AW Frontier:Starknet 全链游戏终极指南

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Starknet 101

在我们深入了解 Starknet 游戏和其支持基础设施之前,让我们先了解一下 Starknet 作为 L2 的背景。

Starknet 是一个零知识 (zk) Rollup。它与 zkSync 和 Polygon zkEVM 等其他 ZKR 不同,因为它使用 STARK,而不是 SNARK 证明,而且它不兼容 EVM。Starknet 上的智能合约是用基于 Rust 的编程语言 Cairo 编写的。

缺乏 EVM 兼容性有时肯定会引起一些麻烦。你无法使用传统的浏览器钱包,也没有可以与 Etherscan 的质量相媲美的区块浏览器。

然而,Starknet 的独特属性也为其提供了一些功能,使其非常适合全链上游戏。

例如,Starknet 对帐户抽象(Account abstraction)提供原生支持,通过采用无钱包登录(Session wallet)并消除玩游戏时签署交易的操作,为游戏提供了内置的用户体验提升空间

Starknet 还在 2023 年 7 月完成了 Quantum Leap 升级,将吞吐量提高了 10 倍,并将确认时间从几分钟大幅缩短至几秒钟

Quantum Leap 对于 Starknet 来说至关重要,因为它将曾经很差的用户体验提升到了与其他 L2 相当的程度。

Dojo:Starknet 的游戏引擎(开发框架)

正如前面提到的,Starknet 拥有众多基础设施来支持其全链上游戏的雄心。

其中的一个主要部分是 Dojo,它是 Starknet 原生的链上游戏引擎。


Dojo 创建于 2023 年 2 月,由社区运营,由 Cartridge、Realms、Briq 和 Toplogy(稍后详细介绍)等知名 Starknet 团队联盟维护。

Dojo 以实体组件系统 (ECS) 为中心,这是一种 Web2 游戏开发中常用的数据建模方法。

与 MUD 一样,其架构的主要组成部分是 World 合约。World 是全链上游戏的“主合约”,因为它包含其所有逻辑和组件,以帮助简化其开发和管理。

Dojo 还有多个基础设施来提高性能,例如:Torri(一个可以更快地查询游戏数据的索引层)和 Katana(一个高速本地 Starknet 节点)。

未来,Dojo 计划通过整合 optimistic 更新等功能来进一步利用 Starknet 的功能,这些功能将通过减少交易确认的等待时间来提升用户体验,以及可用于跨链通信的存储证明。

Cartridge: Starknet 上的“Steam”

Starknet 全链上游戏基础设施的另一个主要部分是。

Cartridge 中的游戏入口

Cartridge 是Starknet 的 “Steam”,因为它是一个游戏启动器,你可以在其中找到并开始玩不同的游戏。


Cartridge 目前支持 Influence、Roll Your Own、Loot Survivor、Briq 和 Frens Lands,并且最近对其 UI 进行了彻底更新,因此该网站现在变得简单、流畅且易于导航。


基于 Starknet 的游戏

现在我们已经了解了 Starknet 作为 L2 以及 Dojo 和 Cartridge 等基础设施的核心部分,让我们看看在其上构建的一些最令人兴奋的游戏。


Realms 是一个基于 NFT 项目 Loot 的 IP 的游戏生态系统。

Realms 生态系统内有两款主要游戏,由 Bibliotheca DAO 管理和开发:Loot Survivor 和 Realms: Eternum。

Loot Survivor

《Loot Survivor》是一款在 StarkNet Goerli 上运行的 Roguelike 生存游戏。

在《Loot Survivor》中,玩家在末日后的世界中与怪物战斗。游戏以策略为基础,当你遇到怪物时,你必须决定是战斗还是逃跑,同时分配经验值来升级各种属性,以延长你的生存时间。

总的来说,《Loot Survivor》非常有趣,尤其是如果你喜欢策略游戏的话。它具有很高的美感,黑色背景上的霓虹绿文本给人一种复古又时尚的感觉。

由于使用 Arcade 帐户,游戏的进入和游玩体验相当流畅。

与一次性钱包(Burner wallet)类似,Arcade 帐户是在你的浏览器中生成并存储的钱包。Arcade 帐户可以由称为主帐户的外部钱包控制,并支持提款权限和限制等功能,有助于保护用户资金。

在主网上,Loot Survivor 将整合 Play 2 Die 机制,这是一种玩家可以使用 LORDS 购买角色(称为冒险家)的机制,LORDS 是一种 ERC-20 代币,在 Realms 生态系统中用作货币。当玩家死亡时,这些 LORDS 代币将被释放回游戏世界。

