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作者:Bitfinex 来源:Bitfinex官网 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

总发行量将为21,000,000枚硬币。它将在网络节点出块时分发给网络节点,每 4 年数量减少一半。前 4 年:10,500,000 个币 未来 4 年:5,250,000 个币 未来 4 年:2,625,000 个币 未来 4 年:1,312,500 个币等……当该金额用完时,如果需要,系统可以支持交易费用。它基于公开市场竞争,并且可能总会有节点愿意免费处理交易。”——中本聪


比特币网络传统上被视为具有稳健、安全且有些静态的账本,如今正经历着创新和实验的复兴。最近的进展包括 Ordinals、Stamps、Runes、BRC-20 和 ORC-20 代币,以及 Layer 2 项目(例如 RGB、Mintlayer、Mercury Layer、Ark 和类似 Chaumian ECash 的 Fedimint 和 Cashu 项目),标志着充满活力的创造力和技术演变的暗流。这些进步不仅仅是技术性的脚注;它们代表了比特币实用性的重大扩展,使其从单纯的价值存储和交换媒介转变为能够支持复杂金融工具、数字资产和隐私增强交易的平台。这些创新与即将到来的减半事件之间的相互作用可能会为网络费用引入新的动态,从而可能影响矿工激励措施和比特币的整体经济格局。

在比特币的 Layer 2 协议和侧链上代币化、智能合约和隐私交易等活动的激增,提供了一个引人注目的叙述,挑战了主流的以太坊中心化 DeFi 和 NFT 范式。RGB、Liquid Network 和 Mintlayer 等项目正在引领比特币上传统资产和证券的代币化,模糊了传统金融市场和不断增长的数字资产经济之间的界限。与此同时,以隐私为重点的计划(例如 Mercury Layer 和类似 Chaumian E-Cash 的 Fedimint 和 Cashu 计划)正在重新定义区块链上的交易匿名性和金融隐私。这些发展并非孤立的实验,而是增强比特币作为多功能金融基础设施的功能、可扩展性和吸引力的共同努力的一部分。

预期的第四次比特币减半在这些创新中显得尤为突出,既是经济重新调整的催化剂,也是对比特币不断发展的生态系统的考验。区块奖励的减少可能会加剧区块空间的竞争,可能会推高交易费用并提高网络的有效利用。这种情况可能会激励用户寻找替代交易场所,从而刺激这些领域的进一步创新和采用,从而使第 2 层解决方案和侧链受益。相反,较高的费用也可能会阻碍主链的某些使用,从而促使人们重新评估哪些活动最适合比特币的基础层及其补充协议。

这些创新以及减半对比特币网络和安全模型的更广泛影响还有待观察。尽管人们对这些发展增强比特币效用和市场地位的潜力持乐观态度,但也有人对网络拥堵、费用市场动态以及支撑比特币的去中心化重点进行了考虑。一系列新的 Layer 2 解决方案、侧链项目以及减半引发的经济变化之间的相互作用可能会塑造比特币未来几年的发展轨迹。随着比特币社区应对这些变化,创新、经济激励和比特币基本原则之间的平衡对于引导网络走向未来,实现其作为突破性金融技术的承诺至关重要。


比特币网络上意外的代币化项目(例如 Ordinals、Stamps 和 BRC-20 代币)的兴起,引入了一种新颖且有些争议的活动层。这些项目虽然最初并未被设想为比特币核心实用程序的一部分,但已开始显着补充网络的费用市场。在某些情况下,这些代币化工作产生的交易费用已经超过了当前 6.25 比特币的区块奖励,显示了它们对网络经济模型的潜在影响。比特币基础层的创新用途是通过这些代币存储图像、视频、游戏和文本等非金融数据,引发了对区块空间的新需求来源,随着用户争夺账本内容,无意中提高了交易费用。

然而,这些代币化项目的性质通常被描述为“被黑客攻击在一起”,这引发了人们对其作为比特币网络费用收入来源的长期可行性和可持续性的质疑。Ordinals、Stamps 和 BRC-20 代币的技术实现以最初未预期的方式利用了比特币协议的某些功能,导致社区内关于此类用途的适当性和效率的争论。虽然这些项目无可否认地在短期内为费用收入的增加做出了贡献,但它们对比特币区块链现有结构的依赖意味着它们本质上受到区块空间需求增加所带来的可扩展性和成本限制的限制。

