Subspace 的模块化结构与发展关键因素

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“不可能三角”是一个由 ETH Vitalik 创造的术语,用来描述区块链同时满足“安全”、“扩展”和“去中心化”的不可行性,是所有公链面临的挑战和机会。Subspace 通过原生共识机制和存储的结合,并结合斯坦福大学 Tse 实验室的一系列尖端学术,为这一问题提供了解决方案,核心是“解耦”。


  1. 共识解耦,将公链底层和子链的共识机制进行分离,两者不必依赖同一种共识;

  2. 通证解耦,合约开发者所消耗的公链 Gas 和应用的终端用户所消耗的子链 Gas,两者相互独立;

  3. 组织解耦,应用的内部分工以及外部合作不必通过传统的合同契约进行确认,而通过支付通证调用公共服务集的合约,从而实现大规模协作过程中的价值交换;

Subspace 的模块化结构

Subspace 于 2018年由 Jeremiah 和 Nazar 在美国创立,是一个模块化的区块链网络,分为基础层共识链和几乎无限数量的辅助执行链(域),通过将交易执行分离到独立的域中,将共识与计算解耦。

  • 面向用户的应用层,允许构建任何可以想象的应用,从而在自动化交易和协议、治理、游戏和虚拟经济等业务领域培育新机会;

  • 解耦的执行层,支持任何能执行任意复杂度代码的状态转换框架和执行环境。域支持应用层及跨不同区块链的集成和互操作性;

  • Farmer 的共识层,促进去中心化安全性和公平性,允许任何拥有 SSD(固态硬盘)的人参与。它在设计时考虑到了可扩展性,支持高吞吐量事务处理;

以此为基础,Subspace 不做妥协的解决不可能三角:

  • 安全和可持续共识:档案存储证明(PoAS)共识保持了 BTC 中本聪共识的诚实多数假设和无许可特性,同时没有巨量电力成本来维护;

  • 完全去中心化:解耦执行使得 Plotting&Farming(维护共识)轻量化并抵抗池化,而 Farmer 存储网络允许区块链大规模膨胀但不会中心化;

  • 聚合扩展:区块解耦和数据可用性采样可实现纵向扩展,而 Subspace 独特的共识和计算分离使执行者的开销呈对数(n,开销水平扩展);



  • 链基础:区块链协议、去中心化身份、数据结构、加密算法、共识机制、治理通证、隐私保护、身份验证及管理;

  • 网络发展:智能合约、跨链标准、升级机制、治理工具、扩展解决方案、应用接口、开发者生态、用户界面、安全审计;

  • 生态基础:生态基金、伙伴关系、生态系统治理结构、系统资助计划;

  • 生态发展:合规机制、投票机制、链上治理、链下交互、资产互通 ;

截至发文 Subspace 公开测试网历时近 2 年,经过近 10 个网络版本以及来自全球 5 大洲的超过 10k 节点的持续测验,根据官方消息预期今年第 2 季度有望完成最后的必要工作并于年中上线主网,目前关键事件包括(不限于):

  • 通证经济定稿:与 Blockscience 合作,一家系统工程、研发和分析公司,通过整合尖端研究、应用数学和计算工程,分析和设计安全且有弹性的社会技术系统;

  • 完成代码安全审计:与 SR Labs 合作,一个独立的安全研究和咨询团队,专注于增强抵御现实世界黑客威胁的能力;

  • 合规性设计:根据官方信息 Subspace 已获得瑞士金融市场监管局 “FINMA” 的裁决,确认其通证作为实用代币的资格;

  • 测试网络最终性:预期正在运行的 Gemini 3H 测试网结束后重置并进入“主网 βeta Taurus”。通过启动太空竞赛使 Farmer 承诺提供尽可能多的空间以确保主网初期的网络安全。一旦承诺的空间达到预期的阈值,网络将通过启用区块奖励来激活“主网 βeta Taurus”,直到稳定运行并更新为“主网 Omega”;


Subspace 档案存储证明允许 Subspace 大规模地为区块链协议&应用提供永久去中心化存储。Farmer 集体存储链历史,每个节点可作为单一的分布式档案节点运行,待存数据可以通过嵌入 Subspace 的交易,并在需要的时候从 Farmer 网络检索,从而永久地存储在网络上。

随着 Subspace 网络历史的增长,持续增加的新数据集和旧副本会导致扇区陆续失效,持续 P 盘(存储新数据碎片)以保持最新数据状态,这一过程既能维护数据永久存储、解决数据膨胀,也是 Farmer 保持网络收入地位的手段。

