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文章作者:Franklin Templeton

文章编译:Block unicorn

同质化代币在任何去中心化网络中都扮演着重要的经济支柱角色。资产的同质化性质是指资产与相同类型的另一个单位互换的能力。例如,法定货币是可互换的,这意味着人们可以将一张美元纸币与另一张相同面额的一美元纸币进行兑换。区块链和基于其构建的应用程序利用同质化代币/加密货币来实现各种目的,包括促进贸易、保护网络和分散网络/应用程序。对于区块链,他们使用自己的原生代币,例如比特币使用 BTC,以太坊使用 ETH。对于应用程序来说,每个区块链都有多个同质化的代币标准。常见的同质化代币标准包括以太坊上的 ERC-20Solana 上的 SPL。这些类型的代币被用于各种用例,包括 Meme 币和治理代币。

MakerDAO 是以太坊上的 DeFi 借贷平台,是支持 ERC-20 标准的协议的一个很好的例子。MakerDAO 使用其原生同质化治理代币 MKR 来管理 MakerDA0 和 DAl 稳定币(另一种 ERC-20 代币)的发行。

与同质化代币相比,非同质化代币 (NFT) 代表存储在区块链上的数据单元,并代表独特的数字物品,例如艺术品。NFT 最初使用 ERC-721 的 NFT 标准在以太坊上流行起来。然而,在比特币上,多年来一直没有广泛采用的 NFT 标准,直到比特币开发者 Casey Rodamor 引入序数理论。序数包含记录在区块链上的原始数据,并且每个聪(序数)都被分配了一个唯一的标识。这与其他区块链(例如以太坊、Solana 等)上的 NFT 不同,后者通常将部分链下数据保存在中心化的服务器中。

Casey 于 2022 年 12 月发布序数理论后,截至 2024 年 4 月,比特币铭文市场的价值已大幅增长至约 20 亿美元。

这种增长促使许多开发人员重新思考比特币区块链的潜力。在正在发生的众多进展中,也许最重要的是 Casey 的符文(Runes),这是一种备受期待的同质化代币标准,旨在与比特币减半同时进行(预计为 2024 年 4 月 20 日)。

符文(Runes)在比特币第 1 层引入了新的代币标准,该标准改进了比特币当前的同质化代币标准 (BRC-20)。通过利用基于 UTXO 的设计(未花费的交易输出),符文(Runes)被设计得更加高效。UTXO 代表用户已收到但未花费的特定数量的比特币。” BRC-20 和符文(Runes)之间的主要区别在于,BRC-20 旨在利用利用现有的协议来满足比特币上对同质化代币的需求,而符文是从头开始专门为比特币上的同质化代币而设计的。

与符文不同,BRC-20 能够在比特币上创建同质化代币,但其设计是基于帐户的,类似于以太坊的 ERC-20。BRC-20 的问题在于,通过同质化代币的销毁和铸造过程,会产生大量无用的 UTXO,从而导致区块链膨胀并增加费用。这就像一个加工厂的概念,在运营过程中会产生大量没有用处的废料或垃圾。


  • 避免了创建“垃圾”UTXO,从而减少区块链膨胀并降低交易费用

  • 不依赖链下数据 

  • 不需要额外的原生代币

  • 兼容闪电网络

  • 提高了隐私性,数据被隐藏在UTXO中


目前,与 ETH 和 SOL 相比,比特币的同质化代币市场相当小; 然而,随着更高效的代币标准(Runes)的推出,比特币处于有利地位,可以缩小与其他区块链之间的同质化代币的市值差距。 然而,如果比特币上的 DeFi 想要看到业内许多人预测的指数级增长,一个广泛采用的同质化代币标准是先决条件。

符文的同质化代币协议预计于 2024 年 4 月 20 日发生的减半同时启动。我们很期待看到符文(Runes)是否能为比特币的同质化代币和 DeFi 市场带来像 Ordinals 为比特币的非同质化代币市场所做的那样。

Homogeneous tokens play an important role in any decentralized network. The homogeneous nature of assets refers to the ability of assets to be exchanged with another unit of the same type, such as legal tender, which means that people can exchange a dollar bill with another dollar bill of the same denomination for blockchain and applications based on it can use homogeneous tokens to encrypt money to achieve various purposes, including promoting trade protection networks and promoting trade protection. Decentralized network applications for blockchain, they use their own native tokens, such as bitcoin and Ethereum. For applications, each blockchain has multiple homogeneous token standards. Common homogeneous token standards, including those on and off Ethereum, are used in various use cases, including coins and governance tokens. The lending platform on Ethereum is a good example of a protocol that supports standards. Using its native homogeneous governance tokens to manage and stabilize coins is another kind. Compared with homogeneous tokens, non-homogeneous tokens represent the data units stored in the blockchain and represent unique digital items, such as works of art. However, there has been no widely adopted standard in Bitcoin for many years until Bitcoin developers introduced ordinal number theory, which contains the original data recorded in the blockchain, and each ordinal number is assigned a unique identifier, which is different from other blockchains, such as Ethereum. The latter usually saves part of the offline data in a centralized server. After the ordinal number theory was released in June, the value of the bitcoin inscription market has increased to about 100 million dollars by June. This growth has prompted many developers to rethink the potential of the bitcoin blockchain. Perhaps the most important thing is the rune, which is a highly anticipated homogenization token standard. It is expected that the rune will be introduced into the first layer of bitcoin at the same time as bitcoin is halved. The standard improves the current standard of homogenized tokens for Bitcoin. It is designed to be more efficient by using the unused transaction output runes based on the design. The main difference between runes and bitcoins is that they are designed to meet the demand for homogenized tokens on Bitcoin by using the existing protocols, and runes are specially designed for homogenized tokens on Bitcoin from scratch. Unlike runes, they can create homogenized tokens on Bitcoin. However, its design is account-based, which is similar to that of Ethereum. The problem is that the destruction and casting process of homogenized tokens will produce a lot of useless, which will lead to the expansion of the blockchain and increase the cost. Just like the concept of a processing factory, it will produce a lot of useless waste or junk runes in the operation process. There are several key improvements in the homogenization token protocol to avoid creating garbage, thus reducing the expansion of the blockchain and reducing the transaction cost. It does not depend on offline data and does not need additional native tokens to be compatible with lightning. The network has improved the opportunity for privacy data to be hidden in the internet. At present, compared with the bitcoin, the homogenized token market is quite small. However, with the introduction of more efficient token standards, bitcoin is in a favorable position and can narrow the market value gap between the homogenized tokens and other blockchains. However, if Bitcoin wants to see the exponential growth predicted by many people in the industry, a widely used homogenized token standard is a prerequisite. The homogenized token agreement of runes is expected to be halved and started at the same time. We are looking forward to seeing whether runes can bring the homogenized token and the market of bitcoin as it did for the non-homogenized token market of Bitcoin. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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