Degen 推出 L3 能否打破 Meme Chain 生态单一困局?

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Degen 兴起于 Farcaster 社区。2024 年 1 月,Degen 代币首次在 Base 链上推出,并凭借其独特的激励机制和迷因文化,迅速成为了 Base 生态中备受关注的 memecoin 之一。随后,DAO 基础设施服务商 Syndicate 宣布利用 Arbitrum Orbit 和 AnyTrust 的技术,将 Degen 作为系统原生代币,推出了基于 Base 的 Layer3,即 Degen Chain。这一消息一经公布,DEGEN 的价格便一路飙升,近 3 个月涨幅高达 1400 倍。

Memecoin 的兴起

Memecoins,这些灵感来源于网络迷因、笑话或病毒趋势的加密货币,其普及始自 2013 年 Dogecoin 的诞生。Dogecoin 以狗狗迷因「Doge」为主题,引发了广泛的关注和喜爱。虽然起初仅作为幽默和娱乐的象征,Dogecoin 逐渐展现了更深层次的价值和用途,比如在网络交易、打赏以及慈善捐赠中的应用。Dogecoin 的流行和多样化用途突显了 Memecoin 超越单纯娱乐属性,成为加密货币世界中一个不可忽视的力量。

Memecoin 之所以兴起,主要得益于它们基于社区的本质、富有趣味的内容以及对初级投资者友好的门槛。在 Dogecoin 获得成功之后,市场上随之涌现出了众多其他 Memecoins,这些币种借鉴了各种互联网趋势和笑话。其中包括以不同动物迷因为主题的货币、流行文化的引用,以及更多抽象的概念。这些 Memecoins 通常以极低的起始价位上市,并有可能因为社交媒体上的讨论热度和社区的参与而迅速升值。它们的流行还受到加密货币潮流的推动,例如 DeFi 和 NFT 的兴起,为 Memecoins 的创新使用开辟了新途径。

然而,Memecoins 的本质亦带来了不小的风险。由于它们的价值可能会发生剧烈波动,很多时候价格变动更多基于社交媒体的趋势而非内在价值。许多 Memecoins 缺乏坚实的技术支持或清晰的应用场景,将它们变成了高度投机性的资产。此外,这一领域也出现了一些「pump and dump」骗局,通过集体行动人为提升某个 Memecoin 的价值,随后早期持有者在价格高点时抛售,造成后来者损失。Memecoin 项目的匿名性质进一步增加了评估其合法性和持续生存能力的难度。

综上所述,尽管 Memecoins 为社区建设和加密领域的参与提供了独特的机遇,它们也伴随着高风险。投资者在涉足 Memecoins 市场时应保持谨慎,做好充分的研究,并且认识到这些资产天生具有的投机性。

Degen 与其 L3 的起源与发展

Degen 的出现与发展,需要从 Farcaster 讲起。作为一个去中心化的社交应用,Farcaster 在加密货币社区中以其独特的社交互动方式和强调隐私保护而受到关注。在 Farcaster 上,用户可以分享、讨论和互动,同时利用区块链技术保证内容的真实性和不可篡改性。

在 Farcaster 社区,/degen 频道作为最早的频道之一,由 Warpcast 团队推出,迅速成为讨论加密货币价格和分享投资经历的热门场所。2024 年 1 月,随着 Degen 在 Base 链的推出,并且通过对 /degen 频道社区成员的空投活动,Degen 借此机会展现了其独有的激励机制和迷因文化,促进了社区内全新的社交互动方式。这些包括了创新性的打赏和空投机制,鼓励社区成员通过参与和提供高质量内容来获取 Degen,从而不仅激发了社区内高质量内容的创作,同时也为 Degen 的初期流通和价值增长奠定了坚实的基础。

DEGEN 代币经济学设计旨在支持网络运营,并通过精心规划的经济模型鼓励社区参与。总供应量约为 370 亿 DEGEN 代币,其中,70% 分配给社区以促进广泛参与,15% 分配给流动性池以增强交易流畅度和市场价值稳定性,另外 15% 用于开发团队、早期投资者和生态系统持续改进。

随后,Degen 通过完成 490.5 枚 ETH 的天使轮融资,与多个 Base 链上的项目合作,显著扩展了其应用场景和生态系统。这些合作项目,不仅采用 Degen 作为交易媒介,还进一步肯定了其作为原生代币的可行性与价值。

