生态初见雏形 超并行计算机Arweave AO发布一个月后有哪些看点

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自超并行计算机 AO 在 2 月 27 日宣布开启测试网后,受到了市场极大的关注。AR 币价也曾三次在市场普跌时逆势大幅上涨,在此期间最高涨至 47.5 美金,距去年熊市底部已经实现了将近 13 倍的涨幅。AO 的推出后,有人开始重新将 Arweave 喻为以太坊杀手,也有人将其定义为 AI 的计算层。可以预见的是,Arweave AO 可能将改变未来加密世界的走向。

与此同时,AO 在发布后三周半时间内,就吸引了 3000 余名开发者加入 Arweave 生态参与建设,短时间内涌现了大量的 AO 应用,并且一直保持着增长的势头。为了全面地了解 AO 发展近况,本文将重点从 AO 网络概况、生态项目与重点事件等维度,为大家回顾 AO 发布一个月时间所取得的进展。

AO 入门知识

AO 计算机是一个 actor oriented 的机器,它产生于遵守其核心数据协议的节点网络,运行在 Arweave 网络上。本文档简要介绍了该协议及其功能以及技术细节,以便构建者可以创建与其集成的新实现和服务。

AO 计算机是一个单一的、统一的计算环境(单系统映像),托管在分布式网络中的一组异构节点上。AO 旨在提供一个环境,其中可以驻留任意数量的并行进程,并通过开放的消息传递层进行协调。这种消息传递标准将机器的独立运行进程连接到一个“网络”中,就像网站在独立服务器上运行但通过超链接连接成一个有凝聚力的统一整体。

——《AO Cookbook》

为了更直观地认识 AO,我们可以通过一个浅白的例子来理解,同时与以太坊 EVM 做一下对比。

假设有一项任务,需要计算从 1 到 100 的所有整数的总和。

  • 对于 AO:任务可以分配给不同的节点计算机独立执行,然后通过 AO 网络协作。比如计算 1 到 50 的总和的任务分配给节点 1,计算 51 到 100 的总和的任务分配给节点 2。

  • 对于以太坊 EVM:每个节点都必须执行相同的计算过程,也就是计算从 1 到 100 的所有整数的总和。这不仅导致了计算冗余,即使其中一些节点已经完成了计算,仍然需要等待其他节点都完成计算才可以执行下面的任务。

这就是超并行计算机带来的想象空间。欲更加了解 AO,不妨再深入认识下一些关于 AO 的重要概念:

  • 消息(Messages)— AO 中的基本数据协议单元(交互媒介),符合 Arweave 原生 ANS-104 数据标准。

  • 线程(Processes)— 负责接收和发送消息,不同进程之间通过消息的传递来进行通信。

  • 单元(Units)— 信使单元(MU)、调度器单元(SU)和计算单元(CU)。

  • AOS — AO 上的操作系统,开发者通过 AOS 轻松编写代码,与其他 AO 进程(Processes)交互。

关于 AO 的组成架构、运行原理与开发指南等内容,请参看 AO Cookbook。

AO 网络概况

超并行计算 AO 测试网自发布以来一直维持着活跃的状态,在发布后第六天其消息已经达到了 1,000,000 条。随后消息量一直在稳定增长,在 AO “满月”这天达到了 11,000,000 条。

同时,AO 网络中活跃开发者人数单日达到过 2 千人,超过三分之一时间都持续在 500 个活跃开发者以上。

一览 AO 生态项目

Labs 组织

Forward Research、everVision、Community Labs

Forward Research、everVision、Community Labs 三者都是 Arweave 生态老牌的头部公司。其中,Forward Research 在 2022 年的 Arweave in Asia 活动官宣成立,由 Arweave 创始人 Sam 直接担任 CEO,专注孵化与扶持生态新项目。

everVision 是一间专注于为 Web3 提供基础设施的公司,其推出了多款产品— everPay、Permaswap 与 Web3Infra,并发起了 PermaDAO 组织,构建了完整的由社区驱动的金融生态。

Community Labs 是一家软件开发公司兼风险投资工作室,旨在帮助开发者无缝进入 Arweave 以增加生态的影响力,其旗下产品包括 Arconnect、Protocol.Land 与 Astro Protocol 等。


1. everPay:毫秒级、0 gas 的跨链支付协议

everPay 是基于 SCP 范式构建的金融协议,具有堪比 Web2 应用性能与用户体验,操作十分丝滑。在 AO 发布后,everPay 计划将各个组件调整成 AO 的 MSG 标准,以实现 everPay 的完全去中心化、无需许可和抗审查。由此以来,任何人都可以通过 AO 网络来使用 EverID 轻松访问 everPay,以完成资产的交易。

