继续在 Blast 生态系统中寻找空投

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Blast 中的空投和积分系统

Blast 有一个非常有趣的代币经济学,根据该经济学,50% 的代币分配给开发者,50% 用于空投。



由于 Blast 自身的盈利能力(ETH/WETH 约为 4%,USDB 约为 5%),钱包余额也会随着时间的推移而增加,生态系统中的赚取积分也会增加。


让我们考虑一下 Blast 的机制:

Blast 推荐系统:该项目有一个 2 级推荐系统,您可以通过您的推荐获得的任何积分赚取 +16%,通过您的推荐获得的任何积分赚取 +8% - 因此创建帐户农场和积极寻找掉落物!

被动收入机制:通过在 Blast 网络中持有 ETH 或稳定币,您可以分别获得年收益率 4% 或 5% 的被动收入。这是在不质押或锁定代币的情况下完成的——类似于我们之前讨论的流动性质押。该项目的利润来自Lido(针对ETH)和MakerDAO(针对稳定币)协议。

DApp 的工作原理: DApp 的盈利方式与普通钱包一样,具体取决于 TVL。当将 ETH/WETH/USDB 转移到 DApp 时,去中心化应用程序开始赚取与转移的代币一样多的收入。

提升:提升可以提高积分的盈利能力。您持有的 ETH/WETH/USDB 越多,您获得的奖励就越多,获得的积分也就越多。

对于项目来说,大的TVL的主要优点是,Blast 可能能够构建一个社区实际使用的区块链,因为它很方便,并且由于对开发人员的适当刺激而具有良好的生态系统,最终该项目将拥有非常强大的社区,就像 Arbitrum 一样,最终对代币价格产生了非常积极的影响。

主要缺点是 TVL 越大,竞争就越激烈,每个人的损失也就越摊薄。

Blast 应该被视为一个非常有趣的农业机会,通过正确的方法,您可以以最小的风险在大尺寸上获得 3 倍以上的收益。



Degamex是新的生态系统项目之一,代表了 Blast 区块链中 GameFi 和 SocialFi 的结合。



  1. 我们进入平台,连接 Twitter 和钱包——我们得到 1 次旋转(不要立即旋转):

2. 接下来,我们得到一个 Ultra Spin — 我们在 Twitter 上发布帖子,复制该帖子的链接,并将其粘贴到 DeGameX 网站上:

现在我们使用 ULTRA SPIN — 获得的积分比不使用它时多 10 倍:


通过 Discord、Twitter 或钱包进行身份验证。

向下滚动并完成任务 - 每日 Twitter 帖子、Telegram 中的 FPS 游戏(我们稍后会考虑)。


当达到 1000 个积分时,点击“获取提升”,然后点击“前往商店”:

并用 1000 积分兑换 1 次旋转:

4.通过在官方桥充值Blast ETH/USDC/USDT来增加我们的掉落和积分机会。



然后,转到Blur,我们还需要存入 $BLUR 代币:

点击“存款 $BLUR 以赚取”,选择合适的金额,然后存款:



5. 还可以从 Degamex 购买 NFT 以获取积分增长并在未来将其转换为 $DEGMX:

进入铸造页面,选择 Blast 网络(需要 0.05 ETH)——用于铸造 NFT。铸造并确认交易:

现在,我们每天可以获得 +2 次额外旋转,幸运几率增加至 10%/15%/25%。

6. 或者,在 Telegram 上玩 Playbot 游戏(石头、剪刀、布)。


在机器人中输入 /start,连接你的钱包,然后单击“立即玩”:

然后,转到项目的群组频道并输入 /rps 开始播放。让游戏开始吧:


纸 — 纸

剪刀 — 剪刀

7. 最后一步是探索Galxe活动(订阅并启动活跃活动):

*要逐步了解如何在 Galxe 中注册并连接钱包,您可以参考我们讨论 DOP 测试网的另一篇文章。


最后,领取 NFT + 积分:


我们建议更频繁地在 DeGameX 中进行活动,以便在春季可能获得更多的掉落。


Flashbit是我们将考虑的 Blast 中的另一个生态系统项目。

该项目是 GambleFi 的一个范例,也有其 NFT 集合。该平台专注于社区创新游戏领域的用户体验,并为其提供真实的奖励。





访问该网站并连接您的钱包、Twitter 和 Discord:

*如果要求输入邀请码,请使用 ZSJAP3。


您将立即收到早期预代币(最初有 200 个):


  1. 邀请朋友- 为此,我们的积分将获得 10% 的提升(越多越好)。

  2. 在官方桥接器中桥接(存款)ETH 和稳定币——我们已经在上面讨论了如何做到这一点。

  3. 在 Twitter 上发布有关该项目的推文— 我们的积分将获得 +20% 的提升:

4. 从Discord中的项目中获取 Flashlist ,这将为要点增加 +10% 的提升。在 Discord 中,找到 #How-to-wl 部分并熟悉它:

