三种类型:软件开发工具包 (SDK)、无代码开发选项和共享排序器。

  • 软件开发工具包 (SDK):为开发人员提供启动 rollups 的工具包,通常针对特定生态系统进行配置。例如 Optimism 的 OP Stack、Arbitrum 的 Orbit 链和 zkSync 的 Hyperchain。

  • 无代码开发选项: 这些平台允许编码经验有限的用户快速启动和管理定制的 rollups。

  • 共享排序器: 这些系统共同处理 rollup 交易,并将它们传递到 Layer 1,例如以太坊或 Cosmos。

通过这些服务,RaaS 平台为用户(无论是开发人员还是非开发人员)提供了启动自己 rollup 所需的工具。每个 RaaS 提供商都针对上述三种服务进行定制开发,并提供他们认为对部署者有吸引力的附加功能。

下面,我们将重点介绍一些领先的提供商 - AltLayer、Conduit、Dymension 和 Movement Labs - 看看他们在这套产品上做出的独特改进。


最近推出的 AltLayer 提供了一个通用的 RaaS 协议,同时支持乐观型和 zk 汇总。AltLayer 考虑到未来多链、多虚拟机 (VM) 的世界,从一开始就决定支持以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 和 WebAssembly (WASM) 智能合约(Cosmos 和 Polkadot 使用),这是一个明智的举措,因为它允许跨生态系统互操作,并支持未来诸如 Solana VM 或 Move VM 等替代虚拟机。

在他们的产品套件中,AltLayer 提供了一个无代码仪表板,可以让没有编程背景的用户在几分钟内启动可进行大量定制的 rollup,例如可以指定特定数量的排序器或 gas 限制。他们还为希望将 rollup 直接集成到产品中的开发人员提供 Rollup SDK,并通过其 Beacon 层提供共享排序器集。AltLayer 使用称为 Beacon 层的一组基础节点,为所有通过 AltLayer 部署的 L2 rollup 提供共享排序器。Beacon 层还可以实现所有使用 AltLayer 启动的 L2 之间的跨链交易和消息传递。



RaaS 平台 Conduit 允许开发人员轻松启动乐观型汇总 (optimistic rollups),管理所有操作,让开发人员可以专注于产品构建。

Conduit 最初仅支持 OP Stack,但后来扩展到支持 Arbitrum 的 Orbit 链 - 尽管他们启动的最值得注意的链都使用 OP Stack。Zora Network、Public Goods Network、Mode、Aevo 和 Frame 都已经或将使用 Conduit 启动。这些团队以及其他使用 Conduit 启动的团队可以从他们的汇总中获利于排序器费用和 MEV。其中一部分费用也会重新分配给 OP 集体,用于支持公共物品资助。

为了进一步加强其 OP Stack 链,Conduit 开发了 Elector,这是一个共识层,可将基于 OP Stack 的链的排序器停机时间减少 50% 以上。OP Stack 传统上依赖于单个排序器,这使其在软件更新或硬件故障期间容易停机,进而延迟交易并停止用户与汇总的交互。Elector 通过将三个排序器纳入其协议来解决这个问题。如果一个排序器发生故障,另一个就会接管,从而使汇总操作保持“99.95% +”的正常运行时间。这种创新方法不仅提高了可靠性,还允许在没有任何停机时间的情况下进行无缝的软件和基础设施更新。


Dymension 可能是最具代表性的 RaaS,它是一个模块化的权益证明 (PoS) 区块链生态系统,专门为 RollApps 量身打造。RollApps 是专为链下执行交易并由单个排序器或一组排序器管理的专用汇总。

Dymension 的架构可以分为两部分:

  • Dymension Hub:确保 RollApps 顺利运行的结算层。

  • RollApp 开发套件 (RDK):用于开发和部署无许可 RollApps 的工具包。

Dymension Hub(简称 Hub)是 Dymension 网络的核心和结算层,它与 Dymint(Dymension 版本的 Cosmos Tendermint 共识机制)协同工作,为 RollApps 创建区块。Hub 会检查来自 RollApps 的更新,除非另有证明,否则会假定它们是正确的,这有助于 RollApps 更快、更少延迟地工作。有趣的是,它只会在需要时生成区块,从而节省资源和成本,不像其他链那样连续生成区块。与 Cosmos 一样,Hub 也连接 RollApps,允许它们相互通信、桥接和交易。

