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作者:Gerry Wang

在 Arweave 的核心机制中,有一个非常重要的概念与部件,就是存储基金 #Endowment。笔者在此前一篇文章中《Arweave 的 $AR 通货紧缩了吗?》已经有所描述。本文将对其进行更加详细的介绍。

在 Arweave 的激励模型中,要求数据上传者为永久存储支付一笔交易部署费,并向网络的存储基金(Storage Endowment)以 $AR 来提供用于永存的预缴费用。这个基金充当了一个支付水龙头的角色,随着时间的推移,矿工在提供数据集的复制证明时,将通过这个水龙头来获得支付。由于存储成本是不断下降的,所有维护一条数据所需从基金中获得的支付金额也会随之自动而减少。


用户提前为存储 20 份副本 200 年而支付的费用,是基于当前的成本计算的。Arweave 协议的优势之处在于它提供了一个非常科学的无需信任的机制来确定从矿工获取存储空间的价格。在具有特定难度 d_B 的单个区块 B 的时期内,网络中的分区估计数量由上一篇文章中的公式可以计算得出:

将这个表达式乘以分区(Partition)大小,可以计算出在区块 B 时刻 Arweave 全网当前的总存储量:

作为奖励发放给矿工的 $AR 数量和区块的难度可以用来估计存储获取成本 — 在区块 B 时刻,为 1 GB 服务 1 分钟支付的费用:


P_m^(B) = 在区块 B 时刻,存储 1 GB 数据 1 分钟的估计成本

r_B = 区块 B 的所有回报

公式注解:全网存储总数据量以 TB 计算,所以需要乘以 1024 将其转为 GB 单位;分母中的「2」 是一个区块 2 分钟的意思,所以需要除以 2 来将其变为每分钟的的估算成本。

使用单个区块周期来估计存储价格会有很高的不稳定性,这是由于收集到的交易部署费和难度调整算法之间的差异所致。因此,在实际操作中,网络会记录大量区块上的难度和释放的奖励。这些记录被网络用来准确计算在区块前 6 周内从矿工那里获得的存储获取成本:


P_m(B) = 在 6 周时间内计算的 1 GB 1 分钟的平均存储获取成本。

h_B = 区块 B 的高度。

n = 6 周内区块的数量( 30247*6 = 30,240 )。

利用这些计算,网络可以准确估算出一个区块周期(约 2 分钟)内 1 GB 存储的获取成本:

根据这个公式,协议计算任何数据 D 的 20 份副本在 200 年内的当前价格如下:



r_e(B) = 在区块 B 从基金中的提取

r_i(B) = 在区块 B 中释放的通货膨胀奖励

r_f(B) = 在区块 B 中接受的交易的交易部署费

P_B(B) = 在区块 B 时刻,存储 1 GB 数据一个区块周期的估计成本

W = 在区块 B 时刻,存储在 Arweave 上的所有数据集



每当数据被上传时,Arweave 网络就会将流通中的相应数量代币,移至用于支付随时间而累积的数据存储费用的基金中(Endowment)。基金的存储购买力是有弹性的,它随着提交的数据量、数据存储成本和代币价值的变化而变化。

基金价值变化的主要驱动因素之一是存储成本的降低而导致存储购买力以相应比例增加,从而导致未来需要从基金中释放的代币数量减少。我们将在一个时间周期中实际存储一单位数据的总成本下降速率称为 kryder+ 。这个速率包括硬件价格、电力成本和数据存储相关运营成本的变化。

图 1:基金的健康状况受到协议化  kryder+ 速率(0.5%)与实际 kryder+ 速率之间的差异以及代币价格变化的影响。

用户支付当前价格下复制存储 200 年的费用,这样只需 0.5% 的 kryder+ 速率就足以在没有代币价格变化的情况下无限期地维持基金。然而在过去的 50 年里,存储成本的实际下降速率一直维持在平均每年约 38.5% 的状态。鉴于存在显著的激励动机和改进空间,这一趋势大概率会持续保持下去。此外,实际 Kyder+ 速率与协议化 0.5% 的 kryder+ 速率之间的差值可以被调整,来为代币价格波动提供宽阔的安全边际,这也会随时间推移而导致代币供应的通货紧缩。


Arweave 网络采用了一个没有中心化控制与审核的去中心化分层内容政策系统。这个系统的基本原则是自愿性:每个参与者都可以自由选择他们想要存储和提供的数据,协议不设任何强制要求。这一系统允许网络中的每个参与者创建并运营自己的内容政策,无需其他人的共识。这一做法的结果是形成了内容政策的多样化选择,具体体现在三个不同层面:

  • 矿工:由于矿工会对数据进行存储并公开他们的内容,这就会受到任何国家或地区法律和规定的约束。所以网络中的矿工可以对他们存储的数据运行任意计算(包括各种形式的文本、图像、视频等分析),以筛选出他们认为非法或不当的内容。这使他们避免存储不符合当地法规的非法内容。

  • 网关:用户通常通过网关访问 Arweave 上的内容。网关充当门户,允许用户和开发者在不运行自己节点的情况下访问 Arweave 网络中的数据。就像矿工可以选择自己对存储数据的内容政策一样,网关也能独立决定它们索引和提供哪些内容。此外,网络中网关的互操作性允许用户选择符合个人信仰和价值观的网关。

