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而在Web3领域,视频流媒体平台Livepeer今日发文称,作为 Livepeer 人工智能视频计划的一部分,社区正在努力在未来几个月内将OpenAI的文本转视频功能Sora引入 Livepeer 网络。

随后OKX 行情数据显示,LPT 突破 13 USDT,24 小时涨超 60%。

另据Arkham监测数据显示,受Sora消息影响,昨日有23个相关 "Sora"的MeMe在Uniswap上推出,其中0xD3c开头地址买入160美元早期同名MeMe币后赚取了15万美元,涨幅超1000倍。











根据科技创业公司研究机构 PitchBook 的估计,2023 年全球生成式 AI 的市场规模将达到 426 亿美元,2026 年则将达到 981 亿美元,未来增长动能可期。

Sora OpenAI 作为一种创新的文本转视频模型,有望在这个庞大的市场中占有一席之地,为各行各业提供高效、低成本、高质量的视频生成服务。


为创意工作者提供更多的灵感和可能性。Sora OpenAI 可以根据用户的文本指令,创建现实且富有想象力的场景视频,而且是广角,时长延展至 60s。这不仅是技术的突破,更是创作自由的体现。试想,一个优秀的编剧可能就不再需要依赖演员、导演、预算等一系列因素,只要他的剧本足够好,AI 就可能以极低的成本生产出优秀的作品。

为教育和科普提供更多的形式和内容。Sora OpenAI 可以根据教育和科普的文本,生成生动和有趣的视频,帮助学习者更好地理解和记忆知识。比如,Sora OpenAI 可以根据“一群纸飞机在茂密的丛林中翩翩起舞,在树林中穿梭,就像候鸟一样”这样的文本,生成一段展示纸飞机的飞行原理和丛林生态的视频。

为娱乐和休闲提供更多的选择和乐趣。Sora OpenAI 可以根据用户的兴趣和喜好,生成各种各样的视频,满足用户的观看需求和审美喜好。比如,Sora OpenAI 可以根据“一位时髦的女士穿梭在充满温暖霓虹灯光和动感城市标志的东京街头”这样的文本,生成一段展示东京风情和时尚潮流的视频。


技术上的局限性。Sora OpenAI 虽然能够生成高质量的视频,但也存在一些缺陷和不足。比如,Sora OpenAI 可能难以准确模拟复杂场景的物理原理或把握因果关系。Sora OpenAI 还可能混淆空间细节,并且可能难以精确描述随着时间推移发生的事件,例如遵循特定的相机轨迹。这些问题需要进一步的研究和改进。

伦理和社会上的争议。Sora OpenAI 的视频生成能力可能会引发一些伦理和社会上的争议和担忧。比如,Sora OpenAI 可能会被用于制造虚假或误导性的视频,影响公众的判断和信任。Sora OpenAI 还可能会对视频创作者的版权和利益造成侵害或威胁。

Blockchain+Sora 有哪些机会?


可以说,Sora 的视频生成技术可以为 Web3 带来更多的内容的多样性和质量,也可以为 Web3 带来更多的形式的创新和变化。

比如,Sora 可以与 NFT(非同质化代币)相结合,为用户提供更多的数字艺术和收藏品。Sora 可以与 DAO(去中心化自治组织)相结合,为用户提供更多的协作和治理的方式。Sora 可以与 DeFi(去中心化金融)相结合,为用户提供更简单的投资和交易机会。







简单而言,Sora 是一种人工智能模型,它可以根据用户输入的文本指令生成逼真和富有想象力的视频场景。

自Sora 的诞生引起了业界和社会的广泛关注和讨论。Sora 被认为是通用人工智能(AGI)实现的重要步骤,也是视频领域的一次变革,为各行各业提供了高效、低成本、高质量的视频生成服务。

