Liquity 探索:去中心化借贷协议的革新与机遇

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  1. 项目简介

Liquity 是一种去中心化借贷协议,允许用户以名为 LUSD 的稳定币(与美元挂钩)借贷,并以以太坊为抵押。同时,它也引入了一种完全可赎回的稳定币 LQTY。该协议由罗伯特-劳科(Robert Lauko)设计,旨在为 MakerDAO 等现有系统提供一个资本效率更高、风险更低的替代方案。

该协议与传统系统,即需要大量超额抵押才能发行稳定币不同的是,Liquity 能够即时清算风险贷款,并采用独特的赎回机制,最大限度地减少了管理需求,从而降低了抵押要求。



  • 开仓(open trove):用ETH作抵押借入LUSD,最低抵押率为110%。

  • 通过向稳定池(stability pool,SP)提供LUSD来换取清算收益以及Liquity的原生激励代币LQTY。

  • 质押LQTY,来赚取其他用户借入或赎回LUSD所支付的费用。

  • 使用LUSD赎回ETH。

  2. 核心机制



Liquity的价格稳定机制旨在保持其稳定币LUSD的价值与美元(USD)1:1的锚定。该机制的核心是允许用户随时以1 USD的价格用ETH抵押铸造LUSD,或者用LUSD按1 USD的价格赎回ETH。这一机制创造了一个硬性的价格锚定,即当LUSD价格高于1 USD时,用户被激励铸造并出售LUSD以获利;当LUSD价格低于1 USD时,用户则有动机购买LUSD并用其偿还债务,或进行赎回以获得ETH。这种双向的价格调节机制形成了一个强有力的价格稳定的反馈循环。





稳定池是 Liquity 110%抵押率且能保证稳定性的核心因素。正如该项目白皮书所言:“由于收购方事先同意,因此当抵押品仓位不足时,无需当场寻找买方收购抵押品。这一优势使抵押比率大幅降低,同时保持较高的稳定性。”



  3. LQTY

LQTY 是Liquity协议的稳定币,是在借款人存入抵押品时铸造的,抵押品的数量可能大大低于其他系统所需的金额。这种效率归功于 Liquity 创新的清算流程和赎回机制,确保了 LQTY 的价格下限,从而无需治理干预即可促进稳定。该系统旨在通过稳定池自动处理清算,其中 LQTY 代币可以被销毁以清除债务,并通过在借款人之间自动重新分配抵押不足的贷款。这一过程不仅旨在维持系统的稳定性,而且与竞争对手相比,设定了较低的抵押率阈值。










  4. 业务


Liquity 属于稳定币 - 去中心化稳定币赛道。

稳定币是在 DeFi 领域内最具有网络效应的赛道,并且在上一轮周期也取得了明显超过行业平均增速的发展。

由于结算便利以及更加符合普通大众的习惯,稳定币已经取代 BTC/ETH 成为现货交易的基础结算货币大受市场欢迎的永续合约等新型衍生品的结算货币大部分项目方和风险投资机构进行投融资活动的结算货币。体现在数据上,就是稳定币市值规模的涨幅超过加密市场平均涨幅,且回调幅度也小于市场平均。



以下为 Liquity 项目创建以来的重要事迹,截至 2023 年 3 月。

Chicken Bonds

Liquity 推出的 Chicken Bonds 严格意义上来说是能够激励 POL(Protocol Owned Liquidity,协议拥有的流动性)的一套方案,其第一个产品模块是 LUSD 的 Chicken Bonds。Chicken Bonds 目标是帮助协议用尽可能低的成本来引导流动性的同时,给用户更稳健的本金保护。

Chicken Bonds的机制相当复杂与精巧,简单点说就是把存在chicken bonds的 lusd 名义上分成三个池子(pending, reserve, parnament),但是只有其中一个池子的lusd可以享受三个池子的全部收益(reserve),$blusd 就用来表征用户在这个独享收益池子中的份额。


bLUSD(Boosted LUSD):通过参与Chicken Bonds机制,用户可以获得的一种增强版LUSD,其价值和收益潜力超过普通的LUSD。bLUSD能够代表用户在Chicken Bonds机制中的份额,并且可以随时赎回成LUSD。

