V神谈区块链+AI的四大方向:用3EX AI交易探索智能化交易新模式

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AI作为Crypto世界参与者,例如AI赋能的交易机器人、聊天机器人等,它们不直接影响人类的决策和行为,因此风险较低,落地性高。AI在游戏中的应用,如AI Arena、Echelon Prime等项目,提供了玩家与AI互动、训练AI角色的平台,展现了AI作为参与者的潜力和多样化应用。


AI作为应用的接口,能够辅助用户理解复杂的crypto世界,通过AI Chatbot等形式,简化用户与钱包、交易等的互动过程。PaaL、ChainGPT、Arkham等项目通过提供风险提示、智能合约审计等功能,为用户提供了更加友好的操作界面和增强的安全性。3EX AI交易平台开创性将GPT强大的AI能力引入数字资产交易领域,用户只需进行简单的对话,即可实现创建个性化的量化交易策略、即时模拟盈亏、实盘配置和自动运行等一站式AI交易服务。


将AI置于游戏规则的核心,让 AI 能够代替人类进行决策和行为,代替你进行交易决策和行为。主要可以分为三个层级:AI 应用尤其是以自主决策为愿景的应用,如 AI 自动化交易 bot、AI DeFi 收益 Bot、Autonomous Agent 协议以及 zkml/opml。AI 应用是对某一领域的问题进行具体决策的工具,它们积累了不同细分领域的知识和数据,依赖于根据细分问题而量身定制的 AI Model 开展决策。3EX AI交易平台的个性化定制交易策略功能是让 AI 能够代替人类进行决策和行为的初步探索。

四、 AI 作为目标

AI 作为目标强调了 Crypto 对 AI 的帮助,即如何利用 Crypto 创造出更好的 AI 模型和产品,这或许包括多个评判标准:更高效、更精确、更去中心化等等。数据是进行模型训练的基础,去中心化数据协议将激励个人或企业提供更多私域数据,同时利用密码学保障数据隐私,避免个人敏感数据的泄露。去中心化算力赛道是目前最火热的 AI 赛道,协议通过提供供需双方的匹配市场,促进长尾算力与 AI 企业的匹配,用于模型的训练和推理。Crypto 对算法的赋能是实现去中心化 AI 最核心的环节,实现创建去中心化的、可信任的黑匣子 AI。

3EX AI交易平台:探索智能化交易新模式

1. 自助创建和定制策略:3EX平台利用基于ChatGPT的人工智能技术,允许用户通过自然语言处理技术轻松创建和执行量化交易策略。这种智能化的策略创建不仅简化了交易流程,也让个性化交易成为可能。

2. 实时模拟与自动执行:3EX平台提供的即时模拟功能使用户能够在真实投入市场前,实时查看交易策略的可能盈亏情况,从而优化和调整自己的策略。这种即时反馈机制极大地提高了交易的透明度和用户的信心。一旦策略优化完成,平台还能自动执行交易,极大减少操作复杂性和时间延迟,提高交易效率。

3. 跟单交易功能:为了满足不同用户的需求,3EX还提供了跟单交易功能,用户可以选择并跟随其他成功交易者的策略,享受AI智能交易的便利。这不仅为用户提供了一种相对被动的收入机会,还通过分润机制为策略提供者创造了额外的收益来源,促进了社区内的互助和共赢。

3EX AI交易平台的这些创新特性,为用户提供了强大的工具,以智能、高效的方式参与市场,最大化地利用了AI技术在加密交易中的应用潜力。


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The combination of "and" is not only related to the integration of technology, but also touches on the realization of core values such as decentralization, security and open source. The challenge brought by this combination lies in how to keep open source while preventing the vulnerability in antagonistic machine learning without losing the decentralized characteristics. This paper will discuss the development of track in the current field according to the four ways of "God's combination"-the realization and broad prospects of the primary stage as participants, as world participants such as empowered trading robots, chat robots and so on. It does not directly affect the decision-making and behavior of human beings, so the risk is relatively low. The applications in the game, such as projects, provide a platform for players and interactive training roles, showing the potential and diversity of being participants. As an interface, application II can help users understand the complex world, simplify the interactive process between users and wallet transactions, and other projects provide users with more friendly operations by providing risk tips, intelligent contract auditing and other functions. As an interface and enhanced security trading platform, users can creatively introduce powerful capabilities into the field of digital asset trading, and they can create personalized quantitative trading strategies by simply talking. One-stop trading services such as real-time simulation of profit and loss, firm allocation and automatic operation will be placed at the core of the rules of the game, so that they can make decisions and behaviors instead of human beings, which can be mainly divided into three levels, especially autonomous applications. Applications with decision-making as a vision, such as automated trading income agreements and applications, are tools for making specific decisions on problems in a certain field. They have accumulated knowledge and data in different sub-fields, and rely on the personalized customized trading strategy of the decision-making trading platform tailored according to the sub-problems. The function is to make the initial exploration that can replace human beings to make decisions and behaviors as the goal, emphasizing the help of how to create better models and products, which may include multiple ones. The evaluation criteria are more efficient, more accurate and more decentralized, and so on. Data is the basis of model training. Decentralized data protocol will encourage individuals or enterprises to provide more private domain data, and at the same time, use cryptography to protect data privacy and avoid the leakage of personal sensitive data. Decentralized computing track is the hottest track protocol at present, which promotes the matching of long tail computing power and enterprises by providing matching markets for supply and demand. Empowering the algorithm for model training and reasoning is the core link to realize decentralization. Now create a decentralized and trustworthy black box trading platform, explore a new mode of intelligent trading, self-help create and customize the strategy platform, and use the artificial intelligence technology based on to allow users to easily create and execute quantitative trading strategies through natural language processing technology. This intelligent strategy creation not only simplifies the trading process, but also makes personalized trading possible. The real-time simulation function provided by the platform enables users to view the trading strategies in real time before they really enter the market. This kind of instant feedback mechanism can optimize and adjust one's own strategy, which greatly improves the transparency of the transaction and the confidence of users. Once the strategy is optimized, the platform can also automatically execute the transaction, greatly reducing the operational complexity and time delay and improving the transaction efficiency. In order to meet the needs of different users, the documentary trading function also provides the documentary trading function, and users can choose and follow the strategies of other successful traders to enjoy the convenience of intelligent trading, which not only provides users with a relatively passive nature. The income opportunities of the company also create additional income sources for strategy providers through the profit sharing mechanism, which promotes mutual assistance and win-win in the community. These innovative features of the trading platform provide users with powerful tools to participate in the market in an intelligent and efficient way, and make maximum use of the application potential of technology in encrypted transactions. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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