未来,Sora 的视频生成技术将与区块链技术相结合,为 Web3 带来更多的内容的多样性和质量,也为元宇宙带来更多的形式的创新和变化。

此外,Sora 还可以与元宇宙中的虚拟世界、虚拟形象、虚拟学习和娱乐等相结合,为用户带来更加丰富和自由的虚拟体验,也为元宇宙的发展和创新提供更多的可能性和动力。

总之,Sora 的未来还有很多的挑战和机会,需要我们不断的研究和探索。

It is an artificial intelligence model developed, which can generate realistic and imaginative video scenes according to the text instructions input by users. It is just a small test. It shows not only the ability of video production, but also the new achievements and breakthroughs after the large model understands and simulates the real world. On March, founder Zhou Hongyi released Weibo's opinion. Zhou Hongyi believes that the birth of general artificial intelligence means that the realization of general artificial intelligence may be shortened from 2000 to one or two years, while video streaming in the field. The platform issued a document today saying that as part of the artificial intelligence video program, the community is trying to introduce the text-to-video function into the network in the next few months, and then the market data shows that it broke through the hour and rose faster than before. According to the monitoring data, affected by the news, there was a related one yesterday, which was launched on the website. After buying the early US dollar with the same name, it earned 10,000 US dollars. What kind of sparks can video spark? Video is a powerful medium. It can convey rich information and emotions, and it can also stimulate. Inspire people's creativity and imagination. However, the production and editing of video usually requires professional skills and equipment, and it is also limited by the physical laws and resources of the real world. If we can generate the video scene we want through simple text instructions, then we can express our thoughts and stories more freely, and we can also explore and learn the phenomena and laws of the physical world more easily. In order to achieve this goal, we have developed an artificial intelligence model called text generation. Video technology can generate realistic and imaginative video scenes according to the text instructions input by users. It can be said that the goal is to train models to understand and simulate the physical world in motion, so as to help people solve problems that need to interact with the real world. For example, users can input a person to jump on the moon to generate a video showing the person jumping on the moon. At the same time, considering the gravity and environment of the moon, users can also input a train to fall off a bridge and generate it. A video showing the train falling off the bridge, taking into account the speed of the train and the structure of the bridge, can be used not only for entertainment and creation, but also for education and science. For example, users can input a video showing the movement of Newton's pendulum and explain the physical principle of Newton's pendulum, and users can also input a video showing the process of volcanic eruption and explain the volcanic eruption. However, there are still many challenges and limitations in the video generation technology, such as how to improve the resolution and frame rate of the video, how to deal with complex and diverse text instructions, how to ensure the logic and consistency of the video, and how to avoid the ethical and social problems of the video. The developers hope to become a smarter and more friendly artificial intelligence partner through continuous research and improvement, and provide people with more possibilities for video creation and enjoyment. According to the research machine of science and technology startups, another change has taken place. It is estimated that the global generative market scale will reach $ billion in and the future growth momentum will reach $ billion in. As an innovative text-to-video model, it is expected to occupy a place in this huge market and provide efficient, low-cost and high-quality video generation services for all walks of life. The positive significance is mainly reflected in the following aspects: providing more inspiration and possibilities for creative workers, and creating realistic and imaginative scene videos according to users' text instructions. The extension of wide-angle duration is not only a technical breakthrough, but also a manifestation of creative freedom. Imagine that an excellent screenwriter may no longer need to rely on a series of factors such as the actor's director's budget. As long as his script is good enough, he may produce excellent works at a very low cost, providing more forms and contents for education and popular science, and generating vivid and interesting videos according to the texts of education and popular science to help learners better understand and remember knowledge, such as a group of paper planes in the dense jungle. Dancing in the Woods like migratory birds generates a video showing the flight principle of paper airplanes and jungle ecology, providing more choices and fun for entertainment and leisure. Various videos can be generated according to users' interests and preferences to meet users' viewing needs and aesthetic preferences. For example, a video showing Tokyo customs and fashion trends can be generated according to the text of a fashionable lady traveling in the streets of Tokyo full of warm neon lights and dynamic city signs 2. The video challenge is mainly reflected in the following technical limitations. Although it can generate high-quality video, there are still some defects and deficiencies. For example, it may be difficult to accurately simulate the physical principles of complex scenes or grasp the causal relationship, and it may be difficult to accurately describe the events that occur over time, such as following a specific camera trajectory. These problems need further research and improvement, and the ability to generate video may lead to some ethical and social disputes. Ethical and social disputes and concerns, for example, may be used to create false or misleading videos, which may affect the public's judgment and trust, and may also infringe or threaten the copyright and interests of video creators. What opportunities can be said that video generation technology can bring more diversity and quality of content, and also bring more forms of innovation and changes, for example, it can be combined with non-homogeneous tokens to provide users with more digital art and collections, which can be decentralized and self-reliant. The combination of governance and organization can provide users with more cooperation and governance methods, which can be combined with decentralized finance to provide users with simpler investment and trading opportunities. The integration of meta-universe and meta-universe will bring users richer and more free virtual experience, and will also provide more possibilities and motivation for the development and innovation of meta-universe. The following are some possible scenarios that users can use in the meta-universe to create their own virtual world, whether it is real places, historical events or illusions. In the meta-universe, users can use it to expand and optimize their virtual images, whether it's clothing accessories, hairstyles, skin colors, expressions, etc., so that users can change their appearance and style at will, and in the meta-universe, users can use it to learn and entertain, whether it's knowledge, skills, hobbies, etc., so that users can easily and interestingly obtain information and enjoy music. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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