尽管必须购买 NFT 才能玩的游戏,存在将其用户群限制为巨鲸鱼的风险,但 Play 2 Die 似乎是一个有趣的机制,我很想知道它是如何实施的。

Realms: Eternum

Realms: Eternum 是一款即将推出的 MMO 策略游戏,玩家必须建造和发展自己的 Realm,同时防御其他人的攻击。

Eternum 中的每个 Realm 都由 NFT 代表,该 NFT 也用于 Bibliotheca DAO 的治理,并且可以质押以赚取 LordS。游戏有 8000 个 Realm,但更多玩家将能够通过 Adventurers NFT 系列的扩展来参与游戏。


Briq 是一种 NFT 构建协议。

在 Briq 中,玩家可以在类似体素的世界中进行设计。

Briq 类似于链上乐高积木,因为每种设计都可以铸造为 NFT ,也可以拆卸或重新组装成其他东西。与乐高积木一样,Briq 套装还附带说明手册,指导你如何自行重新创建设计。

使用 Briq 构建了各种不同的项目,包括游戏、艺术和 PFP 收藏。其中一个例子是 Ducks Everywhere,它收集了 271 只不同的鸭子,许多 Starknet 社区成员都将它们作为他们的 PFP。

Briq 的最佳功能之一是其 onboarding 功能。你只需打开他们的网站即可开始在 Briq 中进行设计,并且在你想要铸造设计之前无需签署交易或连接钱包。


我认为 Briq 作为创造可互操作且独特的艺术、商品和游戏体验的原语具有很大的潜力。尽管我缺乏设计技能,但我很高兴能继续尝试它。

Roll Your Own

Roll Your Own 是一款犯罪主题策略游戏。

改编自《毒品战争》游戏,在《Roll Your Own》中,玩家通过买卖毒品来释放内心的海森堡,希望成为大人物并登上游戏排行榜的榜首。

Roll Your Own 是 Cartridge(该游戏的开发团队)与 Dope Wars 背后的组织 Dope DAO 之间的合作项目,二者在共同构建“Dope World”,这是一个利用 Dope Wars 资产的不同游戏的生态系统。

虽然还处于早期, Roll Your Own 已经很有趣了。我喜欢游戏的 PVP 方面,因为你与其他玩家进行交易,这会影响不同毒品的价格。我也是犯罪相关 IP 的忠实粉丝(GTA 和 Breaking Bad 是我最喜欢的游戏系列和节目)。

进入 Roll Your Own 也非常容易,因为该游戏使用一次性钱包,这意味着你无需连接自己的钱包或签署交易。

虽然《Dope Wars》生态系统的沟通和文档方面还有改进的空间,但考虑到 Cartridge 团队的类型和能力,我认为它有很大的潜力来创造丰富的传说和有趣的游戏。


《Influence》是 Unstoppable Games开发的一款策略MMO。

在《Influence》中,玩家相互竞争,殖民小行星、积累资源、组建团队并赚取 SWAY(一种作为游戏内货币的 ERC-20 代币)。





我将密切关注 《Influence》的进展,因为它正在为主网启动做准备,并且很高兴能在上线时尝试完整版本。


PixeLAW 是一个基于 Dojo 构建的开发的自治世界。

与 Briq 一样,PixeLAW 旨在成为一种原语,开发人员可以控制网格上可编程像素的属性,以创建可相互组合的不同游戏、艺术和游戏体验。

PixeLAW 在2023年9月于巴黎举行的 ETHGlobal 黑客马拉松上获得了 Starknet 最佳使用奖第一名,该项目目前创建了画图板、贪吃蛇和剪刀石头布游戏。

尽管仍处于开发的早期阶段,PixeLAW 有潜力成为一种独特的设计原语。我期待在产品中看到它


Starknet 上还有很多其他有趣的游戏正在开发中,对我来说最显著的一些是:

  • Shoshin,一款由 Topology 开发的 PVP 格斗游戏。

  • CafeCosmos,一款新颖的P2E机制的餐厅模拟游戏。

  • Tsubasa,一款基于 Starknet L3 的足球游戏。

看好 Starknet Gaming

Starknet Gaming fam。


Starknet 的链上游戏生态系统体现了其 L2 的许多属性。



与 MUD 一样,Dojo 作为先行的游戏引擎,有潜力建立强大的网络效应,开发者希望利用其支持的基础设施和可组合性。

Starknet 游戏还应该受益于 Cartridge 等强大的分销渠道和 L2 本身的原生功能,因为帐户抽象和(未来)存储证明应该会大大改善用户进入和游戏内用户体验。

不过,我认为 Starknet 游戏由于缺乏 EVM 兼容性,相对于其他生态系统有更多的障碍需要克服

Cairo 的开发人员比 Solidity 开发人员少得多,作为玩家,我仍然不喜欢必须下载新钱包或使用笨重的区块浏览器。

Starknet 能做的最好的事情就是制作大量有趣的游戏来回避这些担忧。

当然,说起来容易做起来难,但 Starknet 已经通过 Briq、Roll Your Own、Loot Survivor 和许多其他正在开发的有前景的项目展现了这样做的迹象。

