Oasys与LayerZero Labs携手共同提升区块链游戏互操作性

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 08:03:10 评论:0



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2024年4月10日—以游戏为重点的区块链Oasys宣布与全链互操作协议LayerZero进行了新的整合。这标志着该公司2024年龙族更新的重要一步,该更新着重于增强其游戏生态系统的互操作性。Oasys的Layer 2 HOME Verse与LayerZero的整合只是一个开始,计划扩展至L1 Hub-Layer和其他Verses。




“我们与LayerZero的合作对区块链游戏社区来说是一个改变游戏规则的举措,”Oasys的总监Daiki Moriyama表示。“提供独特的Web3游戏体验对于增加玩家数量至关重要,提高游戏资产的互操作性绝对是我们的目标之一。”

LayerZero Labs的联合创始人兼CEO Bryan Pellegrino补充道:“LayerZero将Endpoint添加到Oasys是关于游戏资产互操作性的重大飞跃。LayerZero致力于连接社区,并通过使他们喜爱的游戏在不同网络上更易访问和更愉快,从而赋予玩家权力。”

在Ubisoft即将推出的游戏《冠军战术:格里莫利亚编年史》中整合LayerZero的ONFT技术,标志着区块链游戏领域更大互操作性的重要一步,“VP Strat Lab Nicolas Pouard表示。"在与Oasys和LayerZero的联盟中,我们正在从分裂的链标准转向全链标准,促进跨链和资产之间更好的沟通和互动。这种合作证明了我们致力于推进区块链技术并提升我们玩家游戏体验的承诺。”



Oasys是一种游戏优化的区块链,提供了一个高度可扩展的Layer 1中心和专门的Layer 2,使用以太坊的Layer 2扩容解决方案。该生态系统为游戏开发者提供了一个安全且可扩展的区块链基础设施,用于创建更高效、安全和可互操作的游戏。Oasys的验证者中有游戏和Web3领域的领导者,如SEGA、育碧和Yield Guild Games,在我们基于权益证明(PoS)的区块链中担任初始验证者。Oasys的专家区块链团队与游戏行业最大的品牌合作,正在革新游戏行业。Oasys通过专注于为玩家和开发者创建分发和开发游戏的生态系统,解决了构建基于区块链的游戏时所面临的挑战。该公司的三方面方法包括由游戏社区驱动的快速网络,由AAA游戏开发人员驱动的可扩展网络,以及提供快速交易和零手续费的区块链,为最佳用户体验提供了准备。这种方法使参与者能够进入Oasys并进行游戏。

有关Oasys的更多信息:网站:Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

关于LayerZero Labs

LayerZero Labs是推出全链互操作协议LayerZero的团队。LayerZero的无许可消息基础设施无缝连接了60多个区块链,并通过一个易于使用的界面促进了透明和安全的跨链消息传递。自2022年3月上线以来,LayerZero协议已处理了超过1.2亿条消息,数百个开发团队部署了数千个主网合约。LayerZero得到了包括a16z、Sequoia、Binance Labs、Christie's、Lightspeed、

Opensea、Bond、Samsung Next和GBV在内的领先风险投资公司的支持,其在B轮融资中估值为30亿美元。在LayerZero上构建的开发人员可以创建可互操作的全链dApps,这将建立一个统一的数字资产生态系统。










媒体联系 marketing@layerzerolabs.org

On June, the game-oriented blockchain announced a new integration with the full-chain interoperability agreement, which marked an important step in the company's annual dragon update. The update focused on enhancing the interoperability of its game ecosystem, and the integration with is just the beginning. It is planned to expand to and cooperate closely with Ubisoft, and its champion tactic, Gerry moglia Chronicle, will be the first time in the world to show the integrated game, including the interoperability technology that will be used to safely enhance the cross-chain game experience, which is suitable for cross-chain travel. Players and holders are a project synonymous with full chain development, which provides the unified semantics of multiple blockchains, promotes the transmission of arbitrary data between chains in a non-license, anti-censorship and immutable way, and its full chain non-homogeneous token standard has completely changed the method of casting and transferring on all supported blockchains, eliminated the demand of traditional methods such as packaging intermediate chains and centralized bridges, and the wide adoption of standards is significantly affecting the future of games, which has promoted the smooth transfer between different networks. The full-chain alternative token standard has realized the flow of alternative tokens. Our cooperation with the blockchain game community is a move to change the rules of the game. The director said that providing a unique game experience is very important to increase the number of players, and improving the interoperability of game assets is definitely one of our goals. The co-founder and added that it will be added to a major leap in the interoperability of game assets, committed to connecting communities and making their favorite games easier on different networks. The technology integrated in the upcoming game champion tactic Gerry moglia Chronicle marks an important step for greater interoperability in the field of blockchain games. It means that in the alliance with Harmony, we are shifting from a split chain standard to a full chain standard to promote better communication and interaction between cross-chains and assets. This cooperation proves our commitment to promoting blockchain technology and improving our players' game experience by enabling users to be seamless between networks. Transfer in-game and other assets all over the world, participate in the cooperation between ecosystems, and strive to lower the entry threshold to promote a richer and more inclusive game experience. About a game-optimized blockchain, it provides a highly scalable center and a special expansion solution using Ethereum. The ecosystem provides a safe and scalable blockchain infrastructure for game developers to create more efficient, safe and interoperable games. Among the verifiers are game and field leaders such as Ubisoft and the expert blockchain team, who is the initial verifier in our blockchain based on proof of rights, are cooperating with the biggest brand in the game industry to innovate the game industry. By focusing on creating an ecosystem for players and developers to distribute and develop games, Ubisoft has solved the challenges faced in building blockchain-based games. The company's three methods include a fast network driven by the game community, an extensible network driven by game developers and a zone that provides fast transactions and zero fees. Blockchain provides a preparation for the best user experience. This method enables participants to enter and play more information about the game. The unlicensed message infrastructure of the team that launched the full-chain interoperability protocol seamlessly connects multiple blockchains and promotes transparent and secure cross-chain message transmission through an easy-to-use interface. Since the protocol was launched in June, the protocol has handled more than 100 million messages, and hundreds of development teams have deployed thousands of main network contracts, which have gained leading risks including and. With the support of the investment company, which is valued at $100 million in the round of financing, the developers built on the Internet can create an interoperable full chain, which will build a unified digital asset ecosystem. For other information about the champion tactics, please visit the Chronicle of the champion tactics Gerry moglia, which is a brand-new tactical experimental game. At present, a mythical champion team is being developed on Ubisoft to conduct thrilling tactical battles with other players and discover the dark and mysterious world of Gerry moglia. The legend of champion tactics has introduced the chieftain, which is a series composed of a unique digital collection. Each chieftain has more than one unique feature, including armor, weapons and helmets. Each chieftain is unique. Each chieftain provides exclusive early access to the champion's fall, allowing you to cast up to 10 website trailers and media contacts for free in the upcoming casting process. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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