当Web3叙事寒冬到来 游戏是否是冬日里的“一把火”?

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 04:56:32 评论:0



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自P2E(Play to Earn)游戏衰落以来,围绕Web3游戏的未来方向有众多讨论。其中,以下两种方向最受关注:朝着3A(注1)级制作及可玩性方向改进,希望通过高质量游戏品质吸引更多玩家的Web2.5游戏;以及2023年兴起的,试图从公平透明且符合自主世界精神切入的全链游戏。














抛开Web2.5游戏与全链游戏之争,不妨从数据视角来看Web3游戏的基本盘,再来评估如今的这把火究竟程度几何。<span rootId":"CjMmdfzKFoRfE7xkLV6uysOos1d","text":{"initialAttributedTexts":{"text":{"0":"二、叙事“寒冰期到来,Web3游戏能否成为冬日里的“一把火”?"},"attribs":{"0":"*0+v"}},"apool":{"numToAttrib":{"0":["author","7033220002257829893"]},"nextNum":1}},"type":"heading3","referenceRecordMap":{},"extra":{"mention_page_title":{},"external_mention_url":{}},"isKeepQuoteContainer":false,"isFromCode":false,"selection":[{"id":25,"type":"text","selection":{"start":0,"end":31},"recordId":"VRGJdJSeboNlAuxfAT8uhWSWsJe"}],"payloadMap":{},"isCut":false}' >

在Axie、Stepn 等P2E(Play to Earn)创新引发热潮后,Web3游戏板块在过去两年一直不温不火。但从链上数据看,无论是活跃地址数还是交易量,游戏却依旧是Web3最活跃的领域:日均独立活跃钱包(UAW)维持在600万左右,链上交易额日均1亿美金左右,远超DeFi及其他板块。从2023年8月开始,游戏板块UAW更是迎来大幅增长,到2024年2月已超过1,200万,较2023年同期上涨超过142.44%。

在一级市场,Web3游戏同样表现不俗。据OKX Venture不完全统计,在2023年前三季度,Web3行业共发生投融资事件923起,其中游戏赛道的投融资事件为91起,占比达9.86%。尽管受市场低迷影响,融资金额较前两年出现大幅下滑,但融资占比相对稳定,维持在10%左右。顶级投资机构的积极参与,表明了资本市场对于Web3游戏板块的长期看好。


从叙事层面看,Web3游戏叙事足够承载破圈与增长的希望。BitMEX联合创始人Arthur Hayes日前曾发文称,在加密市场中叙事的重要性往往超过技术本身。我们并不完全同意这一观点,但对叙事的重要性表示认同。Web3行业正进入叙事“寒冰期”,资金和项目更多聚集在基建层面,在大规模用户采用和转化叙事方面缺乏新的增长点。无论是借助Web3技术重塑游戏行业,还是通过游戏带着Web3破圈渗透,全球近30亿的Web2游戏玩家和近6亿的Web3用户,都让Web3游戏拥有具有强大的叙事基础。

尽管以Axie Infinity和StepN为代表的P2E游戏,因偏庞氏的经济模型而在短暂爆发后宣告失败,但从整体看,更多Web3原生项目方正站在前人肩膀上,积极探索更符合市场需求的游戏产品;越来越多拥有丰富经验的传统游戏巨头也逐渐进入并开始打造3A链游,可能在可玩性方面给Web3游戏带来质的飞跃:这些都让游戏板块难以再被忽略。根据市场研究提供商 Markets and Markets 此前的一份报告,全球区块链游戏市场2022 年规模为46 亿美元,预计到 2027 年将增长至 657 亿美元。