  • 应用程序:可能影响 Arweave 用户的最后一层内容审核是在应用程序层面。基于 Arweave 数据构建的每个应用程序可能会在其接口提供的内容上使用额外的过滤器,这取决于开发者的代码实现。这些应用程序层面的内容政策可以嵌入到应用程序本身的源代码中,并不可变地存储在 Arweave 上 — 这使用户能够永久信赖应用程序将如何进行内容审核。

    A very important concept and component in the author's core mechanism is the deflation of the storage fund. Has it been described in the previous article? This article will introduce it in more detail. In the new incentive model, the data uploader is required to pay a transaction deployment fee for permanent storage and provide a prepayment fee for permanent storage to the network storage fund. This fund acts as a payment faucet. As time goes by, miners are providing copies of data sets. Tomorrow, the payment will be obtained through this faucet. Because the storage cost is declining, all the payments from the fund needed to maintain a piece of data will also be automatically reduced, and the fees paid by users in advance for storing a copy of the year are based on the current cost calculation protocol. The advantage is that it provides a very scientific and trustless mechanism to determine the price of obtaining storage space from miners in the network within a single block with specific difficulties. The estimated number of partitions can be calculated by the formula in the previous article. Multiplying this expression by the partition size can calculate the current total storage capacity of the whole network as a reward at the block time, and the number and difficulty of the block can be used to estimate the storage acquisition cost and the cost paid for the service minute at the block time, in which the estimated cost of storing data minutes at the block time is annotated by all the return formulas of the block to calculate the total storage data of the whole network, so it needs to be multiplied and converted into unit minutes. The mother letter means a block minute, so it needs to be changed into an estimated cost per minute. Using a single block period to estimate the storage price will have high instability, which is caused by the difference between the collected transaction deployment fee and the difficulty adjustment algorithm. Therefore, in actual operation, the network will record the difficulty and reward released on a large number of blocks. These records are used by the network to accurately calculate the storage acquisition cost obtained from miners in the week before the block, among which in the week. The average storage acquisition cost of the calculated minutes, the height of the blocks and the number of blocks in the week can be accurately estimated by using these computing networks. According to this formula, the current price of copies of any data in the year is calculated as follows. This is the price charged to users as a pre-contribution for storage funds. As time goes by, miners will get payment from the fund after proving that they have stored the network data set. The payment is calculated as follows. Extraction of blocks from the fund Inflation reward released in the block Transaction deployment fee of transactions accepted in the block Store data at the block moment Estimated cost of a block period Store all data sets on the block moment This formula means that when the total storage cost is greater than the obtained block reward, the expenses will be extracted from the fund to subsidize miners, but the result of this formula is negative from the previous data, so not only will the expenses be extracted from the storage fund, but also a part will be paid. Expenses are deposited in the fund, deflation and fund value. Whenever data is uploaded, the network will move the corresponding number of tokens in circulation to the fund for paying the accumulated data storage expenses over time. The purchasing power of the fund is elastic, and it changes with the submitted data, data storage cost and token value. One of the main driving factors for the change of fund value is the decrease of storage cost, which leads to the corresponding increase of storage purchasing power, which leads to the need to withdraw from the fund in the future. Decrease in the number of tokens released We will call the rate of decrease in the total cost of actually storing one unit of data in a time period as this rate, including the change of hardware price, power cost and data storage-related operating cost. The health of the fund is affected by the difference between the agreement rate and the actual rate and the change of token price. Users pay the cost of copying the storage year at the current price, so the only rate needed is enough to maintain the fund indefinitely without the change of token price. However, in the past years, the actual decline rate of storage cost has been maintained at an average annual rate. In view of the significant incentive motivation and room for improvement, this trend will probably continue. In addition, the difference between the actual rate and the agreed rate can be adjusted to provide a broad margin of safety for token price fluctuations, which will also lead to deflation and decentralization of token supply over time. The content policy network adopts a decentralization without centralized control and audit. The basic principle of hierarchical content policy system is voluntary, and each participant can freely choose the data protocol they want to store and provide without any mandatory requirements. This system allows each participant in the network to create and operate their own content policy without the consensus of others. The result of this practice is the formation of diversified choices of content policies, which are embodied in three different levels. Miners will be appointed because they will store data and disclose their content. What are the laws and regulations of any country or region? Therefore, miners in the network can run arbitrary calculations on the data they store, including various forms of text, image and video analysis, to screen out what they think is illegal or inappropriate, which enables them to avoid storing illegal content that does not meet local regulations. Gateway users usually access the content gateway on the gateway as a portal, allowing users and developers to access the data in the network without running their own nodes, just as miners can choose their own pairs. In addition, the interoperability of gateways in the network allows users to choose gateway applications that conform to their personal beliefs and values. The last layer of content audit that may affect users is at the application level. Each application built on the basis of data may use additional filters on the content provided by its interface, depending on the developer's code implementation. These application-level content policies can be embedded in the source code of the application itself and can be stored on the internet indefinitely, which enables users to permanently trust how the application will conduct content audit. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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