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  1. 项目简介

Bittensor 是一个专注于AI和机器学习的去中心化协议,位于去中心化人工智能(AI)领域的前沿。通过使用区块链技术,BitTensor 旨在解决一些传统AI发展过程中遇到的核心问题,比如数据所有权、模型训练的激励机制以及AI服务的可访问性。

目前,训练机器学习模型需要大量资源,通常只有谷歌和 OpenAI 等大公司才能负担。对此,Bittensor 旨在将机器学习模型的访问和训练去中心化,并以抗审查的方式运行。去中心化的机器学习模型能够防止由不同公司训练的类似模型在孤岛中训练,推动开放开发的 AI 模型的复合性和可组合性,以加快 AI 领域的发展。

Bittensor 的 AI 生态系统,以其原生代币 $TAO 为动力:通过 $TAO 代币奖励贡献,促进合作并保护区块链生态系统。其特色之一是,专门的子网结构。这些子网是通过竞争和合作创造真正价值的地方,Bittensor 通过这种结构鼓励创新,并承诺包容性及对质量的重视。

Bittensor 的代币经济(Tokenomics)是为了鼓励公平分配实践而设计的,确保网络参与者之间的激励一致。TAO 代币的设计是随着网络参与者基础的扩展而呈指数增长的。当前,大约 89% 的流通 TAO 代币当前被质押,这也侧面反映了网络的高参与度。

  2. 核心机制


Bittensor 的生态系统因其独特的子网动态而蓬勃发展,每个子网都为各种人工智能应用提供适合的奖励。这种设置展示了其多样性和创新性,这也是许多服务于大型人工智能公司可能忽视的领域。单一的 TAO 代币生态系统支持这些活动,使代币所有者在人工智能如何在网络中发展方面拥有很大的发言权。


Bittensor 连接其网络中几种关键类型的参与者:

矿工层:是 Bittensor 内 AI 驱动创新的核心,矿工托管并运行各种 AI 模型。


企业层:致力于开发尖端应用程序,利用网络的 AI 能力来解决复杂问题。



去中心化专家组合 Decentralised Mixture Of Experts (MoE)

此外,Bittensor 采用了去中心化的专家混合模型(MoE)来通过多个专业 AI 模型的协作提高 AI 预测的准确性和效率,这种方法通过结合每个模型的独特优势来解决复杂问题,从而实现更精确和全面的结果,超越了传统的单一模型方法。例如,在生成带有西班牙语评论的 Python 代码时,一个模型的语言能力和另一个模型的编码专长合并以提供优越的解决方案。

智能证明 (Proof Of intelligence)

智能证明是Bittensor 网络奖励添加有用机器学习模型和结果的节点的一种方式。它类似于区块链网络使用 PoW 和 PoS 的方式,但节点不是解决数学难题,而是执行机器学习任务来展示其智能。如果节点的机器学习工作准确且有价值,则它有更好的机会被选择向链添加新区块并赚取 TAO 代币作为奖励。为了在 Bittensor 网络中获得奖励,服务器不仅必须产生有价值的知识,还必须获得大多数验证者的认可。通过采用这种共识机制,Bittensor 激励有价值的贡献,促进协作并保护区块链。

  3. Tao

TAO 代币是 Bittensor 网络的原生加密货币。它在生态系统中服务于几个关键功能和目的:

激励:TAO 代币用于激励 Bittensor 网络中的各种参与者。贡献计算资源来执行机器学习任务的矿工将因其贡献而获得 TAO 代币奖励。这种奖励机制鼓励向网络提供计算能力,这对于去中心化机器学习过程至关重要。

质押:要作为矿工参与网络并获得奖励,参与者必须质押 TAO 代币。质押作为抵押品或“游戏中的皮肤”的一种形式,有助于确保矿工有动力按照网络的最佳利益行事。它还使任何参与者的恶意行为付出高昂的代价,从而有助于保护网络安全。

