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1. EigenLayer已经成为再质押生态的龙头巨无霸项目

2. Superfluid 新一期融资510 万美元, Fabric Ventures、Multicoin Capital等超级VC参投

3. LayerZero 即将上线Q2季度

4. Formless 完成220万美元融资,a16z Crypto参投

5. Gameta 完成500 万美元融资,Binance Labs参投





第三期项目:Babylon、ionet、lavanetwork、unisat、diba&bitmask bitsmiley、monad、metropolis。





参投机构:Binance Labs、Polychain、Hack VC、IOSG Ventures、Framework Ventures、Breyer Capital、Polygon Ventures、OKX Ventures、ABCDE Capital、IDG Capital等

项目进展:前段时间开展比特币质押先锋测试活动,BTC质押测试网并提交 Polygon 地址有 101,157 名合格用户,该活动造富了一批人,有人零撸了几十万美金,同时Babylon 将与 informalinc 一起将比特币质押协议引入 Cosmos,将 Cosmos Hub 转变为由 ATOM 、BTC 和生态系统代币支持的多资产安全聚合器。

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:作为比特币生态目前最受关注的项目之一,babylon更像是机构项目,同时又获得社区支持。其创始人是斯坦福教授,使得该项目拿到了很多知名VC的投资,再加上有BN参与,等待第二季度上线主网即可首发BN。

简介 是一个去中心化计算网络,支持在 Solana 区块链上开发、执行和扩展 ML 应用程序,将 100 万个 GPU 组合在一起,形成世界上最大的 GPU 集群和 聚合来自未充分利用的资源(例如独立数据中心、加密矿工以及 Filecoin、Render 等加密项目)的 GPU 来解决这个问题,这些资源结合在去中心化物理基础设施网络 (DePIN) 中,使工程师能够在可访问、可定制、经济高效且易于实施的系统中获得大量计算能力。当前最热门的AI+Depin项目


融资:3000万美金 估值10亿美金


参投机构:Hack VC 领投,SevenX Ventures、Multicoin Capital、6th Man Ventures、M13、Delphi Digital、Solana Labs、Aptos Labs、Foresight Ventures、Longhash、ArkStream Capital、Animoca Brands、Continue Capital、MH Ventures 和 OKX等

项目进展:自 Ignition 计划推出以来,在 10 天内 GPU 矿工数量已从 2.6 万个增至逾 5.1 万个。代币预计将于 4 月 28 日推出。

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:io.net目前在一级市场非常火爆,这个项目的赛道定位就可以持续很久,AI是主流叙事再加上depin模式的参与,很经典的机构项目推动社区参与,四月份大概率首发BN。

Lava network

简介:Lava Network 旨在成为区块链数据的市场。它激励节点提供商和去中心化应用程序用户将市场区块链数据输入其网络。



参投机构:Jump Capital、HashKey Capital、Tribe Capital、Node Capital、Finality Capital Partners、North Island Ventures、Dispersion Capital、Alliance DAO、Anagram、Quiet Capital、MH Ventures、Chorus One、AlphaLab Capital Group、YTWO、Protocol Labs、StarkWare、ChainLayer、Galileo、Compa Capital、Caladan、Keplr、等

项目进展:1500 个验证者,+280 个提供商注册,支持30个网络。Evmos ipRPC

Axelar ipRPC,Starknet + Apibara(其中 Lava 已经被最大的 react js 库用作默认 RPC),NEAR(已签署合同 - 公告先睹为快)Koii(已签署)和更多生态系统。主网上线时间预计是第一季度,同时有空投奖励。

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:模块化赛道才刚开始,而RPC节点也是硬需求,当两者结合在一起,我相信这个项目会非常有前景,Lava去年获利上百万美金,预计今年获利超过500万美金,可以支持任何区块链 API 和 RPC。基础层可以使用模块化规范进行扩展,这是一种新的区块链原语,这意味着 Lava 可以成为所有链的 API 层,允许 dapp 自定义其软件包并在一个订阅下访问任何 API。


简介:最热门的支持ordinals浏览器扩展钱包之一,可让用户安全轻松地在比特币区块链上存储、发送和接收比特币和 Ordinals。



参投机构:OKX Ventures、Vitalbridge Capital、ABCDE Capital、SWC Global、LK Venture、Skyland Ventures等

项目进展:目前正在接受安全审核并通过Google Play 审核流程预计要推出APP方便用户使用,brc20-swap 标准化更新,即将支持诅咒铭文和评估符文潜力。

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:作为目前具有铭文和BRC20定价权的项目之一,可以说是除了OKX钱包和BN 钱包之外最多用户和最受关注的基础设施。我们去年就说过unisat的定位和意义就相当于defi中的unisawp。铭文需要这种格局足够大并且持续建设的产品。


简介:这是同一个公司的两个产品,DIBA是一个比特币 NFT 市场,允许用户在第 2 层网络(例如闪电网络)上交易比特币智能合约发行的任何资产。BitMask钱包:比特币上的去中心化应用程序的浏览器扩展。使用 RGB 协议访问比特币金融、NFT (UDA)




