如何看待Bitcoin Magazine对Layer2“约法三章”?

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嘉宾:Kevin He,前Huobi集团Web3技术负责人;Faust,极客web3创始人

两位嘉宾谈到了比特币生态的行业现状、对Bitcoin Magazine提出的Layer2定义的看法、自己心目中的比特币Layer2评判方法。(注:这些言论仅代表嘉宾二人的个人观点,并不涉及到极客web3作为一家媒体机构的价值观念本身)



(图片中文字机翻自Bitcoin Magazine的英文原文)

在这个混乱而浮躁的时间节点下,Bitcoin Magazine依仗自己作为比特币社区内较权威的媒体机构身份,提出了一套简单的比特币Layer2定义标准。不难看出,该标准具有浓重的“比特币特色”,与以太坊社区对Layer2的主流认知大为不同。Bitcoin Magazine的主要观点主要涵盖三条,包括:

1.使用比特币作为其原生资产: Bitcoin Magazine认为,Layer2应该将比特币作为其主要代币或账户单位(Native Token),以及作为gas费的计量货币。

如果Layer2项目自己发行代币,应该 backed by bitcoin.(这一处解释比较模糊,有人认为Bitcoin Magazine似乎是指BRC-20之类的铭文资产)。

2.使用比特币作为结算层:Layer2 必须为用户预留一个退出机制,使用户能够将自己的资产撤回到Layer1上。这种撤离机制可以是去信任的,也可以存在一定信任假设。



除了上述“约法三章”外,Bitcoin Magazine也提到了CounterParty、Ordinals,指出这类依附于比特币、没有独立区块链结构的资产协议,不属于Layer2的范畴;同时一些“寄生层”协议不满足比特币Layer2的部分条件。

但对于哪些协议属于所谓的“寄生层”(可能包括RGB协议),Bitcoin Magazine没有做出明确解释。这也让大家对Bitcoin Magazine想要表达的观点感到悬而未决。

在Bitcoin Magazine的这套标准推出后,很快引来了许多人的讨论,包括Stacks侧链创始人也来表达了自己的看法。Onekey中文官推对这些有话语权的西方KOL进行了观察,很显然大家对于Bitcoin Magazine的观点褒贬不一,甚至多数人表达了反对态度。

先抛开众人的主观立场与上述Layer2定义标准的合理性不谈,Bitcoin Magazine作为一家有话语权的比特币生态媒体与研究机构,迈出了具有历史性的一步——在公开场合引发了大量对比特币Layer2定义标准的讨论,并引发了不同立场的人的支持或反对。


基于对比特币Layer2乃至模块化区块链技术叙事的浓厚兴趣,极客web3的Research Lead雾月,邀请到了前Huobi集团的Web3技术负责人Kevin He,连同极客web3创始人Faust,进行了一场线上的闭门交流。本文将对此次线上交流的结果进行文字版梳理,帮助大家祛魅比特币Layer2的定义标准。








Kevin He:感谢主持人问题,Faust 已经表达的比较清晰了。我再补充一些个人观点:当前比特币生态,可以用百花齐放来形容。至于比特币 Layer2,则是群雄逐鹿,百舸争流的阶段。

在比特币持续减半的大背景下,比特币生态应运而生。各类基于比特币的资产协议陆续推出,打破了比特币无法轻易发行资产的固有观念,资产由此大爆发。资产的繁荣必将催生应用需求,而比特币特殊的技术条件(贵且慢)又急迫需要BTC Layer2 来承接这些资产的应用需求。

从市场来看,已经有若干项目跑的比较快,引起了东西方社区的注意。同时,技术上来讲,比特币的 Layer2 的定义,或者安全标准,都是处于缺失的状态,需要更多的有志者一起来推动共识的形成。

2.雾月:感谢两位老师的精彩分享。对于近期引起广泛讨论的“Bitcoin Magazine对比特币Layer2约法三章”一事,二位又怎么看?你们觉得Bitcoin Magazine提出的标准合理吗?目前西方社区很多人似乎对此事持批判态度。

Faust:其实Bitcoin Magazine提出的那三大标准,还不太精确,并且一些要点是从意识形态的角度出发的,而不是从技术角度出发,没有得到社区共识,难以作为评判Layer2的客观条件。

我个人认为,他们原本是想提出一些严格的标准,但又发现不同的比特币Layer2差异很大,没办法快速的归纳出一套通用的评估框架,偏偏又想在当前这个时间点推行一套自定义的标准,就简单的“约法三章”(Bitcoin Magazine在文章开头声明了自己推行标准的目的,在于抵制比特币生态的一些乱象)。但这种简单粗暴的方法可能无法客观衡量比特币Layer2。