治理:TAO 代币可用于 Bittensor 网络的治理。代币持有者可能有能力提出变更、对协议升级进行投票或参与影响网络的其他决策过程。这与区块链技术的去中心化精神相一致,其中控制权分布在利益相关者之间,而不是集中在单个机构中。

交易费用:Bittensor 网络上的交易,例如代币转移或智能合约的执行,可能需要支付费用。这些费用通常以 TAO 代币支付,用于补偿验证者和矿工在区块链上处理和保护交易的费用。

经济模型:TAO 代币支撑着 Bittensor 网络的经济模型。它旨在平衡计算资源的供需,调整参与者之间的激励,并促进生态系统内的价值交换。

访问服务:需要 Bittensor 网络提供的机器学习服务的用户可能需要使用 TAO 代币来支付这些服务的费用。这为机器学习服务创造了一个市场,可以用代币交换计算工作,例如数据分析、模型训练或预测。

TAO 代币是 Bittensor 网络功能不可或缺的一部分,因为它提供了支持去中心化机器学习市场的经济和激励结构,通过基于代币的激励措施来协调各个利益相关者的利益。

截止目前,TAO 代币的当前价格为 $568.38 美元。其市值为3,721,338,889 美元,排名第 31 位。TAO 是一个较大的加密资产,具有重要的市场份额。其24小时交易量/市值比率:1.14%,这是一个比较活跃的市场,说明每天交易的量占总市值的一小部分。其流通供应量:6,547,324 TAO,占总供应量的 31.18%。这表明市场上有超过三分之一的最大供应量正在被交易或持有。TAO的最大供应量为21,000,000 TAO,这是固定的供应量上限,这样的设计是为了防止通货膨胀,并可能随着时间的推移增加稀缺性。完全稀释后市值为$11,936,827,522 美元,如果所有的 TAO 都按当前价格计算,市值将会达到近 120 亿美元。

TAO 也像比特币一样每四年减半一次。一旦发行总量达到一半,发行率就会减半。每 12 秒开采一个区块,这相当于大约每四年发生一次减半事件。随后的每次减半事件都会按照与待发行的剩余 TAO 的一半相对应的时间间隔发生,直到 2100 万个 TAO 的全部供应量进入流通。

如果您想购买 TAO,您可以通过 MEXC、Bitget、Gate.io和Kucoin购买。TAO 也可以通过去中心化交易所 Kujira Fin 购买。

  4. 团队/融资情况

Bittensor 背后有一支优秀的团队。据LinkedIn称,该公司共有14名员工。一些人拥有物理学和人工智能博士学位。团队的大多数成员都拥有计算机科学、人工智能和工程背景和经验。

Bittensor 的联合创始人是 Jacob Steeves 和 Ala Shaabana。雅各布·斯蒂夫斯 (Jacob Steeves) 是 Bittensor 的首席执行官兼联合创始人。他拥有机器学习研究背景,并创立了 Bittensor 来实现人工智能的去中心化。他还曾在谷歌工作过几年。Ala Shaabana 是 Bittensor 的首席运营官兼联合创始人。他拥有博士学位。在机器学习中。

截止目前,已知Bittensor已完成三次融资:A 轮:Bittensor 于 2021 年 5 月 12 日完成 A 轮融资。金额未披露,并标记为“秘密”;早期风险投资:Bittensor 还完成了其他未具体说明的早期风险投资轮次;加速器/孵化器:Bittensor 还于 2021 年 1 月 1 日完成了一轮加速器/孵化器计划,其细节再次标记为“秘密”。

Bittensor 的投资者包括 Collab+Currency、Gravity Fund、NGC Ventures、Oss Capital 和 Creative Destruction Lab 等风险投资公司,这表明多元化的支持者相信该公司的使命。

  5. TAO 和 Bittensor 的未来


作为 Bittensor 的原生代币,TAO 在网络经济中发挥着核心作用。随着 Bittensor 网络的发展,TAO 的效用可能会扩展到简单交易之外,包括治理、质押和获得优质服务,这可能会增加其价值和需求。

