
币圈资讯 阅读:36 2024-04-22 08:55:01 评论:0



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像这样的小规模交易所在流水暴跌之后,不出意外就是提桶跑路了,但让大家没想到的是,这家跑得如此之快。2024年2月23日,BitForex直接在自己的线上加密资产钱包中提现5700万美元后关闭了自己的网站,加密社群客服直接删号消失。根据ZachXBT的报告,准确来说,BitForex 的钱包共流出了 5650 万美元。其中包括5400 万美元的TRB、100 万美元的ETH和25 万美元的USDC。







另外,如Dune Analytics、Chainalysis也是飒姐团队常用的链上数据监测和分析工具,多家平台定期发布的虚拟资产报告不仅数据来源广泛,也具有一定的真实客观性,可作为投资参考。



从BitForex案件来看,ZachXBT的初步调查结果显示,2024年1月,BitForex明面上的首席执行官Jason Luo突然辞职,辞职理由为“新的领导团队将加入 BitForex,将交易所推向更高的高度”。目前,除Jason Luo的履历造假问题外,飒姐团队目前尚未发现其离职与BitForex卷款跑路之间存在因果关系,但依然提示大家需要对此类信息予以密切关注。


对于BitForex案而言,2024年3月4日,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(简称“香港证监会”)就加密货币交易所BitForex涉嫌欺诈交易一事已经对外发布了公告:BitForex 虽然总部位于香港,但并不拥有该国数字资产运营商监管框架所要求的许可证。由此来看,香港的司法机关对该诈骗案具有管辖权,那么,大陆居民如果因BitForex诈骗行为而遭受巨大损失,就需要考虑通过香港司法体系维护自己的正当权利。



当然,如果要维护自身合法权益,BitForex案的受害人们还是需要进款委托律师追讨被诈骗的资金。从该类诉讼的诉因(类似于大陆地区的案由)来看,可选诉因主要有:(1)诈骗(Fraud);(2)不当得利(Unjust Enrichement);(3)法律构定信托或推定信托(Constructive or Resulting Trust)等。毫无疑问,BitForex案构成诈骗的可能性是极大的,原告已经能够提供相应证据来对BitForex实施了诈骗行为进行有效举证。


