
币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 05:03:01 评论:0



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作者:比特币买卖交易网记者 Jessy

2024年开年,隐私赛道就迎来了交易所的重锤。先是OKX下架了包括XMR、 DASH 、ZEC 、ZEN等代币,随后是币安在2月20日下架了XMR。

交易所官方给出的理由中,币安说由于“要求门罗币的存款来自一个公开透明的地址”,OKX 则是“触及下线规则以及可能存在高风险类项目。”

而这些隐私代币下线的真实原因是交易所出于 “规避监管”的需要。








不仅仅是隐私币,类似的混币器Tornado Cash,被一些巨鲸所青睐,一些老练的巨鲸就会定期用它来隐藏自己的资产状况。


比如比较知名的如Umbra这样的隐私地址工具, Secret、Aleo、Mina 这样的隐私公链,Manta、Starknet这样的Layer2等等。

而且类似LTC这样的主流代币对于隐私技术也有所青睐,隐私技术这些年一直蓬勃发展,主流的VC对于隐私赛道也都足够看好。在VC看来,隐私是厚积薄发的赛道,近年受到了A16z、Binance Labs、Samsung Ventures、红杉资本等VC 的热钱追捧,赛道估值高达数十亿美元。







不仅仅是隐私币,隐私赛道的其它协议以及应用也未能逃脱。2022年,隐私应用混币协议Tornado Cash就被美国所制裁。被制裁的结果主要是以下几点:Tornado Cash被监管,创始人Github账户、项目代码库、网站域名、USDC合约、RPC服务(原本由Alchemy和Infura提供)全面封禁。




首先是主流代币入局隐私赛道,赋予其代币隐私功能。比如在2022年,莱特币MimbleWimble实现,用户可以选择发送机密的莱特币交易,其中发送的金额只有发送者和接收者知道,并且允许 MWEB 地址隐藏账户余额。但是也正是这一功能的升级,也导致了莱特币在韩国退市,原因是莱特币的该功能不符合韩国反洗钱法规。

在2022年底Vitalik发表文章中,也提出了以太坊的隐私解决方案。并且提出了以太坊上的EIP-5564 协议,也就是所谓的隐私地址提案。隐身地址是一种一次性的钱包地址,可以在不暴露用户任何钱包地址和用户身份的情况下,给予用户资产的所有权归属。隐身地址也可使交易的接收者能够保持匿名,进而防止发送者和接收者的身份之间产生任何公开在区块链上的连接。

以太坊生态就一直在用Zk技术推进隐私保护,Vitalik就曾强调,未来十年ZK-SNARK 将与区块链一样重要,而依托ZK技术搭建期待的以太坊的Layer2在近两年也相继面世。


隐私层面的技术一直是进步的,目前行业主流的隐私技术主要有四种,分别是零知识证明(ZK)、可信执行环境(TEE)、安全多方计算(MPC)、同态加密技术(HE)。一般的隐私公链都是基于以上的四种技术所实现。这四种技术中ZK、MPC 和 HE 是基于密码学的隐私技术,TEE 是基于硬件设计。

零知识证明,它提供了一种方法,在不透露一组信息或数据的具体细节内容的情况下,以加密的方式证明对这组特定信息或数据的了解。这项技术是通过以太坊的ZK-rollup被行业内普遍认知到。零知识证明目前有多种实现方式,如ZK-SNARKS、ZK-STARKS、PLONK以及Bulletproofs。每种方式在证明大小、证明者时间以及验证时间上都有自己的优缺点。比如隐私协议Tornado Cash就运用到了零知识证明。

可信执行环境能够提供有一个与移动端的运行系统隔离的环境保护用户的敏感信息,这也是现如今技术最成熟的,主要应用有Secret Network和Oasis Network。







门罗币的核心技术开发者 Dr. Duncan S.Wong 就曾表示,绝对的隐私通证将不再受到欢迎,对公众和个人做到完全隐私、对监管及审计机构做到可问责隐私的加密通证将逐渐走向主流。

就算是在暗网市场,最主流的交易货币还是比特币。而在真实的应用上,人们其实还是更愿意用类似Tornado Cash这样的混币器去藏匿自己的交易行为和钱包地址,因为这可以让用户使用其常用的主流货币去交易,而不是难用且流动性差的隐私币。






