以太坊 Dencun 升级与潜在机会

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以太坊网络升级 Dencun 测试网版本在2024年1月17日上线了Goerli测试网,1月30日成功上线了 Sepolia 测试网,Dencun 升级离我们越来越近。



如果按照先前经验,本次 Dencun 升级也会有提前布局的机会。

而由于 Dencun 升级背后涉及的技术内容比较晦涩,并不能像 Shanghai 升级那样用一句话“以太坊从PoW转向PoS”一言以蔽,难以抓住布局的重点。

因此,本文将用通俗易懂的语言去解释 Dencun 升级的技术细节,为读者梳理本次升级与数据可用性 DA 和 Layer 2 等赛道之间的脉络。

EIP 4484

EIP-4844 是本次 Dencun 升级中最重要的提案,标志着以太坊在以去中心化方式扩展的道路上迈出了切实而重要的一步。



而EIP 4484 建立了一个更为便宜的新型的储存区域 BLOB(Binary Large Object ,二进制大型对象),并用一种可以指向 BLOB 存储空间的名为"BLOB-Carrying Transaction" 的新交易类型来替代升级之前需要存入 calldata 的交易数据,帮助以太坊生态二层实现节约 Gas 成本。

BLOB 存储便宜的原因

众所周知便宜是要付出代价的,BLOB 数据比类似大小的普通以太坊 Calldata 成本更低的原因是,以太坊执行层(EL, EVM)实际上无法访问 BLOB 数据本身。

相反,EL 只能访问 BLOB 数据的引用,而 BLOB 本身的数据只能由以太坊的共识层(CL,又称信标节点)下载和存储,存储起来耗费的内存与计算量远小于普通以太坊 Calldata 。

而且 BLOB 还有一个特性,只能存储有限的一段时间(通常为约 18 天),并不会像以太坊账本大小那样无限膨胀。

BLOB 的存储有效期

与区块链永久的账本相反,BLOB 是暂时的存储,其可用时间为 4096 个纪元,即大约 18 天。

过期后,大多数共识客户端将无法检索 BLOB 中的特定数据。但是,它之前存在的证据将以 KZG 承诺的形式保留在主网上,并且永久存储在以太坊主网上。

为什么选择 18 天?这是在衡量储存成本和有效性之间的折衷方案。

首先要考虑此次升级最直观的受益对象 Optimistic Rollups(如:Arbitrum 和 Optimism,),因为根据 Optimistic Rollups 的设定,有 7 天的故障证明(Fruad Proof)的时间窗口。

而 blob中所存储的交易数据,正是Optimistic Rollups 发起挑战的时候所需要的资料。

因此,Blob 的有效期必须要保证 Optimistic Rollups 故障证明可以访问,为了简单起见,以太坊社区选择了 2 的12次幂(4096 个纪元由 2^12 推导而来,一个纪元大概6.4分钟)。

BLOB-Carrying Transaction 与 BLOB

理解这两者之间的关系,对于理解 BLOB 在数据可用性(DA)方面的作用十分重要。

前者是 EIP-4484 提案的整体,是一种新型交易,而后者可以理解成一种针对 layer 2 临时存储交易的位置。

两者关系可以理解为,前者中的大部分数据(layer2 交易数据)存储在后者之中。而剩下的数据也就是BLOB 数据的承诺(Commitment)则会存在主网的calldata之中。也就是说,承诺是可以被 EVM 读取的。

可以将 Commitment 想象为将 BLOB 中的所有交易构建成一个 Merkle 树,然后只有 Merkle 根也就是 Commitment 可以被合约访问。

如此做可以巧妙的实现:虽然 EVM 无法得知 BLOB 的具体内容,但 EVM 合约可以通过知晓 Commitment 进而可以验证交易数据的真实性的目的。

BLOB 与 Layer2 的关系

Rollup 技术通过将数据上传到以太坊主网来实现数据可用性(DA),但这并不是为了让 L1 的智能合约直接读取或验证这些上传的数据。

上传交易数据到 L1 的目的,仅仅是为了让所有参与者都可以查看这些数据。

在 Dencun 升级以前,如上文所述,Op-rollup 会将交易数据作为 Calldata 发布到以太坊。所以任何人都可以使用这些交易信息来复现状态,验证二层网络的正确性。

不难看出,Rollup 交易数据需要便宜+公开透明,Calldata 并不是为二层专门存放交易数据的好地方,而 BLOB-Carrying Transaction 才正是为 Rollup 量身定制的。



  • 对于 Optimistic Rollup,基于信任假设,有一定可能会出现不诚信问题,此时Rollup上传的交易记录才派上用场,用户可以利用这个数据发起交易挑战( Fraud proof);

  • 对于 ZK Rollup,零知识证明已经证明状态更新是正确的,上传数据只是为让用户自己计算出完整状态,在二层节点无法正确运转时启用逃生舱机制(Escape Hatch,需要完整的 L2 状态树,最后一节会讲到)。

