为什么 Playmint 要构建全链上自主世界 Downstream

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 08:09:35 评论:0



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注:David Amor 是英国 Web3 游戏开发商 Playmint 的 CEO。

在我的职业生涯中,我开发了超过一百款游戏,涵盖 PC、游戏机、手持设备和移动端设备。我喜欢这样一个事实:游戏行业很少会长期保持不变。一位 VC 朋友告诉我,投资者会想到刺猬,他们在职业生涯中专注于一件特定的事情,而狐狸则会跳到他们认为有趣的任何事情上,我毫无疑问地属于后一类。

2021 年,我们创立了 Playmint 来构建全链上游戏,这是逻辑、状态和资产都存储在区块链上的游戏。在正在构建的大约 1000 款 Web3 游戏中,大约有 30 款是全链上的,我不止一次被问到为什么要这样做,因为区块链肯定不是被设计成游戏服务器的

2022 年,我们一直致力于全链上 MMO Downstream,它在游戏设计中内置了可组合性。具体来说,它允许任何人无需许可地添加智能合约,从而扩展游戏功能。 





通过使用去中心化技术,可以以数字化方式创建相同的模型。我们创建了一个 MMO,它在我死后仍能长期存在,因为它存在于区块链上,而不是存在于需要我们每月支付账单的服务器上。它具有“数字物理法则”,“数字物理法则”决定了你在世界上可以做什么,并且这些数字物理法则是不可变的。所以这是一个永远存在的游戏世界,规则永远不会改变


如果这听起来像 mods,那么一个根本的区别是 mods 破坏了玩家的体验,即不同的玩家最终会获得不同的体验。自主世界让玩家在一个共享的世界中引入新的体验和功能,这个世界就像我们的人类世界一样,随着玩家添加他们想看到的新事物而不断发展




Note: It is a British game developer. In my career, I have developed more than 100 games, including game consoles, handheld devices and mobile devices. I like the fact that the game industry rarely stays the same for a long time. A friend told me that investors will think of hedgehogs, and they will focus on a specific thing in their careers, while foxes will jump on anything they think is interesting. I undoubtedly belong to the latter category. We founded it to build a full-chain game. This is a logical state and capital. The games whose products are all stored in the blockchain are all on the whole chain. I have been asked why I did this more than once because the blockchain was definitely not designed as a game server. We have been working on the whole chain. Specifically, it allows anyone to add smart contracts without permission to expand the game functions. This is a game that is eager to become an independent world. I think this is the most interesting game industry for many years. However, except for a group of enthusiastic online game developers, it has been largely ignored. For people outside our bubble, when I put blockchain and games in the same sentence, I often get a cynical response. However, the online game community is one of the developers who use blockchain as a decentralized technology rather than a technology that supports encrypted flavor capitalism. Decentralization has brought a series of new possibilities to the game industry. For me, the independent world is so far. One of the most interesting things is that most digital worlds are owned and operated by the companies that make them. A simple example is that Blizzard manages World of Warcraft. They run the game world in real time, create new content and run the server to make adjustments. Blizzard is the manager of World of Warcraft. They are gods. The human world we live in uses different models. If there is a god, it must be a god with a very light touch. As a person, all human beings are bound by the same set of physics. What you do is influenced by social and economic factors, rather than what God or administrators decide you can do. What you can do in the human world is constrained by physical laws and social consensus. By using decentralized technology, you can create the same model digitally. We have created a model that will last for a long time after my death because it exists in the blockchain instead of on the server that needs us to pay bills every month. It has the laws of digital physics. What you can do in the world and these laws of digital physics are immutable, so this is an eternal game. The rules of the world will never change the people in that world, including us. We can add code to expand the functions of the game without permission. This may be the enemy tribe system, the market game function or anything else that is considered useful or interesting. As long as it follows the underlying laws of digital physics, it will be effective if it sounds like such a root. The difference is that it destroys the player's experience, that is, different players will eventually get different experiences. The independent world allows players to introduce new experiences and functions in a shared world. This world is just like our human world, which is constantly developing with players adding new things they want to see. There is no need to pester Blizzard to add functions to the game, and there is no need to worry that the server will shut down because the license agreement expires. The rules of the game are set in the code forever, and the censorship system in the game is carried out by social consensus. Management is an independent world, and it involves solving many new technical and creative problems. At present, the results are quite realistic, but when some new ideas can be used in the game industry, it opens the door for a new game experience. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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