Arweave AO:AI 时代的头号玩家

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2024 年 2 月伊始,OpenAI 发布首款文生视频大模型 Sora,为人工智能发展翻开新的一页,2 月 13 日 著名区块链存储项目 Arweave 创始人 Sam 在推特公布 Arweave 正式推出超并行计算机 AO支持将 AI 大模型引入区块链的智能合约中运行,该信息一出,迅速引起 AI 和 区块链 的相关人士热烈讨论。


什么是 Arweave

Arweave 是一种新型的区块链存储网络,旨在解决数据永久存储和访问的问题。Arweave 的特点是使用一种称为“永久性存储”的方法,通过将数据存储在区块链上,确保信息永远不会丢失。Arweave 的加密经济模型旨在激励用户存储和传输数据,并确保网络的安全性和可靠性,这使得用户可以安全地存储重要数据,如文档、图片、视频等,并随时访问这些数据,而无需担心数据的丢失。

特别地,Arweave 在 NFT 领域显示出了其独特的优势。NFT 通常需要链外保存数据,如果该数据丢失或被更改,NFT 将失去意义。Arweave 提供了一种解决方案,使得 NFT 相关的数据可以永久保存,从而保证了 NFT 的长期价值和意义。Opensea 和 Mintbase 等平台都已经与 Arweave 进行战略合作,而 Solana 链上的 NFT 项目 Metaplex 也采用 Arweave 作为元数据存储的默认工具。

Arweave 同时致力于永久保存人类知识和历史的项目,被誉为“区块链上永恒的亚历山大图书馆”。

什么是 AO

AO 是一个基于 Arweave 的分布式、去中心化、面向 Actor(Actor Oriented)的计算系统。

Actor 是计算机科学中的一种并发计算模型的基本单位,面向 Actor 是指采用 Actor 模型为基础的方法,这种方法中每个 Actor 可以修改其分配的私有状态,但如果要修改其他 Actor 的状态只能通过发送消息间接修改,适合于构建高并发、分布式、容错性强的系统,这也是项目为何命名为 AO 的原因。

AO 由三个单元组成:

  • 通信单元(Messenger Unit):负责消息通信,将消息传递给计算单元并协调以计算输出结果;

  • 调度单元(Scheduler Unit):负责调度和消息排序,并将消息上传至 Arweave;

  • 计算单元(Compute Unit):负责处理计算,并将计算结果上传至 Arweave。

AO 通过区块链的编排,每个单元都可以作为可水平扩展的子网,同时执行大量交易,从而实现高性能运算,理论上提供近乎无限的计算性能。

AO 的核心目标是在没有任何实际规模限制的情况下实现无需信任和协作的计算服务,这为应用程序提供了一个结合区块链的全新范式,相比 Solana、Aptos 和 Sui 等其他高性能区块链,AO 可支持存储大量数据,例如 AI 模型;同时,相比以太坊只能使用单个共享内存空间,AO 还允许任意数量的并行进程同时运作于计算单元中,并通过开放的消息传递与其他单元协作,不依赖于中心化内存空间。

什么是 AOS

AOS 是 Arweave 官方基于 AO 构建的去中心化操作系统,其功能类似于智能合约,但是合约开发语言是 Lua。

Lua是一个简洁、轻量、可扩展的脚本语言,与我们常见的智能合约语言 Solidity、Rust 和 Move 有很大的不同。

AOS 允许开发者启动命令行进程,并开始发出命令,给开发者提供的开发体验类似于阿里云上创建新的服务器实例并通过 SSH 连接到它,只不过这个命令行进程具有智能合约的属性,这意味这些命令不仅可实现跨网络的无缝用户交互,并且具有去中心化和无需信任的计算作为关键优势。

AO 的优势

AO 的本质是一个基于 SCP(Storage-based Consensus Paradigm)的去中心化云服务,这里面有三个渐进关系,分别是“云服务”,“去中心化云服务” 与 “基于 SCP 的去中心化云服务”。

