全链游戏的未来:“MUD ECS 引擎的承诺”

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Web3 的理念似乎与游戏行业和近年来的游戏化趋势完美契合。相当长一段时间以来,我们一直被承诺以一种独特的体验:链上游戏的形式带来新的颠覆。去中心化等特性将权力平衡从游戏行业的现有者,更多地转向创意实体,可组合性打破了长期封闭的花园的围墙,以及玩家真正的所有权。但这些强大的理想仍然被搁置一边,因为我们尚未在实践中看到它们。MUD 是第一次勇敢的尝试,为链上游戏创建一个完整的框架,这可能会点燃下一代游戏的火花。


关于创新、从头开始构建一切以及创造全新生物的痴迷有很多,但就游戏而言,设计模式和新工程利基创建方面有数十年的经验教训,值得被认真对待,忽略这些就相当于尝试使用 Atari 技术创建 AAA 游戏。



很难在游戏引擎和游戏本身之间建立明确的区别。一般来说,游戏引擎是具有一组规则和设计模式的框架,可以稍微修改和扩展以创建不同的游戏实现。到了上世纪 90 年代,经过多年的碎片化游戏开发,情况发生了变化,“基于类型”的游戏引擎和一些开发通用引擎的努力占据了主导地位《Doom》和《Unreal》等游戏的核心组件,可以重复用于创建许多不同的游戏,相似类型的游戏开始共享许多核心逻辑植入。开发赛车、格斗和第一人称射击游戏的成本和复杂性呈数量级下降。不可能变成了可能,一代又一代的游戏和升级的代码不断累积。从软件的角度来看,这是游戏开发成为一个巨大产业的主要原因之一。


  1. 缺乏框架:每个团队都试图从头开始构建一切,导致效率低下,并且缺乏构建者处理相同问题,并优化最佳解决方案的经验汇总和系统知识

  2. 缺乏代码可重用性:以当今前在开发的许多链上游戏为例,其中有多少可以成功复制并创造出略有不同的游戏?有多少在游戏的不同层和组件之间有明确的区别,从而允许使用类似的代码库构建更新一代的游戏?创建最重要且相互关联的游戏开源项目的承诺似乎还很遥远

  3. 缺乏数据可组合性:它并不以代码可重用性结束,它还涉及链上游戏利用共享区块链状态,使用游戏 A 和游戏 B 中的数据相互构建的能力。在实践中,需要花费大量的工作和资源来整合游戏 A 的数据和逻辑,一场比赛变成另一场比赛。

MUD 的解决方案:

MUD 是第一个勇敢的尝试,通过提供可维护性、可升级性和可成型性的结构,作为链上游戏创建引擎和框架。MUD 倡导的实体组件系统(ECS)模式,对于一般游戏开发有意义,对于链上游戏开发更有意义

智能合约中的 ECS:

MUD 中最基本的构建块是组件(Components),它们以智能合约形式存在,其功能类似于存储实体(Entity)数据的数据库。例如,我们有一个实体(以太坊地址),例如玩家的钱包地址。该地址表示的实体可以具有不同的属性,例如:位置组件中的位置(x,y)、级别组件中的级别10,以及代币组件中的数值 50,组件(Components)仅包含映射和基本配置。

系统(Systems)更加复杂,并且实现了改变组件(Components)值的逻辑。你可以将其视为系统(Systems)指定数据库(组件)上的 POST 请求 API。只有获得对特定组件(Components)的写入权限,他们才能向该组件写入数据,这里就变得有趣了。系统(Systems)可以与不同的组件交互以创建详细的逻辑。你可以有一个移动系统,指定玩家可以进行的有效移动(例如:每次移动两步),你也可以有一个奖励系统,每次玩家升级时都会给他们金币。

所有这些都在世界合约(World contact)中注册,以便组件数据的每次更改都会发出一个事件。世界合约是无需许可的,任何人都可以添加新的系统和组件。理论上,不同的世界合约可以相互作用。

ECS 引入链上游戏会产生非常优雅的结构,使得 OPcraft 仅由 10 个组件和大约 15 个系统组成。


ECS 系统不仅在传统游戏开发中具有完美的意义,在链上游戏中更是如此,因为它提供了两个重要的功能:

