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在 2021 年的旧金山,每个来到这座西海岸城市的游客,在城市的核心区都会发现随处可见的 FTX 巨幅广告,广告里是 Sam Bankman-Fried 和他标志性的发型。

“这个爆炸头是谁?”游客们往往会发出疑问。“哦,那是 SBF,”本地人会一脸骄傲的告诉他们,“是湾区长大的孩子,现在是最好的交易所的 CEO。知道比特币吗?”

彼时的 FTX 在美国风头无二,加密世界的牛市让这个以衍生品起家的美国背景交易所乘风而起,不仅稳坐全世界第二交易所的位置,估值也达到了惊人的 320 亿美元,约等于萨尔瓦多(对,就是因比特币知名的那个国家)一年的全国总产值。

这一切,都是 SBF 和他的团队在 5 年之内的成果。SBF 如愿成为了圈内的“Poster Boy”(海报男孩),人们称他为加密之王,追捧着他的“有效利他主义”,也同时在 FTX 上用数倍的杠杆赚的盆满钵满。牛市的样子大概如此。

如果把新闻搜索调到 2021 年,你会发现他的形象与如今的阶下囚截然不同。当时的 SBF 已经不再甘于做一个加密圈的成功人士,而试图把自己打造成一个政商一体的新星。

他成为了国会和华盛顿的常客,向拜登的总统竞选捐赠了 520 万美元,在捐赠者中排名第二;他公开宣称,愿意支持对高净值人士的高税率。当时,不少头部媒体,不论圈内圈外,以能够采访到 SBF 为荣。

而那时,距离他从麻省理工学院本科毕业才仅仅 7 年。


2022 年,Coindesk 发布了关于 Alameda Research 的资产负债表的信息,市场信心开始有些动摇。CZ 的一篇 twitter 正式开启了 FTT 的抛售潮,即便 SBF 在 twitter 上如何自证,如何一遍遍地告诉投资者们资金安全,FTX 还是不可避免地走向了挤兑潮。

短时间内,FTT 丧失了超过 80% 的价值,SBF 一夜之间从年少成名的 CEO 变成了“美国历史上最大的金融诈骗犯之一”。

2022 年 11 月 11 日,Alameda 宣布破产,SBF 同日宣布辞职。

一年后,陪审团面对众叛亲离的 SBF,宣布他的七项指控罪名全部成立。


美国当地时间 3 月 28 日,法官宣布 Sam Bankman-Fried 因欺诈被判 25 年监禁,且需支付 110 亿美元罚金。据称,这一量刑标准少于联邦检察官希望判处的 40 至 50 年监禁,但远远超过了他的律师建议的五到六年半。

负责本案的法官 Kaplan 直言,他从未听到 SBF 对犯下的严重罪行表达过任何悔意。他说在他担任联邦法官的 30 年中,他“从未见过”像 SBF 的审判证词那样的“表现”。

SBF 在庭审作证过程当中说了上百次的“我不知道“,回避了数个关键问题,还曾被检方律师问到哑口无言。这对于陪审团来说,无异于是对于某些事实问题的承认。

Kaplan 法官在宣布 SBF 25 年监禁判决之前表示,存在一种风险,“这个人将来可能(出狱后)会做出非常糟糕的事情,而这并不是一个微不足道的风险。”

而 SBF 和他的律师所一直做的事情,就是把 SBF 本人打造成一个书呆子的形象。不仅之前的庭审战略如此,直到审判日,SBF 律师 Marc Mukasey 在请求 Kaplan 宽大处理时,也在努力打造出一个无害的形象,FTX 则是这个书呆子科学家弄出的无心之失。

律师说,“Sam 不是每天早上都出门伤害人的无情金融连环杀手。”相反,“他是一个笨拙的数学宅男”,拥有“不懈的工作精神”。他说,SBF 不应该被关在“四乘四的铁盒子里”。

律师说,就 SBF 的日记来看,他“感受不到快乐或幸福”。

而检察官 Roos 表示,FTX 在 2022 年底的崩溃并非因为“流动性危机或管理不善行为。”检察官说:“那是对全球客户资金数十亿美元的盗窃。”


