一文参与模块化RPC项目Lava Network

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 05:02:33 评论:0



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Lava network被誉为2024年的celestia,因其种子轮融资金额多,投资阵容强大而快速出圈,许多撸毛的博主都在教导大家如何零撸这个项目,而我们却看到了下一个RPC正确的使用方式。


而Lava Network 旨在成为区块链数据的市场。它激励节点提供商和去中心化应用程序用户将市场区块链数据输入其网络。与 Airbnb 允许所有者将其未使用空间货币化的方式相同,Lava 计划允许任何节点运营商在协议强制数据质量的同时使用他们的带宽。


Lava 融资情况

2024-02-15  Lava Network 完成 1500 万美元种子轮融资。这个金额算是比较多的,毕竟只是种子轮,说明实力很强,才能获得这么大额的投资。

投资机构主要是Jump Capital*、HashKey Capital*、Tribe Capital*、Node Capital、Finality Capital Partners、North Island Ventures、Dispersion Capital、Alliance DAO、Anagram、Quiet Capital、MH Ventures、Chorus One、AlphaLab Capital Group、YTWO、Protocol Labs、StarkWare、ChainLayer、Galileo,

另外顶级基础设施提供商 Alchemy、Blockdaemon、Consensys(Infura)和 Quicknode 的 SEED 投资者。此外,Cosmos、Polkadot、Filecoin、Starkware、Axelar、NEAR、Celestia、Celo、Fireblocks 等公司的顶级验证者、生态系统和创始人也加入了本轮融资。

这其中有许多明星机构和明星投资人, 大家应该可以自行去了解机构和投资人的背景。


Lava 正在为 web3 中的数据构建亚马逊,引入了一种新颖的模块化原语:“Specs”。把它们想象成基础设施乐高积木。

  • Lava Phase 2 于 11 月 28 日推出,包括主网路线图、产品改进和 Blockworks 的独家内容

  • 1500 个验证者,+280 个提供商注册,支持 +30 个网络。

  • 生态系统的激励公共 RPC(又名 ipRPC)

  • Evmos ipRPC - 82 个提供商,通过公共端点的 500m+ 中继 - 以及第一个月分发给提供商

  • Axelar ipRPC -有 88 个提供商

  • Starknet + Apibara(其中 Lava 已经被最大的 react js 库用作默认 RPC)

  • NEAR(已签署合同 - 公告先睹为快)Koii(已签署)和更多生态系统

  • 在 RPC 上 - Blockdaemon、Chainstack、Infstones、Allnodes、Llamanodes、Protofire、Chainbase、Bware、c0d3r 等等。

  • 顶级 API 规范提供商(Covalent、Moralis、Subsquid)即将加入

  • “积分”系统即将推出(“lava”)

主网之路 - 2024 年第一季度


$LAVA 2024 年第一季度确认空投

费用:0 美元



Lava 最近发起了一项名为“Magma”的积分系统活动。


  • 1.添加自定义以太坊 RPC:



➣找到带有 2 个绿色勾号的 RPC

➣单击“添加到 MetaMask”

  • 2.创建帐户:




➣连接您的钱包、Discord 和 Twitter


  • 3.复制Lava以太坊RPC:




➣复制 URL

注意:根据您的钱包活动,每周使用 Lava RPC 您将获得积分。

  • 4.更改以太坊 RPC:

➣打开您的 MetaMask 钱包





➣在“New RPC URL”下,粘贴您在上一步中复制的 URL


  • 5.下载Keplr钱包:





  • 6.将Lava链添加到Keplr钱包:


➣单击“将熔岩添加到 Keplr”








7.Faucet $LAVA :

➣ 打开你的 Keplr 钱包

➣ 复制 Lava 地址 ➣ 前往http://docs.lavanet.xyz/faucet/#discor d -faucet  

➣ 点击“Discord Faucet” ➣ 前往 faucet 频道 ➣ 输入“$request” ➣ 粘贴您的 Lava 地址 ➣ 接收$LAVA

  • 8.委托$LAVA :