总结来看,Subspace 为区块链的安全、可扩展性和去中心化提供了创新的解决方案,同时实现了可扩展的永久存储,为区块链技术的未来发展指明了一条创新之路。

Impossible trinity and Decoupling Scheme impossible trinity is a coined term to describe the infeasibility of blockchain to meet security expansion and decentralization at the same time. It is the challenge and opportunity that all public chains face. Through the combination of native consensus mechanism and storage and a series of cutting-edge academics in Stanford University's laboratory, the core is decoupling. Decoupling in a broad sense mainly has three levels of consensus decoupling, which separates the consensus mechanism at the bottom of public chain and sub-chain. Based on the same consensus certificate, the public chain consumed by developers and the sub-chain consumed by the end users of the application are decoupled from each other. The internal division of labor and external cooperation of the application are decoupled independently, and the contract of the public service set is called through the payment certificate without the confirmation of the traditional contract contract, so as to realize the value exchange in the process of large-scale cooperation. The modular structure was founded in the United States in and is a modular blockchain network, which is divided into the basic layer consensus chain and almost unlimited auxiliary. The execution chain domain decouples consensus and computation by separating transaction execution into independent domains. The user-oriented application layer allows the construction of any imaginable application, thus fostering new opportunities in business fields such as automated transactions and protocol governance games and virtual economy. The decoupled execution layer supports any state transition framework and execution environment domain that can execute codes with arbitrary complexity. The application layer and the consensus layer of integration and interoperability across different blockchains promote decentralized security and fairness permission. Anyone who owns a solid-state drive participates in it. In its design, it considers scalability and supports high-throughput transaction processing. On this basis, it solves impossible trinity's security and sustainable consensus. Archival storage proves that the consensus maintains the honest majority hypothesis and unlicensed characteristics of the Satoshi Nakamoto consensus, and there is no huge power cost to maintain complete decentralization and decoupling, which makes the maintenance consensus lightweight and resistant to pooling. The storage network allows the blockchain to expand on a large scale without centralized aggregation and expansion. Block decoupling and data availability sampling can achieve vertical expansion, but the unique consensus and calculation separation make the executive's expenses logarithmic. Expand the network stage and progress influencing factors. The blockchain main network may contain many important components, which together constitute a complete ecosystem to ensure the safety, reliability and decentralization of the network. Different projects and applications have different emphases, but they all have important influences on the functions and characteristics of the main network. According to the structural encryption algorithm consensus mechanism governance certificate privacy protection identity authentication and management network development intelligent contract cross-chain standard upgrade mechanism governance tool expansion solution application interface developer ecological user interface security audit ecological foundation ecological fund partnership ecological system governance structure system funding plan ecological development compliance mechanism voting mechanism on-chain governance chain interactive asset interoperability as of the date of publication, the public test network has passed nearly 10 network versions in recent years and more than 100 from all continents. According to official news, it is expected that the final necessary work will be completed in the fourth quarter of this year and the main network will be launched in the middle of the year. At present, the key events include not only the finalization and cooperation of the general certificate economy, but also a system engineering research and development and analysis company to complete the code security audit and cooperation by integrating cutting-edge research, applied mathematics and computing engineering to analyze and design a safe and flexible social and technical system. An independent security research and consulting team focuses on enhancing its ability to resist the threat of hackers in the real world. According to the official information, the regulatory design has been awarded by the Swiss Financial Market Supervision Bureau to confirm its qualification as a practical token. The final test network is expected to be reset after the end of the running test network. By starting the space competition, it promises to provide as much space as possible to ensure the initial network security of the main network. Once the promised space reaches the expected threshold, the network will activate the main network until it runs stably and update the file of the main network growth precautions. Storage certificate allows large-scale permanent decentralized storage of collective storage chain history for blockchain protocol applications. Each node can run as a single distributed archive node. The data to be stored can be permanently stored on the network through embedded transactions and retrieved from the network when necessary. With the growth of network history, new data sets and old copies will lead to the failure of sectors. The process of continuously storing new data fragments on disk to keep the latest data state can not only maintain the permanence of data. Storage to solve data inflation is also a means to maintain the income status of the network. In summary, it provides an innovative solution for the security, scalability and decentralization of blockchain, and at the same time realizes extensible permanent storage, which points out an innovative way for the future development of blockchain technology. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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