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作者:Daniel Kuhn 来源:coinbase 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


业内出版物 Protos 最近发表了一篇文章,指出许多闪电网络开发者已经退出该项目,需要解决的漏洞和问题越来越多,并且流动性正在缓慢枯竭。综合来看,人们似乎更愿意指出比特币这项领先扩展解决方案的缺陷了。

这些说法部分属实。早在 2019 年,该网络的共同创建者之一塔德格·德拉贾 (Tadge Dryja) 就愿意讨论该扩展解决方案的“局限性”,并且在当年因扩展比特币的方式与闪电网络实验室 (Lightning Labs) 等主要闪电网络开发者存在分歧后,停止了对该项目的直接贡献(当时距离闪电网络上线仅几个月,距离首次提出该概念也快四年了)。

类似地,闪电网络白皮书的另一位合著者约瑟夫· Poon 似乎对其他链(例如以太坊的 Plasma)上的区块链扩展解决方案更感兴趣。他目前正在研发一种新型的去中心化交易所。

多年来,人们发现了影响闪电网络及其某些实现的漏洞。例如,在 2022 年,闪电网络实验室首选的实现 LND 中的错误代码导致用户无法将资金转移到主网上几个小时。(不过,公平地说,漏洞在被利用之前通常都会得到修复。)



最新一轮关于比特币闪电网络的讨论似乎是由长期比特币支持者约翰·卡瓦略 (John Carvalho) 引发的,他曾经是闪电网络的“最大拥趸”之一,直到他尝试在其之上构建软件解决方案。最近,卡瓦略在与 Vlad Costea 的访谈中嘲笑该协议的“复杂性和脆弱性”,引起了广泛关注。

以让它勉强运行,尽我们所能,但头几年围绕 [闪电网络] 形成的所有叙述都被极大地夸大了。”

的确,围绕比特币的闪电网络似乎出现了舆论转向。闪电网络曾被吹捧为 Visa 支付系统 的潜在替代方案,并将带来“比特币超发”浪潮。

受卡瓦略访谈的启发,比特币开发者保罗·斯托克 (Paul Sztorc) 发布了一长串闪电网络的“负面因素”,其中包括怀疑它能否扩展到覆盖全球超过 80 亿人口、与谁互动存在的“通道风险”、支付失败率以及投入其中的比特币数量仅占流通中比特币的“微不足道的 0.025%”。

Protos 还进一步指出,闪电网络上的比特币总量一直在缓慢减少,从 2023 年 12 月的 5500 枚 BTC 以下下降到今天的约 4750 枚 BTC。这可能表明人们正在放弃闪电网络,不过值得注意的是,今年以美元计投入闪电网络的价值翻了一番,达到约 3.2 亿美元,而去年同期为 1.58 亿美元。

仅查看数据会使局面变得扑朔迷离:闪电网络节点数量也从 2022 年的峰值下降,节点间的连接数亦然,然而据报道,交易总数一直在上升。

斯托克一直倡导通过“侧链”扩展比特币,他整理的主观和轶事性描述描绘了一幅更严峻的图景。就在过去的一年里,备受尊敬的比特币核心开发人员 BlueMatt 称闪电网络为“笑话”。闪电网络安全研究员 Antoine Riard 离开了该项目(并发布了一篇措辞严厉的博客文章)。流行社交网络 Nostr 的创建者 FiatJaf 也表达了他信心下降的感受。

CoinDesk 在此不揣测最终结果,但可以看出,充其量,闪电网络的增长有些停滞。但要说公众对闪电网络的认知发生了变化似乎夸大其词;多年来人们一直批评闪电网络被过分炒作,其狂热信徒设定了不切实际的期望。

事实上,闪电网络的共同创建者约瑟夫· Poon 和塔德格·德拉贾从一开始就表示,它并不能解决比特币的所有可扩展性问题。围绕闪电网络的梗图总是说它“还需要 18 个月”是有原因的。

虽然很难反驳批评者关于对闪电网络的承诺过于轻率(尤其是在上一轮牛市狂热期间),但将这些对话放在适当的背景下看待很重要。当该网络在经过多年的测试后于 2019 年正式启动时,比特币支持者经常警告它是一种“实验性”解决方案。

在大规模测试闪电网络(“闪电炬火”在全球传递,以在克雷格·“假中本聪”·赖特起诉随机比特币支持者 Hodlonaut 后筹集资金)前后,曾出现过一个流行的话题标签,警告用户使用闪电网络是 “鲁莽” 的,只能发送愿意损失的金额。



Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network has been hailed as the savior of Bitcoin for many years. It is an offline solution that can make the peer-to-peer digital cash proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto truly become a functional payment network. However, nowadays, lightning network seems to be losing people's trust. Recently, an article published in the industry pointed out that many lightning network developers have withdrawn from the project, and there are more and more loopholes and problems to be solved, and liquidity is slowly drying up. It seems that people are more willing to point out the defects of Bitcoin, a leading expansion solution. These statements are partly true. As early as in, one of the co-founders of the network, Tadege Drada, was willing to discuss the limitations of the expansion solution, and stopped making direct contributions to the project after the way of expanding Bitcoin was different from the major lightning network developers such as Lightning Network Lab. At that time, it was only a few months before the lightning network went online, and it was almost four years before the concept was first put forward. Joseph, another co-author of the white paper on lightning network, seems to be more interested in the blockchain expansion solution on other chains, such as Ethereum. He is currently developing a new decentralized exchange. Over the years, people have discovered loopholes that affect lightning network and some of its implementations, such as the wrong code in the preferred implementation of lightning network laboratory in, which prevented users from transferring funds to the main network for several hours, but it is fair to say that loopholes are usually fixed before they are used. Other bitcoin supporters are also worried about many privacy issues of lightning network and that the extended solution is sometimes unexpectedly expensive to use. In particular, they question the design of inbound capacity in lightning network, which limits the amount of bitcoin you can receive, so users sometimes have to pay a fee to receive funds or this fee is subsidized by startups. The latest round of discussion about bitcoin lightning network seems to be triggered by long-term bitcoin supporter John Carvalho. He used to be one of the biggest fans of lightning network until he tried to build a software solution on it. Recently, Carvalho laughed at the complexity and fragility of the protocol in an interview with, which caused widespread concern to make it run as hard as we could, but all the narratives formed around lightning network in the first few years were greatly exaggerated. Indeed, the lightning network around Bitcoin seems to have turned to public opinion. Lightning network has been touted as a potential alternative to payment system and will bring bitcoin super-development. Inspired by Carvalho's interview, the bitcoin developer Paul Rostock released a long list of negative factors of lightning network, including doubts about whether it can be extended to cover the channel where more than 100 million people interact with each other, the failure rate of risk payment, and the amount of bitcoin invested in it only accounts for a negligible amount of bitcoin in circulation. It is further pointed out that the total amount of bitcoin on lightning network has been slowly decreasing from less than 100 million dollars in June to about 100 dollars today, which may indicate that people are giving up flashing. However, it is worth noting that the value of lightning network in US dollars has doubled this year to about US$ 100 million, compared with US$ 100 million in the same period last year. Just looking at the data will make the situation confusing, and the number of nodes in lightning network has also dropped from the peak in 2000, as has the number of connections between nodes. However, it is reported that the total number of transactions has been rising. Stoke has been advocating the expansion of Bitcoin through side chains. His subjective and anecdotal descriptions have painted a more grim picture, which has been respected in the past year. The core developers of Bitcoin called lightning network a joke. Lightning network security researchers left the project and published a harshly worded blog post. The founder of popular social network also expressed his feeling of declining confidence. Here, we don't speculate on the final result, but we can see that at best, the growth of lightning network has stagnated, but it seems exaggerated to say that the public's cognition of lightning network has changed. For many years, people have been criticizing lightning network for being over-hyped and unrealistic for its fanatics. In fact, Joseph and Tadegger Drada, the co-founders of Lightning Network, said from the very beginning that it could not solve all the scalability problems of Bitcoin. There is a reason why it always says that it needs another month around the lightning network. Although it is difficult to refute the critics' suggestion that the commitment to lightning network is too rash, especially during the last bull market frenzy, it is important to put these conversations in a proper context when the network was officially launched in 2008 after years of testing. Currency supporters often warn that it is an experimental solution. Before and after the large-scale testing of lightning network, lightning torch fire was transmitted around the world to raise funds after Craig fake Satoshi Nakamoto Wright sued random bitcoin supporters, there was a popular topic label warning users that it is reckless to use lightning network and can only send the amount they are willing to lose. Lightning network has reasonable complaints in the past and now. If it is to be improved, it should be spoken freely. It is difficult and expensive to open and close the channel. Many security and scalability problems usually make lightning networks suitable for daily use. Hosting solutions will reintroduce the third-party problems that Bitcoin aims to solve. If there is any merit, it is that its most enthusiastic supporters are often its harshest critics. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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