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作者:Laobai,ABCDE 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

近期一级市场上,最热门的赛道无疑是AI,其次是BTC。每天讨论的项目中大约80%都集中在这两个轨道上。就我个人而言,有时我一天可以讨论 5 或 6 个 AI 项目。




当Celestia第一次引入模块化和DA层的概念时,市场实际上花了相当长的时间来消化和理解它。现在,这个概念已经根深蒂固,各种RaaS(Rollup as a Service)基础设施激增,以至于基础设施的数量>应用程序>用户,达到了夸张的阶段。



执行层最热门的概念无疑是Parallel EVM,以Monad、Sei、MegaETH等项目为代表。现有的项目如FTM和Canto也开始计划朝这个方向进行升级。然而,正如并非所有 ZK 项目都保护隐私一样,标记为并行 EVM 的项目实际上也有不同的技术路线图和最终目标。





以 Solana 和 Sui 为代表的预验证要求交易明确声明其修改链状态的哪些部分。这允许在块生产之前进行预检查,以检测任何状态冲突(例如访问相同的 AMM 池)。如果检测到冲突,则丢弃冲突的事务。

后验证也称为乐观并行,以Aptos BlockSTM为代表,最初假设不存在冲突并包含交易。然后,执行后,它会检查是否存在冲突。任何冲突的交易都被声明为无效,刷新结果,并重复执行,直到执行完块中的所有交易。Sei、Monad、MegaETH 和 Canto 使用类似的解决方案。

在一级市场,我们还看到了针对涉及状态冲突的场景(例如访问前面提到的相同 AMM 池)而定制的并行化解决方案。然而,从工程角度来看,这些解决方案似乎相对复杂,并且其商业可行性尚不确定,仍在评估中。


其中一个以 Monad 和 Sei 为代表,它们优先考虑将并行事务作为主要的扩展方法,使并行化成为主要的叙述方式。

例如,除了乐观并行处理之外,Monad 还专门针对异步 I/O 开发了 MonadDB,以补充并行处理。

另一种思想流派以 Fantom、Solana 和 MegaETH 为代表,其中并行化是扩展解决方案之一,但不是唯一的解决方案。并行化作为辅助叙述,性能提升更多地依赖于其他技术解决方案。

例如,Fantom 的 Sonic 升级侧重于 FVM 虚拟机搭配优化的 Lachesis 共识机制。Solana下一阶段重点关注Firedancer新客户端的模块化架构、优化的网络通信机制、签名验证等。

MegaETH 旨在实现实时区块链。首先,它建立在Paradigm开发的高性能Reth客户端之上。然后,进一步优化和增强了全节点的状态同步机制(仅同步状态差异而不是所有数据)、Sequencer的硬件设计(使用大量具有存储能力的高性能RAM进行状态访问)等各个方面。 ,避免缓慢的磁盘 I/O)、Merkle Trie 数据结构的改进等等。这种全面的优化涵盖了软件、硬件、数据结构、磁盘I/O、网络通信以及交易排序和并行处理,将EVM的性能天花板推向极限,逼近“实时区块链”的概念。



ETH 的 CallData 升级为 Blob,再加上各种第 2 层解决方案的费用大幅降低,使得 ETH 现在成为“不太昂贵”的 DA。

有趣的是,Celestia 更大的影响在于,它是上线后第一个提出 DA 层概念的项目,将 DA 赛道从 20 亿美元的 FDV(完全摊薄估值)上限提升到 200 亿美元,从而拓展了景观和想象空间。许多新的 Layer 2 应用链自然更喜欢 DA,其中 Celestia 处于领先地位。

Avail 是从 Polygon 中独立出来的,从技术上讲,它更像是“Celestia 的增强版”。例如,它采用了Polkadot的Grandpa+BABE共识机制,理论上比Celestia的Tendermint支持更多节点、更去中心化的设置。它还支持 Celestia 不支持的功能,例如有效性证明。不过,技术上的差异远不如生态系统重要,Avail 仍需要在生态系统层面上迎头赶上。

EigenDA 于几天前随着 EigenLayer 主网的发布而上线。作为本轮叙事性最强、最擅长商业合作的项目之一,我个人感觉EigenDA的采用率不会低。理论上来说,只要“感觉安全、价格便宜”,没有多少项目真正关心你是使用有效性证明还是欺诈证明,或者是否支持 DAS 等等。

