上线ARC-20自研市场:速览OKX Web3 比特币生态建设版图

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据 Coinglass 数据显示,比特币 ETF 总资产管理规模达 561.13 亿美元,截止昨日, companiesmarketcap 数据显示,比特币市值已升至 1.398 万亿美元,超越白银,跻身全球市值第八大资产。

而此前,USDT总市值也突破历史新高,据CoinGecko 数据显示,USDT 总市值突破 1000 亿美元,现报 1005 亿美元。在加密市场大盘持续向上,比特币减半叙事以及铭文创新正在为市场注入动力的背景下,围绕资产发行标准、扩容协议、跨链协议等板块的比特币生态正在全面开花。

作为比特币生态建设早期支持者, OKX Web3 在资产发行标准上的建设又进一步,官方已于日前宣布支持Atomicals协议的NFT和ARC20代币交易,同时还将 Ordinals 市场升级为铭文市场。

本文将带读者快速了解 OKX Web3钱包全新升级的铭文市场,并梳理OKX 的比特币生态建设版图。



Atomicals协议是基于比特币网络构建的协议。在比特币网络上,通过Atomicals协议,可以创建(Mint)、转移以及升级数字物品(NFT,如原生数字NFT、游戏NFT、数字身份、域名、社交网络等),也可以创建可互换的代币(token)。也就是通过Atomicalas协议,在比特币网络可以生成不可互换的NFT,也可以生成可互换的 token。这个可互换的 token 就是 ARC-20 代币。

根据 ARC-20 协议规定,每发行一个 token 需相应数量的 sats 的 UTXO 作为支撑,这意味着每个 token 都与 1 聪绑定,确保了每个 token 的价值不会低于 1 sat。此外,在铸造代币时,ARC-20 标准采用类似于比特币工作量证明机制,要求使用算力来计算出前缀,且以此作为铸造这个 token 的必要条件。未来,ARC-20 和 Atomicals 将为比特币在资产管理与资产发行方面带来新机遇。

而OKX Web3 团队此前曾宣布将集成有创新的多标准铭文协议,目前自主研发的 ARC-20 自研市场已被整合至铭文市场中,与Ordinasl市场并列,支持用户在展示页查看并转移相关资产,以及相关资产的吃单、挂单功能,用户只要打开APP即可看到。


截止目前,OKX Web3 铭文生态已接入BRC-20、SRC-20、ARC-20、Rune Alpha 等铭文协议,铭文市场已支持 BRC-20、ARC-20 代币以及NFT的相关资产交易。用户可使用 OKX Web3 钱包一站式探索、玩转比特币等热门铭文生态。相关负责人表示,未来将关注市场热度以及用户需求,完善铭文生态建设。

二、系统化了解 OKX Web3 比特币生态建设进展

一直以来,比特币生态发展都受到网络扩展性问题的影响,如果开发者想在上面搭建应用就需要有更好的扩容解决方案,基于此,生态里的应用创新并不多见。但去年开始,Oridinals 协议和 BRC-20 代币标准的诞生带来了铭文的热潮,也让人们重新将目光投向了比特币上的资产发行协议,涌现出了像 Atomicals、Runes、BTC Stamps、Taproot Assets 等多样化的资产发行协议,也产生了 ARC-20、SRC-20、ORC-20 等。

本质上来讲,铭文赛道为市场带来了一种 Fair launch 的新模式,给比特币生态带来了巨大的关注度,同时,也引起了人们对于比特币生态的重新关注。

由于比特币扩展性和交易确认时间的困境,要想生态长久发展下去,扩容是比特币生态所有开发者需要直面的问题。在提升比特币的可扩展性方面,目前主要有两条发展路线,一类是链上扩容,在 Bitcoin Layer1 上进行优化;一类是链下扩容,也就是大家通常理解的 Layer2。而除资产发行协议和扩容方案外,基建领域开始有越来越多的项目开始涌现,例如支持铭文的钱包、去中心化索引器、跨链桥、launchpad 等等都在百花齐放的发展中。

在一层的资产发型协议及应用层的基础设施建设上,OKX Web3 团队一直在持续发力,此前率先支持Ordinals市场并创下佳绩。

早在去年7月,OKX Web3 Ordinals 市场已经成为BRC20代币交易量最大的Marketplace,如今随着比特币生态的不断发展,OKX Web3 团队几乎从钱包工具、浏览器、交易市场、协议标准、跨链桥以及比特币Layer2等等方方面面对比特币生态建设进行持续建设。一方面,OKX DEX 在早期就已支持比特币跨链交易,在二层扩容方案上,OKX Web3也在陆续支持相关项目的接入,例如 Babylon、Merlin、B²等。

当然,作为 OKX 旗下的投资基金,OKX Ventures 致力于坚持资助比特币生态创新发展,目前已投资 B² Network,Bitmap Tech,Babylon,bitSmiley,alexGo,Portal Defi等项目。根据此前报道,OKX Ventures 将拿出 1000 万美金持续投入并支持BTC生态的新锐创业者,加速区块链技术的提高,同时提供服务和资源,帮助合作伙伴共同发展。