展望未来,即将到来的比特币减半将进一步加剧支撑这些代币化项目的经济动力。随着区块奖励减半,随之而来的新比特币发行的稀缺预计将推高交易费用作为矿工收入组成部分的价值。这种转变可能会导致区块空间费用增加,因为矿工寻求补偿区块奖励的减少。在这样的环境中,Ordinals、Stamps 和 BRC-20 代币等项目的经济可行性可能会受到挑战,因为将大量非金融数据嵌入区块链的成本对于许多用户来说变得过于昂贵。减半后交易费用的预期增加可能会优先考虑金融交易而不是这些新颖的代币化用途,


第 2 层协议足以确保矿工盈利吗?

定于本月晚些时候进行的比特币减半将把区块奖励削减至 3.125 个比特币,引发人们对网络经济可持续性和矿工财务生存能力的担忧。在这一关键时刻之前,Ordinals、BRC-20 代币和 Stamps 等非传统代币化项目暂时补充了比特币的费用市场,有时甚至超过了费用收入的区块奖励。然而,由于区块空间在减半后成为稀缺资源,交易费用预计会增加,这些项目的长期生存能力笼罩在不确定性之中。这种迫在眉睫的稀缺性引发了一个关键问题:现有的第 2 层协议是否旨在从基础层卸载经济活动,以增强可扩展性并减少链上拥塞,

闪电网络等第 2 层解决方案和 Liquid 等侧链在扩展比特币交易容量方面发挥了重要作用,同时保持了基础层的完整性和去中心化。通过促进快速、低成本的链外交易,这些协议不仅改善了用户体验,而且有可能通过通道开放和关闭交易等机制为矿工开辟新的收入来源。然而,这些链下解决方案是否可以通过增加交易量来弥补减半的区块奖励仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。第 2 层协议在维持矿工收入方面的有效性将在很大程度上取决于它们的采用率、使用量的增加以及它们对链上结算交易的激励程度。

减半凸显了对比特币经济激励结构进行更广泛重新评估的必要性。随着区块奖励的减少,矿工对交易费作为主要收入来源的依赖将不可避免地增加。这种转变需要采用符合网络安全和抗审查原则的创新费用生成方法。在这种背景下,第 2 层解决方案的开发和采用显得比以往任何时候都更加重要。这些协议不仅必须提供可扩展性和效率改进,而且还必须营造一个经济环境,使矿工可以仅靠交易费用蓬勃发展。

鉴于这些挑战,比特币社区可能需要探索其他策略以确保网络的长期经济可持续性。这可能涉及第 2 层技术的进一步创新、费用市场机制的增强,甚至可以产生大量费用收入的新经济活动形式。目标是创建一个强大的、自我维持的经济模型,支持矿工盈利,保护网络安全,并维护比特币去中心化和抗审查的核心价值观。

最终,即将到来的后减半时代给比特币带来了挑战和机遇。随着网络过渡到矿工以费用为主导的收入模式,第 2 层协议的成功和新的费用产生活动的出现对于维护区块链的安全性和完整性至关重要。比特币社区创新和调整其经济激励结构的能力将决定该网络在未来几年继续作为去中心化和抗审查的数字货币的弹性和能力。