云服务相信大家都已经很熟悉了,其重要性也不必赘述,已经成为了大数据时代的重要基建,但几乎都是由中心化的巨头来搭建和掌控的,例如国外的 Amazon Web Services(AWS), Google Cloud Platform(GCP),Microsoft Azure,国内的阿里云,腾讯云,华为云。



去中心化云服务赛道知名项目有 Dfinity,Ankr,Akash 等,这里其实可以补充一点,Arweave 本身也可以归类为去中心化云服务赛道,但是只提供单一的云存储服务。

去中心化云服务的挑战之一是共识机制可能复杂且难以实施,因为它们要求网络中的节点对数据存储和检索达成一致意见。SCP 是解决这个挑战有有效途径之一,SCP 是一种基于存储的共识范式,它的核心思想是,只要存储是不可变的,上面的交易就都是可追溯的,那么无论在何处计算应用程序,都将得到相同的结果。

AO 通过将所有计算前后的状态,以及输入输出都上传到 Arweave 上,任何第三方都可以下载到所有的数据,运行执行环境(例如虚拟机)并依次执行输入,得到最终的一致结果。这样就做到了无准许的可验证性,达到去信任化共识。

这意味着 AO 可以实现分布式的可验证计算,这也是 AO 相比与其他去中心化云服务最大的优势。

总结:AO 对于 AI 的意义

AI 的演进需要算法、算力和数据这三个关键要素的共同推动,对于一些 AI 新兴企业,为了降低成本并获得更多的算力,别无选择只能与云服务巨头合作,毕竟并非所有企业都具备自建算力的能力,而且进行 AI 应用开发也会增加对云服务的需求。与此同时,云服务巨头也会开发自己的 AI 系统,现在已经可以看到中心化的云服务商几乎都开发了自己的生成式大模型。

在这种既合作又竞争的关系中,云服务巨头通过其对算力的垄断以及云服务的主导地位,让 AI 新兴企业处于极度劣势地位,这种不拼创新拼财力的竞争关系,最终伤害的也是用户的利益。

而去中心化云服务可以平衡这种不公平的竞争关系,并且吸引了用户参与网络贡献算力及数据,相信未来在 AI 时代一定会成为新的玩家。

Arweave 推出 AO 从垂直的去中心化存储赛道切入到更广阔的去中心化云服务赛道,其永久链上存储不再只是单独存储用户数据而是作为云计算的永久主机,主打无限扩展的大规模可验证计算,更是无限提升了其想象空间,剑指成为 AI 时代的头号玩家。

