2024年10个最值得关注的 DePIN 项目

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作者:Spheron Staff 来源:medium 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

DePIN 是去中心化物理基础设施网络的缩写,是不断发展的 Web3 世界中的游戏规则改变者。它也称为物理工作证明 (PoPw)、代币激励物理网络 (TIPIN) 或 EdgeFi。与工作量证明 (PoW) 不同,DePIN 专注于为加密领域提供动力的现实世界资产。

DePIN 使用代币作为激励措施,鼓励无线网络、云服务和电网等物理基础设施的发展。这项创新有可能重建对区块链的信任并提高其在全球范围内的受欢迎程度。随着 Web3 领域在 2024 年迎来牛市,DePIN 项目脱颖而出,成为各行业去中心化、用户所有权和数据控制的象征。查看我们在这个牛市季节值得关注的顶级 DePIN 项目列表。

截至撰写本文时,根据CoinGecko 的报告,DePIN 行业的市值超过 147 亿美元,24 小时交易量超过 971,905,848 美元。


顶级 DePIN 项目势头强劲



Akash是一个去中心化的开源云计算平台。该网络提供了一个市场Akash Marketplace,它将拥有多余云计算资源的服务器所有者与需要这些资源来托管应用程序的用户连接起来。


Akash Marketplace 在Akash Network上运行,这是一个使用Cosmos SDK构建的基于 Tendermint 的区块链。Akash 网络依靠委托权益证明 (DPoS) 来达成共识。该网络由一组负责生成块并处理交易和状态更改的验证器来保护。要运行验证器节点,除了满足节点硬件要求外,用户还必须抵押网络的本机代币AKT。

2. Helium

Helium (HNT)是一个用于物联网 (IoT) 设备的去中心化区块链驱动网络。


Helium 主网于 2019 年 7 月推出,允许低功耗无线设备相互通信并通过其节点网络发送数据。

节点以所谓的热点形式出现,它是无线网关和区块链挖矿设备的组合。操作节点的用户可以通过 Helium 的原生加密货币代币 HNT 进行挖矿并获得奖励。

Helium 的目标是为未来的物联网通信做好准备,自 2013 年诞生以来,找出当前基础设施的不足之处。

3. Filecoin

Filecoin是一个基于星际文件存储(IPFS)协议的去中心化存储网络。它旨在利用全球未使用的存储空间,形成一个有效的市场,让用户支付低成本存储费用。目标是确保永久文件存储分布在整个网络上。与此相比,Amazon Web Services、Google Cloud 或 Dropbox 等集中式云存储解决方案的数据存储在这些私营公司拥有的服务器中。


Filecoin(FIL 或⨎)也是去中心化存储网络的货币。想要访问存储的客户必须支付 Filecoin 存储费用。向网络提供存储的节点将通过 Filecoin 支付其服务费用。






Theta 网络是一个由区块链技术支持的去中心化视频流网络。Theta 允许用户观看视频内容,并在点对点 (P2P) 基础上共享互联网带宽和计算资源时获得代币奖励。除了 Node Capital 和 DHVC 等机构投资者之外,Theta Network 还得到 YouTube 联合创始人 Steve Chen 和 Twitch 联合创始人 Justin Kan 的顾问。



IOTA是一种分布式账本技术 (DLT),具有独特的架构和开源产品套件,供个人、企业和机构在 Web3 中使用。它建立在称为 Tangle 的有向无环图 (DAG) 之上,可以将其描绘为多维区块链。它可以通过直接和安全的传输在去中心化平台上交换数据和价值,并在网络上执行和永久记录。

7. WiFi Map

WiFi Map是一款超级应用程序,其核心资产是社区驱动的去中心化无线网络,该网络包含 45 亿个 WiFi 热点的数据库。他们在Web2领域取得了巨大成功,拥有150,000,0亿用户,3,000,0亿用户,30万日活跃用户,现在准备彻底改变Web3领域,愿景是成为全球虚拟网络运营商。


$WIFI 和应用内钱包。Polygon 网络上的 ERC-20 代币以及支撑整个 WiFi 地图生态系统的货币。$WIFI 将存储在专有的应用内钱包以及第三方钱包中。通过应用内的代币兑换服务,除了锁仓和质押奖励外,还可享受 20%-40% 的折扣。此外,平台的代币化将为那些在排行榜上排名上升的人带来可兑换的奖励,并通过添加热点、验证凭证和运行速度测试来进一步激励社区成员为平台做出贡献。

8.Render Network Foundation 

Render Network Foundation (The Render Network®) 是基于 GPU 的分散式渲染解决方案的领先提供商,彻底改变了数字创作流程。该网络将希望利用闲置 GPU 计算能力货币化的节点运营商与希望将密集型 3D 渲染工作和应用程序扩展到云端的艺术家连接起来。


通过去中心化的点对点网络,渲染网络实现了前所未有的规模、速度和经济效益。在去中心化 GPU 计算网络之上,Render 为艺术家和开发人员提供了一个平台,为新兴数字经济构建服务和应用程序,包括下一代数字版权管理 (DRM)、人工智能 (AI) 和虚拟资产 (NFT) )。

9. Nuco.cloud




krest是 PEAK 生态系统中社会经济、技术、社区和治理创新和实验的家园。在这里,peaq 社区可以启动 dApp 和工具来评估其对生产环境的影响,而不必冒对现实世界造成伤害的风险。