With the recent surge of old virtual coins such as Bitcoin Ethereum, most of my old friends think that the long-awaited spring of encrypted assets and the super bull market have arrived, and they can't wait to put a lot of money into the encrypted assets market to find the opportunity to get rich. At the same time, Sister Sa noticed that due to the huge aura of Bitcoin's big brother, the whole currency circle, large and small coins, began to drink soup, and the price became more or less bullish, which was a good thing for the partners who had been concerned about encrypted assets for a long time, but there was nothing to do. Under the circumstances, there is always a latent crisis, and some lawless elements have begun to turn their attention to the money bags of investors in the currency circle, and their modus operandi has become more and more violent and rapid. On April, a crypto transaction that publicly claimed to be headquartered in Hong Kong was so fast that it was too fast to withdraw $10,000 from its online crypto asset wallet and then directly set a new record of how to cheat and run the first time in the crypto asset circle in Hong Kong. The partners in the currency circle may be unfamiliar with this name, but it was actually before. The exchange of Bifu.com has changed its skin, which can be regarded as an old acquaintance for Sister Sa's team who has been paying attention to and studying the crime of encrypted assets for a long time. Even before the team ran away, it often used the exchange as a typical case to explain the classic false liquidity trap in the crime of encrypted assets. wash sale trading and other specific criminal means have falsely increased the liquidity of their own exchanges through frequent in-vivo and out-of-circulation of multi-account self-buying and self-selling multi-platform cross-trading funds since the year before and after. Even began to claim to be one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges with market value, with a daily trading volume of about US$ 100 million, but in fact, the transaction data at the whole exchange level are surprisingly false. According to the crime research report of the famous third-party cryptoasset crime platform, the real transaction data as early as 2000 was only about 800% of its public data, but even after its amazing fraud rate was exposed, it was still able to continue to go online frequently due to the lack of strong regulatory measures. The way of making the market by running water attracted a large number of retail investors. Sister Sa's team also noticed that the platform actually had obvious signs before it ran away. Just two days before it ran away, the transaction data began to fall off a cliff, and the transaction data on March even fell off a right angle on the chart. The whole transaction data was extremely abnormal, just like a patient who had been taking drugs for a long time was suddenly unplugged. The picture came from a third-party data company, and a small-scale exchange like this was flowing. After the plunge in water, it was not an accident to run away with a bucket, but what everyone didn't expect was that this company ran so fast that it directly withdrew $10,000 from its online encrypted asset wallet on March, and then closed its website. The encrypted community customer service directly deleted the number and disappeared. According to the report, the wallet flowed out of $10,000, including $10,000 and $10,000. How can ordinary retail investors stay away from the pheasant exchange and the eighteen-line pheasant exchange in the complicated bull market? My sister's team has said it for 180 times on countless occasions and numerous articles on popularizing the law, and has been tirelessly committed to spreading this iron rule to all places related to the education of crypto-asset investors. I believe that for all rational and intelligent partners, the reasons and reasons for staying away from the pheasant exchange need not be repeated. However, as a professional criminal defense team, I still want to remind you that no matter how advanced the deception is, it will be seen through. There are also people who are deceived by the level of deception. It is very important for investors to learn to use third-party data tools to distinguish the false from the true. It is very important for investors to use third-party data tools reasonably and correctly. Reasonable reference to various data can effectively help investors identify the flat. The abnormal behavior of Taiwan and the possible absorption of transactions. For example, if investors use third-party tools to check the standardized transaction data during the period from March to March, and add the actual traffic of the platform network as a parameter to the algorithm to identify whether there is statistical data of market manipulation on the platform, they can find that the actual transaction volume is extremely large, and the real transaction volume is only about 10 million US dollars, far from the public billion US dollars. In addition, it is also the chain data commonly used by Sister Sa's team. Monitoring and analysis tools: The virtual asset reports regularly published by many platforms not only have a wide range of data sources, but also have certain authenticity and objectivity, which can be used as investment reference. Focus on personnel changes of the exchange. For the encrypted asset trading platform that lacks effective supervision, investors need to pay special attention to whether there are major personnel changes in the platform in the near future, shareholder changes, etc. According to Sister Sa's team's handling experience, large-scale or significantly abnormal personnel changes in the encrypted asset platform often mean that the platform may have changed. The owner either changed the normal business strategy to prepare for running away or wanted to realize disguised liquidation. According to the case, the preliminary investigation results show that the CEO resigned suddenly on the day of the month, and the reason for his resignation was that the new leadership team would join the exchange to a higher level. At present, in addition to the problem of fraudulent resume, Sister Sa's team has not found a causal relationship between his departure and running away with money, but it still reminds everyone that it is necessary to pay close attention to this kind of information and how mainland residents are cheated to survive in Hong Kong. As far as the case is concerned, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission) has issued an announcement on the suspected fraudulent transactions of cryptocurrency exchanges. Although it is headquartered in Hong Kong, it does not have the license required by the regulatory framework of digital asset operators in the country. From this, it can be seen that the judicial organs in Hong Kong have jurisdiction over the fraud case. If mainland residents suffer huge losses due to fraud, they need to consider safeguarding their legitimate rights through the Hong Kong judicial system. Sister Sa explained to the partners before that the design of the system of recovering and recovering losses in criminal cases in Hong Kong is very different from that in mainland China. In short, the judicial interpretations and administrative regulations of the criminal law and criminal procedure law in mainland China require the judicial organs to recover the stolen money and recover the losses for the victims according to their functions and powers. The parties to criminal cases in mainland China can supervise the judicial organs' work of recovering and recovering losses, but they are not allowed to directly participate in related work. The scope of functions and powers of the judicial organs in Hong Kong to deal with economic criminal cases is limited to handling criminal cases. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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