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在这篇博客文章中,我们将带你了解 EigenLayer 协议的演变,介绍 EigenLayer 架构是如何从最初的概念中产生的。

本博客受 David Philipson 的 账户抽象系列[5] 启发。特别感谢社区的 Noam Horowitz[6]、Shiva[7]、NashQ[8]、Mike Neuder[9] 和 Sina[10] 对本文的评论和反馈。

虽然很多人熟悉 restaking 和 EigenLayer 这些术语,但只有少数人知道我们的核心合约包含数千行代码[11] ,其架构如下。

EigenLayer 简化架构


在这篇博客文章中,我们将通过介绍 EigenLayer 当前复杂架构是如何从最初概念中产生的,来带你了解该协议的演变

本文的目标读者是对智能合约有基本了解并听说过 EigenLayer 或 restaking 的人。

由于本博客文章的目的是对 EigenLayer 的设计演变进行高层次解释,因此接口、变量和逻辑可能与当前 EigenLayer 核心合约[12]有所不同。



首先,让我们先介绍 EigenLayer 要解决的问题。如果你已经熟悉这部分内容,请跳到后面的章节。


共识机制对于促进这些节点之间的互动至关重要,无论是 L1、预言机网络还是桥。

工作量证明[13]耗能严重, 权威证明[14]过于集中化,因此权益证明[15] (PoS)已成为大多数基础设施项目的主要共识机制。

然而,启动新的 PoS 网络很困难。



第三,质押者必须放弃其他的奖励机会,比如以太坊提供的 5% 奖励。

最后,当前的安全模型不理想,因为破坏任何 dApp 的成本只是破坏其最脆弱的基础设施依赖所需的成本。


EigenLayer 被创建来解决这些问题:

  • 它作为一个平台连接质押者和基础设施开发人员。

  • 质押者可以使用任何代币提供经济安全。

  • 质押者可以选择 restaking(重新质押) 他们原有质押并为其他基础设施的安全做出贡献,同时获得原生以太奖励。

  • 通过重新质押,EigenLayer 将安全性汇集在一起,而不是使其分散(碎片化)。

EigenLayer 的白皮书[16]对这些问题进行了深入探讨。

EigenLayer 泛化了提供经济安全的概念。

目标 1:创建连接质押者和基础设施开发人员的平台

EigenLayer 是一个平台,质押者可以为任何基础设施项目提供质押,基础设施项目可以在 EigenLayer 上向潜在质押者推介。该平台的支柱是使质押者能够为不同的基础设施做出可信承诺。

这些承诺适用于所有权益证明系统,不仅仅是 EigenLayer。L1 质押者通常承诺遵循协议规则,并冒着如果在同一区块高度签署冲突区块而失去质押的风险。

基础设施开发人员构建基础设施逻辑和软件,而质押者提供质押以保障基础设施。_这个 质押 作为 承诺 提供给基础设施的用户。_ 这个 承诺 是为了协议的顺利运行,反对特定的不端行为。

从概念上,当一个项目背后有 1 亿美元的质押时,这意味着如果它偏离了其承诺并表现出恶意行为,_这 1 亿美元的一部分将被削减_。简单来说,“削减”可以理解为销毁这笔资金。



我们需要一个无需信任且可编程的平台来执行不同的质押者承诺,以太坊是最适合的。 此外,以太坊持有最大的质押,有助于启动质押者市场。

这里的目标是,质押者应该能够通过 EigenLayer 在以太坊上为桥协议提供安全性。如果一个质押者在以太坊上恶意伪造消息并将其传输给 Gnosis,任何人都可以提交证据并削减该质押者。


这构成了 EigenLayer 的基础 - 任何质押者都可以为任何基础设施协议做出可信承诺。

EigenLayer 的初始设计


其他质押者也可以将代币质押到这个合约中,增加基础设施的安全性。我们将称这个合约为 TokenPool


  • 质押者:任何提供代币到 EigenLayer 的人。

  • 代币:任何类型的代币;暂时简单地将其视为 ERC20 代币。

  • TokenPool:保存质押者代币的智能合约。

  • 削减:移除质押者对其质押代币的访问权限。


contract TokenPool {
   mapping(address => uint256) public balance;
   mapping(address => address[]) public slasher;

   function stake(uint256 amount) public;
   function withdraw() public;
   function enroll(address slasher) onlyOwner;

