重返初心:CKB转向比特币Layer2赛道 炒作还是机遇?

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随着 ETF 落地、BRC-20 生态爆发及减半叙事的加持,市场的注意力似乎再次聚焦到了比特币生态。在此背景下,作为公链生态老牌项目的 CKB 近期也动作频频,宣布将主网定位调整为比特币 Layer2 后,推出了一层资产协议 RGB++。借助比特币 Layer2 的发展势头,再加上自带 UTXO + PoW 正统「BUFF」,CKB 迅速成为了社区讨论的热点。

然而,在我们深入探讨 RGB++ 概念、CKB 团队为何选择 RGB 协议及他们如何规划比特币 Layer2 发展思路之前,我们有必要回到过去,更多地了解 CKB 的历史、背景及初心。


2018 年初,正值市场关注点集中在以太坊生态的时候,CKB 正式启动。同年 7 月,CKB 完成了 2800 万美元融资,Polychain Capital、红杉中国、万向区块、Blockchain Capital 等多家知名投资机构参投。随后于 2019 年 10 月 24 日,CKB 在 Coinlist 完成了 6720 万美元的超额募资。2019 年 11 月 16 日,CKB 主网「Lina」上线。

CKB 的团队背景称的上明星团队,创始人均在加密行业深耕多年。Polychain Capital 创始人 Olaf 也曾在访谈中表示非常看好 CKB 团队背景。

  • 首席架构师 Jan Xie :曾长期为以太坊客户端 Ruby-ethereum 和 pyethereum 开发做贡献,也曾与太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 合作开发 Casper 共识和分片技术。此外,他还创建了从事底层区块链平台开发和共识算法研究的公司 Cryptape。

  • 联创 Kevin Wang :曾在 IBM 硅谷实验室从事企业数据解决方案工作,并共同创立了面向软件工程师的在线学校 Launch School。此外,Kevin Wang 还是意图驱动的中心化求解器基础设施 Khalani 的联创。(Khalani 是一个多功能的「集体求解器(collective solver)」,可以无缝集成到各种以意图为中心的应用程序和生态系统中。)

  • 联创兼 COO Daniel Lv:以太坊钱包 imToken 联创,也是加密交易所 Yunbi 前首席技术官。此外,Daniel Lv 还组织了 10 年的 Ruby 中国社区,并共同创立了 ruby-china.org。

  • CEO Terry Tai:曾是加密交易所 Yunbi 核心开发人员,并是科技播客 Teahour.fm 的联创。

有趣的是,尽管 CKB 创始团队和以太坊社区有着密切的联系,但他们在 Layer1 的构建架构上却选择了继承比特币 UTXO + PoW 模型。这是因为团队认识到了以太坊基础设施的局限性。他们意识到以太坊的架构限制了对整个系统的彻底改革,无法从根本上进行重构和大胆创新。因此,CKB 团队决定走上与以太坊不同的道路,构建一条新的区块链。

另一方面,CKB 团队选择重新构建一条公链的原因或许可以从 Nervos 这个名称得到一点启发。Nervos 一词源自「Nerve」,这也借鉴了查尔斯·达尔文的进化理论:「只有适应并灵活调整到不断变化的环境中的物种才能生存。」意味着让网络在最底层进行自我调整和进化。不过,关于 Nervos 的来源还有另外一种说法,因为 CKB 的联创还是电竞和动漫的热爱者,而动漫「新世纪福音战士」其中的「联合国直属特务机关」简称恰好为「NERV」。

为了加速生态进展,CKB 从 2020 年初开始专注于开发工具,陆续推出了一系列工具,包括基于 JavaScript/TypeScript 的框架 Lumos、允许在 CKB 上使用账户模型的以太坊兼容层 Polyjuice、连接以太坊和 CKB 的跨链桥 Force Bridge 及 dApp 开发套件 Tippy 等。这些工具大大降低了开发应用的门槛。基于这些工具,CKB 生态已经上线了 127 个项目,涵盖 DID、钱包及铭文等不同赛道。

与主流背道而驰:CKB 架构有何创新?