如果 Bittensor 成功吸引更多矿工和用户,网络上活动的增加可能会由于使用量的增加而导致 TAO 的估值更高。

在 Bittensor 之上开发附加服务和应用程序可以创建一个生态系统,其中 TAO 用于各种人工智能相关服务,进一步将其融入人工智能和区块链市场。


TAO 可用于资助 Bittensor 网络内的研究和创新,从而推动人工智能和区块链技术的进步,从而增加代币的价值。


如果 Bittensor 成为人工智能服务的全球市场,TAO 可能会成为人工智能交易的标准货币,就像比特币成为加密货币的代名词一样。


随着人工智能和区块链法规的发展,TAO 的设计可能会适应这些新标准,从而有可能使其成为更加稳定和可靠的资产。


与其他区块链网络、数据提供商和人工智能公司的战略合作伙伴关系可能会为 TAO 带来更广泛的用例并集成到其他平台中。

  6. 结语

总之,人工智能与区块链技术的融合(以 Bittensor 等网络为例)有潜力创造一个更加开放、透明和协作的人工智能环境。作为 Bittensor 的原生代币,TAO 的未来潜力取决于该网络能否培育一个强大的生态系统,在该生态系统中,人工智能模型可以以安全和去中心化的方式进行训练、共享和使用。

随着 Bittensor 和类似平台的发展,它们可以使较小的实体在使用尖端人工智能工具方面与较大的组织竞争,从而对各个行业产生重大影响。此外,TAO 的使用可以激励人工智能模型的持续改进和部署,从而促进创新和采用的循环。

TAO 的成功可能取决于几个因素,包括 Bittensor 网络的可扩展性、人工智能服务的矿工和消费者的易用性、网络确保人工智能输出的质量和可靠性的能力,以及整体采用区块链和人工智能技术跨越不同领域。

如果 Bittensor 能够应对这些挑战并利用人工智能和区块链融合带来的机遇,TAO 可能会成为去中心化人工智能服务新兴领域的关键资产。这不仅会提高 TAO 作为代币的价值,而且还将 Bittensor 定位为塑造人工智能和区块链集成未来的关键参与者。