最为重要的是,Degen 的开发团队与 Syndicate 合作,推出了基于 Base 链的 L3 —— Degen Chain。此举为 Degen 提供了强大的技术支持和扩展性,同时将其市场估值推向新高,实现了从社区 memecoin 到具有实际应用价值和市场竞争力的加密资产的转变。Degen Chain 由 Degen 社区建立,采用 Arbitrum Orbit 构建,以 Base 链为结算层,并利用 AnyTrust 为数据可用性提供支持。其原生 gas 代币为 DEGEN,成为首批拥有自己的 L3 的社区代币之一。

Degen Chain 的推出不仅为支付、游戏等领域的新实验提供了支持,而且通过 Syndicate 提供的开发者工具,比如 Transaction Cloud APIs,为在 Degen Chain 上的开发者提供了免费的 gas,从而促进了社区代币与 L3 技术之间的创新体验和应用机制的开发。在这个平台上,开发者迅速推出了包括 DegenSwap 在内的多个应用程序,这是 Degen Chain 上的一主要去中心化交易平台,吸引了众多 memecoin 推出。自平台启动以来,仅四天内,它就实现了近 1 亿美元的交易量,完成了超过 272,000 笔独特交易,并且托管了超过 7,500 个合约和 2,300 个代币。这一切展现了 Degen Chain 在推动区块链创新和加速社区代币应用方面的巨大潜力。

meme chain 的代表:Dogecoin 与 Shiba Inu 的链上发展

同样拥有自己的公链的 memecoin 还有 Doge 和 Shib 。

与 Degen 不同的是,Dogecoin 是在 2013 年 12 月 6 日正式推出的,当时它是作为一种基于已存在的加密货币技术的轻松幽默版本。Dogecoin 的协议基于 Luckycoin 和 Litecoin,这两者都使用了 Scrypt 作为其 PoW 算法的一部分。这意味着自从推出以来,Dogecoin 就拥有了自己的区块链,从而允许它独立于其他主要加密货币运行。

Shiba Inu 由匿名人士或团队「Ryoshi」于 2020 年 8 月创建。它灵感来源于日本柴犬,这种狗也是另一种基于迷因起源的加密货币 Dogecoin 的吉祥物。Shiba Inu 最初被定位为潜在的「Dogecoin 竞争者」。2021 年 5 月,Vitalik Buterin 向印度 COVID-19 救援基金捐赠了价值超过 10 亿美元的超过 50 万亿 SHIB。

Shibarium 是 Shiba Inu 社区期待已久的 Layer2 解决方案,旨在将 Shiba Inu 从单纯的 memecoin 转变为一个完整的区块链生态系统。通过采用新的共识机制「Proof-of-Participation」和支持 EVM 兼容,它能够实现高效和成本效益的交易。这一创新框架促进了 Shib 代币的无缝迁移和去中心化应用的开发,为 Shiba Inu 生态系统内扩展的应用提供了舞台。

而回顾二者的公链发展历史,和 Degen 相比,Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 等其他迷因币虽然在市场上取得了显著的成功,但它们的技术开发和生态建设则相对保守,生态并无亮眼表现。这两个 Meme Chain 的价值和流行度更多地依赖于社区支持和文化现象,而不是技术创新或生态系统扩展。


Degen 案例标志着 memecoin 从单纯的文化现象到成为加密货币生态系统中不可忽视的力量的转变,展示了新一代 memecoin 的长期价值和市场潜力。它和 Dogecoin、Shiba Inu 等传统 memecoin 共同丰富了加密市场的多样性。然而,Degen 是否能打破 meme chain 生态单一的局面,开辟丰富的应用生态,仍需时间来验证。