模拟,即使用计算机对特定过程或事件进行数字化建模,而无需在现实世界中进行,已成为当今许多行业的重要组成部分。在制造业中,它使公司能够试验生产线设置和其他变量,而无需投入金钱和时间进行昂贵的实际修改;初创公司同样依靠模拟来更快地适应市场需求。虽然模拟通常在纯数字基础上运行,但 krest 却将其提升了一个档次,为基于 Peak 构建的项目提供了利用真实物联网 (IoT) 硬件和连接进行实时测试的环境。


DePIN 项目连接了加密货币和环境的世界。它建立了分散社区拥有的物理基础设施网络。这个新想法使事情变得更便宜、更可靠、更容易扩展。

尽管 DePIN 才刚刚起步,但它们已经在行业中产生了巨大影响。这意味着他们的未来似乎一片光明。

Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is the abbreviation of decentralized physical infrastructure network, which is a game changer in the developing world. It is also called physical work certificate. Tokens stimulate physical networks or real-world assets that focus on providing power for encryption field. Using tokens as incentives to encourage the development of physical infrastructure such as wireless network cloud services and power grids, this innovation may rebuild trust in blockchain and improve it globally. As the field ushered in a bull market in, the project stood out as a symbol of decentralized user ownership and data control in various industries. Check out the list of top projects worthy of attention in this bull market season. As of the time of writing, according to the report, the market value of the industry exceeds 100 million US dollars, and the transaction volume exceeds 100 million US dollars. The top project has a strong momentum and is a decentralized open source cloud computing platform. The network provides a market for server owners who will have redundant cloud computing resources. Connect with users who need these resources to host applications, and run on the Internet. This is a blockchain network based on use, which relies on the certificate of entrustment rights to reach a consensus. This network is protected by a group of verifiers who are responsible for generating blocks and handling transactions and state changes. In addition to meeting the hardware requirements of the nodes, users must also mortgage the local tokens of the network. It is a decentralized blockchain-driven network for Internet of Things devices. The main network was launched in June, allowing low power consumption and no power consumption. Line devices communicate with each other and send data through their node networks. Nodes appear in the form of so-called hotspots. It is a combination of wireless gateways and blockchain mining equipment. Users of operating nodes can mine through native cryptocurrency tokens and get rewards. The goal is to prepare for the future communication of the Internet of Things. Since its birth in, it has found out the shortcomings of the current infrastructure. It is a decentralized storage network based on interstellar file storage protocol, which aims to make use of the unused storage space around the world. To become an effective market for users to pay low-cost storage fees, the goal is to ensure that permanent file storage is distributed throughout the network. Compared with this, the data of centralized cloud storage solutions are stored in servers owned by these private companies or are also the currency of decentralized storage networks. Customers who want to access storage must pay storage fees, and the nodes that provide storage to the network will pay their service fees. A decentralized storage network aims to provide a platform for storing data indefinitely. The network describes itself as a collective hard disk that will never be forgotten. It mainly hosts a permanent decentralized network with many community-driven applications and platforms. The network is a decentralized video streaming network supported by blockchain technology, allowing users to watch video content and share Internet bandwidth and computing resources on a peer-to-peer basis. In addition to institutional investors, it is also a distribution of co-founders and co-founder consultants. The ledger technology has a unique architecture and open source product suite for individual enterprises and institutions to use. It is based on a directed acyclic graph, which can be described as a multi-dimensional blockchain. It can exchange data and value on a decentralized platform through direct and secure transmission, and execute and permanently record it on the network. It is a super application, and its core asset is a community-driven decentralized wireless network, which contains a database of hundreds of millions of hotspots. They have achieved great success in the field. There are 100 million users and 100 million users who are active every day. The vision is to become a global virtual network operator and the tokens on the in-app wallet network, and the currency that supports the entire map ecosystem will be stored in proprietary in-app wallets and third-party wallets. Besides the lock-up and pledge rewards, the token of the platform will bring convertible rewards to those who rise in the rankings and add hot spots. Verifying credentials and running speed test to further encourage community members to contribute to the platform is based on the leading provider of distributed rendering solutions, which has completely changed the digital creation process. The network connects node operators who want to monetize idle computing power with artists who want to expand intensive rendering work and applications to the cloud, and achieves unprecedented scale, speed and economic benefits through decentralized peer-to-peer network rendering network. The network provides a platform for artists and developers to build services and applications for the emerging digital economy, including the next generation of digital rights management, artificial intelligence and virtual assets. It is a cloud computing platform designed to redefine the access and utilization of computing power. It combines the distributed technology of Berkeley open network computing infrastructure with the computing power of professional data centers to form the world's first decentralized network super-large scale device. This method allows the aggregation of unused computers. Computing resources to create a powerful, scalable and safe computing environment is the home of socio-economic and technological communities and governance innovation and experiments in the ecosystem, where communities can start and use tools to evaluate their impact on the production environment without risking harm to the real world, that is, using computers to digitally model specific processes or events without having to carry them out in the real world, which has become an important part of many industries today. In manufacturing, it enables companies to test production lines. Setting and other variables without spending money and time to make expensive practical modifications, startups also rely on simulation to adapt to market demand more quickly. Although simulation usually runs on the basis of pure numbers, it has upgraded it to a higher level, providing an environment for real-time testing based on real-world networking hardware and connections. Conclusion The project connects the world of cryptocurrency and environment, and it has established a physical infrastructure network owned by scattered communities. This new idea makes things cheaper, more reliable and easier to expand. Although it has just started, it has already had a great impact in the industry, which means that their future seems bright. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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