
币圈资讯 阅读:31 2024-04-22 08:12:30 评论:0



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OKX总裁Hong于2024年4月6日受邀出席“2024香港Web3嘉年华”主论坛,并发表了“Responsible Innovation”主题演讲。以下是演讲全文:


大家下午好,很荣幸再次受邀参加由万向区块链实验室和HashKey Group联合主办的香港Web3嘉年华活动,这为我们提供了一个汇聚起来探讨如何构建健康和持续的Web3生态系统的好时机。

我今天分享的主题是“Responsible Innovation(负责任创新)”,但在深入探讨这个话题之前,我想谈两组有意思的数据。

第一组是“ 2 年”和 “7 周 ”。2004年,第一个黄金现货ETF用时两年多才达到100亿美元的资产管理规模。2024年,美国证券交易委员会在年初批准的第一个比特币现货ETF,仅在短短七周内就迅速突破了100亿美元的资产管理规模,这两者形成了非常有趣的对比。







其次,我们也在Web3技术上投入了大量资源,推出了自托管钱包——OKX Web3钱包,并将其打造成为强大的一站式Web3入口。我们相信通过自托管钱包,让用户自己掌握私钥是降低平台作恶风险的最重要方式。此外,我们通过艰苦的工作,致力于让OKX Web3钱包尽可能地为用户提供更多可访问的公链、DApps、NFT平台和DEX聚合器等等。我们做了整合这些选项的繁重工作,从而为用户提供最全面和自由的选择,而这一切目前都是免费。


作为行业领先的平台,OKX Web3钱包已通过采用账户抽象技术推出AA智能合约钱包,旨在帮助我们的用户能够以更简单体验、更快的速度、以及更低的成本在不同链之间进行交易和转账。我们产品所做的一切努力都基于这样的信念:以更简单、更安全的方式向客户提供更多选择时,用户将更有能力做出更明智的决定。

除此之外,我们也相信,自托管钱包是一种纯粹的技术解决方案,这对确保透明度很重要。当然更多的透明度意味着更多的责任,在OKX Web3自托管钱包中有多个开源和经过审计的模块,任何人都可以在Github上去查看我们的代码,如果他们对安全审计感兴趣或者希望向我们提供有关这些模块的反馈,我们将非常欢迎。这些模块包括但不限于账户生成、交易创建、交易签名和MPS算法等。我们对开源这些模块的感到非常自豪,并将向社区继续开源更多的模块以接受反馈。我们相信,作为一个软件和技术驱动的平台,提供更多的透明度意味着更多的责任,这将为我们服务的客户和社区带来更多的价值。






本文仅代表作者个人观点,不代表 OKX 的观点。 本文无意提供以下任何建议,包括但不限于:(i) 投资建议或投资推荐;(ii) 购买、出售或持有数字资产的要约或招揽;或 (iii) 财务、会计、法律或税务建议。 持有的数字资产(包括稳定币和 NFTs)涉及高风险,可能会大幅波动,甚至变得毫无价值。您应根据自己的财务状况仔细考虑交易或持有数字资产是否适合您。有关您具体情况的问题,请谘询您的法律/税务/投资专业人士。