Author's source official website translation The total circulation of Shanouba Bitcoin trading network will be coins, which will be sent to the network nodes when they are out of blocks. The annual quantity will be reduced by half. The previous year's coins, the next year's coins, the next year's coins, the next year's coins, and so on. When the amount is used up, the system can support the transaction costs if necessary. It is based on open market competition and there may always be nodes willing to handle the transactions for free. How does the innovation wave of Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin network affect the network? Traditionally, Bitcoin networks are regarded as having. There are stable, safe and somewhat static account books, and now they are experiencing the revival of innovation and experiment. The recent progress includes tokens and projects, such as and similar ones, which mark the undercurrent of dynamic creativity and technological evolution. These advances are not only technical footnotes, but also represent a major expansion of Bitcoin's practicality, transforming it from a simple value storage and exchange medium to a platform that can support complex financial instruments, digital assets and privacy-enhanced transactions. The interaction between the halving events may bring new dynamics to the network fees, which may affect the miners' incentive measures and the overall economic structure of Bitcoin. The surge in bitcoin agreements and smart contracts and privacy transactions on the side chain provides a striking narrative, which challenges the mainstream Ethereum centralization and paradigms and other projects are leading the tokenization of traditional assets and securities on Bitcoin, blurring the relationship between the traditional financial market and the growing digital asset economy. At the same time, plans that focus on privacy, such as and similar ones, are redefining transaction anonymity and financial privacy on the blockchain. These developments are not isolated experiments, but part of the joint efforts to enhance the functional scalability and attractiveness of Bitcoin as a multi-functional financial infrastructure. The expected fourth bitcoin halving is particularly prominent in these innovations, which is not only a catalyst for economic readjustment, but also a test of Bitcoin's growing ecosystem. The decrease in the number of transactions may aggravate the competition in the block space, push up the transaction cost and improve the effective utilization of the network. This situation may encourage users to find alternative trading places, thus stimulating further innovation and adoption in these fields, thus benefiting the first-tier solutions and side chains. On the contrary, the higher cost may also hinder some uses of the main chain, thus prompting people to reassess which activities are most suitable for the basic layer of Bitcoin and its supplementary agreements, and halving these innovations for Bitcoin networks and security. The broader impact of the model remains to be seen. Although people are optimistic about the potential of these developments to enhance the utility and market position of Bitcoin, some people have considered the market dynamics of network congestion costs and the decentralization focus of supporting Bitcoin. The interaction between a series of new solutions, side chain projects and economic changes caused by halving may shape the development track of Bitcoin in the next few years. As the Bitcoin community responds to these changes, it will innovate economic incentives and basic principles of Bitcoin. The balance between them is very important for guiding the network to realize its promise as a breakthrough financial technology in the future. Will the token of Bitcoin create a sustainable fee market? For example, the unexpected token projects on the Bitcoin network, such as the rise of tokens, have introduced a novel and controversial activity layer. Although these projects were not originally conceived as part of the core utility of Bitcoin, they have begun to significantly supplement the fee market of the network. In some cases, these token projects have emerged. The transaction cost of Bitcoin has exceeded the current block reward, which shows their potential impact on the network economic model. The innovative use of Bitcoin basic layer is to store non-financial data such as images, video games and texts through these tokens, which has triggered a new demand for block space. As users compete for the contents of account books, the transaction cost has inadvertently increased. However, the nature of these token projects is usually described as being hacked together, which has triggered people's income as bitcoin network fees. The question of the long-term feasibility and sustainability of the source and the technical realization of tokens have used some functions of the Bitcoin protocol in an unexpected way at first, which has led to the debate on the appropriateness and efficiency of such uses in the community. Although these projects have undeniably contributed to the increase of fee income in the short term, their dependence on the existing structure of the Bitcoin blockchain means that they are essentially limited by the scalability and cost constraints brought about by the increasing demand for block space. Halving the arrival of bitcoin will further intensify the economic motivation to support these token projects. With the halving of block rewards, the scarcity of new bitcoin issuance is expected to push up the value of transaction costs as a part of miners' income. This change may lead to an increase in block space costs because miners seek compensation for the reduction of block rewards. In this environment, the economic feasibility of projects such as tokens may be challenged because of the cost of embedding a large amount of non-financial data into blockchain. For many users, the expected increase in transaction costs after halving may give priority to financial transactions rather than these novel token uses. Although unexpected token projects have temporarily boosted the cost market of Bitcoin, their future is still uncertain in the face of the cost increase caused by halving. These projects are innovative, unintentional and sloppy, and the imminent scarcity of block space and the priority of economic feasibility indicate that such uses may not last. Continue to be an important contributor to bitcoin fee income. With the continuous development of the network, the balance between promoting innovation and maintaining economic sustainability is very important to determine the role of these unorthodox token projects in the broader bitcoin ecosystem, especially considering that more and more elegant and efficient token solutions are adopted. Is the Layer 1 agreement enough to ensure miners' profits? The halving of bitcoin scheduled for later this month will reduce the block reward to 100 bitcoins, which will arouse people. Worried about the sustainability of the network economy and the financial viability of miners, before this critical moment, tokens and other non-traditional token projects temporarily supplemented the cost market of Bitcoin, and sometimes even exceeded the block reward of fee income. However, since the block space is reduced by half, the transaction cost is expected to increase the long-term viability of these projects, which is shrouded in uncertainty. This imminent scarcity raises a key question. Is the existing layer 1 agreement aimed at unloading economic activities from the basic layer to enhance scalability and reduce congestion in the chain, such as lightning networks and other layer solutions and equal side chains? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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