此外,Hub 还提供了质押 Dymension 的机会 - 这类似于 Celestia 的做法,人们质押 TIA 来获得其他空投资格。已经宣布的 DYM 质押者的一些空投包括 ValiDAO(DAO 拥有的验证器)、Avail(模块化基础设施)和 NIM Network(以游戏为中心的Rollup)。


Dymension 的 RollApp 开发套件 (RDK) 类似于 Cosmos SDK,配备了几个加速部署的模块。这些模块来自 Cosmos SDK、跨区块链通信 (IBC) 协议、Ethermint 和 CosmWasm,它们协同为 RollApps 提供治理、代币转移、升级能力以及对 EVM 和 CosmWasm 智能合约的支持等工具。

此外,Dymension RollApps 还因从 Hub 获得的一系列好处而脱颖而出,例如继承与结算层相同的安全级别,或者能够使用 Dymension 的验证器网络而不是引导自己的网络 - 这大大降低了链的安全性预算并最大限度地减少了代币稀释,因为它们在首次启动时不必激励验证器参与。此外,通过将共识外包给 Hub,RollApps 可以专注于最大化吞吐量和降低延迟。更重要的是,得益于 Dymension Hub 的原生自动做市商 (AMM),它们可以共享流动性 - 解决 L2 的常见问题(流动性碎片化) - 并可以收取以他们选择的任何代币支付的费用,而不是 Dymension 收取费用。为了启动采用,Dymension 最近为其 AMM 推出了激励计划,向某些池的流动性提供商发放超过 100% 的 APR。

Gelato Network

去年 9 月,以太坊链后端基础设施和智能合约服务提供商的领导者 Gelato 宣布将 Rollups-as-a-Service 添加到其套件中。Gelato 支持 OP Stack、Arbitrum Orbits 和 Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK),使开发人员可以轻松使用他们喜欢的框架启动乐观型和零知识 (ZK) 汇总。此外,Gelato 作为基础设施提供商的背景让他们可以为开发人员提供额外的工具套件,例如:

  • 账户抽象:一个软件开发工具包,允许开发人员构建更用户友好的钱包,具有“使用 Google 登录”、“使用电子邮件注册”或无 Gas 交易等功能。

  • Web3 功能:允许开发人员将智能合约连接到链下数据并自动执行响应的服务。

此外,他们庞大的基础设施合作伙伴网络可以让开发人员利用 LayerZero 或 Moonpay 等服务,通过跨链集成或便捷的法币出入金来进一步增强他们的链的功能。

Gelato 现有的产品套件和合作伙伴生态系统为其与其他 RaaS 提供商竞争提供了坚实的基础。该套件让他们可以进一步迎合开发人员体验,同时使开发人员可以使用工具专注于构建最佳用户体验 - 无论是使用账户抽象还是法币出入金等功能。


RaaS(Rollups-as-a-Service,即 服务型 Rollups) 平台提供了一系列工具,帮助开发者构建模块化的区块链未来。

通过提供一系列服务,例如面向开发人员的 SDK、面向非编程人员的无代码选项,以及用于提高效率的共享排序器系统,像 AltLayer、Conduit、Dymension 和 Gelato Network 这样的 RaaS 平台不仅可以缓解 rollups 常见的复杂性,还可以引领一个未来,即区块链可以成为定制化、高度互操作且几乎任何人都可以开发的解决方案。

随着区块链领域的不断发展,RaaS 将会在哪些领域站稳脚跟(如果它真能站稳脚跟的话)将是一件有趣的事情。无论如何,RaaS 提供了一个令人兴奋的机会,有可能解决困扰 L2 的常见问题,同时将各个生态系统融合在一起,让所有人都能享受其迷人的特质。