The author Bitcoin Trading Network reporter ushered in the heavy hammer of the exchange at the beginning of the year, including the waiting tokens, and then the coins were removed from the exchange on January, for the reason given by the official of the exchange. Zhong Yinan said that because the deposit of Monroe coins was required to come from an open and transparent address, it touched the offline rules and there might be high-risk items, and the real reason for these privacy tokens to go offline was that the exchange had to evade supervision. This was not the first time that the exchange had removed the privacy tokens to deal with coins. Ann has removed privacy tokens in some areas. Exchanges have collectively removed privacy tokens in South Korea, and so on. Removing privacy tokens from exchanges will undoubtedly reduce the liquidity and availability of privacy tokens. The situation that privacy tokens have been removed from the shelves is more fundamentally reflected in the fact that the encryption industry is offering privacy coins as a surrender to the regulatory authorities. What needs to be reflected by ordinary users is whether privacy needs are real, except for regulatory factors. What is the development of the privacy track behind the privacy token? Is the privacy demand a real demand? As the most accepted token in the encryption industry, Bitcoin is actually not completely anonymous. Bitcoin is an open centralized account book, and the user's address and balance are completely transparent on the chain, that is to say, when a user's corresponding bitcoin address is known, all transactions on the chain are traceable. In the industry, users are pictured and the direction of funds is monitored by tracking and monitoring the transaction data on the bitcoin chain. In the future, the routine operation was the case, and the spirit advocated in the creation period was to make the transfer private. Therefore, in view of this encryption spirit, the Monroe coin, which was born in, is a very typical token to meet the privacy needs. In the eyes of some geeks and anarchists, the privacy of assets is very important, and Monroe coin realizes the privacy protection by means of ring signature technology, hidden address, secret transaction, etc., thus realizing the complete privacy transaction, which is not only similar to the privacy coin. Coin mixers are favored by some whales, and some sophisticated whales will use them regularly to hide their assets. According to the data, there are currently a number of privacy technology-related projects involving privacy coins, mailboxes, coin mixers, social privacy addresses, wallets, etc., such as well-known privacy address tools, privacy public chains, etc., and mainstream tokens like this also favor privacy technology. Privacy technology has been booming in recent years, and mainstream ones are enough for privacy tracks. Optimistic about the track where privacy is accumulated, it has been sought after by Sequoia Capital and other hot money in recent years. The track valuation is as high as billions of dollars. Although the privacy track has real applications and has been developing steadily, the capital is optimistic, but the supervision has never left. Privacy coins are the first to bear the brunt because of the characteristics of privacy tokens, which are often seen in criminal activities such as dark network crimes, money laundering and extortion. It is precisely because these black and gray application privacy tokens are often used. Governments have pointed out that there is money laundering that helps illegal crimes, and the removal of privacy tokens from the centralized exchange is actually a move by the exchange to follow the supervision, or to surrender to the supervision. According to a report in 2000, Australian regulators and banks encouraged cryptocurrency exchanges to remove Monroe coins from the shelves, otherwise they would face the risk of disconnecting banking services. Dubai also banned the use of Monroe coins under the framework of digital asset supervision, and in Japan and South Korea, Monroe coins were also banned from the exchanges in order to curb money laundering. And to reduce organized crime, Japan introduced the self-discipline scheme of cryptocurrency exchange association in June, which stipulated that it was forbidden to trade anonymous currency. Subsequently, in June, Japan's Finance Department introduced a new standard for cryptocurrency exchanges, in which cryptocurrency with high anonymity and easy to be used for money laundering was explicitly prohibited. South Korea issued the legislative notice for the legislative amendment of specific financial information law in June, two years later than Japan, according to the virtual asset service of the implementation regulations. Suppliers will ban the trading of anonymous coins and the disposal of virtual assets with the risk of money laundering, which also means that all anonymous coin assets will be withdrawn from South Korea. Due to the regulatory policies of various countries, as early as the month of last year, before this comprehensive removal, Yenan announced that it would stop providing Monroe coins and other privacy coins to users in four EU member States, France, Italy, Poland and Spain. Not only are other agreements and applications of the privacy track privacy coins not escaped, but the mixed currency agreement was sanctioned by the United States. The result of the ruling is mainly the following: the regulated founder account, project code base, website domain name contract service was originally completely banned by and provided by. It can be seen that the biggest problem faced by the privacy track is supervision, and the most direct problem of supervision is to make these privacy products less accessible. However, for users who just need privacy products, they will still obtain the products through other channels, but the problem is that privacy coins are just needed, and it seems that there are not so many privacy tokens that are not the only ones to meet privacy needs. Perhaps the biggest threat to privacy coins is not supervision, but other products on the track. First, mainstream tokens enter the track and the privacy track gives them the token privacy function. For example, in Litecoin, users can choose to send confidential Litecoin transactions, in which the amount sent is only known by the sender and the receiver, and the address is allowed to hide the account balance. However, it is also the upgrade of this function that led to the delisting of Litecoin in South Korea because the function of Litecoin does not comply with the Korean anti-money laundering law. In the article published at the end of the year, Gui also put forward the privacy solution of Ethereum and the protocol on Ethereum, that is, the so-called privacy address proposal. Stealth address is a disposable wallet address, which can give users the ownership of assets without exposing any wallet address and user identity. Stealth address can also keep the recipient of the transaction anonymous, thus preventing any public connection between the sender and the receiver's identity in the blockchain. I have been using technology to promote privacy protection, and I have emphasized that the next decade will be as important as the blockchain, and relying on technology to build the expected Ethereum has also appeared in the last two years. It is conceivable that mainstream tokens have a wider audience privacy function than privacy tokens, and the technology of privacy has been improving. At present, there are four main privacy technologies in the industry: zero-knowledge proof, trusted execution environment security, multi-party computing homomorphic encryption technology, and the general privacy public chain is based on the above four technologies, and the privacy technology based on cryptography is based on hardware design and zero-knowledge proof. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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