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要问近来 Web3 社交领域哪个项目最受关注,那么非社交怪兽 UXLINK 莫属了。

UXLINK 通过让用户基于熟人社交网络来快速裂变,建立起一个基于熟人关系的Web3社交平台,并提供深度社交场景和代币激励来留存用户和进一步增长,在短时间内获得了强大的用户基础。

自2023年4月启动以来,UXLINK 已经有 340 万注册用户,构建了超过7.5万个群聊,通过群聊触达的用户达 590 万人。这也印证了 UXLINK 团队在 Web3 社交方面的深刻理解。


当前 Web3 社交的关键变量:熟人社交关系


在这种社交的范式转变进程中, 我们见证了如Facebook、微信等杀手级应用的诞生。


Web3 被认为是下一代互联网,强调去中心化、区块链技术和资产所有权等等特性,让用户真正拥有网络资产,提供更深度的数字体验。

尽管目前 Web3 的用户主要集中在投资和炒作领域,但随着技术的成熟和应用场景的拓展,预计会有更多的主流用户涌入。社交领域因其强大的网络效应,极有可能率先出现 Web3 时代的杀手级应用及平台。

目前已经有数款 Web3 社交平台获得了较大知名度,如 Lens Protocol、Farcaster 和 friend.tech 等。

Lens 强调社交媒体数据所有权和可移植性,用户可以控制自己的数据并在不同应用间自由迁移;Farcaster 强调去中心化和用户隐私,提供加密的消息传输,允许用户在不受平台限制的情况下进行自由交流;

Friend.tech 则强调社交资产化,利用 NFT 为用户提供影响力代币化服务。上述应用虽然在创新上有显著进步,但在早期阶段缺乏对熟人社交网络的强调可能限制了它们的快速增长和留存。

在Web1,Web2时代,最伟大的产品都是熟人社交产品如emails, facebook, 微信,Web3的王者是否同理也会属于熟人社交?

Web3 的核心场景是交易,涉及到资产的场景天然需要信任。Web2 的社交平台已经完成了关系构建和信任建立。

Web3 社交提供的是资产、所有权层面的更进一步的体验,因此对于 Web3 社交来说,直接基于熟人关系进行构建,是当前 Web3 用户基数较小背景下实现 Mass Adoption的关键。


整个 UXLINK 系统可以分为三层:Dapp层、协议层、基础设施层。



  • 入口层:包括 MPC、账户抽象钱包,为用户提供无缝进入 Web3 丝滑体验。用户 launch app 后会自动注册基于 Arbitrum 网络的钱包,并且消除私钥、助记词的存在感,提高用户的转化率。

  • 身份:包括 DID/Profile(SBT)。用户能够通过 Telegram、WhatsApp 等社交应用来创建 Web3 账户,并获得与链下身份绑定的 Web3 身份(DID);UXLink 还使用了零知识证明技术来帮助用户构建自我托管的身份(self-sovereign identities,SSI)和隐私化的社交关系。

  • 群组:群组是 UXLINK 提供的核心落地场景。用户能够基于社交图谱来创建群聊和进行裂变,赚取奖励;同时还能让用户拥有和分享数据(社交关系数据),用户可以 Mint 群组 ID 来将社交关系数据资产化,实现真正的可拥有。在未来还将提供 AI 助手相关的功能,使用户获得更加丝滑的社交体验。目前,UXLINK 的群组以 Telegram 插件的形式构建,避免了重复造轮子,同时让用户能够通过熟悉的平台来参与项目,消除了用户的转换成本。


增长应用,即LINK TO EARN引擎,即可以为UXLINK获得用户和数据,也可以服务第三方,助第三方Dapp增长。

总的来说,UXLINK 在入口、身份和群组三个层面的核心功能为用户社交提供了完善的工具。UXLINK 通过 Proof of Link(PoL)来激励用户邀请熟人,实现增长。配合用户熟悉的社交功能,以及关系构建和关系变现,让新进入的用户以极低的门槛获得友好的 Web3 社交体验,最终助力 Web3 的 Mass Adoption。



协议层的核心是来自 Dapp 层的数据,主要面向开发者。UXLINK 的增长依赖用户的熟人关系裂变,因此 Dapp 层会沉淀大量的社交关系数据。熟人关系数据的价值不言而喻,如拼多多、Linkedin 等平台都是利用熟人社交关系的典范。

UXLINK 为 Web3 开发者提供了完善的 APIs,让开发者能够高效地从 UXLINK 获取用户社交关系数据,并进行分析,创造实际的商业价值,该部分的收入将由用户和UXLINK共享,让用户沉淀的数据获得真实价值,实现商业闭环。