The author originated from the community, and the token was first launched on the chain and quickly became one of the most concerned in the ecology with its unique incentive mechanism and meme culture. Then the infrastructure service provider announced that it would use the technology of harmony as the system's original token, which was based on the fact that once the news was announced, the price soared in recent months, and the rise was as high as twice. These cryptocurrencies inspired by online meme jokes or virus trends began to be popularized with the theme of dog fans in. It has aroused widespread concern and love. Although it was only a symbol of humor and entertainment at first, it gradually showed deeper value and use, such as the popularity and diversified use of online trading rewards and charitable donations, which highlighted the transcendence of simple entertainment attributes and became a force that cannot be ignored in the cryptocurrency world. The rise was mainly due to their interesting content based on the nature of the community and the threshold of being friendly to primary investors. Many other currencies have drawn lessons from various internet trends and jokes, including the currency with different animal fans as the theme, the quotation of popular culture and more abstract concepts. These currencies are usually listed at a very low starting price and may appreciate rapidly because of the hot discussion on social media and the participation of the community. Their popularity is also promoted by the trend of cryptocurrency, such as the rise of "He", which has opened up new ways for innovative use, but its essence has also brought a lot of risks. The value may fluctuate violently. Many times, the price changes are more based on the trend of social media than the intrinsic value. Many lack of solid technical support or clear application scenarios have turned them into highly speculative assets. In addition, there have also been some scams in this field to artificially increase the value of a certain item through collective action, and then the early holders sell it when the price is high, resulting in the loss of latecomers. The anonymous nature of the project further increases the difficulty of evaluating its legitimacy and viability. Although they provide unique opportunities for community building and participation in the field of encryption, they are also accompanied by high-risk investors who should be cautious when they set foot in the market, do a full study and realize that these assets are inherently speculative and their origins and development need to start with. As a decentralized social application, it has attracted attention in the cryptocurrency community with its unique social interaction mode and emphasis on privacy protection, and users can share discussions and interactions at the same time. Using blockchain technology to ensure the authenticity and non-tamperability of content in community channels, as one of the earliest channels, was launched by the team and quickly became a hot place to discuss the price of cryptocurrency and share investment experiences. With the launch of the chain and the airdrop activities for channel community members, this opportunity was taken to show its unique incentive mechanism and meme culture, which promoted a new way of social interaction in the community, including innovative reward and airdrop mechanisms to encourage community members to participate and mention. For high-quality content to obtain, it not only stimulates the creation of high-quality content in the community, but also lays a solid foundation for the initial circulation and value growth. Token economics design aims to support network operation and encourage the community to participate through carefully planned economic models. The total supply is about 100 million tokens, which are distributed to the community to promote extensive participation and distribution to the liquidity pool to enhance transaction fluency and market value stability. In addition, it is used for the development team, early investors and the continuous improvement of the ecosystem. After the completion of angel round financing and cooperation with several projects on the chain, its application scenarios and ecosystems were significantly expanded. These cooperation projects not only adopted as a trading medium, but also further affirmed its feasibility and value as a native token. Most importantly, the development team and cooperation launched a chain-based move, which provided strong technical support and expansibility, and pushed its market valuation to a new high, realizing the transition from community to encrypted assets with practical application value and market competitiveness. The transformation from the establishment of the community to the construction of the chain as the settlement layer and the use of its native tokens to support the availability of data have not only provided support for new experiments in the fields of payment games, but also promoted the innovative experience between community tokens and technology and the development of application mechanisms through the provided developer tools, such as free for developers in the world. On this platform, developers quickly launched a number of applications including. This is a major decentralized trading platform in the world, which has attracted many launches. Since the launch of the platform, it has achieved nearly 100 million US dollars in trading volume, completed more than 100 unique transactions, and hosted more than 100 contracts and 100 tokens. All this shows the great potential in promoting blockchain innovation and accelerating the application of community tokens. It also has its own public chain, which is different from the one that was officially launched on April, when it was based on existing. The protocol of the relaxed and humorous version of the cryptocurrency technology is based on and both of them are used as part of its algorithm, which means that it has its own blockchain since its launch, allowing it to run independently of other major cryptocurrencies. It was created by anonymous people or teams in May, inspired by the Japanese Shibata, a dog and another cryptocurrency mascot based on meme origin. It was originally positioned as a potential competitor and donated more than 100 million US dollars to the Indian rescue fund in May. More than one trillion yuan is a long-awaited solution for the community. It aims to transform the simple blockchain ecosystem into a complete blockchain ecosystem. By adopting a new consensus mechanism and supporting compatible transactions, this innovative framework promotes the seamless migration of tokens and the development of decentralized applications, providing a stage for the extended applications in the ecosystem. Reviewing the development history of their public chains and comparing them with other memes, they have achieved remarkable success in the market. However, the value and popularity of the two are more dependent on community support and cultural phenomena than on technological innovation or ecosystem expansion. Conclusion The case marks the transformation from a simple cultural phenomenon to a force that can not be ignored in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, showing the long-term value and market potential of a new generation, which, together with other traditions, enriches the diversity of the cryptocurrency market. However, it will take time to verify whether it can break the single ecological situation and open up a rich application ecosystem. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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