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RWA,Real World Assets,即现实世界资产,是指利用区块链,将具有形价值的实物资产数字化,让投资者以前所未有的便捷性参与实体经济。作为国际金融中心,香港积极拥抱创新,尝试在Web 3.0、虚拟资产、RWA代币化等领域建立数字时代实体资产投资的新典范,并取得瞩目进展。




今年1月,广发证券(香港)成功发行了首单适用于本港法律的短期商业票据(Commercial Paper)代币化证券,由本土孵化的区块链技术公司ABT Tech提供技术支持,这是继香港证监会去年11月发表重要监管指引后的首次代币化证券发行,标志着香港数字金融发展进入新的里程碑,这个创新案例充分彰显了香港在推动Web 3.0、虚拟资产和RWA代币化发展方面的前瞻性思维和务实行动力。


RWA和STO的发展有望为香港经济注入新的增长动力。一方面,相关创新可提高实物资产流动性,让全球投资者参与香港房地产等领域投资时获更多选择和灵活性;另一方面,区块链技术的应用有助提升运营效率、降低交易成本、简化交易流程,并使传统金融服务和产品有升级至极具创新性的可编程金融(Programable Finance)的可能。尽管目前RWA和STO仍属基础设施阶段的投资,但随着监管环境的不断完善和投资者认知的提升,相信会吸引愈来愈多传统金融机构的目光。






香港有潜力在全球采用RWA平台和技术方面发挥重要作用。作为全球三大金融中心之一,香港拥有卓越的连通性、资源、人才、成熟的金融基础设施和法规、大量的Web3公司和创意。同时,香港还拥有成熟的投资者基础,这为采用RWA提供了有利和坚实的环境。更重要的是,香港是通往亚洲和其他地区的门户,其战略位置和强大的国际联系可能将帮助 RWA 平台大规模的进入亚洲市场。


In April, various conferences gathered in the Pearl of the Orient, and Hong Kong became the focus of attention in the vertical areas discussed by many big coffees, that is, real-world assets refer to the use of blockchain to digitize valuable physical assets, allowing investors to participate in the real economy with unprecedented convenience as an international financial center. Hong Kong actively embraced innovation and tried to establish a new model of physical asset investment in the digital age and made remarkable progress. The executive director of Hong Kong admitted frankly the traditional financial ecosystem. It has a history of more than years. In the past years, people have made the world more efficient through understanding the essence of traditional finance and scientific application. However, with the progress of technological innovation, it is obviously a trend that people can further improve their efficiency and save related costs with the help of technology. Of course, some traditional financial companies are very mature at present and do not necessarily need to add related businesses, but others are likely to improve their development space and competitiveness by laying out the track. In fact, the Hong Kong market is going through. After a major change, the opening policy of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission is conducive to attracting funds. In this month, GF Securities Hong Kong successfully issued the first short-term commercial paper, which is applicable to the laws of Hong Kong. The technical support was provided by the local incubation blockchain technology company. This is the first issuance of token securities after the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issued important regulatory guidelines last month, marking a new milestone in the development of digital finance in Hong Kong. This innovative case fully demonstrates Hong Kong's promotion of virtual assets and token development. Forward-looking thinking and pragmatic action token is only the first step in the digitalization of financial assets, that is, the issuance and circulation of asset-winding tokens allow investors to buy tangible physical assets in the form of public books through blockchain, which can technically reduce the entry threshold for investors and optimize the cost of asset flow, opening up a new path for revitalizing traditional assets and improving investment convenience in the future. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission recently made it clear that the issuance and investment of securities tokens may be open to retail investors, which will undoubtedly attract more capital. Gold's entry into the Hong Kong market and its development are expected to inject new growth momentum into Hong Kong's economy. On the one hand, related innovations can improve the liquidity of physical assets and give global investors more choices and flexibility when investing in Hong Kong's real estate and other fields. On the other hand, the application of blockchain technology will help improve operational efficiency, reduce transaction costs, simplify transaction processes and make it possible for traditional financial services and products to upgrade to highly innovative programmable finance. Although it is still an investment in the infrastructure stage, it will continue to increase. The continuous improvement of the regulatory environment and the improvement of investors' cognition are believed to attract the attention of more and more traditional financial institutions. What are the opportunities of the track? The token securities have many advantages such as transaction safety, transparency and efficiency relying on the public network ecosystem of Ethereum blockchain. Investors can inquire and supervise the information related to tokens at any time and are not restricted by any institution. With the open investors of Ethereum, they can flexibly develop auxiliary tools to achieve multi-point integrated management. More importantly, issuing token securities breaks the tradition. The dependence on intermediaries has greatly reduced the participation threshold and broadened the possibility for investors to open up for designing personalized products. In fact, the road to promoting innovation is by no means smooth. This requires the full cooperation of regulators, industries and investors, but it is gratifying that Hong Kong's regulatory authorities are open to innovation. For example, the Securities and Futures Commission has clearly stated that investment is expected to be open to retail investors, which will undoubtedly attract more capital and flowing water to inject wings for innovation. If Hong Kong is to strive to become the source of global innovation. We must further improve the top-level design, break through the innovation bottleneck, optimize the infrastructure, cultivate the market ecology and lead the industry to a higher quality and more sustainable track. Summary: Standing at the turning point of the digital economy era, Hong Kong is embracing the revolution with an open attitude and leading the innovation and development of the next generation of new finance with pragmatic actions. Although many challenges have been put forward in terms of technology and compliance, the core problem to be solved is whether it can bring more liquidity to the traditional financial market in a safe and compliant environment. Hong Kong has potential. As one of the three major financial centers in the world, Hong Kong has excellent connectivity resources, talented people, mature financial infrastructure and regulations, and a large number of companies and ideas. At the same time, Hong Kong also has a mature investor base, which provides a favorable and solid environment for adoption. More importantly, Hong Kong is the gateway to Asia and other regions, and its strategic location and strong international ties may help the platform enter the Asian market on a large scale and look forward to the future. And the next step is to continue to break through innovation, broaden investment channels and improve infrastructure construction under the premise of compliance. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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