但如果硬要像Bitcoin Magazine那样,用一种宏观、通用的指标来评估整个Layer2赛道,会发现很难概括出一套细粒度的普适方法。所以如果是我的话,我会先声明:

侧链、主权Rollup、独立公链(ps:独立公链和侧链有差异)、ZK Rollup和OP Rollup,到底哪些技术类型算是Layer2,然后再落实到不同的细分概念评判上。当然,如果对比特币Layer2直接给出一套粒度不够细、比较模糊的评判方案,也不是不可以,比如我会更倾向于从抗审查性、DA实现方式、状态转换的验证途径 等业界基本有共识的点去评估,也就是先从安全性与功能拓展的角度去审视一切,因为这里面涉及到的评判方法早已成熟化,业界基本都有共识。

Bitcoin Magazine提出的看法没有被业界共识过,掺杂了强烈的意识形态导向,尤其是第一条:Layer2必须以比特币作为native token。就算发行自己的代币,也要backed by bitcoin。

这一条标准,就连把维护ETH价格作为宗旨之一、具有中心化倾向的以太坊基金会,都不敢如此露骨的表达。对此,可能是Bitcoin Magazine不希望看到太多急功近利的团队匆忙发币,就提出了这一点,但事实上,Layer2就算发币也不影响其Native Token是啥,那句“backed by bitcoin”更是让人摸不着头脑。


但如果像Bitcoin Magazine那样,从意识形态角度定义Layer2,就太主观了。这就好比评价美国与苏联的政治制度究竟哪个更好,最后很容易演变为不同政见者的互相扣帽子。但如果从技术角度出发去评判一切,就要容易很多。

我觉得还是先从争议较少、比较容易得到共识的方向上下功夫,比如评判Layer2的安全风险、功能完备性,评判不同资产协议的隐患,从这些角度去出发,要更客观、更严谨。试图从意识形态层面去下定义,不是Bitcoin Magazine或是任何人和组织该去做的(中本聪除外)。

但有意思的地方是,Bitcoin Magazine的CEO提到,打算从L2BEAT那里招揽一名员工,来研究比特币Layer2的评判方法。估计很快他们就会把L2BEAT的一些工作成果拿来引用。

Kevin He:首先要非常赞赏 Bitcoin Magazine  的编辑们的勇气和担当,在这种大争之世下提出和践行标准,必然要招致非议,同时落地也是需要很多努力的。然而一个健康的社区,必然需要有人去做这个事情,就像我们在数月之前就尝试在社区推分类标准和安全标准的讨论。


1)它是基于 Ordinals 和 BitVM 的创新提出来的(没有这俩创新,比特币生态可能还是会是一潭死水)



考虑到我们之前在这方面有比较多的思考和讨论,之前主要是集中在华语圈,接下来会更多的面向更广大的受众来推广我们的草案,我们也欢迎更多的力量(包括Bitcoin Magazine)来一起共建,推动社区对于分类和安全标准共识形成。




Kevin He:我认为,要做好这套标准的推广,至少要坚持 2 个基本点:

1)尊重比特币的传统和吸取最新的进展(例如 Ordinals/BitVM)

2)吸收其它生态在 Layer2 上的探索和落地经验(例如 Ethereum Layer2)