大多数链要么没有提供者,要么只有基本 API 的提供者。在流行的、成熟的链上,例如以太坊,开发人员会遇到供应商锁定和中心化问题,因为没有提供商为所有 API 提供服务。

Lava 是一个模块化的基础设施层,可以支持任何区块链 API 和 RPC。基础层可以使用模块化规范进行扩展,这是一种新的区块链原语,这意味着 Lava 可以成为所有链的 API 层,允许 dapp 自定义其软件包并在一个订阅下访问任何 API。

将 web3 中的所有数据提供者整合到一个去中心化的网络中,该网络会自动将您连接到最佳节点(即“Uber for Nodes Runners”)

性能 - 它工作正常,具有一流的可靠性和低延迟(智能一致性、可用性、性能、价格)



Known as "2008", many bloggers are teaching you how to use this project, but we have seen the next correct way to use it. Everyone who writes an inscription should know that a public chain network needs node collapse, which is equal to the network collapse of this chain, and aims to become a market for blockchain data. It encourages node providers and decentralized application users to input market blockchain data into their networks and networks. Owners are allowed to monetize their unused space in the same way. The plan allows any node operator to use their bandwidth while enforcing data quality in the agreement. Let's learn about this project and how to participate in the early chip accumulation financing, and complete the seed round financing of 10,000 US dollars. This amount is relatively large. After all, it is only the seed round that shows that it is very strong to obtain such a large amount of investment. The investment institutions are mainly other top infrastructure providers and investors. The company's top verifier ecosystem and founders have also joined this round of financing, among which there are many star institutions and star investors. Everyone should be able to understand the background of the institutions and investors, the progress and achievements of the project. Amazon is introducing a novel modular primitive for the data construction in China, imagining them as the infrastructure. Lego bricks were launched on March, including the exclusive content of the main network roadmap, product improvement and the registration of a verifier and a provider to support the incentive of a network ecosystem. A total of 100 providers are relayed through public endpoints and distributed to providers in the first month. There is a provider, which has been used as the default signed contract announcement by the largest library. The top-level standard providers are about to join the points system and launch the road to the main network. How to get the airdrop fee in the first quarter of the year and confirm the potential profit of US dollars in the first quarter of the airdrop year? Recently, an activity called the points system was launched. These points can be used in the main network. After the launch, the token exchange program will be launched in the next few months. Add a custom Ethereum to connect your wallet. Find the one with a green tick. Click Add to Create an Account. Click Join Now to enter an invitation code to connect your wallet. Click Go to Profile Copy Ethereum. Click Dashboard to select Copy. Note that you will get points to change the Ethereum according to your wallet activity every week. Open your wallet and switch to the new Ethereum chain. Click Network to click Customize. The Taifang chain is pasted below the copy you copied in the previous step. Click Save to download the wallet. Go to click your browser icon to download the extension and create a new wallet. Add the chain to the wallet. Go to click Add lava to open the wallet. Click the menu to enter the settings. Click General Select Manage the visibility of the chain and search for lava. Click Save to open your wallet. Copy the address. Click Go to the channel to enter and paste your address. Receive the entrustment and connect your wallet. Click Next to enter the account name. Select any. The verifier clicks the entrusted input amount, clicks the advanced input fee and clicks Send. The above is the main feature of the recent test network participating in the tutorial waiting for the main online line. Most chains either have no providers or only basic providers. For example, Ethereum developers will encounter supplier locking and centralization problems, because there is no provider to provide services for all. It is a modular infrastructure layer that can support any blockchain and the basic layer can be expanded by using modular specifications. It is a new blockchain primitive, which means that it can become the layer of all chains, allowing you to customize its software package and access any data provider under one subscription, and integrating it into a decentralized network, which will automatically connect you to the best node, that is, the performance. It works normally with first-class reliability and low delay, intelligent consistency, availability and performance. Finally, the modular track has just begun, and the nodes are hard to demand. When the two are combined, I believe this project will be very promising. Prospects Last year, we made a profit of millions of dollars. It is expected that this year's profit will exceed US dollars, and we will continue to follow up the whole project. The seed round financing has ended. Friends who want to participate in the round can contact us. This is the best opportunity to participate. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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