以太坊升级前瞻:颠覆高 Gas 费现状?Dencun 提案要点全解析

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 09:02:22 评论:0



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比特币突破历史最高值之际,属于以太坊的叙事主线也正式进入最后一周的倒计时。根据以太坊基金会消息显示,Dencun网络升级已在所有测试网上成功激活。以太坊将于北京时间 2024 年 3 月 13日 21:55,于区块高度8626176在主网上进行升级。


作为以太坊2.0升级路线中「The Surge」阶段的重要开篇。Dencun升级此前因存在Bug问题,经历了延期,被冠以“迟迟不来的坎昆”。如今,在经历了年初的一系列测试部署后,Dencun升级已然准备就绪。本文中,奔跑财经将通过深入浅出的视角,帮助各位了解本次Dencun升级中,那些值得关注的「要点」,希望能够为各位提供深层次的价值洞察。


Dencun升级主要覆盖以太坊的共识层和执行层,内容围绕降费、提速、安全性以及用户体验等。其中 ,EIP-4844是本次Dencun升级的核心内容,旨在提高以太坊系统的存储效率,并降低交易成本。

高昂的Gas费一直以来都是阻碍以太坊发展的最大障碍,天下苦Gas费久矣。据报告,在高峰时段,用户曾支付了超过 100 美元的交易费用。根据Etherscan 的数据,目前掉期交易的平均 Gas 费约为 79 美元。



EIP-4844还将引入Blob Gas,这是一种独立的计费系统,遵循自己的定价规则来核算基本费用。Blob数据的格式预设与将来分片规范中的格式一致。这种设计使得Rollup得以有效缓解网络拥堵,同时单独的费用市场确保了较低的费用,使其比现行的Calldata存储方式更经济。

Offchain Labs 的开发人员表示,“假设当前的网络流量水平,一旦实施 Dencun,二层网络的 Gas 费应该立即下降 75%。”还有开发者说,“Dencun升级,好比将只有一条小道的公路升级为四车道高速公路,让以太坊迈入了现代交通时代。”

在Layer 2交易成本中,最大的开支项是「Call Data」费用,目前这部分费用占Layer 2交易总费用的80%以上。Blob机制能够对数据进行暂时存储,这对于短期的交易验证至关重要,并且可以在之后删除这些数据,避免网络存储过载。数据处理流程的完整性和安全性由检测数据变更的加密技术保障。

根据先前的分析报告显示,Proto-Danksharding将把每个区块的Blob数量限制为16个,单个Blob大小不超过128KB,这样预计能为区块空间提供大约2MB的增加量。新增的数据空间将允许Optimistic Rollup和零知识Rollup在链上发布交易数据的证明,使用Blob而非「Call Data」来提供实际数据。Blob数据将在两周后被清除,而「Call Data」则永久存储于以太坊区块链上。


Gas 费将如何变化?


Optimism 推出了一个网站,用于预测引入超级链 Blob 后,Gas Fee的变化趋势。但该网站的预测基于 Blob Gas 基础费率为 4.2 gwei 的简化假设,因此实际数值可能会有所偏差。

预测显示,一个大约 125 kB 的 Blob 的费用将约为 0.001 ETH。目前,125 kB 的 Call Data的成本大约是每 Gas 30 gwei 乘以 每字节 16 Gas 乘以 125,000 Gas(约等于 0.06 ETH)。

Rollups目前大约产生 每秒60 笔交易数 (TPS)。如果每笔交易大约 200B,那么它们每秒处理约 12kB,每个 Eth 区块大约 144kB。在初始目标中,对于EIP-4844提案中的 3 个 Blob(3*125kB = 475 kB),Rollup将仅占用约 30% 的数据可用性容量。除非 Blob 有其他需求来源(例如铭文),否则预计在短期内,一旦 Rollups 迁移到 Blob,会出现以下情况:

• Blob 的费用会非常便宜(小于 0.001 ETH)

• Rollups 交易费用也会非常便宜(小于 $0.05)

