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微策略(Microstrategy)是加密行业中为数不多的明牌囤比特币大户。得益于其创始人迈克·赛勒(Michael Saylor)激进的囤币策略,从2020年到2024年,截至3月12号,微策略已经囤积了20.5万枚BTC,平均加仓成本为33706刀,按BTC 72k计算,浮盈超78亿刀,真可谓是赚爆了。(参阅3.12教链内参《以太坊坎昆升级是否会打开上升空间?》)

国外网友Michael Sullivan推算了一下,按照这个势头增长下去,如果不下道儿、不爆仓的话,Michael Saylor登顶世界首富的道路将会是这样的:

目前,赛勒是全球第 600 位最富有的人,拥有 51 亿美元的净资产,他的绝大部分财富来自比特币和微策略公司的股票。

如果比特币达到 10 万美元,赛勒自己保管的比特币和微策略公司的股份将大幅增加。使他的财富达到 72 亿美元左右。在世界富豪榜上排名第 380 位左右。与彼得·蒂尔(Peter Thiel)齐名。

但这列高速列车不会停。当比特币20万美元时,赛勒的身价将跃居世界富豪榜第130位,超过达拉斯牛仔队老板杰里·琼斯(Jerry Jones)。

在比特币 30 万美元的时候,他的身价可达 235 亿美元。该网友认为,这也是我们真正开始看到微策略超过比特币的超额收益开始递减的时刻。这使他的排名超过了前谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)。

40 万美元的比特币将会使赛勒的净资产达到 315 亿美元。世界前 50 名。在这个水平上,他将在理论上超过****** cz(此处隐去该网友骂cz是shitcoin scammer的不雅用语)。但该网友怀疑,一旦 CZ 被捕,资产被罚光,该网友自己的净资产也会超过 CZ。

50 万美元的比特币。我们会在这个周期到达这里吗?如果能,赛勒的身家将达到 400 亿美元。就在耐克的菲尔·奈特(Phil Knight)上面。比特币对世界的重要性是鞋子的1000倍。

当到达 76 万美元后,比特币超过黄金的总市值。此时,赛勒:拥有 610 亿美元的净资产;彼得·希夫(Peter Schiff,著名的黄金鼓吹者,因丢失了早年保管比特币的私钥而转变为比特币喷子):精神彻底崩溃,终于不再参与比特币的“耕耘”。在这时,赛勒将成为世界上第 25 位最富有的人。击败查尔斯·科赫(Charles Koch)。

100 万美元的比特币。你准备好了吗?我准备好了吗?熊准备好了吗?我向你保证赛勒已经准备好了。此时,他的净资产将超过沃尔玛的吉姆(Jim)和罗伯·沃尔顿(Rob Walton),跃居我们榜单的第 17 位。

但是前十名呢?他需要怎样才能进入前十名?目前,谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)和他的联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)分别以 1140 亿美元和 1180 亿美元排名第十。当比特币 142 万美元时,赛勒将超越布林,147 万美元时,超过佩奇。

下一位:比尔·盖茨。在比特币到达 161 万美元后,赛勒的身价将取代盖茨,跃居第 7 位,其净资产达到 1300 亿美元。该网友调侃道,如果盖茨继续用他的钱为世界注射疫苗,并告诉我们如何吃饭,那么这可能会更快发生。

但比特币是“老鼠药的平方”!这位网友幽默地说:赛勒或许永远也无法超越我们真正的主和救世主沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)。但他可以的。他会的。在比特币增长至 168 万美金后,赛勒将会排在第六位。老鼠终于被毒死了。

218万美元的比特币将使得迈克·赛勒的净资产飙升至1750亿美元。这使他在我们的榜单中排名第四。超过了喝水的半机械人和柔术蓝带,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)。

要想升至榜单第 3 位,比特币的价格必须超过 240 万美元。如果伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)能继续研究货币,而不是用狗屁币来唬弄全世界就好了。汽车、火箭和推特其实也挺酷的。

当比特币 245 万美元时,迈克·赛勒就能战胜拥有 1960 亿美元净资产的杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)。杰夫,你的巨型山钟很酷,但你知道什么更酷吗?去中心化的时间链比人类创造的任何实物都更有弹性。

目前的世界首富是贝尔纳·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)。想不出还有什么比这位净资产高达 2378 亿美元的法币时尚偶像更合适的终极Boss了。你做的衣服很漂亮,但你知道什么更漂亮吗?自由货币。