除了stakewithdrawbalance函数和变量外,我们还引入了一个新函数和一个新变量。变量slasher监视每个质押者当前注册的 AVS。函数enroll允许质押者参与 AVS

因此,注册到 AVS 实际上是赋予“削减者”削减你的质押的能力。

通过这种修改,在向TokenPool质押后,质押者可以通过调用enroll函数加入特定的 AVS。该函数包含 特定 AVS 的削减者合约到slasher映射中。

这里的 enroll 函数是受访问控制的,因为它可能使任何人都能够注册到任何削减者合约。为了确保这个 TokenPool 被安全管理,我们将假设它由一个受信任的第三方监督。


contract TokenPool {
   mapping(address => uint256) public stakerBalance;
   mapping(address => uint256) public operatorBalance;
   mapping(address => address) public delegation;
   mapping(address => address[]) public slasher;

   function stake(uint256 amount) public;
   function withdraw() public;
   function delegateTo(address operator) public;
   function enroll(address slasher) operatorOnly;
   function exit(address slasher) operatorOnly;



contract TokenPool {
   mapping(address => uint256) public stakerBalance;

   function stake(uint256 amount) public;
   function withdraw() public;

TokenPool合约将仅跟踪每个质押者的余额。AVS 的跟踪和加入将由DelegationManager处理。

contract slasher {
   mapping (address => bool) isSlashed;

   function slash(address operator, ??? proof);



EigenLayer 中间设计: 将运营者角色与质押者角色分离后。



我们可以通过采用基于LP 份额的模型来解决这个问题,并创建特定于代币的TokenPool






contract DelegationManager {
   // ...
   mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) operatorPoolShares;
   // ...

现在,在相同的核心架构下,质押者可以将任何代币质押到 EigenLayer 以保护其他 AVS。

目标:扩展 AVS 设计


_例如_,假设有一个既是运营者又是质押者的运营者,在 AVS 中表现恶意。在任何其他人可以在链上削减之前,该运营者从 EigenLayer 合约中提取了他们的质押。这是可能的,因为在提款时,slasher尚未更新以削减他们的资产。因此,AVS 不再能够削减恶意的运营者/质押者,因为没有更多的代币可以用于削减。


因此,一个“安全”的 AVS 需要一个能够在发生事件的同一个区块中冻结恶意运营者的削减合约。这个限制极大地限制了 AVS 的设计,使大多数 AVS 都不安全


当一个质押者决定从系统中提款时,他们的请求被放入一个队列。只有在运营者最长的解绑期到期后,这个排队的提款才会被处理。这是因为一个运营者可能管理多个 AVS,但一个质押者的提款只能与一个解绑期对齐。出于安全原因,系统将解绑期设置为最长的那个

例如,如果一个质押者将他们的质押委托给参与三个 AVS 的运营者,这三个 AVS 的解绑期分别为六、五和七天,那么在从 EigenLayer 请求提款后,他们必须等待七天才能访问他们的质押。这是因为七天是这三个期限中最长的。


为了引入这一变化,DelegationManager需要跟踪每个运营者的解绑期,并在运营者加入新的 AVS 时更新它。

contract TokenManager {
mapping(address => address) public tokenPoolRegistry;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public stakerPoolShares;
mapping(address => uint256) public withdrawalCompleteTime;

function stakeToPool(address pool, uint256 amount) public;
function queueWithdrawal(address pool) public;
function completeWithdrawal(address pool) public;

当质押者排队提取时,TokenManager 将与 DelegationManager 验证质押者委托的操作员是否被 slash。如果操作员未被 slash,TokenManager 将根据 DelegationManagerunbondingPeriod 和当前时间更新质押者的 withdrawalCompleteTime

