寻找 DAO 叙事的三个阶段

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此系列文章为 LXDAO 治理经验的总结输出,从我们的实际经历出发,回溯 LX Buidler 们一路以来的披荆斩棘,通过具体问题的治理视角,邀各位共探这段旅程,也为万 DAO 并起的未来,贡献又一件 LX 公共物品。

公共事务小组:负责 LXDAO 日常治理的小组,主要职责包括:设计和优化治理机制,协调 DAO 内的治理问题,薪酬和激励机制等,治理小组的工作范畴还包括书写和优化 LXDAO 白皮书,设计 Tokenomics 等。

寻找 DAO 叙事的三个阶段

要知道“我是谁”,是一件重要的难事,LXer 一直在叩问一个更清晰的描写,我们目前大致经历了 ”往哪去?怎么去?去到哪?“三个问题,这个过程是这样的:



一个简单的 idea 就足以吸引同行者,哪怕听起来很难,比如“给 LXDAO 国库匿名捐赠一个 BTC ”。

最初的 LX 是“国产良心”,秉持中国人骨子里的良善和务实的生活态度,LXer 以诙谐的语调发起的 NFT 项目,以表达对各种炒作、欺诈乱象的嘲讽,和对可持续 Web3 的期待。


一场叛逆的狂欢,让我们找到了同行者,在我们的周年文章中,Bruce 对这个过程做了详细的描述,而正如他所说:

"在这个项目上线之后,我意识到一件事情,虽然 Web3 充满了投机者和炒作项目,仍然有一批人愿意投入时间参与一些项目(哪怕不一定能赚钱),做一些更有意义和价值的事情。

这个阶段我们是热切、幽默又踏实的,期待为美美与共的 Web3 未来做出贡献的建设者和建设者社区,彼时的心情,也许这位朋友的评论可以管中窥豹。

2. 怎么去:世界会向你聚拢


这部分很快,想清楚往哪去之后,很多人会来帮助你。“公共物品”在 OG 的推荐下进入我们的视野;


数字世界也需要公共物品,显然,这是一件需要”良心”,且很有市场前景的事情,很快被共识为我们要做的事,提案《LXDAO new mission and direction》记录了当时的思考。

《LXDAO new mission and direction》:https://snapshot.org/#/lxdao.eth/proposal/0xd80591b764b781737aa5263f95c72f7af27977abd5ecc9e0d8bceb8e6bedf78c

在确定目标之后,我们开始研究,将“公共物品”列为研究课题,理解它并用以指导行动,比如创造了 FairSharing,我们的薪资核放系统,一种实现公平分配的机制;所有提到的资料库都是开源的,希望对你有所帮助。

有关《Public Goods Resreach》,详情:


有关 FairSharing,详情:


我们的研究成果,也汇总成了一篇严谨的、全面的 Web3 公共物品生态研究报告,这是目前华语世界对“公共物品”影响力最大的一份内容,与 GCC、Uncommons 联合发布的。

有关《Web3 公共物品生态研究报告》,详情:


同时,作为一个开发者占比 50% 以上的 DAO,我们也在构建自己 LX Protocol,一个从人员、资金、影响力三方面支持公共物品建设的协议,作为 LXDAO 的主产品,期待更多伙伴的共建。

有关 LX Protocol,详情:



3. 去到哪:展望那个让你激动的未来


想象一下,你与一群同好者,通过实现“集体资产管理“的公共物品,将你们部分私产集中(所有权不变),组成一个数字共同体;这个共同体会有不同的实体聚居点,在雪山下、在草原中、在城市里,它们都通过 VR、互联网等工具与世界相连并进行生产;一切都是公开透明、按集体意愿使用。


听起来有些像我们的父辈对于社会主义的期待:人类协作、社会平等、异化的结束等等,实际上,我们也暂时将这美好的想象,称之为“赛博社会主义”,正在发生的事,正如 Michel Bauwens 在他的《第四代文明中》说道:

“And I would suggest, this is the best way to interpret crypto: as the collective project of a producing class that is creating the very infrastructure they need to escape the power of both Big Capital and Big State.”