2. 0rbit:基于 AO 的预言机

0rbit 是 Arweave 生态基于 AO 构建的去中心化的预言机,将链上和链下世界的任何数据传送到 AO 线程中,并允许用户从任何 URL 检索任何数据。

0rbit 很快上线了新功能 POST,支持将 AO 线程中的任何数据发布到链下世界。同时,0rbit 发行了其测试代币 $0RBT,并在去中心化交易所 Bark 上线,未来主网上线后可以转换为原生代币。若想获得 $0RBT,除了在 Bark 上用 $CRED 来兑换,还可以完成 0rbit 发布的赏金任务(例如构建喂价机器人)或者为 0rbit 网络的建设作为其他贡献。

3. Arconnect:Arweave 原生钱包

Arconnect 是 Arweave 生态的原生钱包,有些人习惯叫它“小刺猬”钱包。在 AO 推出后,Arconnect 很快就宣布支持所有 AO 原生代币,同时用户在开启钱包“通知”功能后也可以收到 AO 上发送的消息。

4. AOVM:AO 上的第一个兼容 EVM 的区块链

AOVM 是构建在 AO 上的第一个与 EVM 兼容的区块链系统,旨在让用户拥有自己的个人 AO,就像在计算机矩阵中拥有了一台专属的服务器,随时等待发号施令。


1. Permaswap:Arweave 首个跨链 DEX

Permaswap 是 Arweave 生态中的首个跨链 DEX,其基于 everPay 协议所构建,其原子订单是由 everPay 实时执行,具有无需 Gas 费、零抢跑滑点 、毫秒级的交易速度等特点。随着 everPay 对 AO 的适配,Permaswap 的所有功能也将自动适配 AO,为 AO 生态引入多链资产并提供原子交易功能。此外,Permaswap 上线了 CRED/AR 交易对(CRED 是 AO 测试网代币)。

2. Astro 与 Bark:AO 稳定币协议与 DEX

Astro 与 Bark 都是 Community Labs 在 AO 上所开发的产品,在 AO 正式发布的当天同步推出。

Astro 是 AO 上的稳定币协议,其推出的原生稳定币 USDA 将采用超额抵押方式,由 Arweave 原生代币 $AR 来铸造。USDA 将会为 Arweave 生态内的去中心化金融平台和数字市场等应用场景打开了新的创新和增长机遇。

Bark 是 AO 的首个去中心化交易所,拥有低延迟和高吞吐量。得益于 AO,Bark 支持并行交易对,结算速度远快于中心化交易所。同时,通过 AO 的统一消息格式,任何在网络上构建以太坊虚拟机或 Solana 虚拟机的开发者都可以与 Bark 进行交互。由于 Bark 的高度可组合性,开发者还可以在上面构建自主代理程序。目前,Bark 已经上线了 $CRED、$0RBT、$TRUNK 与 $BRKTST 等资产。


1. Liteseed:全新的捆绑器网络

Liteseed 是构建在 AO 之上的全新捆绑器(Bundlers),采用 bundle 技术(类似 Rollup)将数据捆绑后上传到 Arweave。与众不同的是,Liteseed 是在 AO 上运行着一组捆绑器同时工作,当用户发出请求时,则网络会为其随机选择一个捆绑器来将数据上传到 Arweave。

2. Warp:基于 Arweave 的智能合约平台

Warp Contracts 是构建在 Arweave 上的增强版智能合约平台,既可以轻松创建原子 NFT,也可以作为分布式数据库的基础层。在 AO 发布后,Warp 将作为一种独立的进程在 AO 上运行,将充分利用 AO 带来的可扩展性与互操作性。

3. Molecular Execution Machine:无服务器平台

Molecular Execution Machine(MEM)是 Arweave 生态的无服务器平台,其可以让开发者只需要专注于编写代码,无需关心底层服务器的管理。MEM 正在推进与 AO 双向集成的工作,致力于充当 AO 的开放计算预言机,帮助 AO 统一在 Arweave 上的计算。此外,MEM 计划将不同虚拟机和区块链网络的交互桥接到 AO 进程中,目前其构建的 ERC20 跨链桥刚通过安全审计,预计很快可以将 ERC20 代币引入到 AO 中。

4. CosmWasm:上线 AO 的 Cosmos 生态智能合约平台

CosmWasm 是专为 Cosmos 生态设计的智能合约平台,近期宣发上线 AO 网络,可以利用 AO 与其他智能合约互相发送和接收消息。同时,CosmWasm 发布了 cosmwasm-ao (CWAO) 工具,可以让开发者轻松地在 AO 上使用 Rust 语言构建智能合约。