在社区普遍关注 TPS 和 PoS 的背景下,CKB 选择了一条与主流完全不同的技术路线。他们坚持认为在抗审查和无需许可的问题上绝不能妥协。因此选择降低 L1 性能以维持足够的去中心化,并采用改进的 PoW 和简单的哈希函数来确保网络的安全性和无需许可性。


选择分层架构的原因是基于团队对互联网运行模式的反思。互联网通过分层和解耦的架构构建了一个相对稳定的信任网络,但其可信等级有限,缺乏自我保障协议的内在支持。CKB 理想中的加密经济网络基础设施也应采用分层和解耦的架构。这意味着通过一组协议而不仅仅是一个协议来定义网络,同时对自我保障协议提供原生支持。因此,团队决定构建一个安全可扩展的分层网络,其中 Layer1 专注于提供安全性和去中心化性,Layer2 则利用 Layer1 的安全性提供无限扩展性。

作为 Layer1 ,CKB 全称为「Common Knowledge Base(共同知识库)」。「共同知识(Common Knowledge)」被定义为普遍且被广泛认知的知识,每个人或几乎每个人都了解,并且知道其他人也了解。在区块链语境中,「共同知识」指的是经过全球共识验证并被网络中的所有人接受的状态,这个属性也是的我们可以将存储在公链上的加密货币作为货币。Nervos CKB 则旨在存储所有类型的共同知识,而不局限于货币。例如,它可以存储用户自定义的加密资产,包括 FT、NFT 等。

Layer 2 协议则可以利用 CKB 保证安全性的同时提供无限的拓展性。而 CKB 提出的分层架构后来也被以太坊认可,以太坊从 2019 年起放弃曾经的执行分片研究,改为以 Layer 2 为核心进行扩容,持续至今。

PoW 机制保证去中心化

CKB 坚信 Layer1 是加密经济的基石,因此必须是一个无需许可的网络。与此相反,PoS 根据质押权重决定出块比例分配,这导致了与去中心化和中立性目标的冲突。相比之下,PoW 则是完全无需许可的,用户只需要购买矿机和电力就可以参与出块。此外,在安全性方面,要伪造或重构一条 PoW 链是及其困难的,因为需要重新计算每个区块的算力。而 Vitalik 也曾造出了「弱主观性」(weak subjectivity)概念解释 PoS 的安全性并不低于 PoW。

因此,CKB 团队认为,尽管 PoS 确实在性能上优于 PoW,但如果希望 Layer1 尽可能去中心化和安全,PoW 比 PoS 更加适合。

Cell 模型实现扩展性

随着比特币生态的兴起,账户模型和 UTXO 模型之间的辩论再次引发关注。早期,这两种模型都围绕资产进行解读,但随着时间的推移,UTXO 仍将资产视为核心(点对点),而账户模型已经演变为为合约服务,用户的资产被托管至智能合约中,并与之进行交互。这导致了 UTXO 链上发行的资产安全等级高于以太坊上发行的 ERC-20 资产。除了安全性外,UTXO 模型具有更好的隐私性,每次交易都会更换地址,且天然支持并行交易处理。最重要的是,与账户模型在链上同时进行计算和验证不同,UTXO 模型将计算过程放在了链下,链上仅进行验证,从而简化了应用的实现,这意味着不必在链上考虑优化的问题。

CKB 不仅继承了比特币架构的思想,还对 UTXO 模型进行了抽象,创建了 Cell 模型,在保留了比特币一致性和简单性的同时,有了支持智能合约的能力。具体而言,Cell 将 UTXO 中的代表代币价值的 nValue 字段进行了抽象处理,分为 capacity 和 data 两个字段,其中 data 保存状态,可以存放任意数据。同时,Cell 数据结构中还包含了两个字段 LockScript 和 TypeScript,前者主要体现所有权,而后者可以自定义很多丰富的功能。

总结而言,Cell 模型是更通用的 UTXO 模型,让 CKB 具备了与以太坊类似的智能合约功能。但与其他智能合约不同的是,CKB 采用了一种用于共同知识存储的经济模型,而不是为去中心化计算进行支付而设计的经济模型。


「抽象」这个概念对于加密用户并不陌生,指的是去掉系统里的特殊性,创造出通用性,让系统适用于更广泛的场景。比特币到以太坊的发展实际上就是一个抽象化的过程。比特币缺乏编程性,难以构建应用。而以太坊则引入了虚拟机及运行环境,为构建各种不同类型的应用提供了平台。以太坊在其发展过程中也不断进行抽象化,无论是 Vitalik 屡次提及的「账户抽象」,还是增加预编译的「密码学抽象」等。

