比特币 Ordinals 能否超越以太坊 NFT?

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作者:BIT FM;来源:加密厨房

在过去的 2023 年,基于隔离见证、Taproot 升级这两项技术创新而诞生的 Ordinals 理论及协议,出乎意料地推动去中心化共识最强的比特币开始超越其「价值存储」的单一叙事,Ordinals Protocol、和以其为基础或受其启发的 BRC20、Runes Protocol、Atomical Protocol、DMT 数字物质理论、NAT 非任意代币、Bitmap 等理论、协议、代币标准、项目层出不穷,正在为数字化、智能化的未来构建去中心化价值网络的基石。

比特币 Ordinals 能否超越以太坊 NFT?

去年 4 月 14 日在香港参加由 Mempool 主办的 OrdCon 拍下这张演讲胶片时,我还不敢想上述这个问题。

11 个月之前,以太坊 NFT 当时总市值 169 亿美元,Ordinals 的是 2 亿美元,前者是后者是 84.5 倍。而据 CryptoSlam 报告,上月最后一周以太坊 NFT 和比特币 Ordinals 的总销售量几乎持平,分别为 1.774 亿美元和 1.764 亿美元 —— 虽然比特币 Ordinals 的销量统计包括了 BRC20 代币,这两者数据并不完全可比。

尽管以太坊在过去一年价格翻番,前天 11 日突破 4000 美元,但近一周,以太坊蓝筹 NFT 地板价普跌,BAYC 7 日跌幅 19%,DeGods 地板价 7 日跌幅超 40%;Pudgy Penguins、LilPudgys 、Azuki 也出现了 10%-20% 的 7 日跌幅。这样的行情已经持续了一个多月,蓝筹 NFT 地板价均出现了超 30% 的跌幅:Pudgy Penguins、BAYC 地板价均从 20 ETH 之上跌至 13 ETH 上下。

反观 Ordinals 比特币 NFT 生态,则一片兴旺繁荣。仅以 NodeMonkes 为例,3 月 4 日编号为 2769 的 NodeMonkes 在 Magic Eden 市场以 17 比特币(108 万美元)出售,成为项目发射以来金额最大,也是 Ordinals 有史以来第二高的销售。当天,也只有以太坊一枚价值 1600 万美元的 CryptoPunk 成交超过了 NodeMonkes,而后者在一天内实现了约 1170 万美元的销售额。在 2 月最后一周,NodeMonkes 成为最畅销的 Ordinals 项目,二级市场销售额达 4500 万美元。从去年 12 月 NodeMonkes 荷兰拍 0.03 BTC(约 1325 美元)到最高 0.82 BTC(约 54400 美元)地板价,27 倍涨幅也就发生在两个多月的时间内。Bitcoin Puppets、Natcats、Ordinal Maxi Biz、Bitcoin Frogs 也创下了亮眼的记录。

在 11 个月前的 OrdCon 上,主办方还请来了 Magic Eden 的市场负责人演讲介绍他们进军比特币、支持 Ordinals 交易的策略。当时我对在这家 Solana 生态最大 NFT 市场努力从 FTX 交易所破产风暴顽强求生、努力抓住 Ordinals 机遇的决心表示钦佩,也没想到如今 Magic Eden 正在重塑 NFT 市场格局:过去七天以 1.84 亿美元的交易量成为市场第一,占整体 NFT 交易的 33.35%。仅支持以太坊的 Blur 位居第二,以 1.78 亿美元的交易量占据约 32.26% 市场份额,而当年的霸主 Opensea 则已 5512 万美元 9.97%市场份额位居第三。Magic Eden 的 43% 交易量来自于 Ordinals(Tiexo 数据)。

Author's Source Encrypted Kitchen In the past year, based on two technological innovations, namely, isolation, witness and upgrade, the theory and agreement that came into being unexpectedly promoted decentralization. Bitcoin, which has the strongest consensus, began to transcend its single narrative of value storage, and theoretical agreements, such as non-arbitrary tokens, based on or inspired by it. Token standard projects emerged one after another. Can Bitcoin surpass Ethereum in Hong Kong last year? I didn't dare to think about the above problem when I took this speech film sponsored by Canada. A month ago, the total market value of Ethereum was $ billion, while the former was $ billion. It was reported that the total sales of Ethereum and Bitcoin were almost the same in the last week of last month, with $ billion and $ billion respectively. Although the sales statistics of Bitcoin include tokens, the data of these two are not completely comparable. Although the price of Ethereum doubled in the past year and exceeded $ billion the day before yesterday, the price of blue-chip floor in Ethereum has dropped day by day in the past week. The daily decline of the floor price has exceeded the daily decline. This market has been going on for more than a month, and the blue-chip floor price has exceeded the decline. The floor price has fallen from the top to the bottom. In contrast, the bitcoin ecology is booming. I only thought that the month, month and day number was sold in the market for Bitcoin million dollars, which was the largest and the second highest in the history. On the day of sales, only Ethereum had a turnover of 10,000 dollars, and the latter achieved a sales of about 10,000 dollars in one day. In the last week of June, the sales volume became the best-selling project, and the sales volume in the secondary market reached US$ 10,000. From the Dutch auction of US$ to the highest price of US$ last month, the floor price doubled, which also set a bright record in more than two months. At the meeting last month, the organizers also invited the market leaders to give a speech to introduce their strategy of entering Bitcoin to support transactions. At that time, I admired and didn't think about the determination to strive to survive from the bankruptcy storm of the exchange and seize the opportunity in this ecological largest market. Up to now, the market structure is being reshaped. In the past seven days, the transaction volume of hundreds of millions of dollars has become the first in the market, accounting for the second in the overall transaction, and the transaction volume of hundreds of millions of dollars has occupied about the market share, while the market share of that year has reached 10,000 dollars. The transaction volume comes from data. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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