虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT丨币安将上市 Book of Meme (BOME) 比特币波动太大不值得长期投资

币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 07:52:31 评论:0



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币安将上市 Book of Meme (BOME) 并为其添加种子标签

币安将于2024年03月16日20:30(东八区时间)上线Book of Meme (BOME) , 并开放以下现货交易对:BOME/BTC、BOME/USDT、BOME/FDUSD、BOME/TRY。 BOME充值通道现已开放,BOME提现预计于2024年03月17日20:30(东八区时间)开放。

Vanguard CEO:比特币波动太大,不值得长期投资

Vanguard首席执行官Tim Buckley表示,加密货币作为一种投机资产运作,不适合长期投资,并且与Vanguard的投资模式不相符。像比特币这样的东西波动性太大,而且它不是一种价值储存手段。当股市在最近的危机中遭受重创时,比特币也随之而来。










▌尼日利亚 SEC 寻求提高加密货币交易所注册费

尼日利亚证券交易委员会(SEC)提议对提供加密服务的平台规则进行修订。委员会建议将加密货币交易所的注册费从 18,620 美元(3000 万奈拉)提高到 93,000 美元(1.5 亿奈拉)。 在修正案中,SEC 表示,拟议的修改是为了提供清晰度并纳入行业利益相关者的建议,“特别是关于最近与 CBN 的合作”。尼日利亚 SEC 首次于 2022 年 5 月向所有加密货币和数字资产服务提供商发布了规则和指南,但在 2024 年 3 月 15 日星期五,它建议对规则进行修订。 根据更新后的指导方针,数字资产交易所(DAX)、数字资产发行平台(DAOP)和数字资产托管机构(DAC)将需要支付 186 美元(300,000 奈拉)的申请/申请费,高于之前的 62 美元( 100,000 奈拉)费用。


拜登政府面临着越来越大的压力,要求立即帮助释放专注于加密货币的前美国联邦特工Tigran Gambaryan,以及自 2 月 12 日以来被尼日利亚政府拘留、没有护照的另一位币安高管Nadeem Anjarwalla。 数字商会于 3 月 15 日通过其网站上的一篇博客文章发出呼吁,并带头要求采取紧急外交行动,以解决他们认为的严重不公正现象。 该帖子称,Tigran Gambaryan在如此可疑的情况下被拘留开创了一个令人不安的先例,这表明任何在海外的美国企业家,尤其是加密货币行业的企业家,都可能面临外国当局的类似非法行动。



NFT 射击游戏《MadWorld》开发工作室 Carbonated Inc 宣布完成 1100 万美元 A 轮融资,本轮融资由韩国游戏巨头 Com2uS 领投,Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)、Bitkraft Ventures、Cypher Capital、Blocore、Goal Ventures 和 WAGMI Ventures 参投。 MadWorld 将于 2024 年某个时候正式推出,该游戏将第三人称视角的竞技射击动作与基于 NFT 土地资产的领土控制游戏结合起来。游戏发生在未来末日时期的地球上。



3月16日消息,NetMind.Ai官方在社交媒体上发文表示,昨日的快速下跌是因为早期矿工清仓44.2万枚NMT(约合285万美元),不涉及任何黑客攻击或安全缺陷。未来将采取措施以阻止大规模一次性抛售行为的出现,并重新设计代币经济,以大幅调整排放计划。 NetMind.Ai表示,建议将早期矿工代币锁定在NMT链上的智能合约中,并设定结构化的归属期,以确保逐步释放市场。将排放时间表从100年大幅缩短至5-10年,以调整供应动态并激励可持续增长。完整的详细信息将很快分享。此外,对任何单一实体可以持有或在一定时间范围内开采的代币数量实施上限,以防止未来出现可能威胁项目可持续性的代币集中抛售行为。

▌Uniswap:97.5%的12.5万美元以下的交易在Layer 2网络上的表现优于以太坊

去中心化交易所Uniswap 发布了关于 Uniswap 交易在Layer 2网络的优势研究报告。研究显示,97.5%的12.5万美元以下的交易在Layer 2网络上的表现优于以太坊。Layer 2网络的流动性集中度也比以太坊高75%,从而提高了流动性提供者的资本效率。由于交易成本较低,流动性提供商可以更频繁地重新平衡其 Uniswap 头寸。 平均而言,在Layer 2上的全价格范围内运营的流动性提供商享有的套利利润比在主网上高出约 20%。这些研究数据是在 Dencun 硬分叉之前得出的,暗示随着 blob 交易的引入,效率会更高。


Bitwise资产管理公司首席投资官Matt Hougan表示,加密货币的剧烈价格波动在过去十年中已大幅下降。目前推动比特币市场发展的只是简单的供需失衡。我们从这些ETF中获得了巨大的新需求来源,但我们的供应却缺乏弹性。