The project introduction is a decentralized protocol focusing on machine learning, which is at the forefront of decentralized artificial intelligence. Through the use of blockchain technology, it aims to solve some core problems encountered in the traditional development process, such as the incentive mechanism of data ownership model training and the accessibility of services. At present, training machine learning models requires a lot of resources, and usually only big companies such as Google and others can afford it. It aims to decentralize the access and training of machine learning models and prevent censorship. Running decentralized machine learning model can prevent similar models trained by different companies from training in isolated islands, promote the complexity and composability of open development models, and accelerate the development of the field. The ecosystem is driven by its native tokens, promote cooperation through token reward contributions, and protect the blockchain ecosystem. One of its characteristics is a special subnet structure. These subnets are places where real value is created through competition and cooperation. Through this structure, innovation is encouraged and inclusiveness and quality are promised. The token economy that we attach great importance to is designed to encourage the practice of fair distribution, and ensure that the incentives among network participants are consistent. The design of tokens increases exponentially with the expansion of the base of network participants. At present, about the circulating tokens are currently pledged, which also reflects the high participation of the network, the core mechanism of the network, and the ecosystem of network ecological power is booming because of its unique subnet dynamics. Each subnet provides suitable rewards for various artificial intelligence applications. This setting shows its diversity. And innovation, which is also an area that many large-scale artificial intelligence companies may ignore. The single token ecosystem supports these activities, so that token owners have a great say in how artificial intelligence develops in the network. Machine learning methods and mechanisms connect several key types of participants in their networks. Miners are the core of internally driven innovation. Miners manage and run various models. Verifier layer plays a key role in maintaining the integrity and consensus of blockchain, ensuring that the network is in line with the existing. The enterprise layer is committed to developing cutting-edge applications and solving complex problems by using the capabilities of the network. The consumer layer provides end users and organizations with access to the solutions and services generated by the network, which realizes the safe and efficient cooperation between blockchain operation and artificial intelligence services, decentralizes the expert combination, and adopts a decentralized expert mixed model to improve the accuracy and efficiency of prediction through the cooperation of multiple professional models. This method combines the uniqueness of each model. Advantages to solve complex problems and achieve more accurate and comprehensive results exceed the traditional single model method. For example, when generating code with Spanish comments, the language ability of one model and the coding expertise of another model are combined to provide superior solutions. Intelligent proof is a way for the network to reward nodes that add useful machine learning models and results. It is similar to the way that blockchain networks use sums, but nodes do not solve mathematical problems but perform machine learning. Task to show its intelligence. If the machine learning work of a node is accurate and valuable, it has a better chance to be selected to add new blocks to the chain and earn tokens as rewards. In order to get rewards in the network, the server must not only generate valuable knowledge, but also gain the recognition of most verifiers. By adopting this consensus mechanism to stimulate valuable contributions, promote cooperation and protect blockchain tokens, which are the original cryptocurrency of the network and serve several key functions and purposes in the ecosystem. Incentive tokens are used to encourage various participants in the network to contribute computing resources to perform machine learning tasks. Miners will be rewarded with tokens for their contributions. This incentive mechanism encourages the provision of computing power to the network, which is very important for the decentralized machine learning process. Pledge is necessary for participants to participate in the network as miners and get rewards. Pledge tokens as collateral or a form of skin in the game helps to ensure that miners have the motivation to act in the best interests of the network. It also enables any participant to participate. The malicious behavior of the participants pays a high price, thus helping to protect the network security. Governance tokens can be used for the governance of the network. Token holders may be able to propose changes, vote on protocol upgrades or participate in other decision-making processes that affect the network. This is consistent with the decentralized spirit of blockchain technology, in which control rights are distributed among stakeholders rather than concentrated in a single institution. Transactions on the network, such as token transfer or the execution of smart contracts, may have to pay these fees. Fees are usually paid in tokens to compensate verifiers and miners for processing and protecting transactions on the blockchain. Economic model Tokens support the economic model of the network. It aims to balance the supply and demand of computing resources, adjust the incentives among participants and promote the exchange of value within the ecosystem. Users who need machine learning services provided by the network may need to use tokens to pay for these services. This creates a market for machine learning services, and tokens can be exchanged for computing work, for example. Data analysis model training or forecasting tokens is an indispensable part of network function, because it provides an economic and incentive structure to support decentralized machine learning market, and the interests of all stakeholders are coordinated through incentive measures based on tokens. Up to now, the current price of tokens is US dollars, and its market value ranks first in US dollars. It is a large encrypted asset with an important market share, and its hourly trading volume market value ratio is a relatively active market, which shows that the daily trading volume accounts for the total market. A small part of the value, its circulation supply accounts for the total supply, which shows that more than one-third of the maximum supply in the market is being traded or held. The maximum supply is a fixed supply ceiling. This design is to prevent inflation and may increase scarcity over time. After complete dilution, the market value will be US dollars. If all of them are calculated at current prices, the market value will reach nearly US$ 100 million, and it will be halved every four years like Bitcoin. Once the total issuance reaches half of the issuance rate, One block will be mined in half every second, which is equivalent to a halving event every four years, and then every halving event will occur at intervals corresponding to the remaining half to be issued until the total supply of 10,000 units enters circulation. If you want to buy, you can buy it through the decentralized exchange. There is an excellent team behind the financing situation. It is said that the company has a total of employees, some of whom have doctoral degrees in physics and artificial intelligence, and most of the members of the team have computer science, artificial intelligence and engineering background and experience. The co-founders are Jacob Stie. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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