在审判日的法庭上,SBF 有一次自己发言的机会。在这个时刻其实发言已经成为大局已定后的点缀,在律师争辩结束、法官基本已经定调的情况下,SBF 能做的事情其实很少。


SBF 说,一件重要的事是我在 FTX 的同事们,我浪费了他们建立的东西。他们感到失望。对此,我感到抱歉,对每一个阶段发生的事情,我都感到抱歉……我应该做的事情和我说的话,我不应该做的事情……我真的关心一切。

他对曾经是核心团队而如今站在证人席上指认他的三个人选择了原谅。他说,“整个行业都按照 Gary 的模式重建了自己,他建立的许多事物成为了行业标准,当 Alameda 面临崩溃的危险,我收到了一条匿名消息,告诉我该如何解决问题,而那很明显是 Nishad 发的,他出了名的谦逊。

还有 Caroline,相当了不起,大部分是自学成才的,她向我寻求对她员工评价的建议。我读了她对一个人的评价,我学到了很多。他们全身心投入其中,然后我把所有这些都抛弃了。我做出了一系列糟糕的决定。这些决定不是出于自私。”

他还说,我曾是 FTX 的首席执行官,我是它的领导者,这意味着最终我要负责。“如果你是首席执行官,不管事情为何变糟,责任都在你身上。我并不是最终最重要的人……我的有用生命可能已经结束。我早已给出了我所能给的。


彭博社描述,当时的场景是 SBF 身穿棕褐色的监狱连身衣,与审判期间的短发不同,他的头发又长了出来,站立时双手交叉在前,法官宣读判决时他没有反应,目光低垂。他的母亲,Barbara Fried,望向窗外,而他的父亲,Joe Bankman,双手托脸。

“我们心碎了,将继续为我们的儿子战斗,”SBF 的父母在判决后发表声明说。

根据监狱顾问 Christopher Zoukis 的说法,SBF 很可能被送往一个中等安全级别的设施。Zoukis 表示,SBF 很可能最终被安置在接近内华达州边界的 FCI Herlong,或是距离他父母在帕洛阿尔托家约 135 英里东南方的 FCI Mendota。

在联邦刑事案件中,尽管没有假释的可能性,但通过良好行为,SBF 有机会减少他 25 年刑期时间。

前联邦检察官 Mitchell Epner 透露,若 SBF 利用所有可获得的减刑,他可能最少只需服刑 12.5 年。联邦囚犯通常因良好行为每年最多可获得 54 天的刑期减免,大约相当于 15% 的减刑。