UXLINK 有一个链上链下混合的可扩展技术架构(EVM + IPFS + Hubs )来支持 Mass Adoption 的应用场景,在链上(目前是 Arbitrum)存储身份和关系数据,在链下处理复杂业务场景数据,来支持使用 UXLINK Protocol 协议的应用。此外,UXLINK 还能够提供去中心化存储以及中心化数据索引等服务,主要涉及EVM链(Ethereum Mainnet,Arbitrum L2 Chain, BNB Chain, Polygon and Base Chain等)。

在未来随着用户基数进一步扩大和生态应用的发展,UXLINK 不排除可能考虑构建自己的社交专用链,进一步加强生态内的协同效应,打开发展空间。



UXLINK 采取双代币模型,包含效用代币 $UXUY 和 治理代币 $UXLINK。

效用代币 $UXUY:主要用来激励 $UXUY 的社区增长和互动。

赚取:用户可以通过邀请好友和为生态系统做贡献赚取 $UXUY,$UXUY 将存放在 EVM 兼容的钱包中,越早期进入的用户可以获得越多的 $UXUY。随着 UXLINK 的用户规模增长,用户赚取 $UXUY 的速度将会指数级减少,提出 $UXUY 的稀缺价值。UXLINK 称这种机制为 PoL(Proof of Link)。

销毁机制:$UXUY 可以被用来支付服务费(生态内交互的费用,UXLINK还可以帮助用户用$UXUY支付 Commission)。这些费用中,将会有 3% - 15% 被销毁,具体数值取决于 UXLINK 社区的治理决策。

治理代币 $UXLINK:主要用于治理和捕获 UXLINK 产品产生的价值。

1、供应:$UXLINK 有 10 亿枚的固定供应量。

2、释放:$UXLINK 将在上所后进行释放。

  • 社区部分:$UXLINK代币将空投给活跃用户、构建者和合作伙伴。值得注意的是,一旦空投,没有锁定期,提供即时访问。

  • 合作伙伴部分:最初受限于3个月的锁定期,之后是2年的线性季度释放。这意味着每个季度逐步释放12.5%,共8个季度,促进长期参与。

  • 团队部分:在6个月的锁定期后,团队的$UXLINK代币将进行2年的线性季度释放,每个季度释放12.5%,共8个季度,与项目的长期成功保持一致。

  • 国库部分:灵活释放。

我们可以预见,$UXUY 将在生态增长与裂变中发挥重要作用,即让用户真正获得激励,也让新用户能够获得 Web3 的核心体验。

销毁机制的存在也使得用户增长后,$UXUY 能够保持较为健康的流通水平。$UXLINK 也将在 UXLINK 的快速增长中捕获价值。



Mass Adoption 是 Web3 当前阶段面临的核心问题之一。在过去几年中,大量 Social、低门槛钱包、DID 项目在场景、入口等层面为传统用户扫清了进入 Web3 的障碍。

近期随着SEC通过BTC ETF,Web3 再次冲进大量传统用户的视野,能够让传统用户无缝进入并深度体验 Web3 的应用将有可能在这轮周期中落地。UXLINK 抓住了熟人社交这一核心变量,把熟人社交作为底层逻辑,同时乘上了低门槛基础设施和 Web3 破圈的东风,将有很大的潜力在这一轮周期中获得成功。