解除绑定期后,质押者可以通过 completeWithdrawal 完成其提取。该函数将验证 withdrawalCompleteTime 是否已过。如果已过,质押者的代币将按照之前的流程转出。


模块化 slashers

由于我们正在使 slash 机制更安全,让我们也尝试使其更模块化和高效。

目前,在提取过程中,TokenManager 需要与每个单独的 slasher 进行检查,以查看操作员是否被 slash。这会给质押者增加 gas 开销,并可能显著降低较小质押者的奖励。

此外,由于 AVS 开发人员通常设计 slashers,将这个特定组件模块化可以简化各个 AVS 的开发流程。

TokenManager 类似,我们将为 slash 机制采用两部分设计。SlasherManager 维护每个操作员的状态。单独的 slasher 将处理每个 AVS 的 slash 逻辑。

更进一步模块化 slash 合约以减少质押者的 gas 成本。

contract slasher {
   function slash(address operator, ??? proof) public;

slasher 将是特定于 AVS 的,很可能由 AVS 开发人员开发。它将与 SlasherManager 交互,以更新不同操作员的状态。

EigenLayer 已设计好!

回顾一下:EigenLayer 的目标是简化基础架构搭建。 我们从四个主要目标开始:

  1. 构建一个平台连接质押者和基础架构开发人员。

  2. 允许质押者使用任何代币提供经济安全性。

  3. 使质押者能够重新质押他们的质押,并在为其他基础架构提供安全性的同时赚取原生 ETH 奖励。

  4. 通过重新质押来池化安全性,而不是使其分散化。


EigenLayer 的简化架构

  • TokenManager:处理质押者的质押和提取。

  • DelegationManager:允许操作员注册和跟踪操作员份额。

  • SlasherManager:为 AVS 开发人员提供确定 slash 逻辑的接口。


除了这些核心合约之外,还有许多其他功能和合约,增强整个堆栈。这些附加功能支持各种 AVS 设计,简化离线技术复杂性,并减少用户和操作员的 gas 费用。


附加 1:谁信任谁?

当系统是模块化的时候,跟踪协议中参与者之间的信任假设可能是具有挑战性的。 因此,明确概述协议中涉及的参与者之间的信任假设是至关重要的。

在 EigenLayer 中,有三个主要代理:质押者、操作员和 AVS 开发人员。

操作员依赖于 AVS 开发人员准确编写客户端软件和链上 slash 条件。如果 AVS 软件中存在 bug,最好的情况下,操作员可能会错过潜在的费用支付。最坏的情况下,操作员可能会因此被 slash 全部质押。


否决委员会充当这些训练轮。它有权力撤销由于非恶意行为导致的 slash。否决委员会是质押者、操作员和 AVS 开发人员之间的相互信任方

这样,对 AVS 开发人员的信任假设可以被移除。即使 AVS 中存在软件 bug,质押者和操作员也不会受到惩罚。


AVS 开发人员依赖于操作员诚实操作。如果操作员不诚实,AVS 服务将显著下降,导致客户流失和其他后果。


  • 质押者信任操作员诚实行事,不端行为可能导致 slash。

  • AVS 开发人员信任操作员诚实操作 AVS 软件。

  • 质押者、操作员和 AVS 开发人员信任否决委员会来撤销 slash。

附加 2:原生 Restaking

到目前为止,我们已经讨论了使用 LST 进行重新质押。但是,如果你不想通过流动质押协议对 EigenLayer 进行质押,你可以通过原生重新质押开始参与 EigenLayer。

让我们定义原生重新质押:这是使用验证器内的 ETH 进行额外承诺的过程。如果验证器偏离承诺,它们将失去其验证器内持有的 ETH。

这里的挑战在于,这些验证器内的 ETH 不是以 ERC20 代币的形式表示。相反,ETH 存在于信标链上。如果你对执行层或共识层(信标链)不熟悉, 这篇解释[17]是一个让你快速了解的好资源。

为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用 EigenPod 来跟踪以太坊验证器余额,并在必要时 slash 它们。