Waterdrip Capital、Draper Associates、Actai Ventures、Rodney Yesep、Brad Mills、Martial Eagle Fund、SixthdaoVC

项目进展:前 9 个 RGB 资源已在 BitMask 上留下了印记,项目正在等待RGBv0.11版本上线。

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:RGB赛道是我们一直关注的一个比特币主流协议,同时我们认为RGB会有很大的机会,所以选择了目前RGB赛道中看起来最正规的项目bitmask进行押注。


BitSmiley 是比特币生态系统的 MakerDAO,通过解决当前比特币生态系统中最重大的差距——稳定币和借贷基础设施,为比特币 DeFi 提供全面的解决方案。除了提供以 BTC 超额抵押的 bitRC20 格式的稳定币外,BitSmiley 还促进基于 BRC20 的点对点借贷。此外,它还建立了基于贷款框架的保险和CDS衍生品。



参投机构:Kucoin Ventures、SatoshiLab、ABCDE Capital、OKX Ventures、CMS Holdings、Foresight Ventures、LK Venture、Waterdrip Capital、Blockchain Founders Fund、ArkStream Capital、7upDAO、Comma3 Ventures、Momentum Capital (MT Capital)、Cryptogram Venture(CGV)、Candaq Fintech Group等

项目进展:与merlin合作,用户可质押bitDisc-Black NFT,该NFT自从发售以来涨幅达到百倍。与portal合作将$bitUSD集成到 PortalDEX 网络中,开展bitSmiley嘉年华活动,可获取奖励,等待质押上线会开启新一轮的叙事。

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:BitSmiley自推出以来取得了很多优秀的成绩,与众多项目合作同时发售的OG NFT卡让大多数玩家获利数十倍,拿到了头部机构的投资,作为BTC生态中具有创新性的稳定币项目,期待其能够填补BTC生态中的空白,预计首发OKX,kucoin等大所。


简介:在为下一代去中心化应用程序构建高性能的第 1 层区块链,其使命是通过构建比最接近的竞争对手快 100 倍至 1000 倍的区块链来加速去中心化的破坏性力量,缓解现有区块链的严重瓶颈,并实现更复杂的应用程序和更广泛的采用



参投机构:Dragonfly、Lemniscap、Shima Capital、Placeholder、Finality Capital Partners、Credibly Neutral、Naval Ravikant、Cobie、Hasu、0xMaki

项目进展:Wormhole对monad社区空投,上线内部测试网,已有接近 60 家项目确定将基于 Monad 进行构建,等待测试网上线

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:Monad 的愿景是通过“并行处理”的方式在 Layer1 单层大规模改进 EVM 的执行效率,进而释放 EVM 生态系统的潜力。该团队背景都是很强,同时技术社区也是顶级,很大可能成为下一代公链王者级项目,或者说是下一个sol


Metropolis 正在提供一个精心策划、艺术家绘制的功能性虚拟世界,其中包括一个数字物理市场、独家活动和端到端的游戏化。MetropolisX 的核心是一个协作市场,创作者可以在其中获利并推出个性化产品,而他们的粉丝则可以拥有更身临其境的联系并访问独家产品、内容和体验。



参投机构:Cointelegraph Accelerator、Lamina1 Ecosystem Fund、ACS、Outlier Ventures、Protocol Labs、Primal Capital、Zephyrus Capital、Cluster Capital、EthLizards、Acacia Digital、Block Consult、IBC 以及多位战略天使投资人参投。

项目进展:与 Yung Gravy、Steve Aoki、Christian Cowan、Time Out 等顶级品牌和创作者签订了 350 多份合作协议。合作伙伴的累计影响力超过 3 亿,面向公司和品牌的白标 SaaS 解决方案,在头 12 个月中,来自 metaverse 的收入达 150 万美元。正在为 2024 年年中的代币生成活动做准备,该活动有望将其各个组成部分整合成一个有凝聚力的游戏化生态系统

SixthDaoVC 关注理由:Metropolis 拥有一支拥有二十年世界构建专业知识的故事讲述者团队,旨在为其虚拟领域的每个角落增加深度。与多位知名艺术家合作,元宇宙赛道我们还是比较关注,并且认为还有爆发的空间,那么这个项目可以算是小而美小而精的项目。



