以太坊ETF能否通过 如何用3EX AI交易应对不确定性

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继比特币现货ETF获批引发牛市行情以来,以太坊现货交易所交易基金(ETF)的批准一直备受瞩目。近期,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对贝莱德和富达申请的以太坊现货ETF的决议再次推迟,引发市场对其最终批准的广泛讨论和猜测。随着决策日期的临近,各种分析和预测充斥着新闻头条和社交媒体。3EX AI交易平台,展现了如何利用先进的人工智能技术,为用户在这种不确定性中寻找机遇。




比较而言,比特币在经历了多家资管公司申请现货ETF后,市场提前反应,导致其价格从25000 USDT上涨至70000 USDT,显示出现货ETF对资产价格的显著推动作用。而且,传统资管巨头贝莱德的比特币持仓量在现货ETF批准后迅速超过了MicroStrategy,证明了大型资管公司增持可以显著推动代币需求和价格上涨。


尽管以太坊现货ETF的批准日期临近,市场对是否会重现比特币现货ETF的热潮并不乐观。SEC主席Gary Gensler似乎认为批准BTC现货ETF已足以安抚整个行业。另外,反加密货币政治人物对批准BTC ETF已表示不满,对以太坊现货ETF持反对态度。而且与比特币ETF的情况不同,以太坊现货和期货之间的相关性较弱。

以太坊是否被认定为“证券”是其现货ETF批准的关键决定因素。SEC官员曾表示,数字资产是否属于证券需根据其运作方式和投资者的期望收益程度来判断。以太坊从PoW转为PoS后,其性质可能与SEC定义的证券更接近,但SEC主席Gary Gensler对以太坊的最新立场尚不明确。


3EX AI交易:智能应对市场波动

在这样的市场环境下,3EX AI交易平台以其创新的解决方案,为投资者提供了一种全新的交易方式。通过利用基于ChatGPT的人工智能技术,3EX不仅可以帮助用户轻松创建和执行量化交易策略,还能实时调整策略,以适应市场的快速变化。

  • 自动化策略创建:3EX平台的核心功能之一就是能够通过自然语言处理技术,让用户通过简单对话即可创建属于自己的交易策略。无论你是希望根据特定的市场指标操作,还是基于个性化条件制定策略,3EX都能提供灵活、高效的解决方案。

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  • 跟单交易策略:对于不愿意自行创建策略的用户,3EX还提供了跟单交易功能。通过这一功能,用户可以选择并跟随其他成功交易者的策略,享受AI智能交易带来的便利。此外,跟单交易不仅为用户提供了一种被动收入的机会,还通过分润机制,为策略提供者创造了额外的收益来源。


在面对以太坊ETF的批准过程中存在的不确定性和市场波动时,3EX AI交易平台展现了如何利用先进的技术和人工智能为用户提供支持,帮助他们适应市场变化,抓住投资机遇。通过自动化的策略创建、实时模拟与执行、以及跟单交易策略,3EX为加密货币投资者提供了一个强大的工具,不仅能够应对消息面的影响,还能在波动的市场中寻找到赚钱的机会。那些能够灵活适应并利用最新技术的投资者,将会是未来市场的赢家。


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Since the bull market was triggered by the approval of bitcoin spot, the approval of the trading fund of Ethereum spot exchange has attracted much attention. Recently, the resolution of the US Securities and Exchange Commission on BlackRock and Fidelity's application for Ethereum spot was postponed again, which triggered widespread discussion and speculation on its final approval in the market. As the decision-making date approached, all kinds of analysis and predictions flooded with news headlines and social media trading platforms, showing how to use advanced artificial intelligence technology to find opportunities for users in this uncertainty. At the beginning of the month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission decided to postpone the resolution on the trading fund of the Ethereum spot exchange applied by BlackRock and Fidelity, and pushed back the final decision date to March, which is reminiscent of the twists and turns in the process of bitcoin spot approval. At the same time, the price performance of Ethereum is not as strong as that of Bitcoin, reflecting the market's hesitation about this possible good news. Comparatively speaking, Bitcoin has advanced its market after several asset management companies applied for spot. The reaction caused the price to rise to show that the goods have significantly promoted the asset price, and the bitcoin holdings of BlackRock, a traditional asset management giant, quickly exceeded after the spot approval, which proved that the increase in holdings of large asset management companies can significantly promote the demand for tokens and the price increase. Although the approval date of Ethereum spot is approaching, the market is not optimistic about whether the craze of bitcoin spot will reappear. It seems that the approval of spot is enough to appease the whole industry and anti-encryption. Monetary politicians have expressed dissatisfaction with the approval, and they are opposed to the spot of Ethereum, and the correlation between the spot and futures of Ethereum is weak. Whether Ethereum is recognized as securities is the key determinant of its spot approval. Officials have said that whether digital assets belong to securities needs to be judged according to its operation mode and the expected income of investors, and its nature may be closer to the defined securities after the conversion, but the latest position of the chairman on Ethereum is still unclear. Although the market has different views on the future of Ethereum, this process also highlights the uncertainty and volatility in the field of encrypted assets. Although this uncertainty and volatility may be a challenge for traditional traders, it is a mineral trading intelligence with great opportunities for investors who know how to use advanced technology to cope with market fluctuations. In this market environment, the trading platform provides investors with a brand-new trading method with its innovative solutions. Artificial intelligence technology can not only help users to easily create and execute quantitative trading strategies, but also adjust strategies in real time to adapt to the rapid changes in the market. One of the core functions of the automatic strategy creation platform is to enable users to create their own trading strategies through simple dialogue through natural language processing technology, and whether you want to operate according to specific market indicators or formulate strategies based on personalized conditions, you can provide a flexible and efficient platform for real-time simulation and execution of solutions. Users can simulate their trading strategies in real time and see the possible profit and loss results in real time. This instant feedback mechanism enables users to optimize and adjust their strategies before actually putting them into the market. Once the strategies are determined, the platform can also automatically execute the transactions, which greatly reduces the complexity and time delay of the operation. Documentary trading strategies also provide documentary trading functions for users who are unwilling to create their own strategies. Through this function, users can choose and follow the strategies of other successful traders. In addition, documentary transactions not only provide users with a passive income opportunity, but also create additional income sources for strategy providers through the profit sharing mechanism to adapt to changes and seize opportunities. In the face of uncertainties and market fluctuations in the approval process of Ethereum, the trading platform shows how to use advanced technology and artificial intelligence to provide support for users, help them adapt to market changes and seize investment opportunities, and create real-time simulation and execution through automated strategies. The documentary trading strategy provides a powerful tool for cryptocurrency investors, which can not only cope with the influence of news, but also find opportunities to make money in the fluctuating market. Those investors who can flexibly adapt to and use the latest technology will be the winners in the future market. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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