IOSG |BitVM:比特币可编程性的曙光

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致谢:感谢 Momir,Xinshu 对文章提出的宝贵修改


  • 比特币核心的变化通常会遭到抵制,原因包括:a) 相比作为一种货币,人们更偏好将比特币作为价值储存。b) 重视稳定性和可预测性,而不是快速创新。c) 在一个多元化的社区内达成共识很困难。

  • 许多项目声称有方法解决比特币的可扩展性问题,并且无需对比特币链本身进行更改。最近我们目睹了比特币“L2s”的超级通货膨胀。

    • 虽然许多声称仅仅是误导性的营销,但我们也认识到了一种新的计算范式,这种范式可以为比特币带来可编程性——BitVM。

  • BitVM 能够支持的最佳扩展解决方案接近于 OP-Rollup 类型的安全假设(尽管有一些额外的注意事项)。

  • BitVM及类似倡议的成功取决于技术的可行性、社区的支持,以及与其他“过度营销”项目的区分。



  • 叙事上更注重价值储存而非流通货币:比特币社区有意专注于维护网络作为一个点对点支付系统,将安全性和去中心化放在快速发展之上。正如著名的比特币持有者Michael Saylor说:“没有人试图用他们在第五大道上一栋大楼的一小部分去买一杯咖啡。”这句话反映了社区对于比特币作为一种价值储存工具而非日常货币的使用偏好。

    • 系统的稳定性胜于创新:对于被视为优秀价值储存的资产来说,可预测性至关重要。例如,即使网络只有10次重大升级,而每次升级的成功率为90%,一个失败发生的概率大约为65%!根据正常事故理论:“在复杂系统中,我们应该预期通常可以忽略的小因素偶尔会偶然导致重大事件”,因此比特币社区的目标一直是减少潜在错误的途径。

  • 多元化的社区:许多比特币持有者从不同的角度理解比特币,并因不同的原因珍视它。在一个多元化和去中心化的社区中达成共识本身就充满挑战,这进一步减缓了创新的步伐。要说明比特币社区的多样性,可以观察社区对铭文和Ordinals的反应。当比特币社区的一部分人庆祝序数的成功,将其视为比特币的谜恋猫(CryptoKitties)时刻时,另一部分人则认为这是一个应该被修补的漏洞。

1. 比特币扩容方案的快速膨胀



  1. 像Stacks这样的侧链提供了智能合约能力和广泛的应用范围,尽管它们拥有独立的共识机制,但这些机制很难获得广泛接受。

  2. 像RGB这样的客户端验证项目利用主网的UTXO模型进行链下的更复杂交易,但它们与比特币主网的互动缺乏稳定性。

  3. 像闪电网络(Lightning Network)这样的状态通道,与核心比特币开发者密切相关,被视为一种更正统的扩容方法。



2. BitVM - 概览



认识到Taproot升级解锁的巨大机遇,Robin Linus率先推出了BitVM,这是比特币生态系统中的一项突破性创新。

BitVM是一种计算范式,它利用Taproot升级在不改变网络共识规则的情况下,促进在比特币上实现图灵完备合约。它允许对计算进行验证(而不是执行),类似于乐观卷积(Optimistic Rollups)。



  • BitVM不需要分叉或任何比特币协议的改变。

  • BitVM不会使比特币区块链拥堵,因为计算不是在比特币上执行的,而只是在出现争议(Dispute)时使用比特币网络进行验证。





 Source: Stepping Through Logic Gates; 基本逻辑门(F代表0,T代表1)

BitVM的前提是使用比特币脚本(Bitcoin Script)来对链下计算做出承诺(提交一个计算的哈希到Taproot地址),通过将任何程序解构成二进制电路的组合,并启用执行验证,这一过程包括了比特币脚本,但脚本本身不执行整个计算逻辑

比特币脚本可以实现比特值承诺(bit-value commitments),这对于能够展示和惩罚含糊其辞(Equivocation)的行为至关重要。它实现了不可变性,因为它允许个人提交其他人无法修改的值。









  • 如果Vicky停止挑战,表明接受了Paul的证明,Paul最终在一定时间后重新获得资金。

  • 如果Vicky证明Paul在执行中不一致(发生了含糊其辞),她可以索取这些资金。

  • 如果Vicky怀疑执行的另一部分有误,她可以发起另一个挑战,将资金移至下一个响应地址。为此,她必须揭示特定tapleaf的一个原像,Paul随后需要使用它来解锁资金,并在有限的时间内证明他的正确性。





Paul和Vicky正在做数学题,题目是计算 ((1+2)+(3+4))+((5+6)+(7+8))。

正确完成这个计算的过程是 ((1+2)+(3+4))+((5+6)+(7+8)) = (3+7)+(11+15) = 10+26 = 36。

而Paul给出的答案是35,因为他计算的方式是 ((1+2)+(3+4))+((5+6)+(7+8)) = (2+7)+(11+15) = 9+26 = 35。

当Vicky挑战Paul时,她只需要挑战涉及计算的第一部分的计算(即打开逻辑门),因为他们同意第二部分的计算是准确的 ((5+6)+(7+8)) = 26。

3. 使用BitVM构建一个最小信任桥(Trust-Minimized Bridge)