LUSD Bond NFT:用户通过LUSD购买债券后获得的非同质化代币(NFT),代表了用户在Chicken Bonds中的债权。该NFT可以根据系统预设的时间-收益曲线兑换成bLUSD。


投资和收益:用户使用LUSD购买债券后,这些资金首先进入“待定池”(Pending Bucket),通过B.Protocol存入稳定池(Stability Pool),以获得LQTY奖励和ETH清算收益,这些收益被自动转换成LUSD以实现复利效应。

选择权:持有LUSD Bond NFT的用户可以选择领取bLUSD(Chicken in)或取消债券(Chicken Out)。领取bLUSD的数量随时间增长而增加,但增加的速度会逐渐减慢。用户可以通过支付一定比例的手续费提前领取bLUSD,但这会导致一部分LUSD进入“永久池”(Permanent Bucket),归协议所有。



优势:Chicken Bonds提供了一种激励POL的有效机制,同时为用户提供了超过普通LUSD的收益潜力,增加了Liquity协议的吸引力。

劣势:由于Chicken Bonds的收益主要依赖于新用户的参与,存在一定程度的“庞氏结构”特征,其持续性和稳定性可能会受到挑战。此外,大部分参与者在参与Chicken Bonds后处于亏损状态,这可能会影响其长期的参与意愿和协议的健康发展。

总的来说,Chicken Bonds是Liquity协议为了激励协议拥有的流动性和提高用户参与度而设计的一种创新机制。通过提供超过传统LUSD的收益潜力,吸引用户参与并锁定资金,增加了Liquity协议的稳定性和吸引力。然而,它的可持续性和对早期参与者的影响需要随着时间的推移进行观察和评估。

  5. 团队/合作/融资


Robert Lauko,创始人兼CEO,毕业于苏黎世大学,获得法学博士学位,具有多年的法务和律师从业经历,在创办Liquity之前,他是Dfinity的助理研究员。

Rick Pardoe,联合创始人兼核心开发,物理学学士和经济学硕士,17年开始接触区块链领域的开发,创建了网站。

Kolten Bergeron,增长负责人,曾任Stellar发展基金会生态系统和社区发展经理。LinkedIn显示,目前团队成员共有10人,其中绝大部分是开发人员。


Ashleigh Schap,她目前也是Uniswap的增长负责人,之前在MakerDAO任职。

Yulin Liu,苏黎世大学的经济学博士,之前是Dfinity的经济学家,目前也是华中科技大学的经济学副教授。刘博士与人合作发表了大量关于加密货币的学术论文。为Liquity做了最初的宏观经济模型模拟,为LUSD在ETH波动下的保持稳定性提供了依据。

Cedric Waldburger,他是Liquity最初的投资人。


种子前轮由Cedric Waldburger所在的Tomahawk.VC投资,未披露具体的融资金额和融资时间。

2020年9月,完成由Polychain Capital领投的240万美元的种子轮融资,参投方包括, Lemniscap, 1kx, Dfinity Ecosystem Fund, Robot Ventures, Robert Leshner(Compound创始人),和Alex Pack。

2021年3月,完成由Pantera Capital领投的600万美元A轮融资,参投方包括Nima Capital、Alameda Research、Greenfield One、IOSG Ventures、AngelDAO,以及天使投资人Bo Shen、Meltem Demirors、David Hoffman、Calvin Liu 和 George Lambeth 等。Tomahawk.VC、1kx 和 Lemniscap等先前的投资人也追加了投资。

  6. 项目优势/劣势

Liquity 目前是完全去中心化稳定币的龙头,但是事实上 LUSD 的竞争对手并不仅仅是完全去中心化稳定币,也包括「部分去中心化」稳定币如 DAI 和 FRAX,以及中心化稳定币 USDT、USDC 等。当然与 LUSD 直接构成竞争关系的,还是去中心化稳定币。


1. 完全去中心化:Liquity作为一个完全去中心化的稳定币协议,其去中心化的特性是其最显著的竞争优势之一。这使得LUSD能够免受单点故障或监管风险的影响,提供了更高的安全性和抗审查能力。特别是在稳定币面临监管压力加大的背景下,Liquity的完全去中心化特性更显珍贵。

2. 优秀的机制设计:Liquity的稳定池、债务再分配和恢复模式等机制设计被认为是非常先进和高效的。这些设计不仅实现了快速和安全的清算流程,而且通过稳定池提供了自然的利用场景,使得LUSD能够在没有中心化担保人的情况下维持价格稳定性,同时保持高资本效率。

