Synthetix创始人:错的是DeFi 而不是市场

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作者:Felix Ng 来源:cointelegraph 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

去年 5 月的一个早上,Synthetix 创始人 Kain Warwick 突然意识到:“哪里出问题了。我们用错了方法。”

2022 年底推出 Synthetix Perps v2 后,Synthetix 创始人 Kain Warwick 期望这个新的去中心化永续合约交易所能够从由币安主导的衍生品市场中分得一杯羹。

六个月后,Warwick 早上醒来意识到这不会发生,原因有两个:1)大多数交易者仍然不愿意使用去中心化金融 (DeFi),2)“建了它,他们就会来” 的口号愚蠢至极。

“如果你一成不变地做事,却期望不同的结果——那太疯狂了。这就是疯狂的定义。因此,我的观点是,我们需要改变这一点,”Warwick 回忆道。

Synthetix Perps v2 在 2022 年圣诞节前几天推出,旨在与中心化永续合约平台竞争。它引入了一种“首创”的链下预言机系统,最大限度地降低了抢跑攻击的风险并显着降低了交易费用。该交易所还宣称拥有深度流动性,这是 DeFi 面临的更大摩擦点之一。

Warwick 说:“交易量非常好,执行很棒,人们也获得了很好的成交价格,” 但 “币安与 DeFi 永续合约的交易量比例仍然是 95 比 5。”


这种想法最终促成了他最新的加密项目 Infinex,这是一个前端包装器,他希望它能掩盖 DeFi 的笨拙性,同时提供自我托管和控制的所有好处。

Warwick 希望这个新的用户友好层能够鼓励更多交易者远离中心化交易所和平台,因为这些交易所在 2022 年经历了糟糕的一年。

“加密货币的历史充满了人们因为使用别人平台而丢失加密货币的例子,”Warwick 告诉杂志。

Infinex 背后的前提很简单:复制易于使用的中心化交易所体验,但以 DeFi 的形式作为其支柱,例如 Synthetix Perps v3。交易者可以摆脱笨重的交易签名和钱包设置,只需用户名和密码即可。

这个想法是让交易者既能享受 DeFi 的好处,又能享受中心化交易所的便利,同时避免任何缺点,例如资金被“一个非常糟糕的首席执行官” “挪用”。但正如 Warwick 指出的那样,即使被 FTX 坑惨的用户也没有加入 DeFi 的行列。

现实情况是,绝大多数用户直接从 FTX 返回币安

Infinex 目前尚未开放公开交易。

最初宣布时,Infinex 预计将在 2023 年第四季度推出,但到假期季只发布了一个封闭的 Alpha 版本。

今年 3 月,Infinex 突然宣布“遭遇了安全事件”,但没有用户、金库或工作组资金面临风险。片刻之后,Warwick 宣布他已接任 Infinex 的工作组负责人。


Infinex 目前预计将在 5 月 2 日举行的 ETHGlobal 附近某个时间推出。

Warwick 承认,他错以为仅仅构建一个具有低费用的稳健去中心化交易平台就足以吸引大量新交易者。

Warwick 表示:“我们采取了一种非常纯粹的技术官僚观点:‘我们将以正确的方式构建它,世界最终会意识到这是正确的。我们没错,错的是市场。’”

“现实情况是,市场并没有错;从某种非常现实的意义上来说,市场不会错,”Warwick 说。

这位 Synthetix 创始人职业生涯的成功之处在于,他能及时发现事情没有按计划进行,并果断转向 B 计划 - 甚至是 C 计划。


Warwick 现在可能被称为“现代农业之父”——这指的是他在普及收益耕作(导致 2020 年的 DeFi 夏季)方面奠定基础的作用——但要达到这个称号,他经历了几次重大的生活转折。

现在 42 岁的他,是澳大利亚网球冠军 Kim Warwick 的儿子,也是三个弟弟的大哥,他们都跟随他进入了加密货币和 Web3 领域。


14 岁时,他就初次尝试了创业,在父母的网球中心开了一家网球拍重新穿线业务。

“对于一个 14 岁的孩子来说,非常成功;我可以说我赚了不少钱。”

到 16 岁时,他已经开始帮助人们解决技术问题以赚取额外收入。

他说:“我有一种矛盾感,‘热爱科技,热爱电脑’,我当时正在组装电脑。” “我会帮助人们设置网络和当时的 WiFi。”