从 Roadmap 上,我们能够真切看到团队在 Web3 Mass Adoption 上的愿景和信心,期待 UXLINK 的后续表现。


To ask which project in the social field has attracted the most attention recently, the non-social monster is to build a social platform based on acquaintances by allowing users to rapidly split based on acquaintances' social networks, and provide deep social scenes and token incentives to retain users and gain a strong user base in a short period of time. Since the launch in June, more than 10,000 registered users have built more than 10,000 group chats, and the number of users reached by group chats has reached 10,000, which also proves the team's profound social aspects. Understanding the key variables of current social interaction, acquaintances and social relations people can't leave social relations. With the development of information technology, social interaction and communication have been deeply digitized, from instant messaging to sharing life dynamics. People's social relations have been deeply integrated into the digital scene. In this process of social paradigm shift, we have witnessed the birth of killer applications such as WeChat, which is largely due to the network effect. The value of a platform has increased with the increase of the number of people using it, especially in social leadership. The domain network effect is particularly obvious because people tend to gather on the platform where their friends and family members are located, which brings the phenomenon of acquaintance fission, that is, after a user joins, his acquaintances also join, thus rapidly expanding the user base. It is considered as the next generation Internet, which emphasizes the characteristics of decentralized blockchain technology and asset ownership, so that users can truly own network assets and provide a deeper digital experience. Although the current users mainly focus on investment and speculation, with the maturity and response of technology, With the expansion of the scene, it is expected that more mainstream users will flood into the social field. Because of its powerful network effect, it is very likely that the killer applications and platforms of the times will take the lead. At present, several social platforms have gained great popularity, such as Hehe, which emphasizes the ownership and portability of social media data. Users can control their own data and migrate freely between different applications, emphasizing decentralization and user privacy, and providing encrypted message transmission to allow users to communicate freely without platform restrictions. Streaming emphasizes the use of social assets to provide users with influential token services. Although the above applications have made remarkable progress in innovation, the lack of emphasis on acquaintances' social networks in the early stage may limit their rapid growth and retention in the times. The greatest products are acquaintances' social products, such as the king of WeChat. Will it also belong to the core scene of acquaintances' social interaction? The transaction involves assets, and the social platform that naturally needs trust has completed the relationship building and trust building. It provides a further experience of asset ownership, so for social interaction, building directly based on acquaintance relationship is the key product and service growth, retention and ecology realized under the background of small user base. The whole system can be divided into three layers: protocol layer, infrastructure layer, user growth and precipitation layer to provide users with core functions and services, including portal identity and group function. The portal layer includes account abstract wallet to provide users with seamless access to the silky experience, and users will automatically register for the base. In the wallet of the network and eliminating the existence of private key mnemonics, the conversion rate of users is improved. Identity includes that users can create accounts by waiting for social applications and obtain identities bound to offline identities. Zero-knowledge proof technology is also used to help users build self-managed identities and private social relationship groups, which is the core landing scene provided. Users can create group chats and fission to earn rewards based on social graphs, and at the same time, users can own and share the number of social relationships. According to users, social relationship data can be capitalized by groups to realize real ownership. In the future, assistant-related functions will be provided to enable users to obtain a smoother social experience. At present, the groups are built in the form of plug-ins, which avoids repeated wheel-making, and at the same time allows users to participate in projects through familiar platforms, which eliminates the user's conversion cost. Socialized transactions, that is, the combination form of groups has not been fully completed at present, but it is already available. Early Pinduoduo users can Completing the transaction in the interaction not only enhances the trust but also increases the interest. The application, that is, the engine, can also serve the third party to help the third party grow. Generally speaking, the core functions at the three levels of entrance identity and group provide a perfect tool for users to socialize. By encouraging users to invite acquaintances to achieve growth, cooperating with the familiar social functions of users, and building and realizing relationships, new users can finally get a friendly social experience at a very low threshold. The core of the source protocol layer is that the data from the layer is mainly oriented to the growth of developers and depends on the fission of acquaintances of users. Therefore, the layer will precipitate a large amount of social relationship data, and the value of acquaintances is self-evident. Platforms such as Pinduoduo provide a perfect model for developers by using acquaintances' social relationships, so that developers can efficiently obtain users' social relationship data and analyze them to create actual business value. By users and sharing, the data precipitated by users can get real value, and the business closed-loop infrastructure layer can further build an ecology. There is an application scenario supported by an extensible technical architecture with mixed chain and offline. At present, identity and relationship data are stored in the chain, and complex business scenario data are processed under the chain to support the application using the protocol. In addition, services such as decentralized storage and centralized data indexing can be provided, which mainly involve the chain and other ecological applications with the further expansion of the user base in the future. The development does not rule out the possibility of building its own social special chain, further strengthening the synergy within the ecology and opening up the development space. The product logic of the above acts. The social track is different from other tracks, and the application layer and the infrastructure layer are symbiotic and mutually promoting, that is, it can produce super applications and become other tracks, such as games and other infrastructure economic models and value capture. The dual token model includes utility tokens and governance tokens, which are mainly used to stimulate community growth and interactive earning. Users can earn money by inviting friends and contributing to the ecosystem, which will be stored in a compatible wallet. The earlier users enter, the more they can get. As the scale of users increases, the speed of earning will decrease exponentially, and the scarce value proposed will be reduced. This mechanism is called destruction mechanism, which can be used to pay the service fee, and can also help users to pay these fees. The specific value will be destroyed depending on the governance decision of the community. Governance tokens are mainly used to manage and capture the value generated by products. There are hundreds of millions of fixed supply releases, and some tokens in the community will be released after going to Shanghai. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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