  1. 已部署游戏的可升级性

  2. 最高程度的可组合性


想象一下标准的 PVP 策略游戏,玩家可以组建军队互相战斗。基础版本是 2D,但现在团队决定为游戏创建 3D 渲染。他们所需要做的就是获取所有与位置相关的系统(Systems),并使用 (x,y,z) 坐标而不是 (x,y) 创建升级版本。所有其他系统(Systems)和组件(如:攻击系统、生命值和军队建筑)可以保持不变。它甚至超越了最初开发团队的范围,社区可以通过重新部署系统和组件,来创建游戏的不同模组(Mod),甚至可以通过授予对新系统(Systems)的写入权限,来与相同的组件进行交互(如果是社区拥有的游戏,可以使用各种治理模型来表决此类决定)。

另一种方法保留相同的组件和系统,不给予新系统写入访问权限,而是通过添加组件(Components)和系统(Systems)来扩展游戏内的功能,它会是什么样子?考虑一个基本的链上国际象棋游戏,动作和规则系统已经部署。人们可以像玩现实生活中的国际象棋一样玩游戏,但也许你的团队决定创建一个额外的层:一个包含用于匹配或任何其他用例的评级系统的社交层。你需要做的就是添加一个评级组件(Component)和一个具有评级规则的系统(System)。这不仅可以非常无缝地使用户迁移到新的游戏版本(更好的用户体验),而且还为不同版本在智能合约层面并存或相互叠加创造了技术手段。玩家可以在不同的游戏版本上玩,同时与相同的核心组件的数据进行交互,这除了可组合性应用程序之外,也是非常创新的。它创造了选择加入不变性的功能,创造了链上游戏提供的另一个所有权维度。不同游戏资产(如分数、NFT、成就)的真正所有权由不可变的逻辑保护,这些逻辑可以通过额外的升级进行扩展,但其核心不会改变它解决了 Web3 游戏的主要问题之一,即创作者可以在未经同意的情况下削弱资产的能力


请注意,MUD 是一个正在进行的项目。下一部分可能不是最新的,并且可能有一些不准确的描述,但总体架构应该不会发生巨大变化。

目前为止,我们已经研究了智能合约层面的 MUD。但还有更多,MUD 提供了一整套包含客户端库和层的套件, MUD 的设计有一些独特的功能。

  1. 客户端可组合性

  2. 客户端与区块链状态变化(游戏数据)完全同步

  3. PhaserX 作为渲染层



网络层是客户端的基础层。它包含基本配置(World 合约、游戏和网络配置)和游戏交互的 API。创建网络层时,它具有你的客户端能够与之交互的,所有不同组件和系统的规范,并且你可以选择仅与特定组件/系统进行交互。

例如,如果你希望在游戏中创建运动,并在前端对其进行表示,则需要创建一个与位置组件部署的智能合约,以及运动系统同步的网络层。现在你可以创建一个 Move API,它作用于一个位置和一些游戏内对象(实体),并设置其位置或将其从一个地方移动到另一个地方。任何时候玩家都可以使用 Move API,他们将向区块链提交交易。对运动系统而言,他们将执行运动系统智能合约中的功能。


你可能会问客户端组件如何与链组件同步。这是开发者在处理链上游戏客户端时面临的重大挑战之一,MUD 有一些解决方案。

首先,MUD 引入了快照功能,使客户端与 World 状态(即组件的实体值)同步,而无需处理所有过去的事件来重建状态,从而降低延迟并降低复杂性。

此外,MUD 的 ID 系统,其中每个系统(System)和组件(Component)都会根据其名称获得一个 id,并且在部署时,它们会在 World 合约中注册,从而更容易跟踪更改、与游戏交互。

渲染层:Event 何时以及如何渲染

MUD 附带 PhaserX,“构建在 Phaser 之上的高度可扩展的引擎”,PhaserX 不是必选的。在 OPcraft 中,用的是 Noa 体素引擎,而不是 PhaserX。理论上,你可以使用任何引擎,只要它遵循结构即可。

如前所述,每个组件和系统都在 World 合约上注册,当发生更改时,将发出一个事件(带有组件 ID 和实体 ID 等标识数据)。这里 ECS 流服务可以为客户端提供选择订阅哪些事件的选项。

实体的图形表示可以是你想要的任何形式。格斗游戏可以有动漫人物、骑士,甚至是你最喜欢的加密领域 KOL。只要它们代表链上事件并对链上事件做出反应,它们都是有效的版本。


