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来源:Coindesk,编译:比推BitpushNews Mary Liu

以太坊 Dencun 升级预计将于美国东部时间3月13日9:55 AM左右启动,名为“proto-danksharding”或EIP-4844 的新以太坊改进提案 (EIP) 将被激活,将为基于以太坊运行的辅助网络(L2/Rollup)开辟一个更低费用的新时代。

截屏2024-03-12 下午12.58.34.png

Dencun 取自 Deneb + Cancun 的组合,意味着在以太坊共识层和执行层上同时发生的两项升级,这将是以太坊自 2023 年 4 月的 Shapella 升级以来最大的更新。


Dencun 将引入 Proto-Danksharding ,这是理论过渡到实践的一个漫长过程(Vitalik Buterin在 2019 年首次提到),它改变了以太坊存储数据的方式。


Dencun 不会将所有数据直接保存在以太坊主网的不可变执行层上(昂贵+计算量大),而是引入一种新的临时方式来存储“blob”数据,这种方式更便宜。“blob”可能听起来没那么顺耳,但它们实际上是计算机科学中的一个常见概念。Javascript 和 Python 等编程语言中也有类似的数据管理 blob。

Proto-danksharding 是以太坊首次尝试“分片”(sharding),这是一组将区块链分解为迷你分片(或迷你链)的技术,以廉价地处理更多交易。

分片的最终版本虽然还需要几年的时间,但Proto-danksharding 可以通过降低 L2 网络的费用来帮助在短期内解决以太坊的高额 Gas 费问题。

Proto-Danksharding 起源?

Proto-Danksharding 是以两位以太坊研究人员 Dankrad Feist 和 Proto Lambda 的名字命名的,他们提出了这一改变。

Proto-Danksharding 对于 Danksharding 的全面推出是一个必要条件,Danksharding进一步简化数据存储,还需要几年时间才能实现。

此外,尽管名称中包含“分片”一词,但 Danksharding 和 Proto-Danksharding 都不是将数据库“分片”(或拆分)为计算机科学中已知的较小部分的传统方式(以太坊扩容的最初计划)。从某种意义上说,Dencun 引入 Proto-Danksharding 严重偏离了以太坊最初的路线图,选择它是因为它更容易实现。


建立 Proto-Danksharding 的第一步发生在 2022 年–当时最大的“Trusted Setup”仪式。以研究人员(Aniket Kate、Gregory M. Zaverucha 和 Ian Goldberg)的名字命名,他们在以太坊上创建了 Blob 存储的关键组件,成千上万的人参加了 KZG 仪式,这是以太坊社区集体生成原始 danks 分片工作所需的秘密随机数据字符串的一种方式。

以太坊的无 Gas 时代,哪些板块受益最多?

Dencun 将使 L2 交易变得超级便宜—-几乎无成本,这将推动以太坊上的几乎所有活动切换到这些网络,一些项目或协议可能会通过消耗用户通常必须承担的Gas费用来激励使用(比支付营销费用更便宜!)。

Dencun 之后,L2 将能够在专用 blob 空间内将数据发布到以太坊,而不是被迫支付更高的成本将数据压缩到传统交易中。理论上,这可以帮助 L2 更有效地处理更多数据,从而降低最终用户的费用。

ArbitrumOptimismPolygon 等二层网络将从 Dencun 中受益最多。这些网络通过捆绑用户的交易,然后将它们传递到以太坊,并在那里进行大批量结算,来帮助扩展以太坊。在过去的一年里,它们已成为在以太坊上进行交易的主要平台,积累了数十亿美元的资金池,并始终拥有比以太坊主链更高的交易量。


Celestia、EigenDA 和 Avail 等 DA 层可帮助网络存储大量数据;L2 经常使用它们来存储交易数据。Proto-danksharding 可以降低下载 DA 数据的成本。

Polygon 联合创始人 Jordi Baylina此前表示,“成本应该会降低,主要是因为这是供需问题。你的供应量更大,以太坊上的数据可用性也会更大,所以成本应该会更低。具体多少?我们不知道,这很难预测”。

Optimism 网络主要开发公司OP Labs首席执行官 Karl Floersch 表示:“可扩展性是实现跨项目和团队开发者之间无需许可的协作的根本解锁。通过 EIP-4844 和 Dencun,整个以太坊生态系统的开发者可以更无缝地一起构建。”



根据L2Beat 数据,过去 7 天L2网络的平均每秒交易量 (TPS) 为 93.18,而以太坊的平均每秒交易量 (TPS) 为 14.42,L2 Scaling Factor倍数约为8.36。