BitVM的第一个实际实现很可能是代表最小信任比特币桥的程序。通过分析桥的实现细节,我们可以更好地理解实现BitVM程序的额外复杂性。以下,我们总结了BoB共同创始人Alexei Zamyatin的提案。




与OP Rollup不同,后者对N的大小没有限制,这种方案提供的安全保证较弱。然而,这个提议的工作解决方案很可能会包括联盟成员的轮换,这样在一个较长的时间范围内,N会远大于100。任何时候,只要这100名成员中有一个是诚实的,存款就会保持安全。假设有恶意行为者,他们可以在链上随时被挑战,如果被证明作弊,他们可以被联盟禁止。



4. BitVM v2:BitVM能支持无需许可的验证(Permisionless Verification)吗?

3月25日,Robin Linus介绍了BitVM v2。BitVM v2提案的关键变化是,证明者需要一次性提交输出状态和所有中间结果,而不是像v1那样,在挑战-验证过程中逐个打开逻辑门。有了这个改变,BitVM确保对这些承诺的任何挑战都必须由加密证据支持。这种机制过滤掉了无根据的垃圾挑战,因为挑战者必须提供特定的加密证明来争议证明者。

通过允许无限制地参与验证和挑战过程,BitVM 2将其安全保证扩展到了多重签名联盟的限制之外,并使BitVM更加接近乐观卷积的安全假设。



5. BitVM的限制


  • 虽然BitVM理论上能够执行复杂的链下程序,但实际上,随着这些链下程序复杂性的增加,执行欺诈证明在比特币上的相关费用迅速增加。过大的程序可能需要多个区块来执行,进一步复杂化了这个过程。

  • 拥有算力多数的矿池可以从BitVM中窃取(类似于闪电网络的问题),因为他们可以合谋审查挑战者的证明,或者恶意行为者可以贿赂他们忽略挑战者。

  • 由于BitVM证明的互动性质,恶意证明者可能会操纵系统并从验证者那里进行窃取。攻击可以按如下的假设构建:

      • 证明者通过启动交易开始验证序列

      • 怀疑证明者行为有效性的验证者启动一个挑战,挑战中包含支付给证明者的回应费用

      • 证明者选择收集费用,同时忽略挑战,不履行他们在验证过程中的部分责任

  • 最后,BitVM目前还是一个概念框架和一个几乎无法执行任何操作的虚拟计算机概念。BitVM的“卷积”距离应用层面还远,乐观估计是我们最早可能在2025年看到一些BitVM程序投入使用。执行BitVM的技术风险也不容低估。