EigenPod 充当虚拟记账系统。通过 EigenPod,我们可以监视每个重新质押验证器的 ETH 余额。

在高层次上,EigenPods 处理验证器的提取过程。当验证器从 EigenLayer 提取其质押时,ETH 首先通过 EigenPod,以检查验证器是否已被 slash。如果验证器已被 slash,代币将在 EigenPod 合约内冻结,有效地 slash 它们。

实现 EigenPod

实现 EigenPod 是棘手的,因为以太坊验证器余额存储在信标链上,我们无法访问执行层上的信标链数据。


有了 EIP-4788[18] 的实施,我们可以移除这个预言机,并直接从执行层查询信标根。


<span ) 10px 10px / 40px no-repeat ;height: 30px;width: 100%;margin-bottom: -7px;border-radius: 5px;'>contract EigenPodManager{
   mapping(address => uint256) public restakerShares;

   function createEigenPod(address owner) public;
   function stakeToPod(address pod, uint256 amount) public;
   function withdrawFromPod(address pod) public;
contract EigenPod{
   address podOwner;
   uint256 restakedAmount;

   function stake(uint256 amount) public;
   function verifyRestakedBalance(uint256 amount, MerkleProof proof) public;
   function withdraw() public;




这就是 EigenLayer 如何实现本地再质押。


[1]登链翻译计划: https://github.com/lbc-team/Pioneer

[2]翻译小组: https://learnblockchain.cn/people/412

[3]Tiny 熊: https://learnblockchain.cn/people/15

[4]learnblockchain.cn/article…: https://learnblockchain.cn/article/7657

[5]账户抽象系列: https://learnblockchain.cn/article/5426

[6]Noam Horowitz: https://twitter.com/ProbablyNoam

[7]Shiva: https://twitter.com/ShivanshuMadan

[8]NashQ: https://twitter.com/NashQueue

[9]Mike Neuder: https://twitter.com/mikeneuder

[10]Sina: https://twitter.com/sina_eth_

[11]代码: https://github.com/Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts/tree/master/src/contracts

[12]合约: https://github.com/Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts/tree/master/src/contracts

