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这两天 @Starknet 一次面向130万地址总量超7亿枚的超级大空投行动落地了,几乎“雨露均沾”照顾到了各个层面参与生态的每一份子,够格局!那么,如何看待此次Starknet空投盛宴的后续影响呢?我来谈谈我的思考:



2)此前,我曾发文说Starknet发空投是一次“救赎行动”,原因在于ZK系layer2项目很长一段时间内都停留在技术优势叙事阶段,开发者资源、生态项目、市场TVL、用户量、用户体验等等各方面的综合数据指标落地远不及预期。此种情况下,拿出Tokenomics的杀手锏更目的更多是为了进一步构建和强化生态市场。显然,Starknet和zkSync都在焦虑这一点。尤其是layer2整体锁仓数据都超过了25.5B,而论品牌声誉度排名前5的layer2占比还不到0.2B,这样的数据如何给后续的二级市场投资者信心?而发Token 补贴开发者和用户可以快速地弥补这一短板,如果不信,Tokenomics会有这么的大的魔力,看看技术还未任何落地TVL就已经超18亿美元的Blast就能领略到了。我个人倾向相信Tokenomics会给ZK系拉胯的生态带来持续的源动力,尤其是STRK作为Gas手续费补贴参与到项目开发和用户交互体验过程中,想象空间还是挺大的。

3)坎昆升级对ZK-Rollup的市场提振意义显著大于OP-Rollup。如果说坎昆升级对OP-Rollup是锦上添花,那对于ZK-Rollup一定算是雪中送碳了。原因之前我也分析过,同样的Blob区块容量,ZK系 layer2可以放大layer2 TPS的上限,进而降低Gas均摊成本,再加上潜在的Gas补贴大战到来,理论上,会有更多的开发者和用户涌入ZK生态进行Build。

正常情况下,坎昆升级会是ZK系生态一次全方位赶超、逆袭OP的转折点。Starknet赶在坎昆升级前上线Tokenomics,无疑也表达了在坎昆升级后背水一战的决心。如果Starknet的Token经济学奏效,势必会推动zkSync、Scroll、Linea等ZK系项目的Token发行相继落地。而且ZK技术的潜能终归要靠“应用”驱动,市场需要跑出几个游戏等王炸应用来带动Starknet市场生态的进一步繁荣。4)眼下的layer2竞争格局已然变得复杂且焦灼,过去Arbitrum、Starknet、zkSync等为代表的技术、品牌声誉等有有先发优势的layer项目,都扛了较大的落地预期压力,而Stack战略打法还是传统To B的VC叙事型思维,以此用来吸引二级市场投资者明显吸引力不足;与此同时,涌现了一大批试图打破layer2格局的新锐挑战者,比如,Metis拿出去中心化Sequencer和原生Token经济体来试图弯道超车,Manta、ZKFair、Blast等都在尝试用市场、运维、资本的力量来逆袭上位。此外还有Celestia、Altlayer、Espresso等用模块化思维持续给layer2市场增加新的变量。现在的layer2市场已然无法再用技术实力、资本背景等既定优势来锁定市场地位,在一轮一轮的市场冲击和竞争格局下,最后存活下来的一定是各方面综合实力都均衡的layer2项目。在坎昆升级后的一年内,市场竞争会越演愈烈,届时或许会有全新的layer2 四大天王诞生。Note:本人有幸拿到了ECMP的空投,算是对一直以来持续做价值内容输出的激励,Anyway,大家要对layer2市场多一些信心和期待。

Author Hao Tian's source chain shows that a super-large airdrop operation with a total address of over 10,000 million pieces has landed in the past two days, and almost all the rain and dew have taken care of every member who participates in the ecology at all levels. So how do you view the subsequent impact of this airdrop feast? Let me talk about my thinking. The standard scale and coverage of airdrops have been lingering, and various scandals and rumors have even been repeated. Many people once thought that they would be collectively rejected. In this context, they suddenly announced that they believed that they had exceeded 10,000 pieces. After many people were overjoyed, to be honest, as a popular project, the standard design of airdrop is really difficult to deal with, and it is necessary to balance the interests of all parties and avoid the overwhelming pressure of airdrop over the incentive effect, so it is difficult to have an absolutely satisfactory result. Finally, we chose to open source early contributors, developers and users, and so on, and we have a large-scale Enze Pratt & Whitney, which is probably the final choice of equal focus projects. When the brand influence reaches a certain level, the airdrop action with sunny sunshine is the wisest difference. Which Mao Party will be screened out according to what criteria and which direction will become the preferred object of the project. For example, it is obvious that Mao's business, which favors developers and early contributors, will increase the risk at best, lose the cost performance of input and output, and will continue to roll up. Previously, I issued a document saying that airdrop is a redemption action because the project has remained in the narrative stage of technological advantages for a long time, and the developer resources, ecological projects, market users, user experience and other comprehensive data indicators. Landing is far less than expected. The killer in this case is more aimed at further building and strengthening the ecological market. Obviously, everyone is anxious about this point, especially the overall warehouse locking data has exceeded, and the proportion of brand reputation ranking is less than that. How can such data give confidence to investors in the subsequent secondary market and subsidize developers and users? If you don't believe it, there will be such a great magic. Look at the technology that has exceeded 100 million dollars before it has landed. Appreciate my personal tendency, and believe that it will bring continuous source power to the ecology of tying the crotch, especially as a fee subsidy to participate in the project development and user interaction experience. The significance of Cancun upgrade to boosting the market is significantly greater than that if Cancun upgrade is the icing on the cake, it must be the reason for sending carbon in the snow. Before that, I also analyzed the upper limit of the same block capacity to reduce the cost sharing, and the potential subsidy war came. In theory, There will be more developers and users flooding into the ecology. Under normal circumstances, the Cancun upgrade will be a turning point for the ecosystem to catch up with and counterattack in all directions. Getting online before the Cancun upgrade undoubtedly expressed last stand's determination after the Cancun upgrade. If the economics works, it will inevitably promote the release of other projects, and the potential of technology will ultimately depend on application-driven markets. It is necessary to run out of several games and other applications to drive the further prosperity of the market ecology. At present, the competitive landscape has become complex. Miscellaneous and anxious projects with first-Mover advantage, such as technology brands's reputation, which is represented by the past, are under great pressure of landing expectations, and the strategic play is still traditional narrative thinking to attract investors in the secondary market, which is obviously not attractive enough. At the same time, a large number of new challengers who are trying to break the pattern, such as taking out centralization and the original economy to try to overtake in corners, are trying to use the power of market operation and maintenance capital to counterattack the upper position. In addition, they continue to give it with modular thinking The market has added new variables, and now the market can no longer lock in the market position with the established advantages such as technical strength, capital background, etc. Under the round-by-round market impact and competition pattern, the project that finally survives must be a project with balanced comprehensive strength in all aspects. Within one year after Cancun's upgrade, the market competition will intensify, and then there may be four brand-new kings born. The airdrop that I was lucky enough to get is an incentive to continue to export value content. Everyone should have more confidence and expectation for the market. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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