有趣的是,值得一提的是以下三个 DA。

  • Near DA——Near 是一个出色的公共区块链,最初专注于分片,并且它仍在继续这样做。然而,除了分片之外,它还涉足了DA领域。它比 Celestia 便宜,并且支持 Layer 2 的快速结算。 链抽象——最近,Near 引入了链签名,允许用户通过单个 NEAR 账户对任何链上交易进行签名。AI — 他们的创始人 Illia 是变形金刚八人组之一,在 NVIDIA GTC 上曾被黄先生拍过肩膀,这一点十分出名。他们目前正在计划聘请AI工程师,并将在下个月发布near.ai相关公告……作为六角战士,我也投身到了DA赛道。

  • BTC & CKB — 由于 BTC 第一层不支持智能合约和直接结算,几乎每个 BTC EVM 第二层解决方案都将 BTC 视为 DA。唯一的区别在于他们是直接将 ZK Proof 应用于 BTC,还是简单地对 ZK Proof 进行哈希处理。就好像不这样做就失去了被称为“BTC Layer 2”的资格。最近又有新项目说,“我不会假装;我不会假装”。我是ETH L2,DA结算是在ETH上进行的,但我是为BTC生态服务的!” 相当有趣……唯一非常规的缩放解决方案是 CKB 引入的 RGB++。在这个框架中,CKB 充当伪 DA,而 BTC 由于其 UTXO 通用同构绑定技术,成为 RGB++ 的结算层。

  • 新的 DA——我将提到我遇到的两种创新的 DA 方法,但不会提及具体的项目。一种将DA与AI集成,不仅充当高性能DA,还充当AI大模型、训练数据和训练轨迹的存储层。另一种改进了 Celestia 等 DA 底层的 RS 代码,在不稳定的条件下提供更稳健的网络状态,例如每轮都有多个节点随机退出的动态网络。


最初,这一层几乎完全由 ETH 主导。虽然 DA 面临来自 Celestia 的竞争,并且执行有各种 L2 解决方案,但结算主要是 ETH 的领域。Solana、Aptos 等其他连锁店还没有 L2 解决方案。BTC的L2解决方案要么没有被使用,要么无法利用BTC进行结算。目前,ETH 几乎是您能想到的唯一结算层。



原因在于,在 ETH L1 上运行合约来验证 ZK Proofs 理论上并不是最优的选择。

从技术角度来看,为了验证ZK Proofs的正确性,开发人员需要使用Solidity基于ZK项目和所选的ZK Proof系统编写验证合约。这涉及依赖多种加密算法,例如支持不同的椭圆曲线。这些加密算法通常非常复杂,并且 EVM-Solidity 架构并不是实现这些复杂加密算法的最佳平台。对于一些ZK项目来说,编写和验证这些验证合约的成本也相当高。


从成本上看,虽然L2支付的“保护费”大部分是DA费用,但ZK合约验证也会产生gas费。在以太坊上进行验证绝对不是一个便宜的选择。再加上以太坊的 Gas 费用偶尔会飙升,将其转变为“优质链”,验证成本也同样受到影响。

结果,出现了具有 ZK 验证/结算层概念的新项目。这些新项目仍处于相对早期阶段,Nebra 就是一个典型的例子。较旧的项目也在朝这个方向发展,例如 Mina 和 Zen,它们刚刚通过了新提案。


  • 支持多种ZK语言

  • 支持ZK聚合证明,提高效率、降低成本

  • 实现更快的最终确定时间


在基础设施的其他领域,例如 Oracle 和 MEV 领域 (OEV) 以及互操作性(ZK 轻客户端网络),网上可能有很多文章。我不会在这里深入研究它们。下次遇到什么新鲜的、有趣的事情我会分享的。