[13]工作量证明: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_work

[14]权威证明: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_authority

[15]权益证明: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_stake

[16]白皮书: https://docs.eigenlayer.xyz/overview/whitepaper

[17]这篇解释: https://docs.prylabs.network/docs/concepts/nodes-networks

[18]EIP-4788: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4788

[19]DeCert.me: https://decert.me/

In this blog post, we will take you to understand the evolution of the agreement and introduce how the architecture came into being from the original concept. This blog is inspired by the account abstraction series, and we are especially grateful to the community for their comments and feedback on this article. Although many people are familiar with these terms, only a few people know that our core contract contains thousands of lines of code, and its architecture is as follows. Simplify the architecture and why a seemingly simple idea has become so complicated. In this blog post, we will introduce the current complex. How did the miscellaneous architecture come into being from the initial concept to bring you to understand the evolution of the protocol? The target readers of this article are people who have a basic understanding of smart contracts and have heard of OR. Because the purpose of this blog post is to give a high-level explanation of the design evolution of, the interface variables and logic may be different from the current core contract. Now let's start. The ultimate goal is to make building infrastructure simple. First, let's introduce the problems to be solved. If you are already familiar with this part, please skip to the back. The developers who build decentralized infrastructure on Ethereum are faced with the challenge of establishing their own economic security. Although Ethereum provides economic security for intelligent contract protocols, infrastructure such as bridges or sequencers need their own economic security to realize the distributed network of nodes. It is very important to reach a consensus mechanism to promote the interaction between these nodes. Whether it is the workload of the computer network or the bridge, it is proved that energy consumption is too centralized, so the rights and interests certificate has become. The main consensus mechanism of most infrastructure projects, however, it is difficult to start a new network. First of all, it is difficult to determine where the pledger provides the pledge. There is no good place for developers to find the pledger. Second, the pledger must invest a lot of money to obtain the pledge of the new network, usually by buying the original tokens of the network. They are usually volatile and difficult to obtain the third pledger. Finally, the current security model is not ideal. In order to destroy any cost, it is only the cost required to destroy its most vulnerable infrastructure. For the time being, it is assumed that the pledger involved in infrastructure projects is also responsible for operating offline software to ensure its security, but we will change this assumption later in the article. It was created to solve these problems. As a platform to connect the pledger with infrastructure developers, the pledger can use any token to provide economic security, and the pledger can choose to re-pledge their original pledge and do it for the security of other infrastructures. The white paper, which brings security together through re-pledge instead of fragmenting it, discusses these issues in depth, generalizes the concept of providing economic security, and aims to create a platform to connect the pledger and infrastructure developers. The pledger can provide pledge for any infrastructure project, and the infrastructure project can be introduced to potential pledger. The pillar of the platform is to enable the pledger to make it for different infrastructures. Credible commitments These commitments are applicable to all rights and interests certification systems, not only the pledge usually promises to follow the rules of the agreement and risks losing the pledge if the conflicting blocks are signed at the same height. Infrastructure developers build infrastructure logic and software, while the pledge provides the pledge to protect the infrastructure. This pledge is provided to the users of the infrastructure as a promise. This commitment is for the smooth operation of the agreement and opposes specific misconduct. Conceptually, there are hundreds of millions of dollars behind a project. When it is pledged, this means that if it deviates from its promise and shows malicious behavior, a part of this billion dollars will be cut. Simply speaking, cutting can be understood as destroying this fund. The higher the number, the more security and protection it can provide for its users. If we allow the pledger to distribute pledges for various commitments, we can create a user-friendly platform on it. We need a platform that does not need trust and is programmable to implement different pledger promises. Ethereum is the most suitable one. In addition, the largest pledge held by Ethereum is helpful to start the pledgee market. The goal here is that the pledgee should be able to provide security for the bridge agreement on Ethereum. If a pledgee maliciously forges a message on Ethereum and transmits it to anyone, it can submit evidence and reduce the pledgee. Because the pledgee's pledge and commitment execution take place on Ethereum, the reduction logic is also realized in the form of Ethereum smart contract. If the pledgee violates their commitment, anyone can. In order to provide evidence for the contract reduction and confiscate the pledge of the malicious pledger, this constitutes the foundation. Any pledger can make a credible commitment for any infrastructure agreement. Now let's try to achieve this. We will start with the simplest design, and the pledger will pledge the tokens into a contract, which includes a function that allows the pledger to reduce the tokens when the evidence is submitted and meets the standards. Users can then withdraw their balance, and other pledgers can also pledge the tokens to. In this contract, we will increase the security of infrastructure, and we will call this contract for the sake of clarity. Here, we will define some terms used in this article. Pledger, anyone who provides tokens, any kind of tokens will be regarded as tokens for the time being. Simply, it will be regarded as a smart contract to keep the pledger's tokens, and reduce the access rights of the pledger to its pledged tokens. This interface can be expressed as follows. In addition to functions and variables, we also introduce a new function and a new variable to monitor each. The function currently registered by the pledgee allows the pledgee to participate, so registration actually gives the pledgee the ability to cut your pledge. Through this modification, the pledgee can add a specific function to the map by calling the function, which contains a specific contract of the pledgee. The function here is subject to access control because it may enable anyone to register with any contract of the pledgee. In order to ensure that this contract is safely managed, we will assume that it has been extracted by a trusted third party. In-process contracts can require each confirmed pledger to be eligible for withdrawal, which is verified by the function in the contract. If it is for this pledger, the pledger cannot withdraw their pledge because they have been reduced. We have divided the balance variable into two different parts, one for the operator and the other for the pledger. In addition, we have introduced a mapping to record the entrustment relationship between the pledger and the operator, and we have slightly modified the mapping. Now it gives the contract the authority to reduce the operator instead of the pledger. The contract will only track the balance of each pledger, and the tracking and joining will be handled by the clearing. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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