以太坊坎昆升级成功:带你速览 2024 年具有爆发潜力的 Layer2 项目

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 08:53:27 评论:0



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2024 年 3 月 13 日 13 时 55 分(UTC 时间)【新加坡时间为 3  月 13 日 21 时 55 分】 Dencun 已经在以太坊主网第 269568 个纪元上正式激活


imToken 现已支持以太坊上所有的 Layer2 网络和 EVM 兼容链,Dencun 网络升级完成之后,持有数字资产的用户可以通过 imToken 体验性价比更高、Gas 费用更便宜的以太坊 Layer2 网络的资产交易。

Dencun 升级后的影响

对于持有数字资产的区块链用户:由于用户在  Layer2 层的交易所支付的交易成本中,有 90% 是由于数据存储造成的,在 Dencun 升级之后,以太坊 Layer2 网络上的数字资产交易所需的 Gas 费用将显著降低,将降至只有现在的十分之一,甚至更多降幅。

据 IntoTheBlock  的统计,Aribitrum 的交易费用将从 $2.02 降至 $0.4;Optimism 的交易费用将从 $1.42 降至 $0.28;Base 的交易费用将从 $0.58 降至 $0.01。

Dencun 升级对 Layer2 网络


Layer2 网络

 Dencun 升级


 Dencun 升级





Arbitrum One



zkSync Era



△  数据来源:Dune

Dencun 升级对 Layer2 网络交易

 Gas 费用的影响


Dencun 升级


Dencun 升级


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Arbitrum One





zkSync Era





△  数据来源:I2fees.info,统计于 2023 年 12 月 8 日

Dencun 升级之后数据为推测

对于区块链开发人员:Dencun 升级之后,需要及时升级客户端,查看本次 Dencun 网络升级中包含的以太坊技术协议,确定这些协议是否会影响相关项目——此次 Dencun 网络升级为以太坊的执行层和共识层都引入了许多令人兴奋的新功能,唯一具有向后兼容性影响的以太坊技术协议是 EIP-6780、EIP-7044 和 EIP-7514。此外,Goerli 测试网将不再能够使用。

对于区块链生态:Dencun 网络升级完成后,以太坊 Layer2 生态因为实现了显著的交易成本降低,将迎来加速发展。在降本的同时,Dencun 升级完成后还将为以太坊 Layer2 网络带来处理数据速度上的增效,或将有机会将交易速度提高 100 倍。这样的发展其实也给 Layer1 公链带来了更激烈的竞争,但对于 Layer2 生态而言,竞争才刚刚正式拉开帷幕,未来将有更多的黑马项目出现。

目前,知名 Layer2 项目 Aribitrum 的总市值体量(TVL) 已经仅次于 Tron 和 BSC 等 Layer1 公链、知名 Layer2 项目 OP Mainnet(原 Optimism) 的总市值体量略低于 Aribitrum,但也已经领先于部分知名公链,比如 Solana 等。 

为什么 Layer2 能够享受 Dencun 升级带来的巨大利好?

在 Dencun 升级中实施的所有技术协议中,最重要的一项技术协议便是 EIP-4844,这个协议也是推动以太坊 Layer2 生态实现真正降本增效的首要功臣。

一直以来,在 Layer2 生态的运作中,通常使用以太坊主网作为数据可用层(DA 层),这样可以充分利用主网的安全性和数据完整性,避免 Layer2 上发生的交易遭遇恶意攻击或篡改。但是,由于以太坊主网的区块容量和交易吞吐量有自身的局限,其实在一定程度上难以支撑每秒数据处理量是以太坊主网数十倍的 Layer2 网络交易。

这些矛盾在过去一直存在,也同时导致了在 Dencan 升级完成之前,大量 Layer2 交易在实际的操作中,常常需要花费大量的时间等待区块确认,或者为了尽快确认交易而不得不支付更高的 Gas 费用。

因此,长期来看,如果 Layer2 只能依靠以太坊主网作为数据可用层,Layer2 的未来发展一定存在着一个显而易见的瓶颈。

在 Dencun 升级中,EIP-4844 技术协议引入了一种新的交易类型 Blob。当有交易进行时,EIP-4844 能够将交易数据移动到一个新的 Blob 中进行临时存储。

这个 Blob 的存在,类似于给以太坊主网在外部新增了一个平行的数据存储通道。而在实际操作中,Blob 的数据,是由以太坊共识层的节点进行存储,因此能够不被执行层的以太坊虚拟机(简称 EVM)所读取——正是通过这种数据分离,实现了帮助以太坊主网承载 Layer2 数据的初衷,解决了在  Dencun 升级之前,Layer2 网络的交易因需要排队等待与以太坊主网数据进行验证确认,因此需要消耗大量 Gas 费用和等候时间的难题。