实际上,除引领比特币生态的基础设施建设外,OKX Web3 钱包在过去一到两年的时间里在以太坊EVM生态以及Solana等热点生态的建设上也倾注了时间和精力,在完善基础设施的同时,还整合了生态的热门应用,他们始终在为用户打造便捷的一站式 Web3 入口而付诸实践。如同在支持比特币生态建设之处时,OKX 的首席创新官 jason Lau所说“用户需求是 OKX 做价值判断时参考的第一准则,用户需求更是OKX 坚持产品创新的第一驱动力。”

Author Bitcoin is entering a new era. According to the data, the total asset management scale of Bitcoin has reached US$ 100 million. As of yesterday, the data showed that the market value of Bitcoin has risen to US$ 1 trillion, surpassing silver and ranking as the eighth largest asset in the world. Previously, the total market value also broke through a record high. According to the data, the total market value exceeded US$ 100 million, and now it is reported that US$ 100 million is being reported. Under the background that the encryption market continues to increase, bitcoin is halved and the inscription innovation is injecting momentum into the market, the asset issuance standard expansion agreement and cross-chain The bitcoin ecology of the plate is in full bloom. As an early supporter of bitcoin ecological construction, the construction of asset issuance standards has gone further. Recently, the government has announced its support for the agreement and token trading, and at the same time, it has upgraded the market to an inscription market. This paper will take readers to quickly understand the brand-new inscription market of wallets and sort out the bitcoin ecological construction map. The original market has been upgraded to an inscription market to help users play the inscription ecology one-stop. To understand, we must first understand that the agreement is based on Bitcoin. The protocol built by the network can create, transfer and upgrade digital goods such as native digital games, digital identity domain names, social networks, etc. through the protocol, it can also create interchangeable tokens, that is, it can generate both non-interchangeable and interchangeable tokens in the bitcoin network through the protocol. This interchangeable token requires a corresponding number of tokens to support each issue according to the agreement, which means that each is bound to Cong to ensure that the value of each is not lower than that of the other casting. The token time standard adopts a workload proof mechanism similar to that of Bitcoin, which requires computing power to calculate the prefix as a necessary condition for casting this. In the future, it will bring new opportunities for Bitcoin in asset management and asset issuance, and the team has previously announced that it will integrate innovative multi-standard inscription protocols. At present, the self-developed market independently developed has been integrated into the inscription market, which supports users to view and transfer related assets on the display page, as well as users with the function of pending orders for related assets. As long as you open it, you can see that up to now, the inscription ecology has been connected and other inscription agreements, and the inscription market has supported tokens and related assets transactions. Users can use wallets to explore and play with popular inscriptions such as Bitcoin in one stop. The person in charge of ecology said that in the future, he will pay attention to the market fever and improve the user's needs. Understand the progress of bitcoin ecological construction. Bitcoin ecological development has always been affected by the problem of network scalability. If developers want to build applications on it, they need it. There are better expansion solutions, and application innovation based on this ecology is rare, but last year, the birth of agreements and token standards brought about the upsurge of inscriptions, which also made people pay attention to the asset issuance agreements on Bitcoin again, and diversified asset issuance agreements such as images emerged. In essence, the inscription track brought a new model to the market, brought great attention to the Bitcoin ecology, and also caused people to pay attention to the Bitcoin ecology again. Dilemma of special currency expansion and transaction confirmation time. In order to make the ecology develop for a long time, expansion is a problem that all developers of Bitcoin ecology need to face directly. At present, there are two main development routes to improve the scalability of Bitcoin. One is on-chain expansion, and the other is off-chain expansion, which is generally understood. In addition to asset issuance agreements and expansion plans, more and more projects have begun to emerge in the infrastructure field, such as wallet decentralization indexers and cross-chain bridges that support inscriptions. In the development of a hundred flowers, the team has been making continuous efforts in the infrastructure construction of the asset hairstyle protocol on the first floor and the application layer. Previously, it took the lead in supporting the market and achieved good results. As early as last month, the market has become the largest in token trading. Now, with the continuous development of bitcoin ecology, the team has been continuously building bitcoin ecological construction from almost all aspects such as wallet tools, browsers, trading market protocols, standards, cross-chain bridges and bitcoin. On the one hand, it has supported bitcoin cross-chain construction at an early stage. In the second-floor expansion plan, the transaction is also supporting the access of related projects, such as, of course, as its investment fund, it is committed to insisting on funding bitcoin ecological innovation and development, and currently invested projects. According to previous reports, it will continue to invest US dollars and support emerging entrepreneurs in ecology to accelerate the improvement of blockchain technology, while providing services and resources to help partners develop together. In fact, in addition to leading the infrastructure construction of bitcoin ecology, wallets have been used in the past one to two years. Time and energy have also been devoted to the construction of Taifang Ecology and other hot-spot ecology. While improving the infrastructure, they have also integrated the popular applications of ecology. They have always created a convenient one-stop entrance for users and put it into practice. As the chief innovation officer said when supporting the ecological construction of Bitcoin, user demand is the first criterion to refer to when making value judgments, and user demand is the first driving force to adhere to product innovation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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