这意味着,交易数据被合约实际使用的场景非常有限。即使在 Optimistic Rollup 的交易挑战中也只需要当场提交证明交易数据“存在过”的证据(状态),而不需要那一笔交易详情事先就储存在主网。

所以如果我们把交易数据放在 BLOB 元素中,虽然合约无法访问,但主网合约可以存储这个 BLOB 的 Commitment。


这样既利用了交易数据的公开透明性,也规避了把所有数据提前录入合约的巨大 gas 成本。

通过仅记录 Commitment,达成交易数据可验证性的同时又极大优化了成本。这是 Rollup 技术上传交易数据的一个巧妙且高效的解决方案。

需要说明的是,在 Dencun 实际操作之中,并没有采用同 Celestia 类似的 Merkle 树的方式产生 Commitment,而是采用巧妙 KZG (Kate-Zaverucha-Goldberg,多项式承诺 )算法。

相比 Merkle 树证明,生成过程 KZG Proof 的过程相对复杂, 但其验证的体积更小,验证步骤也更简单,但缺点是需要进行可信任设置(ceremony.ethereum.org 现如今已经结束)且不具防量子计算攻击能力(Dencun 使用了Version Hash的方法,如果需要可以更换其他验证方法)。

对于现在大热的 DA 项目 Celestia ,其采用的正是 Merkle 树变体,相比 KZG,有一定程度要依赖节点的诚信,而却有助于降低节点之间计算资源的门槛要求,维持网络的去中心化特征。

Dencun 的机会


要想理解原因,我们需要聊回上文提到的逃生舱机制 或者 强制取款机制。

在Layer 2 节点失能时,这种机制可以保证用户资金安全回到主网。激活这个机制的前提是用户需要获得 Layer 2 完整的状态树。

按照正常情况,用户只要找一个 Layer2 全节点索要数据,生成 merkle Proof ,再提交给主网的合约,以证明自己提款的正当性。



EIP-4844 之前,主网上记录了永久的 Layer2 记录,在没有 Layer2 节点可以提供完整的链下状态时,用户可以自己部署一个全节点。

这个全节点可以通过与以太坊主网获取 Layer 2 排序器在主网上发布的所有历史数据,用户就可以构造出所需的 Merkle 证明,将证明提交给主网上的合约,就能安全地完成 L2 资产撤离。

而 EIP-4844 之后,Layer 2 数据只存在以太坊全节点的 BLOB 中,18天之前的历史数据将被自动删除。

因此,上一段中的通过同步主网获取整棵状态树的方法不再可行,想要获取 Layer 2 的完整状态树,只能通过第三方为爱发电的储存了以太坊 BLOB 全部数据(本该18天自动删除)的主网节点,或 Layer 2 原生节点(很少)。

由此 4844 上线后,用户通过完全可信的方式获取 Layer 2 完整状态树将会变得十分困难。

用户没有稳定途径获取 Layer 2 状态树,就没法在极端条件下进行强制提款操作。因此,4844 一定程度上造成了 Layer 2 的安全短板/缺失。


Ethstorage 就可以解决无需信任这个问题,得到了两轮以太坊基金会的资助。

可以说这个概念真正的可以迎合/弥补 Dencun 升级的赛道,非常值得关注。

首先,Ethstorage 最直观意义在于,能够以完全去中心化的方式延长 DA BLOB 的可用时间,补上了 4844 后 Layer 2 的安全最短板。

此外,大多数现有的 L2 解决方案主要侧重于扩展以太坊的计算能力,即增加 TPS。然而,在以太坊主网上安全存储大量数据的需求激增,特别是由于 NFT 和 DeFi 等 dApp 的流行。

例如,链上 NFT 的存储需求非常明显,因为用户不仅拥有 NFT 合约的令牌,还拥有链上图像。Ethstorage 可以解决将这些图像存储在第三方会带来额外的信任问题。

最后,Ethstorage 还能解决去中心化 dApp 的前端的需求。目前现有的解决方案主要是由中心化服务器(带 DNS)进行托管,这种设置使网站容易受到审查和其他问题的影响,如 DNS 劫持、网站黑客攻击或服务器崩溃,龙卷风现金等事件就是证明。

