AI代币价格飙升:这只是炒作 还是有真正的潜力?

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随着多个 AI 代币在 2024 年实现三倍数字增长,观察人士质疑其中许多项目是否有价值。

过去几个月,人工智能(AI)代币市场一直在显着上涨,上个月,随着许多交易所 的交易量和市场估值飙升,情况达到了狂热的程度。

加密货币平台 Bitget 的数据显示,仅 2 月份,专用 AI 代币专区的交易量就猛增了400%,总市值超过 390 亿美元。

这种快速上涨主要是由于投资者纷纷涌入以人工智能为中心的概念,如 Worldcoin ( WLD )、Livepeer (LPT) 和 Arkham (ARKM),所有这些概念的价格在过去几个月中都出现了爆发。

WLD——与 Sam Altman 人工智能驱动的全民基本收入项目相关的代币——在 3 月初的交易价格较 2023 年的上市价格上涨了约 350%,至每个代币超过 7 美元。同样,自推出以来,LPT 和 ARKM 也实现了三位数百分比涨幅,分别接近 140% 和超过 100%。

此外,2 月份 Bitget 上架的 AI 代币平均市值较 1 月份增长了77%,日均交易者数量也增长了 80%。2 月 15 日至 29 日期间,该交易所的 AI 代币交易量激增 480%。

这种热情的另一个原因可以归因于即将发布的 OpenAI 的 Sora 文本到视频人工智能模型,该模型似乎已经在人工智能投资者和爱好者中引起了极大的兴奋。


英伟达 2023 年第四季度收益为 221 亿美元,远高于预期,人工智能热潮被认为是推动该公司最新重磅业绩的主要催化剂,并进一步煽动人工智能加密货币热潮。



这些项目真的能证明AI 代币近 400 亿美元的市值是合理的吗?还是只是炒作?

为人工智能开发者提供资源的区块链平台 Masa Network 联合创始人 Calanthia Mei 表示,该市场目前展现出真实潜力和炒作的强大结合:



泰国加密货币交易所 Bitazza 的首席战略官兼联合创始人 Kevin Heng 告诉 我们,这种增长不仅仅意味着短期的兴奋,还强调了人工智能角色去中心化的变革性转变。



在最近的一份报告中,Coinbase 分析师 David Han表示,至少在中短期内,与人工智能相关的代币可能更多的是炒作而不是实际价值。



“每个泡沫都有一个令人信服的故事。当前的叙述集中在人工智能驱动的企业利润激增的预期上,以充分证明当前高估值的合理性。我们这些经历过 20 世纪 90 年代末[科技]泡沫的人以前都听过这一切,并把目光转向天空。”



梅表示,“市场正在蓬勃发展,因为人工智能是定义我们这一代人的基本技术趋势。到 2030 年,人工智能公司预计将创造超过 1 万亿美元的价值。我们还看到大量的人工智能用例推动了炒作,其中最有价值的之一就是个性化的用户体验。”



连接人工智能机器的区块链项目 HyperCycle 的首席执行官 Toufi Saliba 强调了推动人工智能代币走高的技术发展,他告诉 Cointelegraph,人工智能技术(以及研究突破)的采用和意识的提高可能是关键驱动因素。

他补充道:“从长远来看,这种增长是否可持续,将取决于 HyperCycle、SingularityNET、、Ocean Protocol 和其他去中心化人工智能技术等项目如何有效地持续发展并为企业和消费者创造价值。”


随着人工智能热潮继续渗透到全球科技领域,与人工智能相关的加密代币的激增让我们得以一睹这一新兴资产类别的未来潜力,尤其是在它超过了比特币最近破纪录的涨幅之后——比特币见证了数字货币的上涨估值达到73,600 美元。

区块链数据存储公司 XYO Network 联合创始人 Markus Levin 等行业专家认为,人工智能代币可以在解决人工智能面临的一些关键挑战(例如隐私问题和对计算能力不断增长的需求)方面发挥关键作用。当今的人工智能行业。