It seems that the concept of the game industry and the gamification trend in recent years are in perfect harmony. For a long time, we have been promised to bring new subversion and decentralization in the form of a unique experience chain game, and shift the balance of power from the existing players in the game industry to creative entities. The composability has broken the long-closed garden wall and the real ownership of players, but these powerful ideals have still been put aside because we have not seen them in practice for the first time. Bravely trying to create a complete framework for online games may ignite the spark of the next generation of games. There are many lessons in the traditional game industry about innovation, building everything from scratch and creating new creatures. But as far as games are concerned, there are decades of experience and lessons in designing patterns and creating new engineering niches that deserve to be taken seriously. Ignoring these lessons is equivalent to trying to create games using technology. When we look back at the early stage of game development, we can see that they are obviously similar to online games. There are a lot of talents and highly inspiring projects, but there is a lack of coordination and clear framework. In the early days of video games, beliefs and design patterns have been established before the birth of game engines. Different video games have almost nothing in common. To some extent, similar games may have completely different code bases, but with the introduction of game engines, it is difficult to establish a clear difference between game engines and games themselves. Generally speaking, game engines have a set of rules and design patterns. The framework can be slightly modified and expanded to create different games. After years of fragmentation, the situation of game development has changed. Type-based game engines and some efforts to develop general-purpose engines have occupied a dominant position, and the core components of the game can be reused to create many different games. Similar types of games have begun to share many core logics, and the cost and complexity of developing racing fighting and first-person shooting games have dropped by an order of magnitude, which is impossible to become. From the software point of view, this is one of the main reasons why game development has become a huge industry. There are several core problems in online games, and each team tries to build everything from scratch, which leads to inefficiency and lack of experience summary and system knowledge for builders to deal with the same problems and optimize the best solutions, and lack of code reusability. Take many online games under development today as an example. How many games are copied and created slightly differently? There are clear differences between different layers and components of the game, thus allowing the use of similar code bases to build a new generation of games. The commitment to create the most important and interrelated open source projects of the game seems to be still far away. It lacks data composability. It does not end with code reusability. It also involves the ability of online games to use shared blockchain state to use games and data in games to build each other. In practice, it takes a lot of work and effort. Resources to integrate the data and logic of the game, the solution to turn one game into another is the first brave attempt. The entity component system model advocated by providing a structure with maintainability, scalability and formability as the engine and framework of online game creation is meaningful for general game development and more meaningful for online game development. The most basic building blocks in smart contracts are components, which exist in the form of smart contracts, and their functions are similar to those of databases storing entity data, for example. We have an entity Ethernet address, such as the player's wallet address. The entity represented by this address can have different attributes, such as the location level in the location component, the level in the component and the numerical component in the token component. The system only contains mapping and basic configuration, and the logic of changing the component value is realized. You can regard it as a request for the system to specify a database component. Only by obtaining write permission for a specific component can they write data to this component. Here it becomes interesting. The system can interact with different components to create detailed logic. You can have a mobile system to specify the effective movements that players can make. For example, you can also have a reward system for every two moves. Every time players upgrade, they will be given gold coins. All of these are registered in the world contract so that every change of component data will send an event. The world contract does not require permission. Anyone can add new systems and components. Theoretically, different world contracts can interact and lead. The online game will produce a very elegant structure, which makes a truly composable system composed of only 20 components and about 20 systems, which is not only perfect in traditional game development, but also in online games, because it provides two important functions: the upgradeability of deployed games and the highest degree of composability. Imagine two paths: one is to keep the basic design, the other is to change the core game logic and imagine the standard strategy. Players can form the basic version of the military fighting each other. Yes, but now the team has decided to create a rendering for the game. All they need to do is to get all the systems related to the location and use coordinates instead of creating an upgraded version. All other systems and components, such as attack system health and military buildings, can remain unchanged. It even goes beyond the scope of the original development team. Communities can create different modules of the game by redeploying systems and components, and even interact with the same components by granting write permission to the new system. If it is a community, The game you own can use various governance models to vote on such decisions. Another method keeps the same components and systems, and does not give the new system write access. Instead, it expands the functions in the game by adding components and systems. Consider what it will look like. A basic online chess game action and rules system has been deployed. People can play the game like real-life chess, but maybe your team decides to create an extra layer, including one for matching or anything. In the social layer of rating system for other use cases, what you need to do is to add a rating component and a system with rating rules, which can not only seamlessly enable users to migrate to new game versions, but also create technical means for different versions to coexist or overlap at the level of smart contracts. Players can play on different game versions and interact with the data of the same core component at the same time, which is very innovative in addition to composable applications. It creates the function of choosing to join invariance and creates another ownership dimension provided by online games, such as different game assets. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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