截屏2024-03-12 下午1.28.52.png

L2fees 的数据还显示,在 Arbitrum 上发送 ETH 的平均成本为 0.24 美元,交换代币的成本为 0.67 美元。Optimism 的费用分别为 0.47 美元和 0.92 美元,而 Polygon 的费用为 0.78 美元和 2.85 美元。

富达在关于此次升级的报告指出,L2费用约占L1费用总额的 10%。该资金管理公司表示,升级后该比例预计将“大幅下降”。

在 Dencun 之后,以太坊开发人员将开始解决下一次升级的内容,现在称为 Electra +布拉格(Petra)。

截至目前,开发人员尚未决定该软件包中将包含哪些内容,其中认可度最高的升级之一被称为“Verkle Trees”,这是一种新型数据类别,可以帮助节点存储大量数据。Verkle Trees的开发正在进行V神曾表示,以太坊单独的质押者和网络节点将从 Verkle Trees的部署中受益。

Source compilation is better than pushing the upgrade of Ethereum. It is expected that the new Ethereum improvement proposal named or will be activated around March, US Eastern Time, which will open up a new era with lower cost for the auxiliary network based on Ethereum operation. The combination taken in the afternoon means two upgrades at the same time on the Ethereum consensus layer and the implementation layer, which will be the biggest update of Ethereum since the upgrade in June. This is a long process from theory to practice. It was first mentioned in 2000 that it changed to. The way of storing data in Taifang will not save all data directly on the immutable execution layer of the main network of Ethereum, which is expensive and requires a lot of calculation. Instead, it will introduce a new temporary way to store data, which is cheaper and may not sound so pleasant, but they are actually a common concept in computer science and there are similar data management in other programming languages. This is the first attempt of Ethereum to fragment, which is a set of technologies to decompose blockchain into mini-fragments or mini-chains to handle more transactions cheaply. Although the final version of Easy Fragmentation will take several years, it can help to solve the problem of high cost of Ethereum in a short time by reducing the network cost. Its origin is named after two researchers of Ethereum, and they put forward that this change is a necessary condition for the comprehensive introduction of, and it will take several years to further simplify data storage. In addition, although the name contains the word Fragmentation, and neither of them is to fragment or split the database into smaller ones known in computer science. In a sense, the introduction of some traditional ways, the initial plan for the expansion of Ethereum, seriously deviated from the original roadmap of Ethereum. It was chosen because it was easier to realize the establishment. The first step took place in, when the largest ceremony was named after researchers and they created the key components of storage on Ethereum. Thousands of people attended the ceremony, which was a way for Ethereum community to collectively generate the secret random data strings needed for the original fragmentation work. The most benefit of the plate will make the transaction super cheap and almost cost-free, which will promote almost all activities in the Ethereum to switch to these networks. Some projects or agreements may stimulate the use by consuming the expenses that users usually have to bear. After being cheaper than paying marketing expenses, they will be able to publish data to the Ethereum in a dedicated space instead of being forced to pay higher costs to compress the data into traditional transactions. In theory, this can help to process more data more effectively and reduce the end use. Second-tier networks, such as users' fees and the like, will benefit the most from it. These networks will help expand the Ethereum by bundling users' transactions, then delivering them to Ethereum and making large-scale settlement there. In the past year, they have become the main platform for trading in Ethereum, accumulating billions of dollars in cash pools and always having a higher transaction volume than the main chain of Ethereum. They will also benefit a new type of blockchain that enters the competition in Ethereum, which is called data availability layer and equal-level help network. Storing a large amount of data and often using them to store transaction data can reduce the cost of downloading data. The co-founder said earlier that the cost should be reduced mainly because of the supply and demand, and the availability of data on the Ethereum will be greater, so the cost should be lower. We don't know how much it is difficult to predict. The CEO of the major network development company said that scalability is the fundamental unlocking of cooperation between cross-project and team developers without permission. Developers of the Ethereum ecosystem can build together more seamlessly. He said that this upgrade will enable a group of loosely coordinated developers to really build a system that can provide the overall experience. These experiences will subvert the platform user experience that was used to being centrally planned from top to bottom. According to the data, the average transaction volume per second of the network in the past day is zero, while the average transaction volume per second of Ethereum is multiple. The data in the afternoon also shows that the average cost of sending on the Internet is US dollars to exchange tokens. The cost is USD and the cost is USD and USD respectively. Fidelity pointed out in the report on this upgrade that the cost accounts for about USD and USD. The fund management company said that the proportion is expected to drop sharply after the upgrade. After that, the developers of Ethereum will begin to solve the content of the next upgrade, which is now called Prague. Up to now, the developers have not decided what the software package will contain. One of the most recognized upgrades is called this new data category, which can help the nodes to store a large amount of data. The development is underway. God once said that the individual pledge and network nodes of Ethereum will benefit from the deployment. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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