At the beginning of June, the first large model of Wensheng video was released, which turned a new page for the development of artificial intelligence. On June, the founder of a famous blockchain storage project announced on Twitter that it officially launched a super-parallel computer to support the introduction of large models into the intelligent contract of blockchain. As soon as this information came out, it quickly caused a heated discussion with people related to blockchain. It basically introduced what a new blockchain storage network was to solve the problem of permanent storage and access of data, and its characteristic was to use a method called permanent storage. The encrypted economic model, which ensures that information will never be lost by storing data in the blockchain, aims to encourage users to store and transmit data and ensure the security and reliability of the network. This enables users to safely store important data such as documents, pictures and videos and access these data at any time without worrying about the loss of data, especially in the field, which shows its unique advantages. It is usually necessary to save data outside the chain. If the data is lost or changed, it will be meaningless. It provides a solution to make. The relevant data can be permanently preserved, thus ensuring the long-term value and significance of the platform. The projects on the chain have also adopted strategic cooperation as the default tools for metadata storage, and the projects dedicated to permanently preserving human knowledge and history are known as the eternal Alexandria Library on the blockchain. What is a distributed decentralized-oriented computing system based on? It is a basic unit-oriented concurrent computing model in computer science. It refers to adopting the model as the basis. In this method, each can modify its assigned private state, but if it wants to modify other states, it can only be modified indirectly by sending messages, which is suitable for building a system with high concurrency, distributed and strong fault tolerance. This is why the project is named. The communication unit is composed of three units, which is responsible for message communication, delivering messages to the computing unit and coordinating to calculate the output results. The scheduling unit is responsible for scheduling and sorting messages, and uploading messages to the computing unit, which is responsible for processing and uploading the calculation results. Through the arrangement of blockchain, each unit can perform a large number of transactions at the same time as a horizontally expandable subnet, so as to realize high-performance computing. In theory, the core goal of providing almost unlimited computing performance is to realize computing services without any actual scale restrictions, which provides a brand-new paradigm for applications to combine blockchain. Compared with other high-performance blockchains, it can support the storage of a large amount of data, such as models, and compared with Ethereum, it can only use a single one. Shared memory space also allows any number of parallel processes to run in the computing unit at the same time and cooperate with other units through open message passing, regardless of centralized memory space. What is the official decentralized operating system based on construction? Its function is similar to smart contract, but the contract development language is a simple, lightweight and extensible scripting language, which is very different from our common smart contract language, allowing developers to start command line processes and start issuing commands to developers. The development experience provided is similar to creating a new server instance on Alibaba Cloud and connecting to it, except that this command line process has the property of intelligent contract, which means that these commands can not only realize seamless user interaction across the network, but also have the advantages of decentralized and untrusted computing as the key advantages. The essence is a decentralized cloud service based on. There are three progressive relationships in it, namely cloud service decentralized cloud service and cloud service trust based decentralized cloud service. Everyone is already familiar with its importance, and need not repeat it. It has become an important infrastructure in the era of big data, but almost all of it is built and controlled by centralized giants. For example, Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud Huawei cloud decentralized cloud service in foreign countries refers to the use of blockchain economic incentives to share and exchange cloud resources in a decentralized network. Users can obtain digital currency or pass cards by providing their processing capacity, storage space or bandwidth to the network, and then they can put these. Digital currency or Tongzheng decentralized cloud service for accessing services depends on market forces to determine the value and allocation of computer capacity, storage space and bandwidth. It realizes more effective and direct resource allocation. This economic structure encourages users to participate in the network and fair competition, which not only strengthens the cloud infrastructure, but also breaks the situation that giants control it, because all the underlying processing capacity, storage space and bandwidth are provided by users. Once the economic structure of a decentralized cloud service network is no longer applicable to users, it can. In order to choose to quit the network or join other decentralized cloud service networks, this limits the space for service providers of decentralized cloud service networks to do evil. There are well-known projects such as decentralized cloud service track. In fact, it can be added that it can also be classified as decentralized cloud service track, but one of the challenges of decentralized cloud service is that the consensus mechanism may be complicated and difficult to implement because they require all nodes in the network to reach an agreement on data storage and retrieval. However, one of the effective ways to solve this challenge is a consensus paradigm based on storage. Its core idea is that as long as the storage is immutable, the above transactions are traceable, so the computing application will get the same result no matter where it is. By uploading all the states before and after the calculation and the input and output to the world, any third party can download them to all the data running execution environments, such as virtual machines, and execute the input in turn to get the final consistent result, thus achieving the goal without permission. This means that distributed verifiable computing can be realized, which is also the biggest advantage compared with other decentralized cloud services. The evolution of the significance needs the joint promotion of the three key elements of algorithm computing power and data. For some emerging enterprises, in order to reduce costs and gain more computing power, they have no choice but to cooperate with cloud service giants. After all, not all enterprises have the ability to build their own computing power, and application development will also increase the cloud services. At the same time, cloud service giants will also develop their own systems. Now it can be seen that almost all centralized cloud service providers have developed their own generative models. In this cooperative and competitive relationship, cloud service giants put emerging enterprises in an extremely inferior position through their monopoly on computing power and the dominant position of cloud services. This competitive relationship of not striving for innovation and financial resources ultimately hurts the interests of users, and decentralized cloud services can balance this unfair competitive relationship and attract users to participate in the network to contribute computing power and data. I believe that in the future, they will become new players to launch. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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