在比特币 300 万美元之时,迈克·赛勒终于登上了世界首富的宝座。他正式拥有了网络空间中那座美丽闪耀的城市中最大的一块。比特币第一,真的不存在第二。


如果某个大公司开始积累 BTC,这些数字可能会发生巨大变化。


Author Liu Jiaolian Micro-strategy is one of the few big bitcoin hoarders in winning numbers in the encryption industry. Thanks to its founder Mike Sailor's radical coin hoarding strategy, Micro-strategy has hoarded 10,000 pieces of average warehousing cost as a knife by calculating the floating profit of more than 100 million knives. See Jiaolian Internal Reference: Will the upgrade of Ethereum Cancun open up the rising space? Foreign netizens have calculated that if it continues to grow according to this trend, the road to the top of the world's richest man will be this. At present, Sailor is the richest man in the world, with a net asset of $100 million. Most of his wealth comes from bitcoin and micro-strategy companies. If bitcoin reaches $10,000, Sailor's own shares in bitcoin and micro-strategy companies will increase greatly, making his wealth reach about $100 million, ranking around the same as Peter Thiel in the world's rich list, but this high-speed train will not stop. When bitcoin reaches $10,000, Sailor's value will leap to the first place in the world's rich list, surpassing Dallas. Jerry Jones, the owner of Cowboys, was worth $100,000 in bitcoin. The netizen thought that this was also the moment when we really began to see the excess return of micro-strategy over bitcoin begin to decline, which made him rank higher than Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google. The bitcoin of $10,000 will make Sailor's net worth reach $100,000. At this level, he will theoretically surpass this and hide the indecent words that the netizen scolded, but the netizen suspected that once he was arrested. Will we get here in this cycle if the net assets of the netizen will exceed 10,000 US dollars? If so, Sailor's net assets will reach 100 million US dollars, which is on Nike's Fairnet. Bitcoin is twice as important to the world as shoes. When it reaches 10,000 US dollars, Bitcoin exceeds the total market value of gold. At this time, Sailor has a net assets of 100 million US dollars. Peter Schiff, a famous gold advocate, lost his private key to keep bitcoin in his early years and turned it into bitcoin spray. His spirit finally collapsed. At this time, Sailor will become the richest man in the world to beat Charles Kochwan's $ bitcoin. Are you ready? Am I ready? Is the bear ready? I assure you that Sailor is ready. At this time, his net worth will surpass Jim and Rob Walton of Wal-Mart to rank first in our list. But how can he get into the top ten? At present, Sergey Brin and his co-founder Larry Page are worth $ billion and $ billion respectively. Ranked 10th when Bitcoin reaches $10,000, Sailor will surpass Brynn's $10,000 and Page's next Bill Gates. After Bitcoin reaches $10,000, Sailor's worth will replace Gates and his net assets will reach $100 million. The netizen quipped that if Gates continues to vaccinate the world with his money and tell us how to eat, it may happen faster, but Bitcoin is the square of rat poison. The netizen humorously said that Sailor may never surpass our real Lord and Savior Warren. Buffett, but he can. After bitcoin grows to $10,000, Sailor will rank sixth, and the mouse will finally be poisoned. The bitcoin of $10,000 will make Mike Sailor's net worth soar to $100 million, which will make him rank fourth on our list, surpassing the cyborg who drinks water and Mark Zuckerberg, a jujitsu blue ribbon. If he wants to rise to the top of the list, the price of bitcoin must exceed $10,000. If only Elon Musk could continue to study money instead of fooling the world with nonsense coins, it would be a car. Rockets and Twitter are actually quite cool. When Bitcoin reaches $10,000, Mike Sailor can beat Jeff Bezos Jeff with a net worth of $100 million. Your giant mountain clock is cool, but do you know what is cooler? The decentralized time chain is more flexible than anything created by human beings. At present, the richest man in the world is Bernard Arnault. I can't think of anything more suitable than this French currency fashion icon with a net worth of $100 million. Your clothes are beautiful, but do you know what is more beautiful? Free currency? Mike Sailor finally ascended the throne of the richest man in the world when the bitcoin was 10,000 dollars. He officially owned the largest piece of bitcoin in that beautiful and shining city in cyberspace. First, it really doesn't exist. Second, please treat these data with caution. If a big company starts to accumulate these figures, they may change dramatically for entertainment only. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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