与此同时,为了减少给主网造成压力,Blob 的数据会在 18 天之后被删除。此外,EIP-4844 技术协议对每个信标块增加的存储空间设置了上限,至多限制在约 0.5 MB 的数据量大小(约 4 个 Blob),但这个上限预计在未来会提高。

可见,Dencun 升级为 Layer 2 解决的核心问题,依旧是数据问题。

在 Dencun 升级完成之前,依靠第三方公链充当数据可用层的解决方案也受到追捧,最让人熟知莫过于 Celestia 区块链,这条区块链自身可以承载较大的交易量,因此能够帮助 Layer2 上的交易做验证,然后把交易状态批量上传回以太坊主网,是一种可高度模块化组合的数据可用性解决方案,当下,Cosmos 生态的很多应用链都以 Celestia 作为数据可用层。

但是,依靠第三方公链解决 Layer 2 数据容量的解决方案,在短期内肯定不如以太坊主网作为数据可用层能获得更多的共识或信任,而 Dencun 升级实施的 EIP-4844 技术协议引入的 Blob 临时存储,也因此成为了对目前 Layer2 生态受益更大的方案。

知名 Layer2 项目 2024 年发展展望

Dencun 升级将受益于所有的 Layer2 项目,无论是使用 Optimistic Rolllup 还是 ZK Rollup 开发的  Layer2。

正如在以太坊联合创始人的博文 The Three Transitions 中所提到:以太坊需要经历的三个主要技术过渡,分别是向 Layer2 的过渡,每个人都转向 Rollup;向钱包安全的过渡,每个人都使用智能合约钱包;向隐私过渡,确保保护隐私的资金转移可行。

在 Dencun 升级完成之后,我们可以继续紧密关注这些热门 Layer2 网络的哪些动态?

Aribitrum 和 Optimism:这是当前区块链世界用户数量最多、市值累计量(TVL)最大的两个 Layer2 网络,具有足够的先发优势,Dencun 升级之后或将成为新用户、新资金进入 Layer2 领域的首选网络。

Polygon zkEVM:从公链市场转向拥抱以太坊 Layer2 的 Polygon zkEVM,相比其他 Layer2 项目具有天生的市场推动力。根据 2024 年 2 月 26 日的消息,Polygon zkEVM 主网 Beta 测试版升级的 10 天时间锁已启动,包含 Elderberry 提案和升级合约的交易信息已经在 GitHub 和 Etherscan 发布,预计将在 2024 年 3 月上旬左右在主网上线。

Metis:2021 年已上线,使用 Optimistic Rollup 开发。2024 年的 Metis 将升级为 Optimistic Rollup 架构与零知识证明(ZK) 相结合的 Hybrid Rollup。目前,Metis 的排序器上线 Holesky 测试网后已于 2024年 1 月 3 日开放了社区测试,还将计划推出流动质押应用,让这些社区用户参与到节点质押,获得相应的收益。

Base:2024 年 Base 的发展重点在于加速去中心化,同时提高网络可用性、全面降低网络费用、将 Coinbase 的现有和新用户、资产和产品带到链上等。Base 在 2024 年路线图中提及在加强互操作性上要实现 OP 链之间的通信、持续细化和完善连锁法则和乐观 RPGF,致力于建立创新活力的去中心化链上经济生态。

Linea:2023 年 7 月上线的基于 ZK Rollup 开发的 Linea 虽然相较于其它 Layer2 项目市值累计量(TVL)较低,但是其强大的开发团队背景、上线之后迅速增长的交易数量、充足的资金量,不少行业人士认为其可能成为 2024 年最大的空投项目之一。

