别了 Calldata:主流 Layer2 降费潮一览

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撰文:Peng SUN,Foresight News

北京时间 3 月 13 日 21:55,以太坊主网在区块高度 269568 处正式激活 Dencun 升级。该升级最重要的部分包括 EIP-4844,即引入取代 calldata 的临时数据 blob。EIP-4844 升级可以说是以太坊推进大规模商业化的拐点,其目标是扩展以太坊的数据可用性,为 L2 数据提供更大的存储空间,并将 L2 的 Gas 费降低 10 至 100 倍。

昨晚以来,Starknet、Optimism、Arbitrum、zkSync、Base、Zora、Mode 等 L2 相继宣布升级使用 Blob,部分 L2 还将额外削减 Gas 成本。Foresight News 将对以太坊及 L2 Gas 费数据进行盘点,并对交易进行实测,看看 EIP-4844 究竟能够降低多少 Gas 费,哪个最便宜?


过去一个月,加密市场整体上涨,比特币连连突破历史新高,市场情绪极为 FOMO,以太坊交易迅速提高,平均 80 USDT 至 130 USDT 的 Gas 费也令用户苦不堪言。

据 ultra sound money 数据显示,3 月 6 日以太坊 Gas 费一度冲高至 190 Gwei。

据 growthepie 数据显示,昨日 L2 共支付 210 万美元 Gas 费,而在 3 月 5 日 L2 共支付超 430 万美元 Gas 费,创今年新高。以太坊 Gas 降费势在必行。


据 Blobscan 数据显示,3 月 13 日,Blob 使用的 Gas 现为 197,918,720,而与 Blob 等效的 callda Gas 则会花费 3,073,477,708,Blob 已降低超 15 倍的 Gas 费。

坎昆升级以来,以太坊总区块数现为 1697,总交易笔数为 1868,共使用了 2029 个 Blob。

目前,据 L2BEAT、Blobscan 数据显示,Optimism、Starknet、Base、zkSync、Zora、Mode 均已采用 blobs,而 Starknet 的 Blob 交易最多。

据 L2 Fees 数据显示,Optimism、zkSync Era、Starknet 的 Gas 费降幅最大。

据 Dune 数据显示,坎昆升级以来,Optimism 网络平均 Gas 费从 2.442 USDT 降低 98% 至 0.046 USDT;Base 网络平均 Gas 费从 1.069 USDT 降低 94% 至 0.06 USDT;zkSync 网络平均 Gas 费从 0.66 USDT 降低 77% 至 0.151 USDT;Zora 网络平均 Gas 费从 1.423 USDT 降低 98% 至 0.022 USDT;Arbitrum 网络 Gas 费从 0.968 USDT 降低 48% 至 0.503 USDT。

此外,Optimism 网络 Gas 费中位数已从 0.669 USDT 降低 99% 至 0.004 USDT;Base 网络 Gas 费中位数从 0.7747 USDT 降低 99% 至 0.0012 USDT;zkSync 网络 Gas 费中位数从 0.3078 USDT 降低 69% 至 0.0951 USDT;Zora 网络 Gas 费中位数从 0.7253 USDT 降低 99% 至 0.0009 USDT;Arbitrum 网络 Gas 费中位数从 0.6717 USDT 降低 50% 至 0.3335 USDT。


昨日,Starknet 主网在以太坊坎昆升级时进行 Starknet 0.13.1 升级,使用 Blob 数据类型,并进行额外的费用减免,实际 Gas 费低至 0.01 美元。

转账:Gas 趋于 0。

Swap:实际 Gas 费为 0.02 USDT。


转账:Optimism 上转账 Gas 费趋于 0,而笔者前几日的一笔转账交易费则为 0.68 USDT。

Swap:Gas 为 0.01 USDT。


转账:Gas 费原为 0.24 USDT,返还 0.13 USDT 后为 0.11 USDT。

Swap:初始 Gas 费为 0.78 USDT,返还 0.67 USDT 后 Gas 费实为 0.11 USDT,个别交易还会低于 0.1 USDT。


今天 Base 社区贡献者 Jesse Pollak 表示,Base 已上线 Blob,Base 网络交易费用已从 0.31 美元降至 0.0005 美元,此外「钱包需要更新才能实现成本降低」。

转账:Gas 费趋于 0。

Swap:Gas 接近 0。


Arbitrum 的 ArbOS Atlas 升级将于北京时间 3 月 14 日 21:41:35 在所有 Arbitrum 链上执行。一旦升级开始执行,预计 Blob 交易需要一两个小时才能开始发布,并且新的 EIP-4844 定价变化才会开始显现。ArbOS Atlas 还为 Arbitrum One 引入了额外的 Arbitrum 费用减免,预计该功能将于 3 月 18 日激活。

目前,Arbitrum 上手续费仍未明显降低。


Linea 尚未引入 Blob,目前交易费远高于其他 L2。

BNB Chain

BNB Chain 将推出一项名为「BEP 336 」的升级,该升级将参考以太坊的 EIP 4844,引入「Blob 携带交易」(BlobTx) 的概念,BSC 将为 blob 提供动态的 Gas 定价机制,并设定最低和最高阈值以维持合理的交易成本。

The main network of Ethereum was officially activated and upgraded at the height of the block, Beijing time. The most important part of the upgrade includes the introduction of temporary data upgrades that can be said to be the turning point of Ethereum's promotion of large-scale commercialization. Its goal is to expand the data availability of Ethereum, provide more storage space for data and reduce the cost to double. Since last night, it has been announced that the upgrade and use part will also cut costs. The data of Ethereum and fees will be counted and the transaction will be measured to see if it can be done. How much is the cheapest to reduce? In the past month, the encryption market as a whole has risen, and bitcoin has repeatedly broken through record highs. The market sentiment is extremely high, and the average fee for Ethereum transactions has increased rapidly, which also makes users miserable. According to the data, the fee for Ethereum once rose to a high of $10,000 yesterday, and it was imperative to pay a total of over $10,000 this year. Overview: According to the data, the current and equivalent fees used on February will be reduced by more than one time. Since the upgrade of Kunming, the total number of blocks in Ethereum is now the total number of transactions. At present, according to the data, all the transactions have been adopted, and the fees according to the data have dropped the most. According to the data, since the upgrade of Cancun, the average network fee has been reduced to the average network fee, from the average network fee to the average network fee, from the average network fee to the network fee, from the median network fee to the network fee. The median network fee was reduced from yesterday when the main network was upgraded in Cancun, Ethereum, and the data type was used and additional fees were reduced. The actual fee was as low as the actual fee for US dollar transfer, and the transfer fee tended to be the actual fee for transfer. The author's transaction fee for a transfer a few days ago was the original fee for return and the initial fee for return, and the fee for individual transactions was actually lower than that for today's community contributors. In addition, the wallet needs to be updated to achieve cost reduction. The upgrade that the transfer fee is approaching will be carried out on all chains on June, Beijing time. Once the upgrade is implemented, it is estimated that the transaction will take one or two hours to start publishing and new pricing changes will begin to appear. It is also expected that the function will be activated on June, and the handling fee has not been significantly reduced yet. The current transaction fee is much higher than other upgrades called "The upgrade will refer to the introduction of the concept of carrying transaction in Ethereum", which will provide a dynamic pricing mechanism and set the minimum and maximum thresholds to maintain reasonable transaction costs. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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