    Thank you for the valuable amendments to the article. Changes in the core of Bitcoin are usually resisted for reasons including that people prefer to store Bitcoin as a store of value, paying attention to stability and predictability rather than rapid innovation. It is difficult to reach a consensus in a diversified community. Many projects claim that there are ways to solve the scalability problem of Bitcoin and there is no need to change the bitcoin chain itself. Recently, we have witnessed the super inflation of Bitcoin, although many claim that it is only. It is misleading marketing, but we also recognize a new computing paradigm, which can bring programmability to Bitcoin. The best expansion solution that can be supported is close to the security assumption of the type, although there are some extra precautions and the success of similar initiatives depends on the feasibility of technology, the support of the community and the difference from other over-marketing projects. Bitcoin is built as a transaction blockchain, and its scripting language is intentionally limited to stateless to minimize the attack surface and ensure network security. Due to the lack of Turing completeness, it is impossible to directly introduce smart contracts into the blockchain unless the bitcoin core is forked and upgraded. The traditional bitcoin community is resistant to change for the following reasons: the narrative pays more attention to value storage rather than circulating currency. The bitcoin community intends to focus on maintaining the network as a peer-to-peer payment system, and puts security and decentralization on rapid development. As the famous bitcoin holders said, no one tried to use their small building on Fifth Avenue. The phrase "buy a cup of coffee in part" reflects the community's preference for Bitcoin as a value storage tool rather than a daily currency. The stability of the system is better than innovation. For assets regarded as excellent value storage, predictability is very important. For example, even if the network has only two major upgrades, the success rate of each upgrade is about a failure. According to the normal accident theory, in complex systems, we should expect that small factors that can usually be ignored will occasionally lead to major events. Therefore, the goal of the Bitcoin community has always been to reduce potential mistakes, and to diversify the community. Many Bitcoin holders understand Bitcoin from different angles and cherish it for different reasons. It is full of challenges to reach a consensus in a diversified and decentralized community, which further slows down the pace of innovation. To illustrate the diversity of the Bitcoin community, we can observe the community's response to the inscription and when some people in the Bitcoin community celebrate the success of ordinal numbers and regard it as a mysterious cat of Bitcoin. At the same time, other people think that this is a loophole that should be fixed. The rapid expansion of bitcoin expansion schemes. In view of the above situation, why have a large number of new bitcoin solutions suddenly appeared? Recently, we have observed that there are more than 100 bitcoin solutions. However, the community has been exploring different expansion methods for many years. Side chains like this provide smart contract capabilities and a wide range of applications. Although they have independent consensus mechanisms, these mechanisms are hard to obtain. It is widely accepted that client authentication projects like this use the model of the main network to conduct more complex transactions under the chain, but their interaction with the main network of Bitcoin lacks stability. The status channel like lightning network is closely related to the core bitcoin developers, which is regarded as a more orthodox expansion method. Compared with the existing solutions, what novelty does the first generation expansion solution bring? In our opinion, the most exciting innovation comes from coding the program on Bitcoin. Pledge with trust, for example, this paper will mainly focus on the overview of the former, and explain what it is. We should first introduce the bitcoin upgrade that empowers and inspires it. It is a major upgrade to the bitcoin protocol. The hash that is activated through the script in the month and month needs to be submitted on the chain by default. When executing a path of the script, only the script on the path needs to be submitted to the chain, which not only improves the efficiency, but also enhances the privacy, and only reveals the path as a transaction. It is the whole script that realizes the great opportunity of upgrading and unlocking. This is a breakthrough innovation in the bitcoin ecosystem and a computing paradigm. It uses upgrading to promote the realization of Turing's complete contract on bitcoin without changing the rules of network consensus. It allows the calculation to be verified instead of performing an optimistic convolution. By submitting the program to the address, and at the same time, it minimizes the footprint on the chain by enabling complex offline calculations to be executed only when there is a dispute. It involves submitting the binary circuit of the program in the address and using the challenge response mechanism to verify it. Generally speaking, Turing's complete bitcoin contract is realized. The most important thing is that there is no need for bifurcation or any change of bitcoin protocol, which will not make the bitcoin blockchain congested, because the calculation is not performed on bitcoin, but only verified by using the bitcoin network when there is a dispute. The construction of a binary circuit on bitcoin is a kind of binary logic gate, such as representing calculation or program. The method can perform any computable function, just like passing a current through the logic gates of a computer chip. These tiny structures determine whether a signal is converted into the language of bitcoin through a complex simulation that is on or off according to the existence of a current. Essentially, any computer program from a game to a complete operating system is the result of the complex arrangement of these logic gates. All digital things are basically based on binary numbers and by combining these binary numbers with logic gates such as AND gates. We have created various circuits, including arithmetic logic units and memory systems. This basic technology enables us to write and execute programs to perform a wide range of tasks. The premise of the basic logic gate representative is to use bitcoin scripts to make a commitment to offline calculation, and submit a calculated hash to the address. By disassembling any program into a combination of binary circuits and enabling execution verification, this process includes bitcoin scripts, but the scripts themselves do not execute the whole calculation logic. Bitcoin scripts can be implemented. The present bit value commitment is very important to be able to show and punish ambiguous behavior. It achieves invariance because it allows individuals to submit values that others can't modify. This method involves using two hashes to represent each input bit, one for numbers and the other for numbers. When someone wants to execute a program, they reveal an original image to indicate whether the input value will be converted into or determined by comparing the hash value of the original image with the two hash values representing the sum. If the input and output don't match, the verifier has the right to punish the provider by confiscating the provider's funds. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

6. 结论


尽管BitVM还处于初期阶段——本质上是一个未落地的虚拟计算机概念——但它已经激发了来自各个项目的大量兴趣和声明,这些项目急于利用其潜力。许多与BitVM团队无关的项目都在争相做出宏大的公告,希望在他们看来是比特币的一个有前途的新领域中占据一席之地。然而,更仔细的审查揭示了一个更加清醒的现实:BitVM的GitHub账户只有少数贡献者,而BitVM Builders Telegram群中真正参与的只有少数几个比特币‘L2’项目。






  • “Bitcoin Audible.” Accessed February 26, 2024.

  • “BitVM.” Accessed February 26, 2024.

  • “BitVM: Uma Ferramenta Para Contratos Ainda Mais Inteligentes - Super Testnet - Satsconf 2023 - YouTube.” Accessed February 26, 2024.

  • Linus, Robin. “BitVM: Compute Anything on Bitcoin,” n.d.

  • “What Is BitVM? With Robin Linus and Super Testnet (SLP520) - YouTube.” Accessed February 26, 2024.

  • Deep dive into BitVM -Computing paradigm to express Turing-complete Bitcoin contracts.

  • CoinEx Institution: BitVM, the Potential of Smart Contracts on the Bitcoin Mainnet


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