        Headline Coin An will be listed and will be labeled with seeds. Coin An will be launched at the time of Dongba District, and the following spot transactions will be opened. The recharge channel is now open for cash withdrawal. It is expected to be opened at the time of Dongba District, and Bitcoin is too volatile to be worth long-term investment. The CEO said that cryptocurrency, as a speculative asset, is not suitable for long-term investment and does not match the investment model. Things like Bitcoin are too volatile and it is not a means of value storage. When the plane was hit hard, bitcoin also followed. As of press time, according to the data, the recent transaction price of the US dollar rose and fell in the day, the recent transaction price of the US dollar rose and fell in the day, the recent transaction price of the US dollar rose and fell in the day, and the recent transaction price of the US dollar rose and fell in the day. It is proposed to increase the registration fee of cryptocurrency exchange from US$ 10,000 to US$ 10,000. In the amendment, Yinella said that the proposed amendment is to provide clarity and incorporate the suggestions of industry stakeholders, especially regarding the recent cooperation with Nigeria, which issued the rules and guidelines to all cryptocurrency and digital asset service providers for the first time in January, but on Friday, January, it proposed to amend the rules. According to the updated guidelines, digital assets exchange digital asset distribution platforms and figures. The asset custodian will have to pay the application fee of US Dollar Naira, which is higher than the previous fee of US Dollar Naira. The American Digital Chamber of Commerce calls on Nigeria to release the detained American citizen and currency security executive Biden. The government is under increasing pressure to immediately help release the former US federal agent who specializes in cryptocurrency and another currency security executive who has been detained by the Nigerian government since May. The Digital Chamber of Commerce made an appeal and took the lead through a blog post on its website on May. Calling for urgent diplomatic action to solve what they think is a serious injustice, the post said that being detained under such suspicious circumstances has set a disturbing precedent, which shows that any American entrepreneur overseas, especially those in the cryptocurrency industry, may face similar illegal actions by foreign authorities. Blockchain application shooting game development studio completed the $10,000 round of financing, and the shooting game development studio announced that it had completed the $10,000 round of financing, which was led by Korean game giants. The game will be officially launched at some time in 2008, which combines the competitive shooting action from the third-person perspective with the territorial control game based on land assets. The game will take place on the earth in the future doomsday period, and the cryptocurrency will redesign the token economy, adjust the emission plan and take measures to prevent the large-scale selling from happening again. On March, the official posted on social media that yesterday's rapid decline was due to the early miners' clearance of 10,000 pieces, or about 10,000 US dollars, which did not involve any hacking or security. In the future, measures will be taken to prevent the occurrence of large-scale one-off selling and redesign the token economy to substantially adjust the emission plan. It is suggested that early miners' tokens should be locked in smart contracts on the chain and set a structured ownership period to ensure the gradual release of the market, and the emission schedule will be greatly shortened from year to year to adjust the supply dynamics and stimulate sustainable growth. Complete detailed information will be shared soon. In addition, it can be held by any single entity or mined within a certain time range. The upper limit of the number of tokens is implemented to prevent the centralized selling of tokens that may threaten the sustainability of the project in the future. The performance of transactions below 10,000 US dollars on the network is better than that of Ethereum decentralized exchange. The research report on the advantages of transactions on the network shows that the performance of transactions below 10,000 US dollars on the network is better than that of Ethereum network, and the liquidity concentration is higher than that of Ethereum network, thus improving the capital efficiency of liquidity providers. Due to the lower transaction cost, liquidity providers can Rebalance their positions more frequently. On average, the arbitrage profit enjoyed by liquidity providers operating in the full price range in the world is about higher than that on the main network. These research data are obtained before the hard fork, suggesting that with the introduction of transactions, the efficiency will be higher. The violent price fluctuation of cryptocurrency has fallen sharply in the past decade. The chief investment officer of asset management company said that the violent price fluctuation of cryptocurrency has fallen sharply in the past decade and is currently promoting the development of bitcoin market. It's just a simple imbalance between supply and demand. We have gained a huge new source of demand from these, but our supply is not flexible. The market shows that it has fallen below the US dollar. The intraday decline of the US dollar has reached a large fluctuation. Please do a good job in risk control. Do the Bank of Japan dare to raise interest rates in important economic trends? Although the first round of salary increase in Japan is lower than that required by the trade union, it is still the highest since the year after last, and it is far higher than last year. The Bank of Japan has been worried that wages and prices cannot spiral up. It's premature to end deflation, but it's not time to raise interest rates. But this time, the salary increase is far more than that of last year. Japanese media are also crazy to take precautions. Will the Bank of Japan really end negative interest rates? What determines the price of bitcoin? Market forces of supply and demand affect the price of bitcoin. When the number of sellers increases, the price of bitcoin usually falls, and vice versa. Bitcoin is also affected by media reports, investor sentiment and regulatory news, which leads to rapid price fluctuations and affects the supply of other goods and services. The market dynamics also determine the price disclaimer of Bitcoin. As a blockchain information platform, the contents of the articles published by Bitcoin Trading Network are for information reference only, not as actual investment suggestions. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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