The most popular track in the recent primary market is undoubtedly the second, and the projects discussed every day are concentrated on these two tracks. Personally, sometimes I can discuss or predict that the artificial intelligence bubble will reach its peak in the next few years. With hundreds of new projects on the line, the market value of the track will skyrocket, and finally when the bubble bursts and chaos follows, the real corner of the intersection of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency will be found. Animals will appear to push this track and the whole industry forward, so it is worth taking a step back and observing the changes that have taken place in the infrastructure layer, especially the public chain infrastructure track in recent months. Some new developments in this field are definitely worth discussing. When the concept of modularity and layer was first introduced, the market actually spent a long time to digest and understand it. Now this concept has become ingrained and various infrastructures have proliferated. The number of infrastructure, application users has reached an exaggerated stage. In the past few months, there have been different technological advances in the implementation layers. Each layer has spawned new technical solutions, and even the concept of the settlement layer is no longer unique. Let's briefly discuss the representative technology of each layer. The most popular concept in the implementation layer is undoubtedly the waiting project, and existing projects such as Yihe are also planning to upgrade in this direction. However, just as not all projects protect privacy. Projects marked as parallel actually have different technical roadmaps and ultimate goals. It is obvious that the transition from sequential processing to parallel processing can significantly improve performance under optimistic circumstances. In parallel, there are actually several different technical ways. From the perspective of how transactions are parallelized, there is nothing particularly new in the world. It comes down to the difference between pre-verification and post-verification. The pre-verification represented by sum requires the transaction to clearly state its modification chain. What parts of the state this allows pre-checking to detect any state conflicts before the block is produced, such as visiting the same pool and discarding the conflicting transactions if conflicts are detected. Post-transaction verification is also called optimistic parallelism, which means that it initially assumes that there are no conflicts and contains transactions, and then after execution, it will check whether there are conflicts. Any conflicting transactions are declared as invalid, and the results are refreshed and repeated until all transactions in the block are executed and similar solutions are used. We also see in the primary market. There are customized parallelization solutions for scenarios involving state conflicts, such as accessing the same pool mentioned above. However, from an engineering point of view, these solutions seem to be relatively complicated and their commercial feasibility is still uncertain. The importance attached to parallelism can also be divided into two schools, one of which is represented by sum, and they give priority to parallel transactions as the main expansion method, making parallelization the main narrative method, for example, in addition to optimistic parallel processing, it is also specifically aimed at asynchronism. Another school of thought is developed to supplement parallel processing, represented by sum, in which parallelization is one of the expansion solutions, but it is not the only one. Parallelization is used as an auxiliary solution to describe that performance improvement depends more on other technical solutions, such as the consensus mechanism that focuses on virtual machine collocation optimization, and the signature verification of network communication mechanism that focuses on modular architecture optimization of new clients in the next stage, aiming at realizing real-time blockchain. First of all, it is built on the developed high-performance clients. Then, the state synchronization mechanism of the whole node is further optimized and enhanced, which only synchronizes the state differences instead of all the data. The hardware design uses a lot of high performance with storage capacity to access the state and other aspects to avoid the slow improvement of the disk data structure. This comprehensive optimization covers the software and hardware data structure, disk network communication, and transaction sequencing and parallel processing, which push the performance ceiling to the limit and approach the concept of real-time blockchain. The three layers have not yet appeared particularly significant. Technical iteration, so the heat of this track is far less than the upgrade of only a few major players in the executive layer game. In addition, the cost of various layer solutions has been greatly reduced, which makes it less expensive now. Interestingly, the greater impact is that it is the first project to put forward the concept of layer after going online, raising the track from the fully diluted upper limit of $100 million to $100 million, thus expanding the landscape and imagination. Many new application chains naturally prefer to be independent from it. Technically speaking, it is more like an enhanced version of Yes. For example, it adopts a consensus mechanism, which is theoretically more decentralized than supporting more nodes. It also supports unsupported functions, such as validity certification. However, the technical difference is far less important than the ecosystem, and it still needs to catch up with the launch of the main network a few days ago. As one of the projects with the strongest narrative and the best business cooperation in this round, I personally feel that the adoption rate will not be low. Theoretically, as long as I feel safe. The price is cheap, and not many projects really care whether you use validity certificate or fraud certificate or whether you support it. It is interesting to mention that the following three are an excellent public blockchain, which initially focused on fragmentation and continues to do so. However, in addition to fragmentation, it has also entered the field. It is cheaper than the supported fast settlement chain abstraction, and recently introduced chain signature to allow users to sign any online transaction through a single account. Their founder is Transformers VIII. It is very famous that one of the people was patted on the shoulder by Mr. Huang in the world. They are currently planning to hire engineers and will release relevant announcements next month. As a hexagonal warrior, I have also devoted myself to the track. Because the first floor does not support smart contracts and direct settlement, almost every second-floor solution will be regarded as the only difference. It seems that if they do not do this, they will lose the qualification to be called. Recently, a new project said that I will not pretend. I won't pretend that I'm settling on the internet, but I'm quite interesting to serve the ecology. The only unconventional scaling solution is introduced to act as a pseudo in this framework and become a new settlement layer due to its universal isomorphic binding technology. I will mention two innovative methods I have encountered, but I won't mention specific projects. One will not only serve as a storage layer for high-performance training data and training trajectories of large models, but the other will improve the code with the same bottom layer to provide a more stable network state under unstable conditions, such as the initial layer of the dynamic network with multiple nodes randomly exiting every round. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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