The founder of Ethereum said in 2006 that finance and games would be the first scene in the blockchain. After the last cycle was driven by financial innovation, the game sector, which had been silent for nearly two years, now seems to be recovering. Whether it has been frequently financed or a variety of games have been publicly tested, the game sector has been very lively after entering the year, but as a beacon game sector in the primary market, what changes are worthy of attention in 2006? Fun is the last word since the decline of the game. There are many discussions on the future direction of the game, among which the following two directions are the most concerned: the game that hopes to attract more players through high-quality game quality, and the full-chain game and the full-chain game that emerged in 2000 and tried to cut into the spirit of the independent world are hot topics at present. Although the concept of full-chain game is very hot, the author thinks that the game is more worthy of attention in 2000 and is more likely to be adopted by large-scale users. And the most direct reason is that compared with full-chain games, the game is more like the game that should appear. On the left is the game interface of a full-chain game, and on the right is the game screen of a recent hot game. The picture gap between the two is clear at a glance. Although the two games have their own characteristics in terms of game world outlook, the latter usually has obvious advantages in terms of game production, operation fluency and playability. Playability is the main drawback of the previous restrictions on the game's difficulty in obtaining large-scale players. The new gameplay and rough pictures often make players flashback to more than ten years ago when they participate in the game. The only attractive possibility is to make money and play gold. But for ordinary players, there is always only one hard standard to evaluate the pros and cons of a game, that is, whether it is fun or not. The game that pays too much attention can only attract people who play gold but cannot complete the large-scale transformation of users. The fairness, transparency and autonomy advocated by the whole chain game may be the evolution direction of the future game, but it is limited by technology and it is impossible to build a complex game field in the short term. Scenery can only meet the requirements of low computation and no low delay, which makes it difficult for full-chain games to really attract enough real players. After all, unless they are enthusiasts, most players will still choose the former in the choice of masterpieces and pixel games under normal circumstances. Today's full-chain games are like the concept of years or so, which still needs time to iterate and accumulate. Therefore, if the game breaks out, its driving force will still mainly come from the game, and some changes may occur in the game track in 2008. We always think that the best way for technology to penetrate into reality is to moisten things quietly. Although the relationship between games is more like a supplement than substitution to some extent, it may be a better choice if players can adapt to the changes brought by technology to the game system without affecting playability and playability through the transformation of the economic system and the back end of the game. It will be the main narrative of the game in 2008 to gradually integrate the new model into the game to realize the original biochemistry of in-game trading, and to realize the convenient circulation and integration of assets through the integration of internal and external trading platforms. Whether it is based on training or blessing to make the game more realistic or rewriting the game logic to make the game full of more uncertainty and randomness, it will make the game and collision have different sparks, as Tan Qunzhao, the former co-founder of Shanda Games, expressed when he accepted the media, to promote the development of the game industry. Nowadays, technological changes are subverting the game industry, which will usher in a golden age in the next two years. Game projects will accelerate to the platform and ecological evolution. Every game has a life cycle, and the life cycle of the game is not only affected by the game itself, but also by the trend of the whole market. Compared with a single game project, the game platform and game ecology have stronger anti-risk ability, and the life cycle is longer, so there is more room for trial and error and development potential. Many game platforms are now. Actively build the game ecology and change to the game platform, so as to get rid of the dependence on a single game. From the financing market in, we can also see that this trend is close to the above. The invested projects of the game track are game studios and game service platforms, and the investment in a single game tends to be cautious. Perhaps in the future, the full-chain game will become the mainstream of the game, but in 2006, we believe that the game is the answer we are looking forward to. Second, can the game become a fire in winter when the ice age comes? The battle of drama might as well look at the basic disk of the game from the perspective of data, and then evaluate the extent of the fire today. Geometry II Narrative: Can the game become a fire in winter when the ice age comes? The game sector has been tepid in the past two years after the innovation has triggered a boom, but from the data on the chain, whether it is the number of active addresses or the transaction volume, the game is still the most active field. The daily average independent active wallet is maintained at around 10,000, and the daily transaction volume on the chain is about 100 million US dollars, far exceeding that of other sectors since the beginning of the game in June. According to incomplete statistics, in the first three quarters of last year, there were a total of investment and financing events in the industry, among which the investment and financing events in the game track accounted for a large proportion. Although the financing amount dropped sharply compared with the previous two years due to the downturn in the market, the financing proportion remained relatively stable, and the active participation of top investment institutions showed that the capital market was optimistic about the game sector for a long time, but compared with the chain. Compared with other sectors, we think that the game has the potential to become a key outbreak area in the new cycle. The reason is that from the narrative level, the game narrative is enough to bear the hope of breaking the circle and growth. The co-founder recently issued a document saying that the importance of narrative in the encryption market often exceeds the technology itself. We do not fully agree with this view, but we agree that the industry is entering a narrative ice age. Projects are more concentrated in infrastructure, lacking new growth points in large-scale user adoption and narrative transformation. Whether it is to reshape the game industry with the help of technology or to infiltrate nearly 100 million gamers and nearly 100 million users around the world through games, the game has a strong narrative foundation. Although the game represented by Hehe failed after a short-term outbreak due to the partial Ponzi economic model, on the whole, more original projects are standing on the shoulders of predecessors and actively exploring game products that are more in line with market demand. More and more traditional game giants with rich experience are gradually entering and starting to build chain games, which may be playable. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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