
币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 08:55:30 评论:0



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据Kaiko Research数据显示,在比特币创纪录的涨势期间,每日新增大约1500个新的“百万美元钱包”。今年以来,数量最多的一天是3月1日,新增了1691个“百万美元钱包”。

今年1月份美国比特币ETF推出以来,需求极为旺盛,Kaiko Research表示,即便如此,目前每日新增的百万美元钱包数量仍然低于2021年的上一轮牛市,当时平均每天有超过4000个钱包突破百万美元门槛。


比如,萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele的比特币购买策略已获得丰厚回报。

根据Nayib Tracker网站的数据,萨尔瓦多的加密货币金库目前利润为8500万美元, 比特币价格在3月11日创下历史新高,超过72,000美元。萨尔瓦多整个投资组合包含2,861枚BTC,目前价值2.073亿美元。







比如,根据彭博分析师Eric Balchunas发布的数据显示,美国比特币现货ETF日交易量突破55亿美元,为历史第二高。



2021 年之前的灰度(Grayscale)可谓是风头无两,直到今年 1 月 10 日,好日子戛然而止。

SoSoValue 统计数据显示,1 月 11 日以来,GBTC 累计已流出超 100 亿美元,总资产净值跌至 270 亿美元,更是 10 支现货比特币 ETF 之中唯一不断净流出的产品。

面对压力,2 月 15 日,灰度邮件通知显示,已向认可的投资者开放 5 支山寨币信托私募配售认购。

一句话概括,就是开放 BCH、LINK、LTC、SOL、XLM 这 5 个加密货币信托的私募,供合格投资者认购。但目前除了比特币信托 GBTC 外,其它加密信托都还只是封闭式基金,无法在市场双向赎回。

Coinglass 统计数据显示,2 月 15 日开放私募认购后的不到 1 个月时间里,这 5 个加密信托在灰度所有基金持仓中呈现出明显的净流入状态,但只有 SOL 属于断档的存在——净增超 9.75 万枚,价值超 1350 万美元。


2024年3月6日,不同于 2020 年突破 2 万美元关口后的一马平川,此番比特币在创新高后并未一鼓作气,反而转向急跌——闪跌来势猛、跌幅大,次日凌晨 3:55 最低触及 59000 USDT,5 小时跌逾 14.5%。

与此同时,以太坊从最高 3821 USDT 凌晨最低跌至 3179 USDT,跌逾更是高达 16.8%。山寨币市场也是一片血流成河。

Coinglass 数据显示,全网爆仓逾 9 亿美元,其中多单爆仓 7.53 亿美元,占比超 83%,完全是一场针对多军的单向屠戮,给「急热上头」的市场被动完成了一波杠杆大清理。


当比特币的价值冲破天际, 七万美金的壁垒被其轻易击破。如同探索者发现新大陆, 其市值一跃超过白银,熠熠生辉。











The car of Bitcoin has started, and the ticket has broken through the $10,000 mark, reaching a record high. At the same time, the market value of Bitcoin has surpassed that of silver, ranking first in the global assets. If the market value of Bitcoin rises to $10,000, it even ranks second in the global assets, second only to gold. According to the data, during the record rise of Bitcoin, about 10 new million-dollar wallets have been added every day. The largest number of wallets this year is the addition of a million-dollar wallet on March. Since the launch of Bitcoin in the United States this year, demand has been extremely strong. Even so, the number of new million-dollar wallets every day is still lower than that of the last bull market in, when on average more than one wallet broke through the million-dollar threshold every day. From the address, it can also be analyzed that many individual companies and even sovereign countries behind them have made huge profits because of the participation of bitcoin tickets in this wave. For example, President El Salvador's bitcoin purchase strategy has gained rich returns. According to the data of the website, the current profit of El Salvador's cryptocurrency vault is $10,000, and the price of bitcoin is in June. In addition, according to the tracking results, Tesla's wallet holds about 100 million bitcoin, which is an increase from the last financial report. Tesla's current floating profit is 100 million dollars, and the floating profit is 100 million dollars. At the same time, many large institutions and sovereign countries are holding or even planning to expand the bitcoin portfolio. For example, BlackRock plans to achieve a strategic income of 100 million dollars in its asset management scale. Adding Bitcoin Exposure to Opportunity Fund Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo, subsidiaries of Bank of America, provide customers with 10,000 bitcoins. After the floating profit of $100 million, they plan to privately issue $100 million convertible priority notes and use the net proceeds to buy bitcoins. El Salvador, which holds about 100 bitcoins, still said that it would not sell Korean cryptocurrency after the floating profit. The trading volume on Sunday exceeded the local stock market turnover on Friday. The cryptocurrency exchange in South Korea recorded about one trillion won on Sunday. The trading volume of US$ 100 million exceeded the trillion won of the stock market on Friday. Under the strong market, Bitcoin is attracting more funds to accelerate the inflow into the market, and the outside world has reached a bullish consensus on its market outlook. Behind the surge in the market value of the encryption market is the continuous inflow of funds. The data shows that about US$ 100 million of funds have flowed into the encryption market in the past day, which is the highest since January, and the amount of funds flowing into several bitcoin investment products has also reached a new high in the near future. For example, according to the data released by Bloomberg analysts, The daily trading volume of spot bitcoin in the United States exceeded US$ 100 million, which was the second highest in history. However, there are always people in the market who are happy and worried about the gray scale before the year. It can be said that there was no difference until the good days came to an abrupt end on March this year. Statistics show that the total net asset value has exceeded US$ 100 million since March, and it is the only product among the spot bitcoins that has continuously flowed out. Facing the pressure, the gray mail notice on March shows that the private placement subscription of the cottage currency trust has been opened to recognized investors. To sum up, it is to open the private placement of this cryptocurrency trust for qualified investors to subscribe. However, at present, except for Bitcoin trust, other cryptocurrencies are only closed-end funds, which can't be redeemed in the two-way market. Statistics show that in less than a month after the private placement was opened on January, this cryptocurrency trust showed an obvious net inflow in all fund positions in gray scale, but only the existence of broken files has a net increase of over 10,000 pieces with a value of over 10,000 US dollars. Ma Pingchuan's bitcoin did not go all out this time after hitting a new high, but instead turned to a sharp drop. The lowest hit hour in the early morning of the next day fell more than 0. At the same time, Ethereum fell from the highest to the lowest in the morning, which was as high as the cottage currency market. The data shows that the whole network exploded more than 100 million US dollars, of which more than 100 million US dollars accounted for a one-way massacre against multiple armies, which passively completed a wave of leverage cleanup and wrote it as bitcoin at the end. The value broke through the barrier of $70,000 in the sky and was easily broken by it, just as the explorer discovered the new continent, and its market value jumped above that of silver. In the digital ocean, funds poured in like a tide, and within 30 days, there was a huge flow of $50 billion. Individual companies and countries entered the market one after another. From Tesla to BlackRock, El Salvador, to the bank, the light of Bitcoin lit up the road of investment. However, this road was not smooth. In early spring, Bitcoin and Ethereum suddenly rose and fell, and the whole network burst and lost countless gray-scale boats, Tickets for bitcoin for more than ten years are becoming more and more precious, and its journey is endless like an epic. Let's cherish buying tickets together, boarding the bus, exploring the unknown in this world and enjoying the scenery. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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