就像以太坊是比特币的抽象一样,CKB 在某种程度上也是对以太坊的抽象,为智能合约开发者提供了更多的自由发挥能力。


CKB 通过 Cell 模型实现了账户抽象。例如,Nervos 生态钱包 UniPass 打造了一套基于邮箱和手机的身份认证系统。用户能够通过邮箱和密码登录,类似于传统互联网账户。去中心化身份服务提供商 d.id 团队开发的去中心化域名协议 .bit 也是利用 Nervos 抽象账户的特性,使得互联网用户、以太坊用户、EOS 用户都可以直接操作应用,而不仅仅局限于 CKB 用户。


密码学抽象的核心是高效虚拟机。CKB 采用的是 CKB-VM,借助 RISC-V 指令集的特性,CKB-VM 使得开发者可以使用 C 和 Rust 等语言实现密码学算法。例如,基于 CKB 构建的 JoyID 钱包就充分利用了 Nervos CKB 自定义密码学的优势,实现了无需密码和助记词,直接用指纹等生物辨识技术创建钱包和确认交易。


CKB 的目标是构建更高层次的抽象以提高性能及吞吐量。随着抽象层次的提高,Nervos 网络能够将更多工作迁移到链外或 Layer 2 上。举例而言,尽管 XBOX 是一个抽象的通用平台,但仍存在一些限制,比如无法更改硬件。而 PC 则允许用户更换显卡、CPU、内存及硬盘等硬件。因此 PC 是更加抽象的系统。而 CKB 的目标就是从 XBOX 转变为 PC,从而满足更多需求,为开发者提供更多便利。

CKB 经济模型解析:挖矿奖励与通胀机制

CKB 原生代币是 CKB(Common Knowledge Byte),代表持有者能够占用的区块链全球状态。例如,如果你拥有 1000 枚 CKB,则你就可以创建一个空间为 1000 Byte 的 Cell,并且可以使用这 1000 个 Byte 来存储资产、应用状态或是其他类型的数据。

CKB 的经济模型非常独特,除了每 4 年进行一次挖矿奖励减半(类似于比特币),还引入了类似于主流 PoS 币的通胀设计,每年增发 13.44 亿。截至目前,根据 CKBDAPPS 统计数据显示,CKB 发行数量为 443.79 亿枚,其中流通量为 436.9 亿枚。具体设计如下:


创世区块中共发行了 336 亿枚。为了致敬中本聪,其中 84 亿枚 CKB 在发行之初就存入了中本聪的地址。剩余的 252 亿枚 CKB 则分配给机构投资者、生态基金、开发团队和公募投资者等,已经全部解锁。


一级发行总量为 336 亿。与比特币类似,每四年减半一次,直至所有一级发行量都被开采。目前 CKB 已经于 2023 年 11 月进行了首次减半,发行量已经降至每年 21 亿 CKB。第二次减半预计将于 2027 年 11 月进行,发行量将降至每年 10.5 亿 CKB。一级发行的所有 CKB 都会奖励给矿工。


  • 21.5% 用于公开代币销售,主网启动时全部解锁

  • 17% 分配给生态系统基金,主网启动时解锁 3%,剩余将于 3 年内解锁

  • 15% 分配给 Nervos 团队,四年归属期,主网启动时解锁 1/3

  • 14% 用于 2018 年的私募,锁仓两年

  • 5% 分配给创始合伙人,三年锁仓,不会在主网上流通

  • 2% 用于基金会储备金,已于 2020 年 7 月解锁,不会在主网流通

  • 0.5% 用于测试网激励,通过挖矿竞赛和漏洞赏金计划为测试网参与者提供奖励

  • 剩余 25% 已经被销毁


为了确保矿工收入来源不受到减半及链上交易量的影响,CKB 引入了「二级发行」的概念,每年固定发行 13.44 亿枚 CKB。具体分配方式取决于 CKB 在网络上的使用方式:

  • 矿工:与链上状态占用成正比

  • NervosDAO:与 NervosDAO 中锁仓 CKB 占总发行量的比例成正比

  • 国库:与流通中的 CKB 占总发行量的比例成正比,目前治理机制尚未完善,该部分直接销毁

二级发行可以视为一种「通胀税」机制。即如果用户需要在 CKB 上存储数据或状态,就需要向矿工支付一定数量的 CKB 作为「状态租金」。如果不再需要存储了,可以解锁 CKB 并存入 NervosDAO。而那些没有存储需求的持有用户,则可以直接将自己的 CKB 存入 NervosDAO 并领取补贴,以避免代币价值被二级发行稀释。

据 CKB 浏览器数据显示,二级发行代币中有 11.4% 用于挖矿奖励,19.1% 用于锁仓补贴,69.5% 则分配给国库基金并被销毁。


CKB 挖矿始于 2019 年 5 月 18 日,采用 Eaglesong 哈希算法。2020 年 3 月之后,逐步从 CPU、GPU、FPGA 转向 ASIC 矿机时期,目前支持支持 Antminer K7 和 Goldshell CK6 等 ASIC 挖矿(GPU 及 FPGA 矿机进行 CKB 挖矿收益过低不足以盈利)。

当前,网络挖矿算力为 240.06 PH/s,挖矿难度为 2.31 EH。目前支持 CKB 的矿池包括 F2Pool、Poolin、2miners 等。

争议不断,如何看待比特币 Layer2 新思路?

With the outbreak of landing ecology and the blessing of half narration, the attention of the market seems to focus on Bitcoin ecology again. In this context, as an old-fashioned project of public chain ecology, it has recently announced that it will adjust the positioning of the main network to Bitcoin, and then launched an asset agreement. With the development momentum of Bitcoin and its own orthodoxy, it has quickly become a hot topic of community discussion. However, before we discuss in depth why the concept team chose the agreement and how they planned the development ideas of Bitcoin, we It is necessary to go back to the historical background and the road to the birth of the initial heart. At the beginning of the year, when the market focus was on the ecology of Ethereum, it was officially launched. In the same month, it completed the financing of 10,000 US dollars, and many well-known investment institutions such as Sequoia China Wanxiang Block participated in the investment, and then completed the over-fundraising of 10,000 US dollars in the team background of the main online line. The founders of the above-mentioned star team have been deeply involved in the encryption industry for many years. In the interview, the founders also said that they are very optimistic about the chief structure of the team background. Shi has contributed to the client and development of Ethereum for a long time, and also cooperated with the founder of Ethereum to develop consensus and fragmentation technology. In addition, he also founded a company engaged in the development of the underlying blockchain platform and the research of consensus algorithm. Lianchuang worked in the Silicon Valley laboratory and co-founded an online school for software engineers. In addition, Lianchuang is an intention-driven centralized solver infrastructure. It is a multi-functional collective solver that can be seamlessly integrated into various intentions. In the application and ecosystem of the heart, Lianchuang and Ethereum Wallet Lianchuang were also the former chief technology officer of the encryption exchange. In addition, they organized the China community in and co-founded Lianchuang, a core developer of the encryption exchange and a technology podcast. Interestingly, although the founding team has close ties with the Ethereum community, they chose to inherit the bitcoin model in their construction architecture. This is because the team realized the limitations of the Ethereum infrastructure, and they realized the architecture of Ethereum. It restricts the complete reform of the whole system and cannot be fundamentally reconstructed and boldly innovated, so the team decided to take a different road from Ethereum to build a new blockchain. On the other hand, the reason why the team chose to rebuild a public chain may be inspired by this name. The word originated from Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory. Only by adapting and flexibly adjusting to the ever-changing environment can species survive, which means that the network can adjust itself and progress at the bottom. However, there is another saying about the source. Because Lianchuang is also a fan of e-sports and animation, it animates evangelical warriors in the new century. Among them, the secret service directly under the United Nations is just for the purpose of accelerating ecological progress. Since the beginning of the year, it has been focusing on developing tools, including the framework based on, which allows the use of the Ethereum compatible layer of the account model to connect Ethereum and the cross-chain bridge and development kit. These tools have greatly lowered the threshold for developing applications. Ecology has launched a project covering wallets, inscriptions and other different tracks. What is the innovation of the architecture that runs counter to the mainstream? Under the background of widespread concern in the community, they chose a completely different technical route from the mainstream. They insisted that they must not compromise on the issues of anti-censorship and no license, so they chose to reduce the performance to maintain sufficient decentralization and adopt an improved and simple hash function to ensure the security of the network and the layered architecture without license. The reason for choosing the layered architecture is based on The team's reflection on the operation mode of the Internet, the Internet has built a relatively stable trust network through a layered and decoupled architecture, but its credibility level is limited, lacking the inherent support of self-protection protocols. The ideal encrypted economic network infrastructure should also adopt a layered and decoupled architecture, which means that the network is defined through a set of protocols, not just one protocol, while providing native support for self-protection protocols. Therefore, the team decided to build a secure and scalable layered network, which focuses on. Providing security and decentralization, using security provides infinite scalability. As a full-name common knowledge base, common knowledge is defined as universal and widely recognized knowledge. Everyone or almost everyone knows and knows that others also know that in the context of blockchain, common knowledge refers to a state that has been verified by global consensus and accepted by all people in the network. This attribute is also true. We can use cryptocurrency stored in the public chain as currency to store all types of common. Knowledge is not limited to currency, for example, it can store user-defined encrypted assets, including other protocols, and the layered architecture proposed can be used to ensure security while providing unlimited scalability. Later, it was recognized by Ethereum. Since 2000, Ethereum has abandoned the previous fragmentation research and changed to expand the capacity for the core. The mechanism to ensure decentralization is firmly believed to be the cornerstone of the encrypted economy, so it must be a network without permission. On the contrary, the proportion of blocks is determined according to the pledge weight. As a result, compared with the conflict between decentralization and neutrality, users can participate in the block without permission. In addition, it is extremely difficult to forge or reconstruct a chain in terms of security, because it is necessary to recalculate the computing power of each block, and the security of the weak subjective concept explanation is not lower than that. Therefore, the team believes that although it is indeed superior in performance, it is more suitable for model expansion if decentralization and security are desired as much as possible. With the rise of bitcoin ecology, the debate between account models and models has once again attracted attention. In the early days, both models interpreted assets, but with the passage of time, they still regarded assets as core peer-to-peer, and the account model has evolved to serve contracts. The assets of users are hosted in smart contracts and interact with them, which leads to the higher security level of assets issued on the chain than those issued on the Ethereum. In addition to security, the model has better privacy, and every transaction will be changed. Address and natural support for parallel transaction processing, the most important thing is to calculate and verify at the same time with the account model on the chain. Different models put the calculation process on the chain and only verify it, thus simplifying the implementation of the application. This means that it is not necessary to consider the optimization problem on the chain. It not only inherits the idea of Bitcoin architecture, but also abstracts the model and creates the model, which has the ability to support smart contracts while retaining the consistency and simplicity of Bitcoin. Specifically, the field representing the value of tokens in the model is abstractly divided into two fields: and, in which the saved state can store any data, and the data structure also 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