The president was invited to attend the main forum of the Hong Kong Carnival on, and delivered a keynote speech. The following is the full text of the speech. Good afternoon, everyone. It is a great honor to be invited to participate in the Hong Kong Carnival jointly sponsored by Wanxiang Blockchain Lab and this provides us with a good opportunity to get together and discuss how to build a healthy and sustainable ecosystem. The theme I share today is responsible innovation, but before going into this topic in depth, I want to talk about two sets of interesting data. The first group is the first year and anniversary. It took more than two years for gold spot to reach the asset management scale of $100 million. The first bitcoin spot approved by the US Securities and Exchange Commission at the beginning of 2000 quickly broke through the asset management scale of $100 million in just seven weeks, which formed a very interesting contrast. The second group is the online trading data. For those who have experienced bulls and bears in the capital market, there are various signals in the market, some of which are noise, while others are significant long-term trend signals. The second group of data shows that since 2000, no matter. Whether it is a bear market or a bull market, the number of transactions in the chain has been growing steadily. Even if we turn our eyes to an earlier stage, for example, the data of the past year also show a similar trend, that is, the number of transactions in the bitcoin network, the Ethereum network and other overall chains has been growing steadily. These two sets of data tell us that there are noises that should be ignored in the market and there is also a long-term trend through prices that deserves attention. I believe there is a long-term trend that is taking place, that is, technological development is driving more and more. The more activities are transferred to the chain and get more attention, the first bitcoin spot has accumulated the same asset management scale as the first gold in a shorter period of time, which shows that people attach importance to bitcoin. As the first unique global digital currency network, bitcoin provides people with the greatest values such as transparency, control and choice, and these values are the return brought by the unique technology of blockchain. Today's theme is what our industry represents at the time of bitcoin and its birth. The positive spirit has always revolved around transparency, responsibility and rights. How can we provide more transparency, responsibility and rights through the use of technical products and solutions? This is our purpose here. In the development process of more than two years, in addition to the best applications brought by innovators, entrepreneurs and builders, we are also learning from the regulated industries to enhance transparency, responsibility and rights by adopting the best practices of these industries. Next, I am honored to share with you. To enjoy the next development direction in these areas, we first increase transparency and responsibility through technology. Since January, we have led the reserve certification scheme widely used in the industry and built it into an automated technical solution that runs on a monthly basis. At present, we have published the monthly reserve certification report for three consecutive months, and this is not just a simple repetition. In fact, we decided to update the plan by receiving feedback and continuously improving it, and provide more technical support for the plan to improve myself. In our scheme, we have expanded the coverage of assets from one to two, and made the addresses in the chain public for users to verify their ownership. In addition, we are the first platform in the industry to adopt technology to ensure the integrity of the plan through mathematical cryptography and technology, so as to ensure that users can still trust the plan without the participation of third-party intermediaries. We believe this is an important step in the industry's self-supervision, and we use technology to bring more transparency to meet the needs of users on the centralized platform. It can meet the expectation of traditional financial auditing standards. Secondly, we have invested a lot of resources in technology to launch the self-managed wallet and build it into a powerful one-stop entrance. We believe that letting users master the private key through self-managed wallet is the most important way to reduce the risk of platform evil. In addition, we are committed to making wallets provide users with as many accessible public chain platforms and aggregators as possible through hard work. We have done the heavy work of integrating these options to make them useful. Users provide the most comprehensive and free choices, and all these are free at present. Like many other innovative technologies, in the early stage of technological development, the entry threshold is usually higher for new users who are not proficient in technology, so we are committed to technical solutions. We believe that it is very important to make it easier and more convenient for a wider range of people to enjoy the benefits brought by new technologies as a platform, so we are very happy and proud to continue to invest in things like abstract wallets for accounts and the social recovery they bring. Agile function helps more and more users to use self-managed wallets without memorizing and managing mnemonics, and it is possible to continue to own and control their wallets through social contacts of their own choice in case of accidental loss. As a leading platform in the industry, wallets have launched smart contract wallets by adopting account abstraction technology, aiming at helping our users to trade and transfer our products between different chains with simpler experience, faster speed and lower cost. All our efforts are based on the belief that users will be more able to make wiser decisions when we provide more choices to customers in a simpler and safer way. In addition, we also believe that self-managed wallet is a pure technical solution, which is very important to ensure transparency. Of course, more transparency means more responsibility. There are multiple open source and audited modules in self-managed wallet, and anyone can check our code on it if they are interested in security audit or. Users hope to provide us with feedback on these modules, and we will very much welcome these modules, including but not limited to account generation, transaction creation, transaction signature and algorithm, etc. We are very proud of opening up these modules and will continue to open up more modules to the community to receive feedback. We believe that as a software and technology-driven platform, providing more transparency means more responsibilities, which will bring more value to the customers and communities we serve, in addition to the latest technology platform. In addition to the application of technology to platform construction, we also realize that as a centralized platform involving users' assets, we have a huge responsibility, so we believe that it is very important to establish an appropriate internal control system. We have been applying for licenses in many important and strategic jurisdictions, not only because it is important for our global operations and business, but also because we believe that the process of applying for licenses is an important part of building an internal check and balance mechanism. In the past month, we have obtained the conditional approval and permission from Dubai and the approval in principle of the license of a large payment institution in Singapore. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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