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这种比特币文化运动让知名企业家Elon Musk、Michael Saylor、计算机科学家Nick Szabo甚至是SEC议员Cythia Lummis都积极主动参与其中。当时在加密社区引发了一种激光眼热潮。放眼整个Twitter广场和信息流,清一色的激光眼头像映入眼帘。甚至这种加密社区文化热潮也传导至国内微信朋友圈。可以说吸引了全球加密社区的受众的广泛参与。尤其年轻群体占据大多数。


另一位刷爆比特币的公众人物是久未露面的英国前首相鲍里斯-约翰逊。据外媒报道,美国知名的独立媒体人塔克-卡尔森讲述了他试图让英国前首相鲍里斯-约翰逊(Boris Johnson)坐下来接受采访,讨论乌克兰问题与塔克最近的俄罗斯之行的传奇故事。而约翰逊开出的条件是,他希望塔克在同意接受采访之前付给他100万美元。同时,约翰逊要求这100万美元用「美元、黄金或比特币」支付酬金。而不包括英镑。

美国加密行业知名媒体人Marty Bent对此提出批评时指出,此举突显出这位普通政客是多么狡猾。而不是作为一个男人,同意进行一场对话,在对话中他可以对相互竞争的想法进行诚实的探索,以便为公众提供更好的背景,使他们能够获得更好的知识,从而就所涉及的主题得出更明智的意见。相反,约翰逊似乎对丰厚的报酬更感兴趣。

Marty Bent还表示,鲍里斯-约翰逊虽然是个好战的国家主义者,希望为乌克兰战争再投入数十亿美元,但他在「付费货币」领域还是很有品味的。如果他要冒着在全球观众面前出丑的风险,还不如拿点好钱走人。他把比特币作为支付方式之一,说明两件事:首先,他明白长期保存财富的最佳方式。其次,比特币在了解现行货币体系的人眼中,比大多数人意识到的更受尊重。

约翰逊收取比特币作为采访报酬也被Marty Bent看作是比特币的看涨指标。Marty Bent表示,鲍里斯-约翰逊是政治阶层一员,而政治阶层在过去十五年中已经开始联合努力,将比特币贴上毒贩和洗钱者货币标签。他们是第一个试图让普通人远离比特币的人,甚至不惜阻止普通人使用比特币,同时也要求普通人用比特币为自己买单。

这就是重要信号。他们知道比特币是更好的货币。这是不可否认的事实。比特币只有 2100万枚。它可以分割。它可以携带(通过互联网)。它易于验证,成本低廉。极难破坏。无法集中控制。而且,它的竞争对手都患有慢性病。每一种法定货币在数学上都注定会被贬值,直至被遗忘。贵金属的中心化程度很低,对于促进日常贸易来说也不切实际。正如迈克尔-赛勒(Michael Saylor)喜欢说的那样,没有第二好。世界上大多数人还没有意识到这一事实,但这并不能否认它是一个事实。比特币是世界上最好的货币,这是客观事实。鲍里斯-约翰逊明白这一点,许多像他一样的人也明白这一点。