2 月 13 日,CKB 联创 Cipher 提出了 RGB 扩展协议:RGB++,这一举动在一定程度上影响了 CKB 的二级市场价格,并引发了关于比特币 Layer2 的正统性讨论。一些用户认为,相较于 EVM 兼容派,RGB ++ 继承了比特币 UTXO 正统性,且团队深耕比特币生态,无论是分层架构、UTXO 抽象,还是近期提出的 OTX 协议 CoBuild Open Transaction,都是对比特币思想的延展与创新。然而,也有一些观点认为 CKB 定位过多。从 2019 年到 2020 年和火币合作,再到 2020 年至 2022 年的游戏方向,均未能取得实质性进展。因此,这次转向 Layer2 方向可能存在炒作嫌疑。此外,针对 RGB++ 名称的涵义,比特币原生开发者也表达了不认同,认为存在「Better than RGB」的含义。目前,CKB 已经推出了 RGB++ 路线图,未来表现如何,或许只有经过时间的考验才能给出答案。

自 2024 年年初以来,比特币 Layer2 解决方案之间的竞争愈演愈烈。然而,无论采用哪种解决方案,它们都在一定程度上推动了比特币生态可持续发展及落地,这种竞争可能会激发更多创意和解决方案。但庆幸的是,在这个过程中,CKB 似乎一直秉持着初心,坚持与比特币同构,并进一步弥合不足。


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