总而言之,我认为 Starknet 完全有能力与 MUD 一起成为领先的链上游戏生态系统。

但不要直接相信我!请进入 Dojo,前往 Starknet 实地看看。

Before we get to know the game and its supporting infrastructure, let's first understand that the background of action is zero knowledge, which is different from others such as and because it is used rather than proved, and its incompatibility. The lack of compatibility is sure to cause some trouble sometimes. You can't use the traditional browser wallet and there is no block browser with comparable quality. However, its unique attributes also provide some functions, making it very suitable for all. Online games, for example, provide native support for account abstraction. By using wallet-free login and eliminating the operation of signing transactions when playing games, they provide built-in user experience improvement space for games. They also completed the upgrade in June, which doubled the throughput and greatly shortened the confirmation time from a few minutes to a few seconds. Because it upgraded the once poor user experience to a level comparable to other game engine development frameworks, as mentioned above, it has many infrastructures to support. Holding its ambition of full-chain game, one of the main parts is that it is a native online game engine. The engine is a development framework composed of contract tools and code base, which can make it easier to build online games. It was created in June by well-known team alliances such as community operation and detailed introduction later. It is a common data modeling method in game development, and the main component of its architecture is contract, because it is the main contract of full-chain games. It contains all its logic and components to help simplify its development and management, and there are several infrastructures to improve its performance, such as an index layer that can query game data faster and a function that high-speed local nodes plan to further utilize by integrating and updating functions in the future. These functions will improve the user experience by reducing the waiting time of transaction confirmation, and can be used for cross-chain communication. Another major part of the full-chain game infrastructure is the game entrance in the middle. Because it is a game launcher, you can find and start playing different games in it, which solves a major pain point for developers and gamers, because it improves distribution and enables players to really easily access their favorite games and find that new games are currently supported and have been completely updated recently, so the website is now simple, smooth and easy to navigate. The team is also actively providing other support functions in the whole ecosystem and is building its own tour. For more details, see the game based on below. Now that we have understood the core of infrastructure such as peace and harmony, let's take a look at some of the most exciting games built on it. There are two main games in the game ecosystem based on projects, which are managed and developed, and a survival game running on the internet. In the post-apocalyptic world, players fight monsters. The game is based on strategy. When you meet monsters, you must decide whether to fight or escape at the same time. Generally speaking, it is very interesting to upgrade various attributes with experience value to prolong your survival time, especially if you like strategy games. The neon green text on the black background gives people a retro and fashionable feeling. Because the entry and play experience of using the account game is quite smooth, it is similar to a disposable wallet. The account is generated and stored in your browser. The wallet account can be controlled by an external wallet called the main account, and it is helpful to support functions such as withdrawal rights and restrictions. In order to protect users' funds, we will integrate the mechanism on the main network. This is a mechanism that players can use to buy characters called adventurers. It is a token that is used as currency in the ecosystem. When players die, these tokens will be released back to the game world. Although the game that must be bought to play has the risk of limiting its user base to giant whales, it seems to be an interesting mechanism. I really want to know how it is implemented. It is an upcoming strategy game. Players must build and develop their own defense at the same time. Each of other people's attacks represents the governance that should also be used and can be pledged to earn the game. One but more players will be able to participate in the game through the expansion of the series. It is a construction agreement, in which players can design in a world similar to voxels, similar to Lego bricks on the chain, because each design can be cast or disassembled or reassembled into other things. Like Lego bricks, the set also comes with instructions to guide you how to recreate the design by yourself. Different projects include game art and collection. One example is that it collects different ducks. Many community members regard them as one of their best functions. Its function is that you only need to open their website to start designing in it, and you don't need to sign a deal or connect your wallet before you want to cast the design. Another good advantage is that it is easy to use for artists and non-artists. Even I can make something in it. I think it is a creation. There is great potential to create interoperable and unique primitives for artistic goods and game experience. Although I lack design skills, I am glad to continue to try it. It is a crime-themed strategy game adapted from a drug war game, in which Heisenberg, who wants to be a big shot by buying and selling drugs, is a cooperative project between the development team of the game and the organizations behind it. This is an ecosystem of different games that use assets. Although it is still in its early stage, it is already very interesting. I like the aspects of the game because you trade with other players, which will affect the prices of different drugs. I am also a loyal fan of crime and my favorite game series and programs. It is also very easy to enter because the game uses disposable wallets, which means that you don't need to connect your wallet or sign a transaction. Although there is still room for improvement in the communication and documentation of the ecosystem, considering the type and ability of the team, I think it has great potential. It is a strategy to create rich legends and interesting games, in which players compete with each other to colonize asteroids, accumulate resources, form teams and earn a token as in-game currency. At present, a limited version has been tested online, where you can create your team and start to determine the different asteroids you want to conquer. These games are not the easiest to get started. They are very complicated, and you must read the documents to better understand the gameplay. However, I do think there is great potential. It has developed a wide range of knowledge about its game world, and its sandbox new gameplay may bring exciting bodies. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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