Author Bulu said that the upgrade of Ethereum was successful again. Singapore time was on the first era of Ethereum's main network. This upgrade is the key to further expansion of Ethereum, which can increase the transaction volume that Ethereum can respond to every second and will also open a new stage of the development of Ethereum's data storage and retrieval capabilities. Now all the networks and compatible chain networks in Ethereum have been supported. After the upgrade, users who hold digital assets can experience the cost performance. Higher cost and cheaper impact of asset transaction on Ethereum network After upgrading, some of the transaction costs paid by users in the blockchain holding digital assets are due to data storage. After upgrading, the cost of digital asset transaction on Ethereum network will be significantly reduced to only one tenth or even more. According to statistics, the transaction cost will be reduced from the reduced transaction cost to the upgraded network every second. The influence of transaction volume before and after network upgrade The influence of data source upgrade on network transaction cost before and after network upgrade The statistics of data source after network upgrade are dated, month, year and date, and the data is speculation. For blockchain developers, it is necessary to upgrade the client in time after upgrading. Check the technical protocols of Ethereum included in this network upgrade to determine whether these protocols will affect related projects. The implementation layer and consensus layer of this network upgrade have introduced many exciting new functions. The technical agreement of Ethereum with backward compatibility is that, in addition, the test network will no longer be able to be used. After the blockchain ecological network is upgraded, Ethereum ecology will usher in accelerated development because it has achieved significant transaction cost reduction. At the same time, it will also bring efficiency in data processing for Ethereum network or will have the opportunity to double the transaction speed. This development has actually brought more intense competition to the public chain, but for ecology, the competition has just been officially opened. There will be more dark horse projects in the future. At present, the total market value of well-known projects is second only to that of public chains such as Hehe. The original total market value of well-known projects is slightly lower than that of some well-known public chains, such as why they can enjoy the great benefits brought by the upgrade. The most important technical agreement among all the technical agreements implemented in the upgrade is this agreement, which is also the primary contributor to promoting the real cost reduction and efficiency improvement of Ethereum ecology. Ethereum has always been used in the operation of ecology. As a data available layer, Fang's main network can make full use of the security and data integrity of the main network to avoid malicious attacks or tampering. However, due to its own limitations in block capacity and transaction throughput, it is actually difficult to support network transactions with a data processing capacity of dozens of times that of Ethereum's main network to a certain extent. These contradictions have always existed in the past, and at the same time, a large number of transactions often need to spend a lot of money in actual operation before the upgrade is completed. Time waits for the confirmation of the block or you have to pay higher fees in order to confirm the transaction as soon as possible. Therefore, in the long run, if you can only rely on the Ethernet main network as the data available layer, there must be an obvious bottleneck. In the upgrade, the technical protocol introduces a new transaction type, which can move the transaction data to a new network for temporary storage. This existence is similar to adding a parallel data storage channel to the Taifang main network. In the actual operation, the data is stored by the nodes of the Ethernet Consensus layer, so it can not be read by the Ethernet Virtual Machine abbreviation of the executive layer. It is through this data separation that the original intention of helping the Ethernet main network to carry data is realized, which solves the problem that network transactions need to wait in line for verification and confirmation with the Ethernet main network data before upgrading, so it takes a lot of money and waiting time. At the same time, in order to reduce the pressure on the main network, the data will be deleted after days. The external technology protocol sets an upper limit on the storage space added by each beacon block, which is at most limited to about 10 data, but this upper limit is expected to be improved in the future. The core problem to be solved is still the data problem. The solution that relies on the third-party public chain as the data available layer before the upgrade is completed is also sought after. The most well-known one is the blockchain, which can carry a large transaction volume, so it can help the online transactions to verify and then batch the transaction status. Back to the Ethernet main network is a highly modular data availability solution. Many application chains in the current ecology are used as the data availability layer, but the solution that relies on the third-party public chain to solve the data capacity is definitely not as good as the Ethernet main network as the data availability layer in the short term. The temporary storage introduced by the technical protocol will be upgraded and implemented, which will therefore become a solution that will benefit the current ecology more. The annual development prospect of well-known projects will benefit all. Whether the project is used or developed, as mentioned in the blog post of the co-founder of Ethereum, the three main technical transitions that Ethereum needs to go through are the transition to the security of wallets. Everyone uses smart contract wallets to make the transition to privacy, ensuring that the transfer of funds to protect privacy is feasible. After the upgrade is completed, we can continue to pay close attention to the trends of these popular networks and these are the two largest users in the world and the largest cumulative market value of blockchain. After upgrading, the network will become the first choice for new users and new funds to enter the field. Compared with other projects, the network has a natural market driving force. According to the news of the month, the day and time lock upgraded by the beta version of the main network has been started, and the transaction information including the proposal and the upgrade contract has been released. It is expected that it will be put into use on the main network around the beginning of the month, and will be upgraded to the current platoon combining architecture and zero knowledge proof in the development year. After the sequencer went online to test the network, the community test was opened on March, and it is planned to launch a mobile pledge application, so that these community users can participate in node pledge and get corresponding benefits. The development focus in 2000 is to accelerate decentralization, improve network availability and reduce network costs in an all-round way, and bring existing and new users' assets and products to the chain, etc. It is mentioned in the road map in 2000 that in order to strengthen interoperability, the communication between the chains should be continuously refined and the chain rules should be improved, and optimism should be devoted to establishing an innovative and dynamic decentralized chain. Although the cumulative market value of the development-based chain is lower than that of other 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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