5. BetterDEa:AO 的下一代 IDE

BetterIDEa 是为 AO 生态系统量身打造的下一代 IDE(集成开发环境),为 Web3 开发者提供了一个类似于 Colab 的在线平台,其与  AO 的链上计算引擎无缝集成,让开发者能够高效地使用 Lua 编写智能合约,轻松构建 Web3 应用。

6. DataOS:AI 驱动的区块链浏览器

DataOS 是一个建立在开放数据湖上的 AI 驱动的区块链浏览器,其在 AO 发布后及时地推出了实时 AO 消息浏览器 AOLink,为用户直观地呈现消息、线程、模块与用户量等数据。

7. ViewBlock:Arweave 主要的区块链浏览器

ViewBlock 是 Arweave 主要的区块链浏览器,其成为了除 DataOS 之外的第二个 AO 浏览器,用户可以通过访问 http://viewblock.io/ao 来查看 AO 网络的相关数据。


1. 推出 AO 技术文档 Cookbook

AO 超并行计算机的概念对很多非技术背景的人来说很新颖,技术细节也比较晦涩。然而,官方很快地发布了其技术文档 Cookbook,内容包括概念解释、运行原理与开发教程,手把手教大家入门。此外,PermaDAO 开发公会参与了 AO Cookbook 的翻译工作,目前 AO Cookbook 拥有英文与中文两种版本。

2. AO 发布测试网代币 $CRED,并发起赏金任务

$CRED 是 AO 测试网的原生代币,持有 $CRED 的数量等同于对 AO 测试网的贡献量。目前 $CRED 主要通过完成赏金任务来获得,赏金任务包括为完成 Begin 任务、 使用 AOS 构建 Web UI、X 平台输出有关 AO 的内容、设计和部署 OA 游戏、使用 Lua 中为 AO 编写一个 library 等等。

3. AO 线上黑客松 — Hack The Weave Hackathon

Hack The Weave Hackathon 是一场 Arweave 社区为期 11 天的线上黑客松比赛。与以往不同,这次的黑客松主要是围绕 AO 开展,设置了“全栈 Permaweb 应用程序”、“索引器/LLMs”与“MemeFrame 锦标赛”等多个奖项,赏金共计超过 10,000 美元。

4. 社区推出两款 AO memecoin — $WHAT 与 $TRUNK

$WHAT 由开发者 Andy(@cryptowanderer)推出,可以在其官网使用 $CRED 进行兑换,$WHAT 持有者可以通过质押以拥有提案权。

$TRUNK 由 Sarcophagus 项目社区经理推出,支持在去中心化交易所 Bark 中使用 $CRED 进行兑换,目前代币的玩法与赋能和 $WHAT 一样。

5. AO 社交媒体应用 AO Twitter 正在逐步完善

PermaDAO 开发公会贡献者 iamgamelover(@digyourinsight)正在基于 AO 构建 AO Twitter,已经逐步推出了聊天室、设置头像、收藏书签等功能,未来将计划推出 MUD 游戏。


AO 的推出,让 Arweave 摇身成为存储与计算一体的平台,可以承载任何应用。只要遵循 AO 协议规范,无论是 Web3 全栈应用,还是最近市场十分关注的 AI 应用,甚至是 Web2 应用都可以运行在 AO 上,并且可以与其他的 AO 应用互联互通。从市场的反应看,似乎有了 Arweave 与 AI 概念紧密绑定的倾向,其可扩展性与无限制的存储容量为 AI 应用创造了乐观的条件。当然不限于 AI 应用,AO 的诞生为整个区块链世界带来了全新的可能性。