3. 无需治理,减少人为干预:Liquity的无治理模式意味着其协议参数和更新完全由预设的算法控制,减少了治理过程中可能出现的人为错误或操纵的风险。这种设计在提高协议透明度和预测性的同时,也保证了长期的稳定性和安全性。

4. 低成本的借贷服务:Liquity提供无利息的借款服务,借款者只需要支付一次性的铸币费和赎回费。这种低成本的设计吸引了许多寻求高效资本利用的用户,特别是在加密货币市场波动性大时,用户可以灵活地管理自己的资产。

5. 被广泛Fork的证明:Liquity协议的被Fork次数超过其他任何稳定币协议,这证明了其机制设计的受欢迎程度和行业内对其创新的认可。

6. 经历市场考验:Liquity自上线以来已经成功地经历了多次加密市场的剧烈波动,这证明了其核心机制的韧性和有效性。尤其是在市场下跌期间,Liquity的清算机制和价格稳定性得到了充分的验证。

当然,相比其他的稳定币项目,Liquity 本身协议的创新之处很多,部分特性也存在不小的争议,也给协议带来了一定的竞争劣势。Liquity在稳定币市场中的竞争劣势主要包括:

1. 无治理机制限制了用例拓展:Liquity的无治理特性虽然在安全性和去中心化方面提供了优势,但同时也限制了协议的灵活性和对新变化的适应能力。无治理意味着Liquity难以通过治理调整协议参数或引入新的功能来应对市场变化,这可能限制了Liquity在用例拓展和快速适应市场需求方面的能力。

2. 收费结构:Liquity采用在铸造和赎回时收取一次性费用的模式,而不是基于借款利息的模式。这种收费模式可能导致协议收入不稳定,且随着LUSD流通量增加,无法从增加的稳定币规模中持续获利,导致风险收益不对等。

3. 未来激励不足:LQTY代币的主要激励用于稳定池,但随着时间的推移,预留给稳定池激励的LQTY数量将减少。在未来,Liquity面临着激励不足的挑战,这可能影响其吸引和保持用户的能力。

4. 竞争对手的治理和产品创新能力:相比于其他稳定币项目,如MakerDAO和Frax Finance,Liquity的无治理模式可能在治理和产品创新方面处于不利地位。这些竞争对手通过治理模型能够更灵活地调整协议参数和推出新产品,以应对市场变化和用户需求。