然后,转到 #engage_commands 并输入命令 /set twitter @profile_name:



使用命令 /rank 或 /leaderboard 检查您的排名(在 #engage_commands 中):




5. 密切关注该项目新发布的 NFT,这将使您的积分提升 50%,并增加您在空投期间获得更多代币的机会:



我们还讨论了 Blast 生态系统中的其他项目,您可以在其中参与并可能收到空投。

There is a very interesting token economics in the author's source knowledge about airdrop and integral system. According to this economics, tokens are distributed to developers for airdrop. The airdrop itself is scheduled to be released in January, so such a project with ecological airdrop is worthy of attention. Because its profitability is about the balance of wallet, the points earned in the ecosystem will also increase with the passage of time. To replenish tokens, you can use the mechanism of bridge to push for us to consider. Recommendation system This project has a level recommendation system, and you can earn any points obtained through your recommendation. Therefore, you can create an account farm and actively look for the passive income mechanism of falling objects. By holding or stabilizing coins in the network, you can get the annual rate of return or passive income respectively. This is done without pledging or locking tokens, similar to the liquidity pledge we discussed earlier. The profit of this project comes from the work aimed at and aimed at stabilizing currency agreements. The profit-making method of the principle is the same as that of an ordinary wallet. It depends on the decentralized application starting to earn as much income as the transferred tokens. The more you hold, the more rewards you get, and the more points you get. The main advantage for the project is that it is possible to build a blockchain that is actually used by the community because it is convenient and has a good ecosystem due to the appropriate stimulation to developers. In the end, the project will have a very strong community, which will have a very positive impact on the token price. The main disadvantage is that the greater the competition, the more intense the loss of everyone. It should be regarded as a very interesting agricultural opportunity. Through the right method, you can get more than twice the income in a large size with minimum risk. Let's continue our activities. Degames is one of the new ecosystem projects, which represents the combination of neutralization in the blockchain. At present, the project has been confirmed in the second quarter of 2008. What should we do if the points we get from airdrops are converted into airdrops? We enter the platform connection and wallet, and we get a spin. Don't spin immediately. Next, we get a link to copy the post we posted on the website and paste it on the website. Now we use the points we get more than when we don't use it. We complete daily tasks in the website to get more points and scroll down through or wallet to complete the games in the daily posts. We will consider this later. Every day, we put forward points to ask us to accumulate strikes and invite friends. They will increase our points, thus increasing our chances of falling. When we reach a point, click to get promoted, then click to go to the store and exchange the points for a second spin. By recharging at the official bridge, we will increase our chances of falling and points. Connect the wallet, switch to the main network of Ethereum, select a suitable amount, then click submit to confirm the transaction, and then go to the place where we still need to deposit tokens, and click deposit to earn the right choice. After the deposit is approved and the transaction is signed, return and check our project's drop probability. It can also increase from purchase to gain points and convert it into entering the casting page in the future. Select the network that needs to be used for casting and confirm the transaction. Now we can get an extra spin every day. The lucky probability is increased to or play the game rock, paper, scissors, go back and click Enter in the robot to connect your wallet, then click Play Now, then go to the group channel of the project and enter Start broadcasting. Let the game begin. Rock, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Scissors, the last step is to explore the activity subscription and start the active activity. You can gradually understand how to register and connect the wallet in the test network. You can refer to another article we discuss, participate in the available tasks, complete the simple subscription, and finally get points to pay attention to the project and don't miss the falling season. We suggest to carry out activities more frequently in the park in order to get more dropped flash bits in spring, which is another ecosystem we will consider. The project is an example and has its own collection. The platform focuses on the user experience in the field of community innovation games and provides real rewards for it. At present, it is to predict the experienced participants in the market, but its goal is to grow into a large-scale encryption project, which is now open to the first experience of the project. This may be included in the future decline. What actions should be taken to subscribe to the project and avoid missing the announcement? Visit the website and connect your wallet. If you ask for an invitation code, please use it to verify your wallet. We will receive early advance tokens immediately. At first, there is a major activity to increase tokens. We need to invite friends. For this reason, the more our points will be improved, the better. We have discussed how to bridge the deposit and stabilize the currency in the official bridge. We have published a tweet about this project on the Internet, and our points will be improved. We will get the promotion from this project, find the part that will increase the key points, get familiar with it, then go to and enter the command, and then go to some praise comments. And forward posts in the main channel lounge to participate in and show activities to increase your promotion in the channel, use commands or check your ranking. When you are good, you can buy a white list to confirm and buy. You can also participate in other activities in the main chat and other places to get other white list opportunities and benefits of the project. Pay close attention to the newly released project, which will improve your points and increase your chances of getting more tokens during the airdrop. So we have participated in two new projects in the early stage and have a good chance to get airdrops in the future. We also discussed other projects in the ecosystem where you can participate and may receive airdrops. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


注册有任何问题请添加 微信:MVIP619 拉你进入群

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