仅仅刚满月的 AO,吸引了大量投资者与开发者的加入,生态也已经初见雏形。这可能会是一次改变区块链未来走向的技术创新。

The author has received great attention from the market since the announcement of the opening of the test network by the ultra-parallel computer on January, and the currency price has risen sharply against the general trend of the market for three times. During this period, the highest price rose to nearly double the increase of the US dollar from the bottom of last year's bear market. After the launch, some people began to re-describe it as the Ethereum killer, while others defined it as the computing layer. It is foreseeable that it may change the direction of the future encryption world, and at the same time, it attracted more than three and a half developers to join it within three and a half weeks after its release. In order to fully understand the recent development situation, this paper will focus on reviewing the progress made in publishing for one month from the dimensions of network overview, ecological projects and key events. The introduction knowledge computer is a new machine, which is generated from the node network that abides by its core data protocol and runs on the network. This document briefly introduces the protocol, its functions and technical details so that the builder can create its set. The new realization and service computer is a single unified computing environment. A single system image is hosted on a group of heterogeneous nodes in a distributed network. It aims to provide an environment in which any number of parallel processes can reside and be coordinated through an open messaging layer. This messaging standard connects the independent running processes of the machine to a network, just like a website running on an independent server, but it is connected into a cohesive and unified whole through hyperlinks. For a more intuitive understanding, We can understand it through a simple example and make a comparison with Ethereum. Suppose there is a task that needs to calculate the sum of all integers from to. For the task, it can be assigned to different nodes for independent execution by computers, and then the task of calculating the sum is assigned to nodes through network cooperation. For each node of Ethereum, the same calculation process must be performed, that is, the sum of all integers from to is calculated, which not only leads to calculation. Redundancy Even if some of the nodes have completed the calculation, they still need to wait for other nodes to complete the calculation before they can perform the following tasks. This is the imaginary space brought by the ultra-parallel computer. If you want to know more about it, you may wish to know more about some important concepts. The basic data protocol unit in the message, the interactive medium conforms to the native data standard. The thread is responsible for receiving and sending messages, and the communication unit is carried out between different processes through message transmission. On the messenger unit, the scheduler unit and the calculation unit. Operating system developers interact with other processes by easily writing code. For the composition, operation principle and development guide, please refer to the network overview. Since its release, the ultra-parallel computing test network has been in an active state. On the sixth day after its release, its message has reached a bar, and then the message volume has been growing steadily, reaching a bar on the full moon. At the same time, the number of active developers in the network has reached more than 1,000 in a single day, and it has been above an active developer for more than one third of the time. The three project organizations are all old-fashioned head companies of ecology, among which the activity officer announced the establishment in 2000, and the founder directly served as a company dedicated to incubating and supporting ecology. The new project is a company dedicated to providing infrastructure, which has launched a variety of products and initiated organizations to build a complete community-driven financial ecology. It is a software development company and venture capital studio aimed at helping developers seamlessly enter to increase the ecological influence. Its products include millisecond-level cross-chain with infrastructure. Payment protocol is a financial protocol based on paradigm, which has comparable application performance and user experience operation. After release, it is planned to adjust all components to a standard to achieve complete decentralization without permission and anti-censorship. Since then, anyone can use easy access to complete the transaction of assets through the network. The Oracle based on ecology is a decentralized Oracle based on construction, which transmits any data in the online and offline worlds to the thread and allows users to retrieve any information from it. He data soon went online with new functions to support the release of any data in the thread to the offline world, and at the same time issued its test tokens, which can be converted into native tokens after going online in the future main network of decentralized exchanges. If you want to get bounty tasks that can be released in addition to online redemption, such as building a price-feeding robot or making other contributions to the construction of the network, the native wallet is an ecological native wallet. Some people are used to calling it Little Hedgehog Wallet, and soon announced their support for all the original wallets after its launch. At the same time, the user can also receive the message sent on the internet after turning on the wallet notification function. The first compatible blockchain is built on the internet. The first compatible blockchain system aims to let users have their own individuals, just like having a dedicated server in the computer matrix waiting to give orders at any time. The first cross-chain is the first cross-chain in the ecology. Its atomic orders are built on the basis of the protocol and are executed in real time, with the characteristics of zero-cost, zero-rush and slip-point millisecond transaction speed. All the functions of the right adaptation will also be automatically adapted to introduce multi-chain assets into the ecology and provide atomic trading functions. In addition, the online trading pair is a test network token and stable currency agreement, and the products developed in the world are simultaneously launched on the day of official release, which is the stable currency agreement on the world. The original stable currency launched will be cast by the original token in the form of over-mortgage, which will open up new innovation and growth opportunities for application scenarios such as decentralized financial platform and digital market in the ecology. The first decentralized exchange has low latency and high throughput, thanks to the support of parallel transactions. The settlement speed is much faster than the unified message format adopted by the centralized exchange at the same time. Any developer who builds Ethereum virtual machines or virtual machines on the network can interact with it. Because of its high composability, developers can also build their own agents on it. At present, it has been online with other asset development tools. The brand-new binder network is built on it, and the technology is similar. The difference between uploading data after binding is that a group of binders are running on the internet and working at the same time. When users make requests, the network will randomly choose a binder to upload data to the intelligent contract platform based on. The enhanced intelligent contract platform built on the internet can easily create atoms or serve as the basic layer of distributed database. After publishing, it will run as an independent process on the internet, which will make full use of the scalability and interoperability brought by it. The serverless platform is an ecological serverless platform, which allows developers to concentrate on writing code without caring about the management of the underlying servers. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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