5. 对外部变化的适应能力:由于无治理模式,Liquity可能难以迅速适应外部环境的变化,如ETH的质押机制变化等,这可能限制其长期竞争力和市场份额的增长。

  7. 总结




The project introduction is a decentralized loan agreement, which allows users to borrow with a stable currency named "linked to the US dollar" and use Ethereum as collateral. At the same time, it also introduces a completely redeemable stable currency. The agreement was designed by Robert Lauco to provide an alternative with higher capital efficiency and lower risk for existing systems. The agreement is different from the traditional system, which requires a large amount of excessive mortgage to issue stable currency, but it can immediately liquidate risky loans and adopt a unique redemption mechanism to minimize it. The lack of management requirements has reduced the mortgage requirements, which makes it an attractive choice for borrowers seeking effective ways to use their Ethereum assets. The agreement allows the use of a stable currency that is always linked to the mortgage, and only requires the minimum mortgage rate through the re-settlement mechanism of the debt redistribution recovery model of the stable pool, thus greatly improving the capital utilization rate and maintaining the stability of the agreement. The main use cases are as follows: opening positions as the minimum mortgage borrowing. Mortgage rate is the fee paid by other users for borrowing or redeeming by offering to the stabilization pool in exchange for liquidation income and pledge of original incentive tokens. The redemption core mechanism agreement provides an innovative stable currency solution in the decentralized financial field through its unique design. The three key mechanisms, price stabilization mechanism, clearing mechanism and supply control mechanism, work together to maintain the stability and efficiency of the system. The price stabilization mechanism of price stabilization mechanism aims to maintain its stable currency. The core of this mechanism is to allow users to cast with mortgage or redeem with mortgage at any time. This mechanism creates a hard price anchor, that is, when the price is higher, users are encouraged to cast and sell for profit. When the price is lower, users have the incentive to buy and use it to repay debts or redeem in order to obtain this two-way price adjustment mechanism, which has formed a powerful feedback loop of price stability. In fact, this stable mechanism is very effective. The following figure shows. The calculated price is based on the fact that the price fluctuation of the most liquid exchange has been maintained at present, and most of the time, which shows the stability of the clearing mechanism. The clearing mechanism is designed to protect the system from the threat of excessive debt and ensure the repayment of debt. When the borrower's mortgage rate is lower than the minimum, its position will be regarded as excessive debt and trigger liquidation. A unique real-time liquidation process is adopted, which does not require traditional auction. First of all, if the stable pool is provided by users, there will be. Sufficient funds will be used to pay off debts and related collateral will be distributed to the participants in the stabilization pool in proportion. If the funds in the stabilization pool are insufficient to cover debts, the system will distribute the outstanding debts to other borrowers through the debt redistribution mechanism, which ensures the stability of the system and reduces the need for online auction, reducing the complexity and uncertainty of the liquidation process. The stabilization pool is the core factor of the mortgage rate and ensuring stability, as the white paper of this project says. The buyer agrees in advance, so when the collateral position is insufficient, there is no need to look for the buyer to buy the collateral on the spot. This advantage greatly reduces the mortgage ratio and maintains a high stability. The supply control mechanism of the supply control mechanism aims to adjust the total supply and maintain its price stability. This is mainly achieved by adjusting the coinage fee and the redemption fee, both of which are dynamically adjusted according to the market situation and the frequency of redemption activities. When redemption activities increase, the redemption fee will rise and make redemption. It becomes less attractive, and vice versa. Coinage fees are also adjusted according to redemption activities, aiming at encouraging or inhibiting new minting to adjust the market supply. In this way, the supply and demand that are tried to be balanced through fee adjustment without the conventional interest mechanism are the stable currency of the agreement, and the amount of collateral cast when the borrower deposits the collateral may be much lower than the amount required by other systems. This efficiency is attributed to the innovative liquidation process and redemption mechanism, which ensures price floor's It can promote stability without governance intervention. The system aims to automatically handle and liquidate through the stabilization pool, in which tokens can be destroyed to clear debts, and automatically redistribute loans with insufficient mortgage among borrowers. This process not only aims to maintain the stability of the system, but also sets a lower mortgage rate threshold compared with competitors. The following are the main characteristics and their impact on users and the whole system. The total supply of distribution and rewards is 100 million. These tokens are mainly distributed to participants in various ways. One of the most obvious distribution methods for users of the agreement is to reward users by depositing them into the stable pool to help the agreement manage the liquidation process. In return, they will get tokens. In addition, users who provide liquidity can also get the value of the reward value acquisition mechanism, which comes from their ability to capture part of the income of the agreement. When users open loan positions or perform redemption operations, they need to pay a certain fee, and some of these fees will be distributed to the holders, which means that token holders can obtain from the agreement. One of the main risks faced by the holders of direct benefits and benefits in the operation of the agreement is that the market price will be affected by many factors such as the agreement utilization rate, the price and the overall trend of the market. However, through participating in the stable pool of governance and liquidity, the value governance function that users can actively influence is provided. Although it has no direct governance right, it is a key component of the agreement ecology, representing the recognition of the agreement contribution, and the holding and distribution reflects the stability of the agreement by users. The contribution of qualitative and liquidity: the business track belongs to the decentralized stable currency. The stable currency is the track with the most network effect in the field, and it has also achieved a development obviously exceeding the average growth rate of the industry in the last round. Due to the convenience of settlement and more in line with the habits of the general public, the stable currency has replaced the settlement currency of spot transactions and the settlement currency of new derivatives such as perpetual contracts, which are popular in the market. Most projects and venture capital institutions invest and finance. The active settlement currency is reflected in the data, that is, the market value of the stable currency has increased more than the average increase of the encryption market, and the callback range is also smaller than the average market. The positioning of the stable currency as the basic settlement currency of the encryption currency has been very stable in the hearts of all market participants, and its market size will at least develop synchronously with the overall size of the encryption currency, and there is still huge room for development. The following business products are important deeds since the project was established. Strictly speaking, they are a set of schemes that can stimulate the liquidity of the agreement. The first product module is to help the agreement to be as low as possible. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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