“你知道,遗传学真的让我着迷……科学可能是我在学校里学得最好的科目。我一直热爱科学,”Warwick 说。

但他很快意识到遗传学并不适合他,并在学习了 18 个月后辍学,加入了朋友在西雅图的科技创业公司。一年后,当那家公司不顺利时,他和一个朋友创立了一个朋克摇滚乐队。

这位吉他手兼主唱为 The Lie Society 乐队打扮成维多利亚时代的服装,这是一支朋克摇滚乐队,最终在当地拥有相当不错的追随者。

我们演出的最大场地大概有 1000 人左右。所以,你知道,我们无论如何都不会在体育场演出,但我们会进行一些全国巡演。”




尝试在 Harvey Norman 开采比特币

“我第一次接触加密货币是 Slashdot 的帖子,一个非常著名的 Slashdot 帖子,”Warwick 说。 

当时,大约在 2010 年或 2011 年,他在一家澳大利亚电子零售商 Harvey Norman 工作,该公司销售电脑、家具、洗衣机、冰箱和其他家居用品——绝对不是你想象的加密货币企业家的起源故事。

这篇文章详细介绍了比特币的早期升级,最终登上了 Slashdot 的首页。它被视为最早向更广泛的技术社区发出比特币警报的文章之一。 


“那时我已经在 Slashdot 上很多年了,正是这个帖子推出了 Mt. Gox,”Warwick 说。 



“我们 Harvey Norman 有一位 IT 人员,他是一个非常活跃的人 [...],2011 年的一天,我走进 Harvey Norman,对他说:‘我们应该在这个东西(显示 PC)上运行比特币挖矿。 .’”

他最终没有让 IT 人员改变主意,在 3 月份比特币触及近 74,000 美元后,他们今天可能都在为此自责。 

到2015年,沃里克已经深入比特币。他创办了自己的在线零售支付公司 Blueshyft,允许客户在柜台支付现金购买数字商品和服务,包括比特币。该服务至今仍在运行。 

我仍然持有“比特币是这里最有价值的东西”这样的 BTC-maxi 心态,而且我并不真正关心其他东西。就像,我认为 Ripple 是一个骗局。” 

但一年多后,沃里克改变了态度。在女儿出生后休陪产假期间,他感到无聊,开始钻研“旧 Vitalik 帖子”中有关以太坊可能性的“兔子洞”——预测市场、稳定币和 Maker。 

那时我就想,‘哇,这是以太坊中每个人都认为可行的东西,那就是 Maker。’”

Warwick 最终借鉴了 Maker 的核心稳定币理念,并于 2018 年推出了 Havven 首次代币发行,该发行成为澳大利亚最大的 ICO,筹集了 3000 万美元。感谢早期预售投资者的帮助,它仅用了 90 分钟就完成了报价。 


乐队未能在那年熊市低谷中获得关注,市场再次做出了回应。他将 Havven 转型为 Synthetix,它保留了抵押铸造稳定币 (SUSD) 的想法,但添加了合成资产的概念。


Synthetix 是一个基于以太坊(现在是 Optimism 和 Base)构建的去中心化网络,用于发行和交易合成资产(或“合成物”),跟踪现实世界资产的价值。 

该平台的 Synthetix 网络代币(SNX)用于抵押和发行合成资产,SNX 持有者通过获得一部分合成交易费用和极高的通胀奖励来激励尽可能多的抵押。Uniswap 和 Curve 上提供的流动性也获得了奖励,这成为了由 degen food farm 推动的 2020 年“DeFi 夏天”的催化剂。 





Compound 的 COMP 代币也被认为是引发流动性挖矿热潮的功臣之一。



当被问到他对随后出现的拉地毯、庞氏骗局和彻头彻尾的骗局是否负有任何责任时,Warwick 表示这是创新丑陋但必要的一部分。



Warwick 辩称,同样,即使存在大量 ICO “拉高抛售”骗局,ICO 热潮对加密货币来说也是“净利好”。

“如果你看看所有そこから (soko kara -そこから literally means "from there" but here it can be translated as "out of that") 出现的大项目,我认为 ICO 的命中率比传统风险投资要好。 是的,当然,存在骗局和归零的东西,或者是愚蠢的东西之类。那是过度投资的一种表现,”Warwick 说。