*下图为推特网友晒出的Gas 费变化测试结果。



• 临时性:瞬态存储中的值在每次交易后都会被丢弃,不会被长期保存。

• 性能优势:因为不需要磁盘访问,它的使用成本要低。

• 支持智能合约访问:智能合约可以通过两个新的操作码来访问瞬时存储,这意味着合约可以读取和写入这些临时数据。

• 便利性:使用瞬态存储时,客户端不需要预先支付Gas费用来加载原始数据,也不需要在使用后清理存储槽,这使得整个过程更加高效和便宜。






(3)EIP-5656:MCOPY, 是一种高效的 EVM(以太坊虚拟机)指令,用于复制内存区域。它可以在 Solidity、Vyper 和 Fe 编译器中找到,用于实现精确字内存复制和部分字内存复制。EIP-5656通过引入MCOPY操作码,有助于提升以太坊网络的性能,特别是在智能合约执行方面。这对于开发者来说是一个重要的改进,因为它可以让他们创建出更加高效和快速的智能合约,调用身份预编译的开销从 700 Gas 减少到 100 Gas。

(4)EIP-6780:用于移除SELFDESTRUCT 操作码。在原先的设计中,以太坊智能合约的SELFDESTRUCT 功能是通过调用特殊的操作码(opcode)来实现的。当智能合约调用SELFDESTRUCT 时,合约中的代码被销毁,其余的以太币和存储空间将被发送到指定的地址。





(7)EIP-7514:一项针对以太坊质押验证器增长方式的改进提案,它通过将最大验证器数量的增长方式从指数增长改为线性增长,并且通过设置一个固定的maximum churn limit(最大流失限制),限制了在每个epoch时期内进入或离开网络的验证者数量,以应对以太坊质押快速增长的问题。该提案旨在减轻在实施适当的解决方案之前抵押的 ETH 总供应量非常高的负面外部性。

(8)EIP-7516:一项降低数据使用成本的改进提案,允许用户通过编程的方式计算Blob数据的使用成本。这样做的好处是,用户可以根据自己的实际需求来计算和使用数据,从而降低了数据使用的成本。此外,提案中还提到了Blob Gas期货的概念。Blob Gas期货是一种金融工具,用户可以通过它来锁定未来的Blob数据使用成本,从而消除了因数据使用成本波动带来的风险。




如Solana,一个 Layer 1 区块链,其交易费用远低于以太坊,平均交易成本仅为0.000036 SOL,相当于大约0.0047美元。这一显著的成本优势吸引了众多希望减少开支的用户,特别是那些频繁交易NFT的用户。