而自 2018 年的“第一步行动”监狱改革立法实施以来,非暴力联邦囚犯的刑期可能减少至多达 50% 。此外,特殊理由,通常是医疗原因,也允许法院减少刑期。

When I was a teenager in San Francisco in, every visitor to this west coast city will find a huge advertisement everywhere in the core area of the city. The advertisement is about his signature hairstyle. Who is this explosive head? Tourists often ask questions. It is that locals will proudly tell them that they are children who grew up in the Bay Area. Now they are the best exchange. Do you know Bitcoin? At that time, it was in the limelight in the United States. The bull market in the encrypted world made this derivative-based America. Background: The exchange not only sits firmly in the position of the second exchange in the world, but also has an amazing valuation of US$ 100 million, which is about equal to the annual gross national product of El Salvador, a country famous for bitcoin. All this is due to the achievements of his team within the year, and he has become a poster boy in the circle. People call him the king of encryption and pursue his effective altruism. At the same time, he has earned a lot of money with several times of leverage in the world, which is probably the case if you adjust the news search to next year. We will find that his image is completely different from that of today's prisoners. At that time, he was no longer willing to be a successful person in the encryption circle, but tried to make himself a new star in the integration of politics and business. He became a frequent visitor to Congress and Washington, and donated $10,000 to Biden's presidential campaign, ranking second among donors. He publicly declared that he was willing to support the high tax rate for high-net-worth individuals. At that time, many head media were proud of being able to interview them both inside and outside the circle, and it was only after he graduated from MIT. Only years later is the history that readers are familiar with. In, the information about the balance sheet was released, and the confidence of the market began to waver. An officially started selling tide, even if how to prove yourself and tell investors the safety of funds over and over again, inevitably went to a run tide, and lost more value in a short time. It became one of the biggest financial fraudsters in American history from a young name overnight, and a year later, it was announced that it was bankrupt and resigned on the same day. The judge announced that he was sentenced to years in prison for fraud and paid a fine of $100 million. It is said that this sentencing standard is less than the five to six and a half years that the federal prosecutor hopes to sentence, but far exceeds the five to six and a half years suggested by his lawyer. The judge in charge of this case bluntly said that he had never heard any remorse for the serious crimes he committed. He said that he had never seen anything like the trial testimony during his years as a federal judge. At present, I have said hundreds of times in the process of testifying in court, and I don't know that I have avoided several key questions. I have been asked by the prosecution lawyer to be speechless. This is tantamount to admitting some factual issues to the jury. Before announcing the sentence of imprisonment for a year, the judge said that there is a risk that this person may do very bad things after he is released from prison, which is not a trivial risk. What he and his lawyer have been doing is to make himself an image of a nerd. The previous trial strategy was like this. Until the trial day, the lawyer tried to create a harmless image when he asked for leniency. It was this nerd scientist who made an unintentional mistake. The lawyer said that he was not a ruthless financial serial killer who went out every morning to hurt people. On the contrary, he was a clumsy math geek with unremitting work spirit. He said that he should not be locked in a four-by-four iron box. The lawyer said that he could not feel happy or happy according to his diary, but the prosecutor said that the collapse at the end of the year was not due to. The prosecutor said that it was the last confession of stealing billions of dollars from global clients' funds. At this moment, he had a chance to speak in court on trial day. In fact, speaking has become an ornament to the overall situation. There is actually very little that can be done when the lawyer's argument is over and the judge has basically set the tone. Therefore, he spent about ten minutes speaking a lot in English with basically no syntax, which also allowed us to see what happened after the dust settled. One of the important things about the former favored son's psychological state is that my colleagues here are disappointed that I wasted what they built. I am sorry for what happened at every stage. I am sorry for what I should have done and what I said I shouldn't have done. I really care about everything. He chose to forgive the three people who used to be the core team and now stand on the witness stand and identify him. He said that the whole industry has rebuilt itself according to the model. Many things he built. When I was in danger of collapse, I received an anonymous message telling me how to solve the problem, which was obviously made by him. He was famous for his humility and was quite remarkable. Most of them were self-taught. She asked me for advice on her employees' evaluation. I read her evaluation of a person, and I learned a lot. Then I threw it all away and made a series of bad decisions. These decisions were not selfish. He also said that I was the CEO. I am the leader of it, which means that I am ultimately responsible. If you are the CEO, no matter how things get worse, the responsibility is on you. I am not the most important person in the end. My useful life may have ended. I have already given what I can. He finally said this sentence as if he tried his best. There was such an opportunity that I could do what I wanted to do for the world, but that is not what I am doing now. If people do their best for the world, I can see their success. It's not just my own failure. Bloomberg described the scene at that time as wearing a tan prison jumpsuit, which was different from the short hair during the trial. His hair grew out again and his hands crossed when he stood. When the former judge read the verdict, he didn't respond. His mother looked out of the window and his father put his face in his hands. Our parents, who will continue to fight for our son, issued a statement after the verdict, saying that according to the prison consultant, it was very likely to be sent to a medium-security facility. He may eventually be placed near the Nevada border or about miles southeast of his parents' home in Palo Alto. In federal criminal cases, although there is no possibility of parole, there is a chance to reduce his sentence time through good behavior. Before the federal prosecutor revealed that if all available commutation is used, he may only have to serve at least one year. Federal prisoners usually get at most one day's sentence reduction every year due to good behavior, and the sentence of non-violent federal prisoners may be reduced to as many as possible since the first step of prison reform legislation was implemented in. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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