Hello, everyone, the investment research column that has been delayed for more than half a year has returned to the first two issues. We have summarized and partially participated in some projects. Let's briefly review the first two projects. The second phase is as shown in the figure. The latest progress of the second phase has become the leader of the re-pledge ecology. The new phase of the Big Mac project is about to go online, and the super-participation of $10,000 will be completed in the quarter. After reviewing the first two issues of the star project, we will start the third phase of the project to explain the third phase of the project introduction. Bitcoin pledge agreement, Bitcoin timestamp agreement and Bitcoin data availability agreement, official website's total financing of 10,000 US dollars, participating institutions and other projects are progressing. Some time ago, we launched the Bitcoin pledge pioneer test activity pledge test network and submitted the address to a qualified user. This activity has made a group of people rich, and some people have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the same time, the introduction of Bitcoin pledge agreement will be transformed into a cause and ecosystem. As one of the most concerned projects in Bitcoin ecology, the multi-asset security aggregator supported by unified tokens is more like an institutional project and has won community support. Its founder is Professor Stanford, which has made the project get a lot of well-known investments. In addition, it can be launched by participating in the main network in the second quarter. The introduction is a decentralized computing network that supports the development, execution and expansion of applications on the blockchain, combining 10,000 together to form the world's largest cluster and aggregation from. Underutilized resources, such as encrypted miners in independent data centers and other encrypted projects, can solve this problem. These resources are combined in the decentralized physical infrastructure network to enable engineers to gain a lot of computing power in accessible, customizable, economical, efficient and easy-to-implement systems. At present, the most popular project, official website financing, is valued at US$ 100 million. It is reported that the number of miners has increased from 10,000 to US$ 100 million since the launch of the plan. More than 10,000 tokens are expected to be launched on January. The reason for concern is that it is very popular in the primary market at present. The track positioning of this project can last for a long time. Coupled with the participation of the model, it is a classic institutional project to promote community participation. The introduction of the high probability launch in April aims to become a market for blockchain data. It encourages node providers and decentralized application users to input market blockchain data into their networks. The official website-funded US dollar seed round investment institutions and other project progress verifiers provide it. Business registration supports a network, which has been used as the default signed contract announcement by the largest library. The online time of the main network of the signed and more ecosystems is expected to be in the first quarter. At the same time, there are reasons for concern about airdrop awards. The modular track has just begun and the nodes are hard to meet. When the two are combined, I believe that this project will have a very promising profit of millions of dollars last year. It is expected that the profit this year will exceed US dollars, which can support any blockchain and the basic layer can be expanded by using modular specifications. It is a new blockchain primitive, which means that it can become a layer of all chains, allowing users to customize their software packages and access any profile under one subscription. One of the most popular extended wallets for supporting browsers allows users to safely and easily store and receive bitcoin and undisclosed financing amount of official website in the bitcoin blockchain. The progress of projects such as participating institutions is currently undergoing security audit and is expected to be introduced through the audit process. Standardized updates are convenient for users to use, and curse inscriptions and evaluators are about to be supported. As one of the projects with inscription and pricing power at present, the reason for concern about the potential of the text can be said to be the infrastructure with the largest number of users and the most attention except wallets. The positioning and significance we said last year is equivalent to the inscription in China, which needs products and profiles that are large enough and continuously built. These are two products of the same company and a bitcoin market, which allows users to trade any asset wallet issued by bitcoin smart contracts on the first-tier network, such as lightning network. The browser of decentralized application is extended to use the protocol to access the bitcoin financial website. The financing amount of the participating institutions has not been disclosed. The previous resources have left a mark on the website. The project is waiting for the version to go online. The reason for concern is that the track is a mainstream bitcoin protocol that we have been paying attention to. At the same time, we think there will be great opportunities, so choosing the most formal project on the current track to bet is the most important thing in the current bitcoin ecosystem. Gap-stabilized coins and lending infrastructure provide a comprehensive solution for Bitcoin, in addition to providing stable coins in the form of over-mortgage, it also promotes peer-to-peer lending based on the loan framework. In addition, it has established insurance and derivatives based on the loan framework, and the financing amount of official website has not been disclosed. Users can pledge the progress and cooperation of the project, such as participating institutions, which has increased by a hundredfold since its launch. The cooperation will be integrated into the network to carry out carnival activities and get rewards. Waiting for the pledge to go online will start a new round of narrative attention. Reasons: Since its launch, many excellent achievements have been made. The cards sold at the same time in cooperation with many projects have made most players gain dozens of times. As an innovative stable currency project in the ecology, it is expected to fill the gaps in the ecology. It is expected that the first launch will be introduced. In building a high-performance first-tier blockchain for the next generation of decentralized applications, its mission is to accelerate the destructive force of decentralization by building a blockchain that is times faster than the nearest competitor. Alleviate the serious bottleneck of the existing blockchain and realize more complex applications and wider use of official website's financing of US$ 10,000 participating institutions. The progress of the project has been airdropped to the community. The internal test network has been close to home. The determination of the project will be based on the construction of the online waiting test line. The vision of paying attention to the reasons is to greatly improve the execution efficiency at a single level through parallel processing, thus releasing the potential of the ecosystem. The team background is strong, and the technical community is also top-level, which is likely to become the next generation public chain. The king-level project or the next one is providing a functional virtual world drawn by a well-planned artist, which includes an exclusive activity in the digital physical market and the end-to-end gamification. The core is a collaborative market where creators can make profits and launch personalized products, while their fans can have more immersive contact and access to exclusive product content and experience. official website's financing amount is US$ 100,000. The participating institutions and a number of strategic angel investors have participated in the project progress and signed several cooperation agreements with top brands and creators. The cumulative influence of the partners is over 100 million, which is oriented to companies and brands. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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