此外,投资管理公司 VanEck认为,加密人工智能代币可以在解决数字所有权和数据验证问题、确保人工智能生成内容的完整性和来源方面发挥至关重要的作用。




With the digital growth of multiple tokens tripled in 2008, observers questioned whether many of these projects were valuable. In the past few months, the artificial intelligence token market has been rising significantly. Last month, with the soaring transaction volume and market valuation of many exchanges, it reached a frenzied level. The data of cryptocurrency platform showed that the transaction volume of the special token area soared in the month alone, and the total market value exceeded 100 million US dollars. This rapid increase was mainly due to the influx of investors into concepts centered on artificial intelligence such as peace. The prices of all these concepts have exploded in the past few months. At the beginning of the month, the transaction price of tokens related to the national basic income project driven by artificial intelligence rose by about 100% compared with the listing price of last year. Since its launch, each token has also achieved a three-digit percentage increase, which is close to and exceeds respectively. In addition, the average market value of tokens on the shelves in the month has increased compared with that in the month, and the average number of traders on the exchange has also increased. This enthusiasm. Another reason can be attributed to the upcoming text-to-video artificial intelligence model, which seems to have aroused great excitement among artificial intelligence investors and enthusiasts. As far as the current situation is concerned, the enthusiasm of artificial intelligence tokens has not shown signs of fading, especially for industry giants like NVIDIA, whose income and profits have reached a record high driven by the increasing demand for artificial intelligence computing power. In the fourth quarter of NVIDIA, the income was $ billion, far higher than expected. Tide is considered to be the main catalyst to promote the company's latest heavy performance and further incite the artificial intelligence cryptocurrency craze. Is the valuation of tokens reasonable? Although the artificial intelligence technology has made remarkable progress, the field is still in its infancy. Can these projects really prove that the market value of tokens is reasonable? Or is it just hype? The co-founder of the blockchain platform that provides resources for artificial intelligence developers said that the market currently shows a strong combination of real potential and hype. I encourage each. A person who wants to enter this market asks himself a key question: Does this project really need tokens? Does decentralization play a vital role in its core focus? In addition, in the long run, where will the value of the tokens eventually increase? Although the current market valuation seems to be full of speculation, Mei sees the great long-term potential and value of artificial intelligence technology. The existence of artificial intelligence in the encryption field will definitely continue, she concluded. The official and co-founder told us that this growth not only means short-term excitement, but also emphasizes the transformative transformation of the role of artificial intelligence. He said that we think these valuations are too early and realistic artificial intelligence can become a power multiplier for blockchain enterprises, and vice versa. Others still don't believe in the intrinsic value of artificial intelligence tokens. In a recent report, analysts said that at least in the short to medium term, tokens related to artificial intelligence may be more hype than actual value. However, he does admit that some encrypted artificial intelligence tokens continue to provide profitable transactions, but he believes that the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem needs more than decentralized artificial intelligence components. Albert Edwards, chief global strategist of Societe Generale, a financial services giant, criticized the market more severely. He compared the artificial intelligence token boom to many financial bubbles we have witnessed in the past, and each bubble has a convincing story. The current narrative focuses on artificial intelligence. The expected surge in corporate profits can fully prove the rationality of the current high valuation. Those of us who have experienced the technology bubble in the late 1990 s have heard all this before and turned our attention to the sky. Despite the hype, there are still reliable artificial intelligence use cases. Although these figures may indicate that there is a great degree of speculation, many market observers believe that there is a substantial driving force behind the turmoil of artificial intelligence tokens. Mei said that the market is booming because artificial intelligence is what defines me. The basic technology trend of our generation is that artificial intelligence companies are expected to create more than one trillion dollars in value by 2008. We also see that a large number of artificial intelligence use cases have promoted hype, and one of the most valuable is personalized user experience. She admits that there is a lot of hype in this industry, and adds that potential investors should carefully evaluate whether the artificial intelligence tokens they invest have real utility, and eventually the projects they adopt will flourish, while the over-hyped projects will fail. The CEO of the blockchain project connected with artificial intelligence machines emphasized the technical development to promote the rise of artificial intelligence tokens. He told that the adoption of artificial intelligence technology and research breakthroughs and the improvement of awareness may be the key driving factors. He added that whether this growth is sustainable in the long run will depend on how effectively and continuously projects such as decentralized artificial intelligence technology develop and create value for enterprises and consumers. The future of tokens will continue to permeate global science and technology with the upsurge of artificial intelligence. The surge of cryptographic tokens related to artificial intelligence in the field gives us a glimpse of the future potential of this emerging asset class, especially after it surpassed the recent record-breaking increase of Bitcoin, which witnessed the rising valuation of digital currency reaching the dollar. Industry experts such as the co-founder of blockchain data storage company believe that artificial intelligence tokens can play a key role in solving some key challenges faced by artificial intelligence, such as privacy issues and the growing demand for computing power. He added that with the continuous development of artificial intelligence system and blockchain network, we will continue to see more and more use cases to integrate these two industries. In addition, investment management companies believe that encrypted artificial intelligence tokens can play a vital role in solving the problems of digital ownership and data verification and ensuring the integrity and source of artificial intelligence-generated content, which is particularly important as the output of generative artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to distinguish from works created by human beings. Therefore, with the continuous development and rapid maturity of the technical pattern, these tokens will become the driving force to release new possibilities and reshape the industry. Whether through the development of decentralized artificial intelligence market, security data verification platform or the encouragement of computing power, they will give us a glimpse of the endless future of innovation in the field of artificial intelligence. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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