Interviewer Wu Yue geek guest former group technical director geek founder two guests talked about the industry status of bitcoin ecology and their views on the proposed definition. Note: These remarks only represent the personal views of the guests and do not involve the values of geeks as a media organization. The introduction itself was called bitcoin at the beginning of the Warring States Period. In just a few months, at least one self-proclaimed project team emerged in the bitcoin ecology. Due to this field, There is a lack of authoritative voice, and people have not formed a clear and orderly judgment standard about what should be regarded as and what should not be regarded as. This ambiguity and disorder not only provide absolute freedom for developers and entrepreneurial teams, but also make various phenomena of making up narrative concepts spread freely. It is not difficult to put forward a set of simple bitcoin definition standards by relying on their status as an authoritative media organization in the bitcoin community under this chaotic and impetuous time node. It can be seen that the standard has strong bitcoin characteristics, which is quite different from the mainstream cognition of the Ethereum community. The main viewpoints mainly cover three aspects, including using bitcoin as its original asset, thinking that bitcoin should be used as its main token or account unit, and as the measurement currency of fees. If the project issues tokens by itself, the explanation here should be vague. Some people think that it seems to refer to the inscription assets such as using bitcoin as the settlement layer, and an exit mechanism must be reserved for users to enable them to Their assets are withdrawn to the top. This withdrawal mechanism can be untrusted or there can be a certain trust assumption. It seems that there must be a bridging relationship between saying and saying, or there must be a mapping relationship between assets and. The way to cross the chain bridge or withdraw assets can be not only that they don't say exactly what level of distrust they should achieve, but also that according to this standard inscription protocol or offline indexing protocol, the original protocol may not be classified into categories that are dependent on Bitcoin. If Bitcoin fails completely, it should be lip-synched. Assuming that the so-called downtime is still running, then such a project must not be bitcoin. In addition to the above three chapters of the contract, it is also mentioned that such asset agreements that are attached to Bitcoin and have no independent blockchain structure do not belong to the category. At the same time, some parasitic layer protocols do not meet some conditions of Bitcoin, but there is no clear explanation about which protocols belong to the so-called parasitic layer, including protocols, which also makes everyone feel undecided about the views they want to express. It has attracted many people's discussions, including the founders of the side chain, to express their views. Chinese officials have observed these western countries with the right to speak. Obviously, everyone has different opinions, and even most people have expressed their opposition. Let's put aside everyone's subjective position and the rationality of the above definition standards. As a bitcoin ecological media and research institution with the right to speak, it has taken a historic step, which has triggered a lot of discussions on bitcoin definition standards in public and triggered The perception of people with different positions' support or opposition is just like the Ethereum Foundation's high-profile announcement on Twitter in September that it is not necessary to use Ethereum as a layer. Not surprisingly, the public discussion on the definition of bitcoin will intensify in the future until most professionals reach a phased consensus. Based on the strong interest in bitcoin and even the technical narrative of modular blockchain, the geek's foggy month invited the technical director of the former group and the geek founder to have an online closed-door exchange. In this paper, the results of this online communication will be sorted out in text to help you disenchant the definition standard of Bitcoin. In fact, the current bitcoin ecology is very similar to the wild west of the American century. Many people regard Bitcoin as gold, and the major entrepreneurial teams hold this stunt of making money like fanatical gold diggers. What is the current situation of Bitcoin industry in the eyes of the two guests? What do you think of the current bitcoin ecology in my personal eyes? There is a tendency of chaos and disorder in the coin track, that is to say, there is no consensus on the definition of the coin track or the overall lack of a consensus. Take the overall perception of the Chinese area as an example. The project team has experienced many rounds of bull and bear, and their views are very different. Some technical geeks think that only programming models can inherit the fundamental principle of Bitcoin, which is heresy, while others think that if they can't inherit security from Bitcoin, they are not keen on trading. Geeks who focus on technology have a very different way of looking at Bitcoin. Previously, it was thought that the exchange was just the tip of the iceberg of the current bitcoin ecology, and Sun Ge shouted directly that the wave field was also bitcoin. Some people thought that the evaluation index of Bitcoin should be different from that of Ethereum, and even claimed that Bitcoin would definitely surpass Ethereum, and then took this opportunity to promote a set of subjective theories. These phenomena are just the tip of the iceberg of the current bitcoin ecology, and the phenomenon of self-reliance and self-drinking is common to most people. Of course. All the so-called theories have to be judged by professionals in the end. At present, many comments about Bitcoin are not logical enough. In addition, there is an obvious gap between the eastern and western communities. There has always been direct and frequent communication between practitioners in western communities, especially in Europe and the United States, and the technical atmosphere is stronger than that in the eastern circles. Of course, what is more important is that professional people or organizations such as Bitcoin Community Ethereum Foundation have great influence in the west than in the east. To a great extent, the differences in values between the eastern and western communities have been created. In contrast, the Chinese community as a whole has formed a certain closed loop. Everyone is busy with their own affairs, and one or several organizations with strong professionalism and strong propaganda ability have not yet formed as the radiation source of unified values. This has brought both freedom and chaos. Of course, this kind of thing is mixed in nature, but we can clearly feel that the eastern community is compared with the west in terms of technical cognition of Bitcoin. The difference between the communities is that the technology is valuable and the price is high. On the one hand, the wealth-making effect is acceptable to so many people. On the other hand, I think even if some technologies are insufficient, we can't arbitrarily deny it. Finally, it depends on what value these projects can bring to the market and even the whole industry. Thanks to the host, the question has been expressed more clearly. I will add some personal views. As for Bitcoin, the current bitcoin ecology can be described as a hundred flowers blooming. As for Bitcoin, it is a stage of competing with each other. Under the background that Bitcoin continues to be halved, various bitcoin-based assets have 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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