The upgrade is finally coming. When Bitcoin breaks through the highest value in history, the narrative main line belonging to Ethereum has also officially entered the countdown of the last week. According to the news of Ethereum Foundation, the network upgrade has been successfully activated on all test networks. Ethereum will be upgraded on the main network at the height of the block on June, Beijing time. This upgrade is of great significance to the ecology of Ethereum, especially as another important development node after the upgrade. As an important opening of the middle stage of the Ethereum upgrade route, the upgrade was previously due to problems. Cancun, which has been labeled as a late arrival after a delay, is now ready to upgrade after a series of tests and deployments at the beginning of the year. In this article, Running Finance will help you understand the points worthy of attention in this upgrade from a simple perspective, hoping to provide you with deep-seated value insight. The core content upgrade mainly covers the consensus layer and the executive layer of Ethereum, focusing on reducing fees, speeding up security and user experience, among which the core content of this upgrade is aimed at improving Ethereum. The storage efficiency of the system and reducing the high transaction cost have always been the biggest obstacle to the development of Ethereum. It is reported that users have paid more than US dollars in transaction fees during peak hours. According to the data, the average transaction fee of swap transactions is about US dollars at present. From a short-term perspective, it may be the only scalable solution for Ethereum that does not need trust. It can increase the processing capacity of Ethereum without increasing the network burden and does not need users to trust the system. However, in view of the transaction, The cost continues to be high, and it is urgent to take action to promote the transition of the ecosystem to fragmentation. However, because the current stage of fragmentation is not enough to implement, the essence is to provide an expedient method that can meet the needs at this stage. This technology will be implemented through the use of an innovative temporary data storage mechanism on the Ethereum network, which will help reduce the transaction cost. The network will be able to store data on the network more efficiently and delete this cycle about once every two weeks. It is enough to manage and retrieve data and verify it, so the data storage cost is lower than that of the conventional transaction call data stored indefinitely in the Ethereum blockchain. It will also be introduced. This is an independent billing system that follows its own pricing rules to calculate the basic expenses. The format of the data is preset to be consistent with the format in the future fragmentation specification. This design can effectively alleviate network congestion, and the separate expense market ensures lower expenses and makes it more economical to develop than the current storage method. The staff said that if the current network traffic level is implemented, the cost of the second-tier network should drop immediately, and some developers said that upgrading is like upgrading a road with only one path to a four-lane expressway, which makes Ethereum enter the modern transportation era. The biggest expenditure item in the transaction cost is the cost. At present, the above mechanism, which accounts for the total transaction cost, can temporarily store the data, which is very important for short-term transaction verification, and can delete these data later to avoid network storage. The integrity and security of the overload data processing flow are guaranteed by the encryption technology for detecting data changes. According to the previous analysis report, the number of each block will be limited to a single size, which is expected to provide an approximate increase in block space. The newly added data space will allow zero knowledge to publish the transaction data on the chain instead of providing the actual data. The proposal that the data will be cleared after two weeks and then permanently stored on the Ethereum blockchain is not only introduced for transmission. The transaction mechanism will also implement comprehensive system changes such as the logic verification rules of the executive layer and the multi-dimensional fee market. These changes will lay the foundation for the future realization of complete fragmentation. How will the basic fee change once the upgrade is completed? A website has been launched to predict the changing trend after the introduction of the hyperlink, but the forecast of the website is based on the simplified assumption that the basic rate is, so the actual value may be biased. The forecast shows that an approximate fee will be about. At present, the cost is about every time every byte is multiplied by about equal to the current number of transactions per second. If each transaction is about, then they will process about every block per second. In the initial goal, only about the data availability capacity will be occupied for one in the proposal. Unless there are other sources of demand, such as inscriptions, it is expected that in the short term, once it is migrated, the cost will be very cheap, less than the transaction cost and less than the cost change test exposed by Twitter users. As a result, other proposals say that transient storage opcodes are used to process data that are only needed in a short time. Transient storage opcodes allow smart contracts to use a storage space similar to memory when processing data. This storage space is different from permanent storage because its contents will be erased after each transaction is completed, just like the contents in a temporary notepad are erased after use. It has the following characteristics: the values in temporary transient storage will be discarded after each transaction and will not be long-term. The advantage of saving performance is that it does not need disk access, and its use cost is low. It supports smart contract access. Smart contracts can access transient storage through two new operation codes, which means that contracts can read and write these temporary data conveniently. When using transient storage, the client does not need to pay in advance to load the original data or clean up the storage slot after use, which makes the whole process more efficient and cheap. The beacon block root in the Ethereum virtual machine helps the Ethereum virtual machine to be more secure. Interacting with the consensus layer all over the place can directly access and verify these data without relying on external trust sources, which improves the security and reliability of the system. This function supports the following application scenarios: pledge pool pledge pool can more reliably verify the number and status of participants' tokens, thus reducing the possibility of fraud and errors, and re-pledge related data can be directly verified. The process of changing pledge settings will be smoother and safer, and the cross-chain bridge intelligent contract bridge can more effectively verify transactions and status, thus improving. The security of cross-chain interaction alleviates miners' extraction of values, which is a means to benefit from optimizing the transaction sequence in the process of block construction. Using beacon block root can design more effective strategies to reduce the impact and make the transaction more fair and transparent. It is an efficient instruction for Ethereum virtual machine to copy memory areas. It can be found in and compilers to achieve accurate word memory replication and partial word memory replication. By introducing opcodes, it will help improve the performance of Ethereum network, especially in the implementation of intelligent contracts, which is an important improvement for developers because it can enable them to create more. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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