现在 Ethstorage 还在初期网测试阶段,看好这一赛道的前景的用户可以体验一下。

The version of the Ethernet network upgrade test network was launched on, and the test network upgrade was successfully launched on, and the test network upgrade is getting closer and closer to us. After another test network upgrade on, it will be the main network upgrade. At present, the main online upgrade of Cancun has been officially confirmed, and almost every upgrade of Ethereum will be accompanied by a wave of theme quotes. The last upgrade of Ethereum or the Shanghai upgrade on, has been sought after by the market. If we follow the previous experience, this upgrade will also be advanced. The opportunity of layout, because the technical content behind the upgrade is obscure, it is difficult to grasp the key points of layout in one sentence like upgrading. Therefore, this paper will explain the technical details of the upgrade in easy-to-understand language to sort out the context between this upgrade and data availability and equal track for readers. This is the most important proposal in this upgrade, which marks that Ethereum has taken a practical and important step on the road of decentralized expansion. The second floor of Taifang needs to submit the transactions on the second floor to the main network of Ethereum for the nodes to verify the validity of the second floor network. The problem brought by this is that although the transaction data has been compressed as much as possible, the huge transaction volume on the second floor multiplied by the high storage cost base of Ethereum main network is still a big expense for the nodes and users on the second floor. The price alone will make the second floor lose a large number of users and flow to the side chain, thus establishing a cheaper new storage area. Binary large objects and a new transaction type named that can point to the storage space are used to replace the transaction data that needs to be stored before upgrading, which helps the second floor of Ethereum Ecology to realize cost saving. As we all know, the reason why the storage is cheap is that the data of similar size is cheaper than the ordinary Ethereum. The reason is that the Ethereum executive layer can't actually access the data itself, but can only access the references of the data, and its own data can only be accessed by the consensus layer of Ethereum, also known as beacon nodes. Loading, storing and storing consumes much less memory and computation than ordinary Ethereum, and there is another feature that it can only be stored for a limited period of time, usually about days, and it will not expand indefinitely like the size of the Ethereum account book. The validity period of storage is temporary, contrary to the permanent account book of blockchain. Its available time is an era, that is, most consensus clients will not be able to retrieve the specific data after the expiration of about days, but the evidence that existed before it will remain on the main network and be permanent. Why do you choose Days for storage on the main network of Ethereum? This is a compromise between measuring storage cost and effectiveness. First of all, we should consider the most intuitive beneficiaries of this upgrade, such as and because the transaction data stored in it is the information needed when launching the challenge according to the time window of the fault certificate of Days. Therefore, the validity period must ensure that the fault certificate can be accessed. For simplicity, the second power era selected by Ethereum community is derived from an era of about minutes. Understanding the relationship between the two is very important for understanding the role in data availability. The former is the whole proposal, which is a new type of transaction, while the latter can be understood as a location for temporary storage transactions. The relationship between the two can be understood as that most of the data transactions in the former are stored in the latter, while the rest of the data, that is, the data commitment, will be stored in the main network, that is to say, the commitment can be read. It can be imagined as building all the transactions in the network into a tree and then. Only the root can be accessed by the contract, which can be skillfully realized. Although the specific content cannot be known, the contract can realize the data availability by knowing and then verifying the authenticity of the transaction data, and uploading the data to the main network of Ethereum, but this is not for the smart contract to directly read or verify these uploaded data. The purpose of uploading the transaction data is only to let all participants see these data before upgrading. The transaction data will be released to Ethereum as described in the article, so anyone can use these transaction information to reproduce the state and verify the correctness of the second-floor network. It is not difficult to see that the transaction data needs to be cheap, open and transparent, and it is not a good place for the second floor to store the transaction data specially, but it is tailor-made. After reading this, there may be a question in everyone's mind. This kind of transaction data does not seem to be important. In fact, it will only be used in a few cases. There is a trust-based assumption. There is bound to be a problem of dishonesty. At this time, the uploaded transaction records will come in handy. Users can use this data to launch a transaction challenge. The zero knowledge proves that the status update is correct. Uploading data is only for users to calculate the complete status themselves. When the second-floor node can't operate correctly, it needs a complete status tree. The last section will talk about this, which means that the scenarios in which the transaction data is actually used by the contract are very limited, even in the transaction challenge, it only needs to be mentioned on the spot. Hand in the evidence to prove the existence of transaction data without storing the details of that transaction in the main network in advance, so if we put the transaction data in the element, although the contract can't be accessed, the main network contract can store this in the future. If the challenge mechanism needs a certain transaction, we only need to provide the data of the transaction, so as long as it can correspond, we can convince the contract and provide the transaction data to the challenge mechanism, which not only makes use of the openness and transparency of the transaction data, but also avoids putting all the data. The huge cost of entering the contract in advance is to achieve the verifiability of transaction data by only recording, and at the same time, it greatly optimizes the cost. This is an ingenious and efficient solution for uploading transaction data. It should be noted that in actual operation, it is not generated by using a similar tree method, but by using an ingenious polynomial commitment algorithm. Compared with the tree proof generation process, it is relatively complicated, but its verification volume is smaller and the verification steps are simpler, but the disadvantage is that it needs to be trusted. If necessary, the methods that have been used and have no ability to prevent quantum computing attacks can be replaced by other verification methods. Compared with the hot projects, the tree variant is adopted, which depends on the integrity of nodes to a certain extent, but helps to lower the threshold of computing resources between nodes. The opportunity to maintain the decentralized characteristics of the network is to reduce costs and increase efficiency on the second floor, but it also leads to security risks, which also brings new opportunities to understand the reasons. We need to talk back to the escape pod mechanism or the forced withdrawal mechanism mentioned above. This mechanism can ensure that users' funds can safely return to the main network to activate this mechanism when the nodes are disabled. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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