这里有一段视频,听听 LXer 是怎么说的:





回顾这一路的旅程,对于一个自下而上发起的 DAO,与其说说叙事是一个”告诉别人我们是谁“的结果,更应该是探究”我们是谁“的过程;有效叙事是共识深化的结果,应该基于需要和共识去调整叙事,十个人同行的小 idea 大于 100 页论文的宏大叙事;同时共识的深化来自于实践,实践的痕迹是叙事最好的表达,脱离实践的叙事会让组织疲于探究过于遥远的未来,失去对现实的抓力。

The author's series of articles are the summary and output of governance experience. Starting from our actual experience, we look back on our difficulties all the way. Through the governance perspective of specific issues, we invite you to explore this journey and contribute to the future of Wanhe. Another public goods public affairs group is responsible for daily governance. The main responsibilities of the group include designing and optimizing governance issues within the coordination of governance mechanisms, salary and incentive mechanisms, and the scope of work of the governance group also includes writing and optimizing the design of white papers to find narratives. At this stage, it is an important and difficult task to know who I am. I have been asking for a clearer description. At present, we have roughly experienced three questions: where to go, how to go and which to go. This process is like this: where to catch and find my peers. As our proposal manual says, everything stems from only one idea, and a simple one is enough to attract my peers, even if it sounds difficult, for example, donating an anonymous one to the national treasury, and upholding the good and pragmatic attitude towards life in China people's bones. The project initiated in a harmonious tone expresses the mockery of all kinds of hype, fraud and chaos and the expectation of sustainability. See a rebellious carnival for details, which allows us to find our peers. As he said, after the project went online, I realized that although it is full of speculators and hype projects, there are still a group of people who are willing to invest their time in some projects, even if they may not be able to make money and do something more meaningful and valuable. At this stage, we are eager, humorous and practical builders and builders' community who are looking forward to contributing to the future of the United States and the United States. Perhaps this friend's comments can give us a glimpse of how the leopard will go. The world will gather for you after knowing where to go, and we need to find a road and a specific event to do this part. Soon, many people will come to help you after figuring out where to go. What are public goods, such as road heating and power supply, that are needed by the collective? Infrastructure that is difficult or inconvenient to be privately owned, after all, you don't want someone to build a toll booth in front of your house or raise the heating cost tenfold in snowy days. Obviously, the digital world also needs public goods. Obviously, this is a matter that needs conscience and has great market prospects. The proposal was quickly recorded as what we want to do. After determining the goal, we began to study public goods as a research topic, understand it and use it to guide actions, such as creating our salary verification system. At present, the mechanism of fair distribution, all the databases mentioned are open source, and I hope it will help you. Our research results have also been summarized into a rigorous and comprehensive public goods ecological research report, which is the most influential content in the Chinese-speaking world at present and the details of the jointly released public goods ecological research report. At the same time, as a developer, we are also building our own one to support public goods from three aspects: the influence of personnel and funds. As the main product of the construction agreement, we look forward to the details of more partners' co-construction. At this stage, new problems have emerged, and the construction has begun to be concrete and detailed, and we always have to look forward to what to expect and where to look forward to the exciting future. With the deepening of the exploration of public goods, we gradually see such a scene. Imagine that you and a group of like-minded people will form a digital community by centralizing the ownership of some of your private properties through public goods that realize collective asset management. This common experience is different. Entity settlements are under snow-capped mountains, in grasslands and in cities. They are all connected with the world through the Internet and other tools. Everything is open and transparent, and they are used according to the collective will. There are various functional departments, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Administration and the Ministry of Public Affairs, which provide appropriate, consistent and safe public services through the command of the collective will. Your rights will be guaranteed to be used unimpeded through codes. It sounds a bit like our fathers' expectations for socialism. In fact, we temporarily call this beautiful imagination what is happening in Cybersocialism, as he said in his fourth generation civilization, the best way to understand cryptocurrency is as a collective project of the production class, and they are creating the infrastructure they need to get rid of the power of big capital and big countries. Here is a video to hear how it is said. In order to further see this exciting future, we have set up a narrative reading meeting. Open participation brings together students from philosophy, sociology, science and technology, etc. Through the study of classical theories, we are building a new social model, which will take a lot of time. We have just found a few pieces, but the thought of its arrival is enough for us to move forward in expectation. For a bottom-up journey, narrative is not so much a result of telling others who we are, but an effective narrative is to explore who we are. The result of deepening consensus should be based on the need and consensus to adjust the narrative. At the same time, the deepening consensus comes from the practice, which is the best expression of narrative. The narrative without practice will make the organization tired of exploring the distant future and lose its grip on reality. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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