A new abbreviation has been added to the blockchain vocabulary of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network, which is an increasingly popular solution. It can meet the customization and expansion needs of blockchain at the same time, and it is expected to solve the complexity and problems currently faced, and at the same time make it easier to manage and customize according to specific use cases such as games. In this article, we will discuss the importance of what these platforms can achieve and which projects are at the forefront of this emerging ecosystem. Let's start. Well, what is why it is important? At first, all the blockchains were single and only operated on one layer. However, during the bull market, especially during the upsurge of Ethereum in, the bottleneck limited the throughput and caused the transaction cost on the chain to soar. Therefore, these blockchains began to have performance problems, so modularity came into being. This is a design method, which disperses actions on multiple layers to solve these problems and embodies this design structure. It will be separated from the main network of Ethereum to promote higher transaction throughput. However, the complexity involved in the creation, deployment and management has brought challenges, slowed down the rapid adoption of tier 1 solutions, and simplified this process, enabling developers even those with little coding experience to easily start without bearing the usual technical burden. Therefore, the emergence of this platform indicates that a key transformation is expected to accelerate the adoption, which indicates that Ethereum has taken an important step towards its central future and the market for data availability. The development of the field as a catalyst will open a new era for blockchain, which will be an era of interoperability and the existence of highly specialized blockchain. The core of the platform is to provide a series of services to make the development and management process as simple and smooth as possible. These services usually include three types of software development kits, no code development options and shared sorter software development kits, which usually provide developers with startup kits. These platforms allow users with limited coding experience to quickly start and manage customized shared sorters. These systems jointly handle transactions and deliver them to Ethereum, for example, or provide users, whether developers or non-developers, with the tools they need to start themselves through these service platforms. Each provider makes customized development for the above three services and provides additional services that they think are attractive to the deployers. Function Next, we will focus on some leading providers and look at their unique improvements on this set of products. The latest one provides a general protocol that supports both optimism and summarization. Considering the future multi-chain and multi-virtual machine world, it has decided to support Ethereum virtual machine and intelligent contract and use from the beginning. This is a wise move because it allows cross-ecosystem interoperability and supports future alternative virtual machines such as or, providing a generation-free one in their product suite. Code dashboard can enable users without programming background to start in a few minutes, which can be customized in a large number. For example, they can specify a specific number of sorters or restrict them. They also provide a shared sorter set for developers who want to integrate directly into products and provide it through their layers. Using a set of basic nodes called layers to provide shared sorters for all deployed users can also realize cross-chain transactions and messaging platforms between all users, allowing developers to easily start optimistic sinks. Overall management of all operations allows developers to focus on product construction, which was initially supported but later extended to support chains. Although the most notable chains they started all used and all used or will use to start these teams and other teams that used to start can benefit from their summary, and some of the expenses will be redistributed to the collective to support public goods funding. In order to further strengthen their chains, this is a consensus layer that can be based on the chain sorter. The reduction of downtime has traditionally relied on a single sequencer, which makes it easy to stop during software update or hardware failure, thus delaying the transaction and stopping the interaction between users and the summary. This problem is solved by including three sequencers in its protocol, and if one sequencer fails, the other will take over, thus maintaining the normal running time of the summary operation. This innovative method not only improves the reliability, but also allows seamless software and infrastructure without any downtime. Update is probably the most representative. It is a modular blockchain ecosystem with proof of rights. It is specially tailored for executing transactions under the chain and managed by a single sorter or a group of sorters. The architecture can be divided into two parts to ensure smooth operation. The settlement layer development kit is used to develop and deploy unlicensed toolkits, which is referred to as the core and settlement layer of the network for short. It works together with the consensus mechanism of the version to create a block and will check the updates from unless otherwise proved. Assuming that they are correct, it will help to work faster and with less delay. Interestingly, it will only generate blocks when needed, thus saving resources and costs. Unlike other chains, blocks are continuously generated and connected, allowing them to communicate, bridge and trade with each other. In addition, it also provides opportunities for pledge. This is similar to the practice that people pledge to obtain other airdrops qualifications. Some airdrops of the pledge have been announced, including the owned verifier modular infrastructure and the game-centered development kit. Equipped with several accelerated deployment modules, these modules come from cross-regional block chain communication protocols and cooperate with them to provide tools such as managing token transfer and upgrading capabilities and supporting smart contracts. In addition, they stand out because of a series of benefits obtained from, such as inheriting the same security level as the settlement layer or being able to use the verifier network instead of booting their own network, which greatly reduces the security budget of the chain and minimizes token dilution because they do not start at the first time. In addition, by outsourcing consensus to native automatic market makers who can focus on maximizing throughput and reducing delay, they can share the common problems solved by liquidity fragmentation and can charge fees paid with any tokens they choose instead of charging fees. In order to start adopting the incentive plan recently, the leaders of the back-end infrastructure of Ethereum chain and smart contract service providers who distributed more than last month to some liquidity providers announced that they would add it to their suites to support and make it easy for developers to use what they like. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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