One morning last month, the founder of Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network suddenly realized what went wrong. After the launch at the end of the year, the founder expected this new decentralized perpetual contract exchange to get a slice of the derivatives market dominated by Bi 'an. After waking up six months later, he realized that this would not happen. There are two reasons why most traders are still unwilling to use decentralized finance and the slogan that they will come if you build it is stupid. It's crazy to do things unchanged but expect different results. This is the definition of madness, so my point of view is that we need to change this. It was recalled that it was launched a few days before Christmas last year to compete with the centralized perpetual contract platform. It introduced a pioneering offline Oracle system to minimize the risk of preemptive attacks and significantly reduce transaction costs. The exchange also claimed to have deep liquidity, which is one of the greater friction points it faced. It said that the transaction volume was very good and the execution was great, and people also gained. I got a good transaction price, but the ratio of transaction volume between currency security and perpetual contract is still higher than that in May. I woke up one morning and thought about what happened. This idea finally led to his latest encryption project, which is a front-end wrapper. He hopes that it can cover up the clumsiness and provide all the benefits of self-hosting and control. I hope that this new user-friendly layer will encourage more traders to stay away from centralized exchanges and platforms, because these exchanges experienced a bad year of encryption in 2008. The history of currency is full of examples of people losing encrypted currency because of using other people's platforms, telling magazines that the premise behind it is simple to copy the easy-to-use centralized exchange experience, but as its pillar, for example, traders can get rid of cumbersome transaction signatures and wallet settings, and the idea is to let traders enjoy the benefits and the convenience of centralized exchanges while avoiding any shortcomings, such as the funds being moved by a very bad CEO. However, as pointed out, even users who have been badly pitted have not joined the ranks. The reality is that the vast majority of users directly return to the currency security. At present, the public transaction is not yet open. When it was first announced, it was expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2008, but only a closed version was released during the holiday season. This month, it was suddenly announced that there was a security incident, but no user vault or working group funds were at risk. The person in charge of the working group who announced that he had taken over was expected to be pushed at some time nearby on May. Admitting that he mistakenly thinks that just building a stable decentralized trading platform with low cost is enough to attract a large number of new traders, he said that we have adopted a very pure technocratic point of view, and we will build it in the right way, and the world will eventually realize that this is correct. We are right. The reality of the market is that the market is not wrong. In a very realistic sense, the success of the founder's career lies in his timely discovery that things are not going according to plan. Planning and resolutely turning to planning, even planning geneticists are among the second-rate punk rock singers. Now they may be called the father of modern agriculture, which refers to his role in laying the foundation for popularizing income farming, which led to the summer of, but to achieve this title, he has gone through several major life transitions. Now he is the son of an Australian tennis champion and the eldest brother of three younger brothers. They all followed him into cryptocurrency and fields. At the age of, he first tried to start a business on his parents' network. The ball center opened a tennis racket re-threading business, which was very successful for a one-year-old child. I can say that I made a lot of money. By the time I was 18, he had begun to help people solve technical problems to earn extra income. He said that I had a contradictory feeling and loved technology and computers. I was assembling computers at that time, and I would help people set up networks and this high school science enthusiast at that time dreamed of becoming a geneticist after graduation. You know genetics really. Science, which fascinates me, is probably the best subject I studied in school. I have always loved the theory of science, but he soon realized that genetics was not suitable for him. After studying for two months, he dropped out of school and joined a friend's technology startup company in Seattle. A year later, when the company was not going well, he and a friend founded a punk rock band. The guitarist and lead singer dressed up as Victorian costumes for the band. This punk rock band eventually had quite a good following in the local area, and we performed. The biggest venue is probably occupied by people, so you know we won't perform in the stadium anyway, but we will do some national tours. I think we have just reached such a stage, and if we really focus on it and realize it, we may do better, he added, but Warwick finally moved back to Australia and started a career in retail, trying to mine bitcoin. A very famous post said that it was about. In or, he worked in an Australian electronics retailer, which sold computer furniture, washing machines, refrigerators and other household items. It was definitely not the story of the origin of cryptocurrency entrepreneurs that you imagined. This article introduced in detail the early upgrade of Bitcoin and finally made it to the home page. It was regarded as one of the first articles that issued a bitcoin alert to the wider technical community. At that time, I had been in it for many years. It was this post that launched that Warwick even tried to display it on a row of computers in his store. Install bitcoin mining software to make use of free electricity. We have a person who is very active. One day in, I walked in and told him that we should run bitcoin mining on this display. He finally didn't make people change their minds. After bitcoin touched nearly US dollars in January, they may all blame themselves for it today. By, Warwick had gone deep into bitcoin. He founded his own online retail payment company, allowing customers to pay cash at the counter to buy digital goods and services, including bitcoin. The service is still running, and I still hold the mentality that Bitcoin is the most valuable thing here, and I don't really care about other things, just like I think it's a scam. But more than a year later, Warwick changed his attitude. During the paternity leave after his daughter was born, he got bored and began to delve into the rabbit hole in the old post about the possibility of Ethereum to predict the market stable currency. At that time, I thought, Wow, this is something that everyone in Ethereum thinks is feasible, that is, the core stable currency concept that was finally borrowed, and in 2000, the first token issue was launched, which became 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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