Author Qin Jin's recent existence of Bitcoin is a bit overwhelming. Three current and former presidents and prime ministers have successively brushed Bitcoin. First, former US President Trump brushed it, followed by former British Prime Minister Johnson brushed it. Finally, US President Biden brushed it three times in a row. Biden and Trump brushed Johnson for votes and brushed it for a living. In short, the existence of Bitcoin cannot be said to be overwhelming. Trump said in an interview with Fox News before the South Carolina primary election that I can accept Bitcoin. It is interpreted by the outside world that Trump's stance on Bitcoin is softening, which is in sharp contrast to his previous tough stance on Bitcoin. This move quickly ignited media public opinion. Trump also said that Bitcoin has already taken on its own life and may need some supervision. Many people are accepting it. I see that more and more people want to pay for Bitcoin. Anyway, I can accept it. As early as 2000, when Trump was president, he said that he didn't like cryptocurrencies and said that they were not money. He also reiterated on Tuesday that I always liked it. I'm curious about what happened behind Trump's position on Bitcoin from dislike to acceptance, and why he changed his tough position at this time. You know, since the US approved the application of only bitcoin spot issuers on January, it can be said that bitcoin has triggered global investors' attention to Wall Street issuers, and bitcoin is no longer an important signal to the world in terms of capital flow and bitcoin reserves. A non-compliant investment product is a truly compliant investment product, especially in the United States, where only bitcoin publishers, including BlackRock, are fighting a bitcoin advertising war on Google's outdoor buildings. According to incomplete statistics, close Americans held digital assets as early as 2000, and young people accounted for the majority of these people. At present, the time node is the key moment to win votes in the US election, and bitcoin is an important digital asset sought after by young people. We can easily think of Trump's statement. The real motivation after that is to cater to the widespread young recipients of Bitcoin, hoping that they will vote for themselves. Therefore, it is an important task for Trump and Biden to choose a wise side to win votes. In fact, Biden launched a campaign to win votes around Bitcoin on social media and online before Trump, but Biden's gameplay is slightly different from Trump's. Although the behind is inseparable from the careful preparation and planning of his work team, the goals are all different. Votes in the hands of young people On March, US President Biden released photos and related videos of the dark Brandon laser eye expression package on social media and websites, which triggered widespread concern and speculation in the encryption world, sports, politics and even entertainment circles through the fermentation of public opinion, and discussed the dark Brandon laser eye expression package, which was an indirect support for the cultural context of the encryption community. This laser eye expression once meant that it firmly believed that Bitcoin would eventually rise to ten thousand dollars in the bull market. Yuanhe hit a record high. With the evolution of the subsequent laser eye encryption cultural movement, the relationship between laser eye and bitcoin became inseparable. This bitcoin cultural movement made well-known entrepreneurs, computer scientists and even parliamentarians actively participate in it. At that time, a laser eye craze was triggered in the encryption community, and the whole square and the information flow were uniform. Even this encryption community cultural craze was transmitted to the domestic WeChat circle of friends, which can be said to attract global encryption. The extensive participation of the audience in the community, especially the young people, accounts for the majority of Biden's laser eye expression package. The motivation behind it is to hope to win their votes by using the attention of Bitcoin in the American encryption circle and even other circles to support their own election for the next US president. Whether it is an important network force to contact young voters, this laser eye can be said to be an election manifesto for young voters, and it can also be said to be a self-promotion for young voters. I redefine that through these two ways, millennials living on the Internet and the times can re-recognize their new identities, expecting to be recognized by them. Another public figure who blew up Bitcoin is former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has not appeared for a long time. According to foreign media reports, Tucker Carlson, a well-known independent media person in the United States, told the legendary story that he tried to get former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to sit down for an interview to discuss the Ukrainian issue and Tucker's recent trip to Russia. On the condition that he hoped Tucker would pay him $10,000 before agreeing to the interview, and Johnson demanded that the $10,000 be paid in US dollars, gold or bitcoin instead of pounds. A well-known media person in the American encryption industry criticized this, pointing out that this move highlighted how cunning the ordinary politician was rather than agreeing to have a dialogue as a man, in which he could honestly explore competing ideas in order to provide a better background for the public so that they could get a better understanding. On the contrary, Johnson seems to be more interested in generous remuneration. He also said that although Boris Johnson is a militant nationalist who wants to invest billions of dollars in the Ukrainian war, he still has good taste in the field of paid currency. If he wants to risk making a fool of himself in front of a global audience, he might as well take some good money and leave. He uses bitcoin as one of the payment methods to explain two things. First, he understands the best way to preserve wealth for a long time. Bitcoin is more respected in the eyes of people who know the current monetary system than most people realize. Johnson's acceptance of bitcoin as an interview reward is also regarded as a bullish indicator of bitcoin, indicating that Boris Johnson is a member of the political class, and the political class has begun to make joint efforts to label Bitcoin as a drug dealer and money launderer in the past fifteen years. They are the first people to try to keep ordinary people away from Bitcoin, even at the expense of preventing ordinary people from using Bitcoin, but also asking ordinary people to use bits. Coins pay for themselves, which is an important signal. They know that Bitcoin is a better currency, which is an undeniable fact. There are only 10,000 bitcoins, which can be divided. It can be carried through the Internet. It is easy to verify, low in cost, extremely difficult to destroy and unable to be centrally controlled. Moreover, its competitors are all suffering from chronic diseases. Every legal tender is mathematically doomed to be devalued until it is forgotten, and the degree of centralization of precious metals is not practical for promoting daily trade. As Michael Sailor likes to say, most people in the world have not realized this fact, but this cannot deny that it is a fact. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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